WILLIAM AND THOMAS EAGLE (Mohican) p. 145(1)
The following sketch was written by Dr. Thomas A. Eagle, jr., of Macon City, Missouri, in reply to a letter making certain inquiries concerning the first settlers of Mohican. It differs, in some degree, from the recollection of others, but from his standpoint is, no doubt, reliable. He places the location of the Eagles in 1810. They were, undoubtedly, in Mohican in May, 1809. The forts alluded to were, probably, the Buren or Metcalf, and Shinabarger block-houses, and stockade.
“The whites commenced their first settlement in Mohican township in the spring of 1810. In that spring four families emigrated and settled in the rich and fertile valley of the Mohican. The first settlement was made on the west side of the stream, generally from one-half to one mile from it. Alexander Finley and family were the first emigrants. They arrived about two weeks before the families of Thomas Eagle and my father, William Eagle, who were met and cordially welcomed by Mr. Finley. Mr. Finley and family brought with them, for the use of father and family, a bucket of buttermilk and a fine corn-pone, which was quite a treat, and thankfully received. This was their first meeting and acquaintance. It was very pleasant and cordial, and ripened into an attachment that grew stronger from day to day, and was never chilled by jealousies or broils. Their limited means, dangers, and dependence upon each other, had the effect to cement the friendship. Their families imbibed the same feeling, and, today, the descendants of these pioneers look back to their childhood days, on the banks of the Mohican, with feelings of delight. Surrounded by dangers and enured to hardships, they learned to think for themselves, and acquired courage to accomplish the task they had undertaken. It was no place for faint hearts or irresolution. They were forty miles from the settlements and in the midst of red men, who generally treated them kindly until the war of 1812. The first settlers were, religiously, of the Methodists and Presbyterians. The Finleys and Eagles were exemplary members, and their children became members of one or the other of these churches. My father, William Eagle, remained in Mohican township, on the farm on which he settled, until the spring of 1855, when he removed to Iowa, and from thence to Missouri, and died in Kirksville, aged seventy-six years.
“In the winter of 1862 my mother died in her ninety-second year. They were natives of Virginia. They had seven children–four are dead, and three living: one, Elizabeth Culbertson, resides in Iowa–She was the first white child born in Mohican, February 20, 1811–Mary Montgomery, wife of Jonathan Montgomery, of Macon, Missouri, and myself.
“The Delaware Indians inhabited Mohican at the time of the opening of the war of 1812, and were regarded as hostile and treacherous. At that time the white settlers had become pretty numerous, and were much annoyed at the presence of the Indians. The alarms were frequent, sometimes well founded, and at others false. When the murders on the Black fork took place, by the Indians, the inhabitants of the Jerome fork erected two block-houses, one a few hundred yards north of my father’s house (William Eagle), and one two miles north. The one north was known as the Hellar block-house. When it looked threatening, the settlers sought safety in the block-houses and stockades. The Indians were tampered by a Frenchman by the name of Jerome, who was married to a squaw. He had been trading with them several years, and had a post at what is now Jeromeville. The place was named after him. During the Indian troubles it was agreed that there should be no shooting at the block-houses unless in case of alarm, for the benefit of those at work on their improvements. Late one afternoon the citizens heard shooting at Hellar’s block-house. They hastened to depart to General Beall’s army at Wooster, as it was thought impracticable to reach the fort. Father, with his family, started. Mother Eagle was sick in bed, unable to travel on foot. Sometimes she was held on a horse, and at others carried on the route. My oldest sister (Mary) was then a small child, and also had to be carried. When they arrived at the Mohican, the canoe was on opposite side. Mr. Finley had arrived and crossed, and concealed his family on the opposite side of the stream, supposing that the fleeing families were Indians in pursuit of him. Finding it impossible to cross, father went down the stream and the family secreted south of what is now Finley’s bridge, for the night. I have often heard father relate this adventure while my childish fears were aroused. The family were not molested, and reached their destination in safety.
“After the close of the war, the settlers of Mohican were compelled to undergo many privations. For several years they had to go thirty or forty miles to mill, on pack-horses, following the Indian trails as best they could or in canoes, down the Lake fork of Mohican and up Owl creek to Shrimplin’s mill, and by-paths to Apple Creek, in Wayne county. Some may conclude that the first settlers would be gloomy and despondent. Such is not the fact. Amidst toil and dangers they would have their sport. On one occasion, when there was an alarm, it was thought the Indians were approaching. The citizens convened at James Colyer’s, about one mile east of the Mohican. In the night they heard a noise, which they imagined to be the Indians. In great haste, each seized his gun and took position to be ready for the bloody contest; but one of their numbers, on attempting to place the guards, was found to be missing. The missing youth had professed great anxiety to meet the savage foe. Search was made, and the brave (?) boy was found secreted beneath a bed, half frightened out of his wits; when asked what he was doing, he said he was in search of the short gun. The gun was noted for its extreme shortness, and the brave young man was afterwards known as the “short gun hero.”
