Pioneer Biography Sources and Index

After the name of each biography is the township where they lived (when available) and the page number and a number in parentheses which shows which book is the source. Formatting, spelling, and capitalization is retained as shown in the source.
Title Page: 1809, History of Ashland County, Ohio, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches, by George William Hill, M.D. Published by Williams Bros. 1880.
Obverse Page: The reproduction of this book has been made possible through the sponsorship of the Ashland County Chapter, Ohio Genealogical Society of Ashland, Ohio. A Reproduction by Unigraphic, Inc., 4400 Jackson Avenue, Evansville, Indiana 47715, Nineteen Hundred Seventy Two. Entered According to Act of Congress, in the Year 1876, by Geo. W. Hill, M.D. In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, At Washington. Binding by Modern Pre-Binding Corporation, Portland, Indiana.
Title Page: A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland County, from The Earliest to the Present Date. By H.S. Knapp. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co. 1863.
Obverse Page:  Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, by H.S. Knapp, In the Clerk’s Office of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio.

Alphabetical List of Pioneer Biographies


Adkins Jr., Alexander

Allison, Alexander

Amend, John

Andrews, Alanson

Andrews, James

Andrews, Lorin (2 images)

Andrews, Orsamus L.

Andrews, Thaddeus

Arehart, John

Armentrout, Abraham

Armstrong, Captain

Armstrong, Dr. David

Armstrong, Dr. Harrison

Arnold, Samuel L.

Arnold, Solomon

Artz, John

Austin, Joseph

B - Benninghoff

Bachelder, William

Bacorn, Jacob

Bailey, Abel

Bailey, N.H.

Baker, John

Barker, N.H.

Barnhill, Charles R.

Barnhill, George W.

Barnhill, Robert

Barr, Abraham

Barrick, Stephen

Barron, James P.

Barron, William

Barton, Clark A.

Baun, Adam

Beach, Daniel

Beall, General Reasin (image)

Beck, George

Beck, Jacob

Beck, John

Beck, William

Beer, Rev. Thomas

Bell, John

Bender, George

Bender, John

Bender, Martin

Bender, Matthias

Bennighof, David

Benninghof, J.F.

Berry - Bringolf

Berry, Jacob

Berry, Colonel John

Berry, Samuel

Berry, William

Biddinger, David

Bird, Sparks

Bishop, Cornelius

Bishop, John (Clearcreek)

Bishop, John (Orange) 2 entries

Bishop, Joseph

Bittinger, Daniel

Bittenger, George

Black, Jacob S.

Black, Philip J.

Black, Samuel

Black, S.W.

Bolly, Simon

Botdorf, David D.

Botdorf, Nancy

Bowerice, George W.

Bowerize, George W.

Bowers, Michael

Boyd, J.H.

Brandebery, E.C.

Breckeiser Jr., Jacob

Breckeiser Sr., Jacob

Brigle, John

Brindle, John

Brindle, Simon

Bringolf, John G.

Brothers - Byers

Brothers, Henry

Brown, John G.

Brown, Thomas

Brubaker, Benjamin

Brubaker, George

Brubaker, George W.

Brubaker, Jacob (image)

Bruce, Joel

Bryte, David

Bryte, Elijah

Bryte, John

Bryte, Thomas

Buchanan, George

Buchanan, Isaac

Buckwalter, C.L.

Budd, Daniel

Buffenmire, David

Buffenmire, E.R.

Bull Family, The

Bull, Hezekiah

Bull, G.W.

Bull, Hon. John W.

Burd, John

Burd Jr., Sparks

Burd Sr., Sparks

Burgett, George

Burk, Peter

Burns, A.J.

Burns, Hugh

Burns, Peter

Burns, William

Burwell, John Lee

Bush, James Franklin

Bushnell Sr., Sterling G.

Butcher, H.

Butt, Henry

Buzzard, Benjamin

Byers, John

C - Church

Calhoun, Alexander

Camp, John

Camp, Mathias

Campbell, Almer R.

Campbell, Arthur

Campbell, James

Campbell, John A.

Carey, George W.

Carr Sr., John

Carter, Daniel

Carter Jr., Daniel

Carter Sr., Daniel (image)

Carter, David (image)

Carter, Norman

Carver, Aldrich

Case, H.B.

Castor, Conrad

Castor, Noah

Castor, Tobias

Chamberlain, James

Chamberlain, Joseph

Chamberlain, Whitney

Chandler, Joseph

Chandler, Robert F.

Chapman, John (image)

Charles, John

Chase, Hon. James E.

Chesrown, Peter

Chesrown, Wesley

Church, Henry

Ciphers - Covert

Ciphers, David

Clark, Dr. Bela B.

