
JOHN LAMBRIGHT (Mifflin) p. 176(1)

Was born in Frederick City, Maryland, January 1778. In 1802 he married Anna C. Smith, and in 1811, removed to Harrison county, Ohio, and in the spring of 1812, located in Mifflin township, Richland, and Ashland county. In the fall of 1812, the cabin of Frederick Zimmer, a neighbor, was attacked by the Indians, and the son of Mr. Zimmer hastened to inform James Copus and Mr. Lambright of their presence, and the desire of Martin Ruffner and the Zimmers for their assistance. Messrs. Copus and Lambright hastened to the cabin, and arrived in the earlier part of the night, finding all silent in and about the premises. They returned to their respective cabins, took their families and fled to the block-house of Jacob Beam, on the Rocky fork. Here he remained three weeks, and fled to Lancaster, Fairfield county, Ohio. While there, Mr. Lambright was drafted, and served in the northwest, about four months. He and his family remained near Lancaster three years, and then returned to his deserted cabin on the Black fork, where he continued to reside until November 9, 1832, when he deceased. Some members of his family yet reside in the township. Mrs. Joseph Doty is a daughter.

For a full description of the Ruffner, Zimmer, and Copus fights, and the part Mr. Lambright took, see articles on that subject in the historical part of this volume. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

LEVI B. LAMBRIGHT (Mifflin) p. 315(1)

Levi B. Lambright was born in Pennsylvania, January 5, 1810. When a babe his parents removed to Ohio and located in Mifflin township. He was married May 3, 1860, to Miss Sarah Copus, who was born in this county and township, January 10, 1837. They have reared a family of eleven children, ten of whom are living: Mary, born June 15, 1861; Margary, born September 22, 1862, she is married to Adam Miller; Rachel J., born April 5, 1864; William W., born November 5, 1865; Sarah Catharine, born September 19, 1867; Levi Curtis, born October 22, 1872; Harriet N., born August 1, 1873; N.A., born October 16, 1877. Margaret I. was born July 1, 1869, and died August 4, 1870. Mr. Lambright is numbered among the old settlers of his township; has always paid his attention to farming, and now owns one of the best farms in this part of the county. His wife is also identified with the earliest settlers of the county. Mr. Lambright’s eyes have been affected for the past fourteen years; he was totally blind for about four months. But since he had them operated upon he can see just enough to get around. Cataract is the trouble. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN C. LARWILL (Hanover) p. 296(1)

John C. Larwill was born in Wooster, Wayne county, Ohio, in 1824. He first settled in Loudonville April 1, 1846, and engaged in milling. At the end of three years he sold to A.A. Taylor, and on the thirteenth day of April, 1848, bought out Nathaniel Haskell’s stock of dry goods in partnership with A.A. Taylor, with whom he continued in business twelve years, when he bought A.A. Taylor’s share and continued in business alone five years. He then took W.S. Fisher into partnership, and continued that partnership fifteen years, when the partnership was dissolved and J. C. Larwill has since continued the business alone. He is a dealer in dry goods and groceries, and has the largest and best-selected stock of goods in Loudonville. When he began he had comparatively nothing, but by honesty and fair dealing has built up the largest trade of any merchant in the town, if not in the county, his sales averaging about fifty thousand dollars per year. In 1856 he married Norma Workman, who died in 1869. In 1876 he married Susan L. Moore, of Newark, Ohio, and is now the father of one child: Arthur Larwill. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM LATIMER (Mifflin) p. 320(1)

William Latimer was born in Stark county, Ohio, April 8, 1815. He is the youngest child of James and Elizabeth Latimer, who came here when our subject was ten years old, in April 1825, and settled on the farm he now owns, and where he has since resided. His father departed this life about thirty years ago; his mother about 20 years ago. Mr. Latimer was married in January, 1839, to Miss Sarah Nutter, who was born in Virginia, January 18, 1815; her parents came to this State at an early day, and located in Richland county, and she lived there until her marriage with Mr. Latimer. The fruits of this marriage are nine children; two are dead. The oldest, James, died while in the late war, aged about twenty years; and Sarah died June 5, 1850, three years, nine months and five days. Seven are still living named: Elizabeth, born March 16, 1842; Nancy Jane born September 8, 1843; Harriet, who was born December 3, 1844; John, who was born December 4, 1845; William St. Clair, born April 13, 1851; Martha Amanda, who was born January 1, 1853; and Zachariah, born January 20, 1857. He has nine grandchildren. Mr. Latimer has always paid his attention to farming and he has, by industry and economy, saved a good home, and enjoys the respect and esteem of all in the community where he resides. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MOSES LATTA (Montgomery) p. 213(1)