As for myself, I was born April 5, 1819, in Mohican township. Read medicine in Ashland, under George W. How, M.D. I practiced several years in Mohican, Iowa, one year in California, two years in Fairfield, and in 1857 moved to Macon county, Missouri. I made, that year, the first “free soil” speech ever made in the county, for which my life was threatened. In 1864 I was elected to the legislature for two years, and re-elected in 1866, and served four years. In 1868 I was elected sheriff and county collector for two years. Since that time I have been engaged in the practice of medicine. I was the youngest of the family of William Eagle. (Transcribed by Sandy Kicker skicker@ipa.net) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)
GEORGE EASLY (Lake) p. 290(1)
George Easly, born in Baden Germany, in 1810, came to America in 1829, and settled in Loudonville, Ashland county Ohio, in 1832. He was a jeweler by trade, and the first jeweler in Loudonville. When he first began he carried clocks on his back and sold them through this and adjoining counties. He followed his trade until his death, in 1859, and accumulated a nice fortune. In early life he was a member of the Catholic Church, but in after years became a member of the Lutheran church, and died in that faith. His wife still survives him. He was the father of ten children, six of whom are living: Henry, who married Arsulia R. Bender, of Loudonville; John J.; Julius S., who married Barbara Horn; Emeline E., wife of John J. Vance, of Holmes county, Ohio; George, and Adeline A. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JULIUS S. EASLY (Lake) p. 290(1)
Julius S. Easly was born in Loudonville in 1845, and in 1876 married Barbara Horn. He has always been engaged in farming; has been township treasurer two years, supervisor one year, and school director one year. He is a member of the old Lutheran church. In politics he is a Democrat, and is a highly respected member of society. He is the father of four children: Augustus E. and Charles O., deceased, and Amanda E. and Andrew A. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
HENRY H. EBERHART (Montgomery) p. 368(1)
Captain Henry H. Eberhart was born in Blair county, Pennsylvania, January 26, 1838. When two years of age his parents removed to Ohio and located in Plain township, Wayne county, where he resided until 1861, when he enrolled himself as a soldier in the late war, first entering the three months’ service, in the first call for troops, as a member of company C, Sixteenth Ohio volunteer infantry. He was a member of company I, same regiment, where he served for a period of ten months, when he, through gallantry, received a commission from the governor of the State as first lieutenant, and was transferred to the One Hundred and Twentieth Ohio volunteer infantry, in which he served until they were mustered out of service. The regiment was consolidated with the One Hundred and Fourteenth regiment, which was afterward called the One Hundred and Fourteenth Ohio volunteer infantry until the time of service of that regiment expired, when the remaining members of the One Hundred and Twentieth were consolidated with the Forty-eighth Ohio veteran volunteer battalion, and were mustered out of service as such, and our subject came out of the war with the rank of captain. In all, his service amounted to four years and six months. He participated in all the numerous battles the regiment engaged in, except during twenty-two months when he was a prisoner, as the records show. December 24, 1865, he was married to Mary J. Webster, who was born in this county May 16, 1842. The fruits of this union are three children, two of whom are still living: William Webster, who was born March 19, 1867, and Francis I., born September 23, 1869; the one deceased died in infancy. Since April 1866, the captain has been a resident of Ashland county and has followed farming for his vocation, and, by industry and good management, he has made for himself a good home. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN EBERHART (Lake) p. 290(1)
John Eberhart, born in Wayne county, in 1843, is at present engaged in the lumber business. In 1862 he enlisted in company C. One Hundred and Twentieth Ohio volunteer infantry, under Captain McKinley, and took part in the battles of Chickasaw Bluffs, Arkansas Post and Port Gibson. At the last battle he was wounded in the left lung, and was discharged at Trenton, New Jersey, in August, 1865, when he returned to Lake township, and in 1867 married Rebecca Young, and is the father of six children; Harvey, Emmit, Gamelza, Charles, Montford, and Clyde. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOSHUA EBERHART (Lake) p. 290(1)
Joshua Eberhart, born in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, April 16, 1816, came to Ohio in 1839, and first settled in Wayne county, where he remained until 1855, when he came to Ashland county, and settled on the farm now owned by Michael Shelby. He was a cooper by trade, but when he came to Ohio engaged in farming. In 1841 he married Isabel Myers, of Wayne county. He was a member of the Lutheran church, and in politics was a Republican. He died in 1868. His wife still survives him. He was the father of six children: Eliza; John, who married Rebecca Young; Abraham; Lewis, who married Alice Hazen, and lives in Missouri; Harriet, wife of Matthias Bender; Albert, who married Margaret Jobes. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ELIJAH EBERT (Perry) p. 332(1)