Clark, James

Clark, Nathaniel

Cliff, Dr. Joseph E.

Close, Henry M.

Close, Roderick M.

Closson, Josiah

Clouse, Simon

Coble, Henry

Coble, John

Coffin, Frederick W.

Cole Sr., Thomas

Coleman, D.H.

Coleman, Isaac

Condick, William

Conn, George

Copus, Wesley

Cory, John

Coulter, Christopher C.

Coulter, George B.

Coulter, John

Coulter, Jonathan

Coulter, Thomas W.

Coulters, The

Coun, Enoch

Countryman, Christian

Countryman, S.P.

Covert, Enoch

Covert, Ithamer

Covert, John E.

Cowan - Curry

Cowan, M.D., Jacob P.

Cowan, Joseph

Cowan, William

Cowie, Louis

Craig, Samuel

Craig, William

Crall, Jacob

Crane, Dr. Isaac L.

Creveling, John

Crites, S.J.

Crittenden, Alvin

Crittenden, Orlando

Crone, John

Crone, Thomas

Crone, Thomas S.

Croninger, Benjamin

Crouse, Jacob

Cubbison, John

Culberson, Thomas S.

Culler, John

Culler, Michael (images)

Culler Jr., Michael

Culler, Samuel

Culler, Sebastian

Cuppy, John

Curry, George W.

Curry, Joseph


Davis, Hugh

Davis, McClure

Davis, Samuel S.

Davis, William (Mohican)

Davis, William (Vermillion)

DeArmon, Thomas

Deming, Dr. William N.

DeMoss, Jonah

DeMoss, Marcus

Derrenberger, Michael

Deyarmon, Christian

Deyarmon, Dr. Joseph

Dillier, Henry

Dillier, Jacob

Dinsmore Sr., James A.

Donley, John (2 images)

Doty, Abraham

Doty, James

Doty, Jonathan

Doty, Joseph

Dougherty, Hon. John

Dowdee, Billy

Drake, Chester

Drake, Simeon L.

Drayton, E.T.

Dunlap, Thomas


Eagle, William and Thomas

Easly, George

Easly, Julius D.

Eberhart, Henry H.

Eberhart, John

Eberhart, Joshua

Ebert, Elijah

Ebert, Millison (3 images)

Ebright, E.F.

Echelbarger, James M.

Echelbarger, Samuel

Ecker, Jacob

Eichelberger Jr., Adam

Eichelberger Sr., Adam

Eichelberger, George

Eichelberger, Jacob

Eichelberger, John

Eichelberger, Joseph

Eicher, Samuel

Ekey, Zephaniah H.

Eldridge, John H.

Elliott, Christy M.

Elliott, Patrick

Emerick, Alexander

Emerick, John

Emerson, Rev. R. D.

Emmens Jr., Benjamin

Emmons Sr., Benjamin

Emrick, George

Emrick, Jacob

Engle, C.F.

Eshleman, David

Ewalt, John

Ewalt, William D.

Ewing, Stephen

F - Finley

Fair, C.D.

Fast, A.C.

Fast Sr., Christian

Fast, Jacob #1

Fast, Jacob #2

Fast, Jonas

Fast, William

Ferrell, John

Ferrell, Lance

Ferrell, William

Ferris, Abraham

Fickes, Daniel

Fike, Adam

Fike, C.L.

Finley, Abner

Finley, Alexander

Finley, John

Flickinger - Funk

Flickinger, Levi

Fluke, David (2 images)

Fluke, Henry (2 entries)

Fluke, John

Fluke, Philip (2 images and 2 entries)

Ford, Elias

Foulks, George and Elizabeth

Fox, Conrad

Fox, David

Fox, Frederick

Fox, Joseph Benton

Frazee, William C.

Freer, Albertus

Frees, Jacob

Fridline, Ludwick

Frizzel, L.

Fry, Benjamin

Fulkerson, Major R.P.

Fuller, Dr. Ephraim B.

Fulmer, Daniel

Fulmer, Jacob (2 entries)

Funk, Amos

Funk, Benjamin

Funk, C.C.


Gaines, John C.

Gaines, Thomas

Galloway, W.G.

Gallup, Josiah

Gardner, Levi

Garret, Samuel

Garret, William

Gates, Isaac

Gault, John

Geier, John

Geiselman, Daniel

Gibson, Jacob

Gibson, James

Gibson, William W.

Gilbert, Henry

Glass, Dr. Samuel

Glenn, Thomas

Glenn, William

Goodyear, Chauncy

Goodyear, William F.