Mr. Latta was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, January 20, 1815, and removed with his father, the late William Latta, to Montgomery township, Richland, now Ashland, county, in the fall of 1815. He attended the common schools of the neighborhood, and obtained a fair knowledge of the elementary branches. When his father settled on Catotaway his neighbors were few and far between, and in the erection of cabins and other buildings, it was the custom of the pioneers to go many miles to assist the new settler. In the earlier history of Montgomery township the Lattas were noted for their industry, energy and physical vigor, all the sons being large men, and constitutionally clever. William Latta, the father of Moses, was of Scotch-Irish descent, and like his ancestors, was strongly attached to the doctrines of the Presbyterian church. He was, for many years, a member of “Old Hopewell” in Ashland, and his sons were impressed by the same faith. Upon the decease of William Latta, in 1849, Moses became possessed of the homestead, where he has resided the major part of the time ever since. He was a man of good business habits and of unquestioned integrity, and was frequently elected to act as school director, township trustee, and twice an infirmary director for Ashland county. He was a large, energetic, hard-working man, and had accumulated quite a fortune. His general health began to give way early in the summer, and continued to fail until he became prostrated, and gradually approached the hour of dissolution, which occurred on Saturday, November 11, 1876. His remains were interred in the cemetery at Ashland, on Tuesday, November 14. Mr. Latta leaves a widow to mourn the loss of a most excellent husband. During his late sickness, he connected with the Presbyterian church of Ashland.

He was also a member of the Masonic fraternity and the Pioneer and Historical society of Ashland county.

As a citizen, neighbor and business man, he stood deservedly high, and will be much missed and lamented in the circle of his past and present associations. Peace to his ashes. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM LATTA (Montgomery) p. 212(1)

WILLIAM LATTA was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, in 1777. He settled in the east part of Montgomery township, in the fall of 1815. His nearest neighbors were John Carr and Robert Newell. Mr. Latta had some trouble in procuring hands to aid in erecting his cabin. In doing he had to go as far south as the present site of Jeromeville. When his rude house had been completed, his next difficulty was to procure food. He traveled through the forest, along Indian paths to Shrimplin’s mill to procure corn, and when converted into meal, carried it home on a pack-saddle. He also made many trips, with horse and pack-saddle to Stibbs’ mill, near Wooster. These trips were toilsome and not devoid of danger. Mr. Latta was a large, rugged man and met the dangers and toils of pioneer life with undaunted fortitude. He prepared an excellent farm, and, in his old age, lived comfortably. He was a member of old Hopewell Presbyterian church. He died February 2, 1849, aged seventy-two years. His family consisted of Lewis, John, William, Moses, and Jackson. Moses owns the homestead; John and Jackson reside in Iowa, and Lewis and William are dead. These sons were noted for their remarkable size and vigor. Moses is a good businessman, and has been twice elected infirmary director for the county, and a number of times township trustee. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JAMES LAWSON (Clearcreek) p. 314(1)

JAMES LAWSON was born in Scotland in the year 1778. He married Margaret E. Lamond, by whom he had seven children. They emigrated to America in 1834, and settled in Savannah, where he resided until the following spring, when he purchased a farm of fifty acres three miles southwest of Savannah, on which he resided until he died in 1861, at the ripe old age of eighty-three. His wife survived him but one year. His son James married Mary A. Gault, June 7, 1876, and still owns and occupies the old homestead. Both are faithful members of the Presbyterian church, and he is one of those sturdy honest Scotchmen, a number of whom reside near Savannah. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

E.C. LEACH (Montgomery) p. 366(1)

E. C. Leach was born in Unadilla, New York, August 1, 1821, and came to Ashland September 28, 1844, where he has been engaged in the carriage manufacturing business during the past thirty-six years. He was married July 31, 1844 to Miss Sarah E. Ashley, of Tallmadge, Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MICHAEL LEHMANN (Clearcreek) p. 314

MICHAEL LEHMANN was born in Germany, near the city of Worms, February 8, 1804. In the year 1829 he was married to Susannah Krehbiel, emigrated to Ohio in 1845, and in the spring of 1846 settled in Ashland county, two miles southwest of Savannah. Jacob, his son, still resides on the old homestead. On August 27, 1863 he was married to Elizabeth Shriver, by whom he had three children–John A., who was born July 11, 1864; Mary, who was born September 20, 1866; Susannah, who was born February 5, 1871. The father died March 21, 1879; the mother, September 3, 1867. Jacob is one of the most successful farmers in the township and a prominent citizen. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SAMUEL LEIDIGH (Orange) p. 347 Entry #1