Elijah Ebert, third son of Joseph and Leah Ebert, was born in Wayne county, Ohio, in the year 1848, March 11th. He lived with his parents until the time of his marriage, in 1866, to Christiann Sweitzer. The fruit of this union was five children, four sons and one daughter–Ira, Irvin, Oscar, Alonzo, and Dora D.; all living but Alonzo, who died in early childhood. Mr. Ebert came to Ashland county in the year 1863, and located on a farm near Lafayette, where he resided until the year 1867, when he came to the town of Lafayette, and there established himself in the general mercantile business, making boots and shoes a specialty. He is one of the enterprising business men of the county; respected and esteemed. A valiant soldier in the war of the Rebellion, he went forth in the discharge of his duty to his country. In August, 1864, he enlisted with Captain George Streby, of Wayne county. He served until the war closed, when he was honorably discharged, and returned to his home in Ashland county, and since that time his life has been taken up in business pursuits. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
MILLISON EBERT (Mohican) p. 363(1)

The Millison Ebert Family – L to R – daughter Ethel, wife Elvira Lee, daughter Myrtle, Millison, and daughter Lola Ebert. (Possibly around 1888-1890)

Ebert siblings taken at reunion at Jeromesville, Ohio – left to right: Ethel, Edson, Mary, Isaac, Lola, Wilbur, Myrtle (1920s)

Jeromesville, Ebert Reunion – One of the most enjoyable reunions, the reports of which we might be privileged to chronicle, was held during the Easter season at the homes of Mrs. Elvira Ebert and Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Winbigler when the Ebert family, consisting of three sons and four daughters as well as other relatives, were all present. Those assembled for this happy occasion were I.N. Ebert of Wadsworth, W.F. Ebert of Silver Lake, Ind., E.C. Ebert of Hollywood, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Harpster of Millersburg, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Steel and daughters, Portia, Marguerite and Harriet of Columbus, O., Mrs. Charles Ward of Cardington, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Slater and sons Harold and Robert of Smithville, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shoolroy of Wooster and Mrs. Elvira Ebert, Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Winbigler and Myrtle Ebert of Jeromesville. Other out of town callers on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Waite McClain and daughters Portia, Mary and Katherine of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. G.D. Myers, Mrs. Lena Crittenden, and Mr. and Mrs. E.P. McKinley of Ashland. Mrs. Ada Stutz of Toledo, and Mrs. Grace Stecher from north of town. Ohio Reception – On Monday evening the McClain-Ebert relatives gave a reception to…
Millison Ebert was born in Perry township, Ashland county, Ohio, December 5, 1835. His father, Valentine Ebert, was married in October, 1817, to Julia Ann Winbigler, and in 1819 emigrated from Maryland to Ohio. The subject of this sketch was married February 3, 1859, to Martha Selby, daughter of Thomas and Phebe Selby, and they have had four children: Isaac Newton, born November 6, 1859; Wilber F., born September 10, 1861; Edson C., born February 23, 1863; and Mary J., born November 9, 1867. Mrs. Ebert died from consumption August 14, 1872, and January 1, 1874, he was again married, to Elvira D., daughter of Felix and Matilda Lee. They have two children: Ethel E., born June 25, 1875, and Myrtle M., born January 7, 1877. Mr. Ebert has been a member of the Disciple church since 1852, and has held all the offices of the church, as well as superintendent of the Sunday-school. In April 1865 he removed to Edgerton, Williams county, Ohio, and after four years, he went to Kendallville, Indiana, where he remained one year. He then lived two years in La Grange center, when he again returned to Ohio, and settled at Jeromeville, where he now resides. By occupation he is a farmer. A few years ago he received an accident while working a threshing-machine, which rendered him a cripple. (Photos contributed by Cindy Anderson califgirl86@yahoo.com) (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
E.F. EBRIGHT (Mohican) p. 356(1)
E.F. Ebright was born in Plain township, Wayne county, Ohio, October 2, 1845. His father, A.B. Ebright was born in Perry county, Pennsylvania, March 27, 1818, and came to Ohio, locating in Wayne county, in 1833, where he has since been engaged in farming. His wife was Tamer Frees, a daughter of David and Hannah Frees, of Wayne county, to whom he was married April 2, 1841. They raised a family of seven children: Frances, Artie L., E.F., Melville, Ulala T., George J. and John L. E.B. Ebright, the subject of this sketch, was married September 2, 1869, to Miss M.M. Miller, of this county. To them have been born three children: Artie B., born July 29, 1869; Lewis C., born October 12, 1872; and Melville W., born November 7, 1874, and died September 22, 1875. Mr. Ebright is a farmer and stock dealer, and owns a well-improved farm of eighty acres, lying along the Perryville road, one-half mile west of Lake fork. He served as a soldier in the One Hundred and Sixty-ninth regiment, Ohio volunteer infantry during the hundred days’ service, enlisting May 1, 1864, and was mustered out September 17th, of the same year, after participating in several battles. Both himself and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics he is a Republican. He and his brother Melville read law with Mr. Rauch at Wooster, and graduated from Ann Arbor law school in 1877. He was admitted to the bar at Ashland, and soon after commencing practice died. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JAMES M. ECHELBARGER (Vermillion) p. 301(1)