Gould, John

Gould, Rufus

Grabell, John S.

Graham, Francis (2 entries)

Greenlee, John

Greenlee, William

Gregg, William

Gretzinger, Adam

Gretzinger, John B.

Grinold, James

Grosscup, Benjamin

Grosscup, E.J.

Grubb, Jacob H.

Guthrie, George

Guthrie, Richard


Hamilton, William

Harris, Asa

Harris, William W.

Hart, David

Hart, Newton A.

Hartman, Henry

Harvey, John

Harvey, T.C.

Harvnot, Isaac

Harvout, Joseph

Haskell, George C.

Haskell, Nathaniel

Hazlett, George W.

Hazlett, James

Heckman, Samuel

Heichel, John

Heichel, Joseph

Heiffner, David

Heiffner, James

Heifner, Hyman L.

Heiser, D.F.

Helbert, Jacob

Heltman, Andrew

Heltman, William G.

Herzog, John G.

Hess, Samuel

Hiffner Sr., Jacob

Hildreth, Dr. Joseph

Hill, Harvey

Holbrook, Bernard

Honebarger, Daniel

Honebarger, George

Hoover, Harrison

Horn, Elias

Horn, Jacob

Hough, H.J.

Householder, Levi

Huff, Peter (2 entries) Image

Huff, Samuel

Huffman, Abraham

Huffman, Daniel

Hughes, Rev. William

Humphrey, Andrew

Humphrey, Robert R.

Humphrey, William

Hunter, T.W.

I and J

Ilgar, William W.

Imhoff, William G.

Ingmond, E.H.

Irvin, William

Isaman, Margaret

Jackson, Andrew

Jamison, Frank S.

Jeffrey, John

Jennings, Jacob O.

Jerome, John Baptiste

Johnson, Ambrose, B.

Johnson, Jeriah

Johnson, Joseph

Johnston, John F.

Johnston, Thomas

Jonacake, Solomon

Jones, Frederick

Jones Sr., John

Jones, John D.

Jones, Joseph   


Kagey, Christian

Kagey, John C.

Kagey, Martin

Kagey, Martin V.

Kagey, Samuel

Kane, Herman

Kantzer Jr., George

Kantzer Sr., George

Kantzer, John

Karns, J.D.

Kauffman, Daniel

Kauffman, Jacob J.

Kaufman, Emanuel

Kayler, Henry

Kayler, Jacob

Kean, Augustus C.

Keever, Henry

Keffer, Robison

Keiser, Samuel

Keller, John

Kelly, Mrs. Patrick

Kendig, Dr. E.V.

Keener Jr., John

Kilgore, James

Kilhefner, Isaac

Kindle, Aaron

Kindle, William

Kinnaman, Dr. Jacob W.

Kiplinger, Jacob

Kiplinger, Levi H.

Kirkton, William

Kithcart, Thomas

Kithcart Sr., Thomas

Kline, Anthony

Knoth, Frank

Koch, Gotlieb

Kready, Jacob

Krichbaum, Jacob


Lambright, John

Lambright, Levi B.

Larwill, John C.

Latimer, William

Latta, Moses

Latta, William

Lawson, James

Leach, E.C.

Lehmann, Michael

Leidigh, Samuel (2 entries)

Leistensnider, John

Lemon, James W.

Lemon, John

Link, Adam

Linn, Jacob

Long, Adam

Long, Alfred O.

Long, George (Lake)

Long, George (Vermillion)

Long, John G.

Long, John M.

Long, Philip

Long, William

Lucas, Jacob

Luther, Dr. Joel

Luther, Hulbert

Lutz, John

Lutz, Wilson

Lyons, Thomas

M - McConnell

Mackey, George

Mansfield, Martin Henry

Markel, Dr. I.F.

Markel, Solomon

Markley, Joseph

Markley, Orlando

Marsh, Abijah

Marsh, Alva

Marsh, Aretes

Martin, Clarence S.

Martin, Captain William S.

Mason, Andrew

Mason, Mrs. Elizabeth

Mason, Isaac

Mason, Martin B.

Mason Sr., Martin

Matthews, C.C.

Matthews, Isaac H.

Matthews, Nicholas

Maurer, Henry

Maurer, John

Maurer, William

May, Michael

McCarty, Dr. Oliver C.

McClure, Samuel

McCombs, John H. (image)

McConnell, David

McConnell, John (2 entries)

McCool - Mish

McCool, James

McCool, William A.

McCrary, Harrison

McCrary, Henry L.

McCrary, William

McCutchin, Joseph

McFadden, Alfred

McFadden, C.S.

McFadden, James

McFadden, J.N.