James M. Echelbarger was born in Vermillion township, October 17, 1846, and was married January 12, 1871, to Arminda Kyle, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Kyle, of Vermillion township. They have four children: Nellie Jane, born November 19, 1871, Cora Almina, born September 17, 1874, died October 23, 1876; Hiram Martin born April 22, 1876; Ralph, born April 14, 1880. Mr. Echelbarger is a farmer; he has sixteen acres of his own, and farms about forty acres on shares for Martin Kramer. In politics, he is a Democrat. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
SAMUEL ECHELBARGER (Vermillion) p. 302(1)
Mr. Samuel Echelbarger was born in Vermillion township, October 23, 1843. His parents emigrated from Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, about the year 1823 with their parents. His father was then a boy about fifteen years old, and his mother a girl of thirteen summers. They were married on the seventeenth day of May 1829. They moved at once to a farm in Vermillion township owned by his father, and which is now owned by William Goard. This farm fell into his possession at the death of his parents for the care he had of them in their old age. This farm, which consisted of forty acres, he traded by giving some boot money for eighty acres known as the Ferry farm. About the year 1850 he sold this farm and purchased the farm on which Samuel and his mother now live. On July 9, 1877, Mr. Echelbarger died. Mrs. Echelbarger is still living with her son Samuel, aged seventy years. On February 9, 1868, the subject of this sketch was married to Miss Eliza Ann Kyle. She died May 10, 1877. They had four children–three daughters and one son. The son is all the child now living. One daughter died in infancy, one at age of fifteen months and one at the age of four years. On December 3, 1878, Mr. Echelbarger married Miss Elizabeth Endinger, a sister of Mrs. N.D. Ryland. By this union there have been no children. Mr. Echelbarger is a Democrat in politics. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JACOB ECKER (Perry) p. 334(1)
Jacob Ecker, third son of Abraham and Elizabeth Ecker, was born in Wayne county, Ohio, in 1820. In 1837 he came to Ashland county with his father, and settled in Perry township, residing here until the time of his father’s death, November 11, 1859, his mother surviving until the year 1872. Abraham Ecker was one of Ohio’s early pioneers, coming to the state as early as the year 1818. He left a family of ten children, the only representatives of the household now living in the county being Mrs. Barbara Bringolf, Mrs. Susan Tolbert, and Jacob, who resides on a farm adjoining the old homestead. Jacob Ecker was married first to Ann Garver, in 1845. To them were born three children, one son and two daughters. Their names are as follows: David Newton, a twin, his twin sister dying in infancy, unnamed, and Mary Elizabeth. David grew to manhood, enlisted in the war of 1861, and never returned, losing his life by disease at Clarksburgh, Tennessee, the year 1863. Having always been a dutiful son, his loss was deeply felt by the fond family. Mr. Ecker lost his wife May 14, 1848, and was left with two affectionate children. September 17, 1854, he married his second wife, Ann Ellen Brandt. The fruit of this union was six children, one son and five daughters: Emma Viola, Nora Ann, Mary Ellen, Lulu Loretta, Lillie May, and Charles Wesley. Two are deceased, Emma and Lulu, one dying in infancy, and the other in early childhood. Mr. Ecker is one of the most substantial farmers of Ashland county. He has served repeatedly as treasurer of his township, thus bespeaking for him the confidence of the people. Both himself and wife are earnest members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and have been among its most liberal supporters. For twenty-four years he operated successfully a fine grist-mill, making a handsome fortune therefrom; but he has now retired, and the old mill has been torn away. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ADAM EICHELBERGER JR. (Perry) p. 325(1)
Adam Eichelberger Jr., fourth son of Adam and Susan Eichelberger, was born in the State of Pennsylvania in the year of 1840, and came with his parents to Ohio when but an infant, and with them resided until his marriage, in 1862, to Miss Jane McFadden. To them have been born five children, three sons and two daughters, all living: Laura, Clinton, Carrie, William F., and Ira. Himself and wife are members of the Evangelical Association. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ADAM EICHELBERGER SR. (Perry) p. 324(1)
Adam Eichelberger was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, in 1801 and was married in 1827 to Miss Susannah Westheffer. The fruit of this union was seven children, five sons and two daughters: Simon, William, Joseph, Catharine, Adam, David, and Susan. Mr. Eichelberger came to Ohio in 1839, and settled near Wooster, in Wayne county where he resided for one year, when he removed to Perry township, and purchased a tract of land containing one hundred and forty-eight acres. His settlement was almost surrounded with timber, with no improvements except a rude log cabin to give evidence of his having had a predecessor. This aged couple yet reside on the old homestead, and both have passed their three score and ten. Simon, the eldest son, and subject of the following sketch, was born in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania in 1828; he resided with his parents until age nineteen, when he learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, which occupation he industriously pursued for a period of eight years. He was married in 1852 to Miss Sarah Ambrose. To them have been born five children, four sons and one daughter: Agnes, Horace, Henry, Elmore, and Newton. The latter died at the age of eleven years. Himself and wife are members of the Evangelical Association. His present home is what is known as the Old Ambrose homestead. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
George Eichelberger was born in the State of Pennsylvania, in the year 1797. He was married in the year 1827, to Miss Lanah Humer. To them were born five children, two sons and three daughters: Sarah, Susan, Louisa, John, and Adam. Two are deceased; Susan, who died in early infancy, and Adam, who died in childhood. Our subject came to Ohio with his family in the year 1870 and settled in Orange township, and resided with his son John for part of the first year, after which he removed to Perry township, and made his home on a farm owned by his son John, where he resided for four years, after which he made his home with his son until the time of his death, in 1876, July 14th. He now lies sleeping in the old Morr cemetery. His worthy widow still survives him at the age of seventy-two years, and is a remarkably well preserved lady for one who has seen the frost of so many winters. She makes her home with her son John, who feels it a duty to protect and care for her in her declining years. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JACOB EICHELBERGER (Vermillion) p. 300(1)
Jacob Eichelberger was born in Vermillion township March 21, 1831. On September 4, 1851, he married Susannah, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Conn, early settlers of Ashland county, both of whom are dead. They have had children as follows: Louisa, born July 22, 1852; Elizabeth, born November 29, 1854, Mary, born November 6, 1856; Rosanna and Barbara, born May 25, 1858; Samuel born November 12, 1861; Clara, born April 9, 1863; Elmer E., born May 4, 1866; Benjamin, born May 22, 1871. Of these, two are dead–Elizabeth, who died February 17, 1864, and Benjamin, who died November 5, 1872. Louisa is the wife of Cyrus Miller, and lives in Mifflin township. They were married in 1870, and have three children. Rosanna is the wife of Henry Daubenspeck, and lives in Vermillion township. They have three children. The other four are at home assisting the father on the farm, and the mother in the household duties. In politics Mr. Eichelberger is a Democrat, but in home elections casts his vote for the man he considers most worthy of the confidence of the public, and best fitted to take care of their interests, regardless of political views. He is not connected with any church, but recognizes the importance of churches and schools as a public benefit, and the contents of his purse are used to their benefit many times. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN EICHELBERGER (Perry) p. 326(1)
John Eichelberger, eldest son of George Eichelberger, and subject of the following sketch, was born in Pennsylvania, in the year 1838. He came to Ohio in the fall of 1862. He was married in the year 1865, to Miss Catharine Myers. His first purchase of land was in Perry township; he afterwards made several purchases, and we now find him on a beautiful farm near Rowsburgh. To Mr. and Mrs. Eichelberger have been born five children, one son and four daughters: George, Elmore, Mary Zeulima, Clara Virginia, Minnie Bell, and one who died in infancy, unnamed. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
Joseph Eichelberger, third son of Adam and Susan Eichelberger, was born in Pennsylvania in 1836, and came to Ohio in company with his parents in 1840, and resided with them until the time of his marriage, in the year 1858, to Mary Myers. He lost his wife in 1872 and was again married in 1874, to Miss Sarah Wise. Mr. Eichelberger and his wife are earnest members of the Albright church, and have been among its most liberal supporters. He is a hard working, industrious, and frugal citizen, and, by dint of hard labor, careful judgment, and wise economy, he has accumulated quite a handsome property. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
SAMUEL EICHER (Jackson) p. 338(1)
Samuel Eicher, son of Abraham and Esther Eicher, was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, November 21, 1830. He came to Wayne county, Ohio with his mother, in 1852, and there remained until the year 1856, when he removed to Ashland county, and remained in the county two years. He then moved to Medina county, remaining there five years, and in the year 1861 moved back to Ashland county, to the farm where he now lives. He married to Miss Mary J. Keller, August 16, 1854. The fruit of this union was six children: William A., Quincy L., Ida F., Salena J., and two who died in infancy. Mr. And Mrs. Eicher are earnest members in the Methodist Episcopal church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ZEPHANIAH H. EKEY (Milton) p. 350(1)