McGuires, (The)

McGuire, Benjamin

McGuire, Thomas

McIlvain, Jefferson Monroe

McKibben, Hugh B.

McKinley, Benjamin S.

McNaul, John

McNaull, William

Metcalf, Edward

Metcalf, Levi

Metcalf, Thomas

Metcalf, Vachel

Millar, George

Millar, G. W.

Miller, Jacob

Miller, Joseph

Miller, Thomas

Milligan, George W.

Mish, Adam

Moltrup - Mykrantz

Moltrup, James C.

Moneysmith, Frank

Moody, Rev. Samuel

Moore Sr., Samuel

Moore, William C.

Moores, Ezekiel

Moores Jr., Ezekiel

Morr, Andrew

Morr, Elias

Morr, Eliza

Morr, Elmer D.

Morr, George

Morr Jr., Michael

Morr, Michael (2 entries)

Morr, Samuel D.

Mourey, Joseph

Mowry, Michael

Mumper, Andrew

Mumper, Jr., Andrew

Mumper, Sr., Andrew

Murray, Hugh

Murray, Patrick

Myers, M.D., Benjamin

Myers, Daniel

Myers, Frank E.

Myers, George

Myers, Jr., Henry

Myers, H.K.

Myers, J.

Myers, Jonathan

Myers, Michael

Mykrantz, Christopher

N - O

Nelson, Hugh P.

Nelson, John S.

Nelson, Joseph

Nelson, Robert (2 Entries)

Newell, Robert

Newman, Andrew

Noggle, William

Norris, John

Norris, Joseph B.

Norris, William

Oesterlen, Dr. Gustavus

Offineer, James A.

Ogden, Thomas

Ohl, Stephen

Oliver, Allen (2 Entries)

Oliver, Lewis (2 Entries)

Openheimer, Charles

Osborn, Thomas

Osburn, William

Otto, Michael


Parker, Cephas

Parker, Joseph L.

Parker, Rev. Joseph Seeley

Parker, Silas C.

Parkes, Edwin

Parmely, Sylvanus

Parmenter Jr., John

Patterson, William

Paullin, B.F.

Paullin, Z.T.

Paxton, Lafayette

Peck, Homer

Percival, Dr. J.M.

Percival, Moses Cook

Peters, William

Petot, Claude

Petterson, Mrs. Nancy J.

Phelps, Elisha P.

Pierce, Dean

Pifer, Henry

Pifer, Joseph

Pipe, Captain

Plank, Isaac

Plice, Jacob

Poag, James

Pocock, D.F.

Pocock, James M.

Poorman, George

Porter, John

Priest, James Loudon (Lake)

Priest, James Loudon (Hanover)

Priest, John

Proudfit, Andrew

Q - R

Quick, Aaron N.

Quick, Benjamin

Quick, David

Quick, Jacob L.

Ralstons, The

Ramsey, John

Ramsey, William

Redd, James

Reed, Asa S.

Reed Jr., William

Rees, Henry F.

Reinhard, P.A.

Reinhardt, Jacob

Rice, Ebenezer

Richard, Daniel

Richards, Samuel

Richards, Thomas W.

Richey, Francis T.

Richey, Joel

Richey, Robert

Riddle, George W.

Riddle Sr., Michael

Riddle, William Patterson

Ridgley, John B.

Rieser, Herman M.

Riggs, Horace

Risser, John

Ritchey, John

Ritchie, John M.

Roberts, Harvey

Robertson, Samuel

Robinson, Rev. John (2 Entries)

Robison, John

Rogers, Nathan P.

Rogers, Richard

Roland, Christian

Roop, Dr. J.E.

Roorback, Jacob

Roseberry, Isaac

Roseberry, Philip R.

Rowland, Samuel

Rudy, John

Rumbaugh, Jacob

Rust, Darius

Rust, Lucian

Rust, Stephen

Ryland, N.D.

Saal - Sheets

Saal, George

Sacket, Harvey

Sadler, Rev. William

Sanborn, Jeremiah

Sanborn, Joseph

Sanders, Jr., Peter

Sanders, Sr., Peter

Schauweker, Godfrey

Schauweker, John

Schneider, George

Scott, Alford

Scott, Dr. Andrew J. (2 Entries)

Scott, Hugh

Scott, John (2 Entries)

Scott, M.C.

Scott, O.H.

Scott, William

Sealer, Henry

Seibert, Benjamin F.

Seibert, C.S.

Selby, J.W.

Sharp, Professor S.Z.