Zephaniah H. Ekey, a native of Jefferson county, Ohio, a son of James Ekey, was born April 26, 1827, and January 1, 1851 was married to Jane McClelland. The following March he moved to Ashland, and purchased the farm where he now resides, on which he erected the very commodious dwelling which he still occupies. They have had a family of four children: James M., William S., Elizabeth J., and one son who died in infancy, unnamed. Elizabeth died March 31, 1875 after a brief illness, at the age of eleven years and a few months. On the sixth day of November 1877, William was married to Adelia McMillan. He and his brother James reside upon and cultivate the home farm. In politics, Mr. Ekey has generally acted with the Democratic party. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is a farmer of frugal and industrious habits, and in comfortable circumstances. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN ELDRIDGE (Jackson) p. 338(1)
John H. Eldridge, son of Henry and M. Eldridge, was born in Jackson township, Ashland county, Ohio December 9, 1840. He was married to Lucy A. Matthews, oldest child of Chester C. and Elizabeth Matthews, October 12, 1865. He was a soldier in the late war, in battery D, First Ohio veteran volunteer light artillery, for four years. Mr. And Mrs. Eldridge are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
CHRISTY M. ELLIOTT (Mohican) p. 364(1)
Christy M. Elliott was born in county Donegal, Ireland May 17, 1857, came to America in 1877, and settled in Ashland county, Ohio, in June of the same year. He taught school in district number six, Mohican township for four consecutive terms, ending in June 1880. He became a member of the United Presbyterian church in May, 1879. He studied three years in Vermillion institute. George Elliott, his father, went to Michigan in the spring of 1880, together with the family, except one girl and two boys. The family consists of ten children–seven boys and three girls. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
PATRICK ELLIOTT (Clearcreek) p. 182(1)
PATRICK ELLIOTT was born in Donegal county, Ireland, in 1788, and immigrated with his parents, and located in Washington county, Pennsylvania, in 1803. He grew up in that county, and married Nancy Morrow, of Jefferson county, Ohio, in 1813, and removed to Clearcreek township, Richland county, and located on the southwest quarter of section twelve, in the spring of 1817. He resided on his farm until 1826, when he deceased. He was a member of the Episcopal church from his youth. At his death his family consisted of his wife, Sarah, Mary, Elizabeth, Hugh, Jane, George, and Moses, of whom only Hugh and Moses survive. Mrs. Elliott died in 1847, aged about sixty years.
Mrs. Elliott is believed to have taught the first subscription school, in her own cabin, in Clearcreek township, in 1817, the parties sending scholars assisting Mr. Elliott to clear his land in payment of tuition. Noble woman!
Hugh, the oldest son, fifty-six years of age, and Moses, the youngest, reside on the old homestead. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ALEXANDER EMERICK (Lake) p. 287(1)
Alexander Emerick was born in Ashland county in 1825, where he received a common school education, and studied medicine with Dr. Blachly, of Blachlyville, Wayne county, Ohio, three years. Then he went to Cleveland, and finished his course at the Western Reserve College, where he remained one year. In 1848 he went to Waterloo, Michigan, where he practiced medicine four years. At the end of that time he settled in Lake township, Ashland county, Ohio, where he has practiced medicine ever since. For four years he has been coroner of Ashland county. He married Mary A. Yocum, a native of Cumberland county, in 1849, and is the father of ten children, of whom six are living: Lewis N., who married Hannah Abert, and afterwards married Martha Harpman, and lives DeKalb county, Indiana; Washington E., who married Alice Spade; Charles Xenophon; Clement L.V,; and Ella (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN EMERICK (Lake) p. 287(1)
John Emerick born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, in 1781 came to Ohio in 1821, and settled on the farm now owned by Lewis Chesroun. He was a wagon-maker and blacksmith by trade, and followed that business about twelve years in Ohio; when he gave it up and was engaged in farming until the time of his death, which occurred in 1874. He married Mary Troutman, of Somerset county, Pennsylvania. For several years he held the office of trustee in Lake township, and although not a member of any church, contributed largely to the building and support of all the churches in his vicinity. He was the father of nine children, six of whom are living: Drusilla, wife of William North; Mary, wife of George Cornell; Christina, wife of Simon Topper; George, who married Sarah Guthrie; Rebecca, wife of Michael Otto; and Alexander, who married Mary A. Yocum. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
REV. R. D. EMERSON (Clearcreek) p. 215(1)
RICHARD DUMONT EMERSON was born in Fairfax county, Virginia, near the city of Alexandria, August 14, 1794. His mother was a highly educated French lady, whose maiden name was Louis, a branch of the royal family, and his father also of French birth. A brother of his mother accompanied General Lafayette to this country, and fell in the battle of Brandywine, during the Revolutionary war.
In his youth, Mr. Emerson attended school near Alexandria, and acquired a fair English education.
When about eighteen years of age he entered the army of the war of 1812, as a volunteer, and was at the battle Crany Island, where he was honorably mentioned for his conduct on the field, and promoted to captain. At the close of the war he returned to Alexandria, and engaged in business as a manufacturer and dealer in shoes and boots.
In 1824-5, when General Lafayette visited Alexandria and Mt. Vernon, Captain Emerson was one of the marshals who commanded the guard that received and conducted the General to that “Mecca of American freemen,” the tomb of George Washington. He was a fine horseman, and was highly complimented by General Lafayette for his fine military bearing on that occasion.
While a young man he became an active member of, and local minister in, the Methodist church. In 1840 he removed to Guernsey county, Ohio, and became a Lutheran minister. He subsequently removed to Ashland county, and preached for Lutheran congregations at Rowsburgh, Hayesville, Mifflin, and Orange. He was regarded as a forcible and fluent speaker, and made a fine appearance in the pulpit. In 1852 he was elected a member of the Ohio legislature from Ashland county, and served one term, declining to be a candidate for re-election. In 1854 he was appointed postmaster at Hayesville, and retained the position to the close of the administration of Franklin Pierce. In 1860 he removed to Missouri, but subsequently located and took charge of a Lutheran congregation at Bardstown, Kentucky, where he remained until May 1876, when he removed to Clark county, Missouri, where he deceased after a lingering illness, September 10, 1876, at the advanced age of eighty two years and twenty-seven days. Mr. Emerson had served his church, as minister, about forty-six years, and was regarded as an able and influential exponent of the creed and teachings of Martin Luther, the great German reformer.
He was enrolled among those who drew pensions for services in the war of 1812, and it may be truly said, “he served his country as a patriot, and his church as a Christian.”
Mr. Emerson was above medium in size, very erect, had black hair, large gray eyes, and was impressive and dignified in his bearing. He was exceedingly fond of fine horses, and rode with all the grace of a marshal of France. His tastes were largely military, and if he had been reared in a country like France, he would have risen to distinction in military life.
He was married three times. His family consisted of Rev. William A.G. Emerson, of Kentucky; Colonel Richard D. Emerson, of Iowa; John Emerson, deceased; Mrs. Martha White, of Kansas; Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, of Canal Dover, Ohio; Mrs. Virginia Crellen, of Missouri; and Mrs. Caroline Ewing, of Illinois. (Trnscribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
BENJAMIN EMMENS (Montgomery) p. 373(1)
Benjamin Emmens, son of Benjamin and Anna Adams Emmens, was born December 25, 1820. His parents removed from Jefferson county to Wooster in the year 1812, to Rowsburgh in 1814, and to Montgomery township Ashland county, Ohio, in 1818. He is a twin brother (in a family of eight children), of Isaac Emmens, and was married February 14, 1860, to Sarah Matilda, daughter of Samuel Wertman. To them were born six children, as follows: Orra, Cora, Tully, Mattie, Simon and Ralph, all of whom are living. Mr. Emmens has made a life business of farming, and has forty acres of fine land. Mr. Emmens is a member of the grange of Ashland, and is a well preserved man of sixty years. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
BENJAMIN EMMONS (Clearcreek) p. 312(1)
BENJAMIN EMMONS was born in 1780, and came to Ohio in the spring of 1812 and settled at Wooster, where he remained two years. Then he removed to Rowsburgh, where he purchased a quarter section of land, which he owned and had possession of until 1817. He then sold out to Michael Rowe, and he and his wife, the spring following, loaded what furniture they had in an old Pennsylvania wagon bed, and started life anew in the woods two miles north of Ashland, on what is now known as the Savannah and Ashland road. While the cabin was building they were obliged to sit around the campfire for a period of six weeks, at night taking shelter in the wagon box. By hard toil he succeeded in clearing up almost every acre of his farm. Upon this farm he resided until his death in 1852. His wife’s maiden name was Ann Adams, of Jefferson county, Ohio. They had eight children–Jane, Henry, John, Benjamin, and Isaac, twins born on Christmas day, 1820; Sarah, Ann and Hugh. All are living save Jane, John, Ann and Hugh. Isaac, the only representative of the family living in Clearcreek, was married in 1853 to Susan Harriet Wertman, by whom he has had eight children–Hugh, John, Clara, Abby, George, Harry, Hattie and Jay–all unmarried save Hugh. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
GEORGE EMRICK (Lake) p. 291(1)
George Emrick was born in Lake township, Ashland county, Ohio, in 1843, and is engaged in farming. In 1864 he married Caroline Crumlick. He has been township trustee two years, and is now school director. In politics he is a Democrat. He is the father of seven children: Lillian, Philora, Thurman (deceased), Noah, John, Dora, and Cloid. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JACOB EMRICK (Lake) p. 290(1)