Shearer, David

Shearer, Philip

Sheets, John

Sheets, Joseph

Sheets, Samuel

Sheller - Slocum

Sheller, Emanual

Sheller, Henry (Vermillion)

Sheller, Henry (Mifflin)

Shelley, E.F.

Shemberger, Michael

Sheppard, Frederick

Sheppard, John

Shidler, Daniel

Shidler, John

Shidler, William

Shisler, William N.

Shively Family, The

Shopbell, Jacob

Shriver, Albert

Shriver, David

Shriver, George

Shriver, J.R.

Sigler, Anthony R.

Sigler, Daniel

Sigler, Edward

Sigler, Robert

Slocum, Eli

Slocum, Elias

Slocum, Dr. Williard

Slocum, General Willard

Smalley - Steele

Smalley, John P.

Smalley, Richard

Smalley, R.V.

Smilie, Richard S.

Smith, Adam

Smith, Jr., David

Smith, George B.

Smith, Henry

Smith, James B.

Smith, Nathan W.

Smith, Robert W. (2 Entries)

Smith, Thomas

Snyder, John

Spencer, David G.

Spencer, John A.

Spencer, Joseph W.

Spreng, Jacob

Spreng, John (2 Entries)

Springer, John

Sprott, Thomas (Image)

Stafford, Thomas

Staman, Benjamin

Staman, Sr., Jacob

Stauffer, Peter High

Stearns, Alonzo N.

Stearns, Horace L.

Stearns, Nathan

Steele, J.H.

Stentz - Switzer

Stentz, John

Stentz, Michael

Stentz, Philip

Stephens, H.I.

Stewart, George H.

Stockman, Abiather

Stockman, John

Stone, Daniel

Stone, George M.

Stoner, Jacob

Strickland, Joseph

Strickland, William H.

Strong, John

Stubbs, Joseph D.

Stull, Isaac

Sturtevant, Bradford

Sultzer, Frederick

Summers, Daniel

Sunday, Andrew

Sunday, John

Sunday, Joseph

Sutherland, Thomas Smith

Swartz, Joseph R.

Sweringer, Neal McCoy

Swineford, Byron M.

Swineford, Emanuel

Swineford, George

Swineford, John

Switzer, Dillman

Switzer, Henry


T - U - V

Tallantire, Rev. John R.

Tangeman, William

Tannehill, Charles O.

Tannehill, Jr., Melzer

Tannehill, Sr., Melzer

Tannehills, The

Taylor, Enoch

Taylor, Samuel

Taylor, William

Taylor, William and Sons

Thomas, John L.

Thomas, Josiah (Images)

Thomas, Peter

Tilton, John

Treace, Emanuel

Tryon, Enos

Urie, Colonel George W. (Image) Entry #1

Urie, Colonel George W. Entry #2

Urie, Samuel

Urie, Solomon

Vail, John Wesley

Van Arnan, Charles S.

Vance, Solomon

Van Nest, John

Van Nordstrand, Sr., Peter

Vannorstrand, Peter

Vantilburg, Sr., Daniel

Vantilburg, Henry

Vermilya, William J.

Vesper, Michael

W - X - Y - Z

Wachtel, Henry

Walker, Captain Alanson

Wallack, Eli W.

Warens, John

Warens, John C.

Warens, William

Weikal, William

Weikel, Joseph

Weiler, David

Welch, Ephraim (Image)

Welch, John

Welch, Rankin F.

Wells, Henry

Wells, James

Wells, Joseph

Weltmer, John

Wenrick, Benjamin

Wertman, Daniel

Wertman, David

Wertman, Jackson S.

Wertz, Henry

Weston, Roswell

Weyant, David

Wharton, Ebenezer

Wharton, James

Wharton, John

Wharton, Thomas

Whisler, John W.

Whitcomb, Horace N.

Whitcomb, Wilson

Whitmore, Judge Daniel W.

Wicoff, Peter

Wicoff, William

Williams, Abram

Wilson, A.H.

Wilson, Robert

Wilson Jr., William J.

Wiltrout, Jonas

Winbigler, James P.

Winbigler, Richard

Wireman, Andrew

Wirt, William H.

Wise, Michael

Wolf, George

Wolf, George B.

Wolf, Isaac

Wolf, John (2 Entries)

Wolf, John C.

Wolf, Michael

Wolf, Stephen

Wolf, Warring

Woodhull, William S.

Worst, Henry

Worst, Samuel

Yarnell, Aaron

Yarnell, Daniel

Yarnell, Daniel R.

Yeater, Lewis P.

Young, Jacob

Young, James

Young, John C.

Zehner, Joseph

Zehner, Peter

Zimmerman, Cyrus

Zimmerman, Isaac

Zimmerman, L.P.