Jacob Emrick was born in Pennsylvania in 1806, came to Ohio in the year 1820, and settled on the farm now owned by Lewis Chesroun, in lake township, where he was married to Sallie Green. He has been county commissioner of Ashland county for six years, and has also held the office of constable, trustee, and treasurer. He was a member of the Masonic order in Loudonville for several years, and was an honored and respected member of society. He died in 1864. His wife still survives him. He was the father of ten children: Noah, who lives in Arizona; Jacob, who married Elizabeth Chapman, and lives in Indiana; Sarah, wife of James Swain, of Ashland county; John, who married Catharine McFillen, and lives in Indiana; Elizabeth, wife of Jacob Sprang, of Kansas; Rebecca, wife of Philip Bucher, of Michigan; Mary, deceased, who was the wife of Peter Homer, of Holmes county, Ohio; Jackson, who married Caroline Dirrim, and lives in Indiana; George, who married Caroline Crumlick; and Anna wife of Jacob Garst. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
C.F. ENGLE (Mifflin) p. 321(1)
C.F. Engle was born in Nassau, Germany, March 11, 1841, and at the age of seven years his parents removed to this country and settled in New York city, where they remained one year, when they came to this State, and located in Vermillion township, in Ashland county, where our subject remained until the year 1861, when he removed to Mifflin township, where he has since resided, with the exception of the time he spent in the late war. Mr. Engle followed farming as his vocation previous to the war, but since that time he has been engaged in the mercantile business at this place. He is also postmaster, and has been since 1875. He was married July 28, 1867 to Miss Mary Hart. They have reared a family of three children, two of whom are still living and named respectively, Walter M. and Emma. The one deceased, Charles H., departed this life July 21, 1871, aged one year, two months, eleven days. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
DAVID ESHLEMAN (Jackson) p. 339(1)
David Eshleman, son of Joseph and Margaret Eshleman, was born in Wayne county, Ohio, February 24, 1843, and came to Ashland county in 1864, and has lived in this county ever since, with the exception of about six years that he lived in Wayne and Lorain counties. He was married June 20, 1867, to Harriet, daughter of Samuel and Christena Landis who was born in Ashland county, June 5, 1848 . They had six children; Rosella M., Christena, Lovenia E., Sophronia G., Alberta, and one who died in infancy. Christena is also dead. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN EWALT (Green) p. 281(1)
John Ewalt, born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1780, came to Ohio in 1823, and settled in Lake township. He married Ann Todd, of Bedford county, Pennsylvania; was a farmer and followed farming all his life. He was a trustee in Lake township several terms; was a member of the Presbyterian church; and in politics, a Democrat. His wife died in 1841, and he died in 1844; he was the father of seven children, only three of whom are living: William D., who married Mary VanHorn, and afterwards married Margaret Perry; Harris, who married Annie Sheldon, and lives in Hannibal, Missouri; Rebecca, who married Harvey Reinhard. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
WILLIAM D. EWALT (Green) p. 281(1)
William D. Ewalt, born near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1813, came to Ohio with his father, John Ewalt, and in 1837 married Mary VanHorn, of Green township. She died in 1848, and in 1849 he married Margaret Perry. He is a farmer by occupation, and has held the office of trustee in Green township three years, and treasurer two years; he is a member of the Presbyterian church. In politics, he was a Democrat until the war broke out, when he became a Republican, and has voted the Republican ticket ever since. Two of his sons were in the army; they belonged to the Twenty-third Ohio volunteer infantry. He is the father of seven children: Eliza A., deceased, wife of William Byers, of Indiana; Elvina, wife of George W. Cline, of Indiana; John, who married Agnes Burger, and lives in Illinois; William, who married Catherine Chestnut, and lives in Ashland county; the other three children died in infancy. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
STEPHEN EWING (Mohican) p. 360(1)
Stephen Ewing is a son of John and Catharine Ewing, and was born in Mohican township, where he was married to Barbara Husser, who died in December 28, 1871, leaving a family of five children, as follows: Isaac, born September 2, 1858; Thomas E., born October 25, 1863; Clara E., born June 17, 1865: Harvey, born October 1, 1867; Asa, born June 25, 1868. Another died in infancy, unnamed. Harvey died October 31, 1871. Mr. Ewing was a second time married January 16, 1873, to Melissa J. Mowry, by whom he has had three children–Mary J., born February 15, 1874; Alverdy A., born September 6, 1877; Rice M., born October 7, 1879. Mr. Ewing has been located on his present farm since his first marriage, and has one hundred acres of land, situated in the valley east of Jeromeville. In politics he is a Democrat, and held the office of township trustee from 1875 to 1877. Both himself and his wife are members of the United Brethren church, in which he has been trustee, steward and class-leader for many years. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)