Samuel Leidigh was born in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania February 17, 1801. In 1836 he came to Ohio and purchased eighty acres of land near Little Pittsburgh, Wayne county. Here he resided about one year, when he sold his farm and moved three miles east of Wooster on the Canton road where he rented the Henry flouring mill and operated it for a period of three years, when he bought the Stover mill and fifty acres of land two miles west of the village of Orange, in Orange township, Ashland county (then Richland) where he has remained ever since and is well known in the county. They have had a family of seven children–five sons and two daughters, five of whom are living. The youngest son, Reuben, was lost on the boat “Sultana,” when on his way home from the war, as an exchanged prisoner, after a service of nearly three years as a private soldier in the One Hundred and Second regiment, Ohio volunteer infantry. This was indeed a sad bereavement to the family and such a one as many of Ashland county’s good families were called upon in those days of bloodshed, to realize. Elizabeth, a daughter, aged thirty-six years died in May 1869. Isaac and Samuel are married and Mary Ann is the wife of Jacob Kissell, a farmer of Orange township. Isaac farms his father’s land, and Levi, Israel and Samuel manage the mill. Mrs. Leidigh died April 16, 1879. The mill, under the management of the three sons, is in a very prosperous condition, running to its full capacity. They ship by rail from Nankin, a station about three miles east of the mill. In 1868 Mr. Leidigh built a new mill as the old one had not sufficient capacity. He has also added to his land, until he now owns three hundred and ten acres of excellent land, all in Orange township, not far from his residence. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SAMUEL LEIDIGH (Orange) p. 381(1) Entry #2

Mr. Leidigh was born February 17, 1801, in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, where he grew up and learned the trade of a miller, which he followed in Pennsylvania until 1835. He married Elizabeth Neff in 1826. He removed to Wayne county, Ohio, in the spring of 1835 and carried on the milling business three miles east of Wooster, at Henry’s mill, about three years, and then removed to and purchased the old Mason mill in Orange township, then in Richland, but now in Ashland county, where he still resides and carries on business. His family consisted of five boys: Levi, Isaac, Israel, Samuel, and Reuben, who was blown up in the steamer “Sultana” during the war of 1863, and one girl, Elizabeth. His children living reside in Orange township, near the old homestead. He is a member of the Lutheran church. Mrs. Leidigh died April 16, 1879. The health of Mr. Leidigh is now good. The old mill is removed and a new one built—steam, which cost sixteen thousand dollars. He has been a miller since he was fifteen years old, and has followed the business sixty-two years. He has been a man of good business habits, and has accumulated a fine property. The Leidigh mill does a fine business and has a large patronage. (Transcribed and contributed by Linda J. Collins)

JOHN LEISTENSNIDER (Clearcreek) p. 313(1)

JOHN LEISTENSNIDER emigrated to this country from Germany in the year 1836, and first located at Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania, where he worked at his trade, that of tailoring, until 1839. He was then married to Catharine Schwartz, and at once moved to Lewisburgh, York county, Pennsylvania, where he started in business for himself, which he carried on successfully for thirteen years, and by hard labor and constant toil he accumulated a little fortune of about two thousand and four hundred dollars, which he took with him to Savannah, Ashland county, Ohio, in 1852, and invested it in a farm just west of the village. Here he again opened a merchant tailoring establishment, a business he followed for twenty-one years. He then disposed of his stock and removed to the farm where he now resides. Mr. Leistensnider is the father of ten children: Mary, Henry, Philip, Caroline, Julia, Emma, Martha, Theodore (who died in infancy), one died in infancy, unnamed, and George, who resides on the home farm. Our subject has labored under more than ordinary disadvantages and is entitled to a great deal of credit for the success he has attained. Born of poor parents with but little opportunity for schooling, he has raised himself by dint of hard toil, industry, and good management, from a poor boy with but nine coppers in his pocket when he landed at Baltimore in 1836, to one of the most substantial and leading citizens of Clearcreek township. Although suffering somewhat from the effects of his long continued toil “on the board,” he now lives in easy circumstances in one of the pleasantest homes to be found in the county. Mr. Leistensnider is a man of good judgment, independent in thought and action, hospitable and courteous, and highly regarded by his neighbors. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JAMES W. LEMON (Mifflin) p. 316(1)

James W. Lemon was born in Mifflin township, February 16, 1852. He is the second child of John and Harriet Lemon, of whom mention is made elsewhere in this work. He was married February 24, 1874, to Miss Harriet Brubaker. The fruit of this union is one child, named May U. Mr. Lemon has been in the mercantile business since he became of age, and prior to that he clerked for his father together with farming. He is now engaged in the mercantile business at Mifflin. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN LEMON (Mifflin) p. 319(1)

John Lemon was born in Paisley, Scotland, May 8, 1803, and came to Philadelphia in 1816, and worked in the factories and attended the first two power looms ever used in that city, two years. From thence he came across the mountains in 1818, and located one mile west of the present site of Hayesville. It was then called Hayes’ cross-roads. In 1839 he located in Mifflin township. William Lemon, his brother, had been doing business with John Scott prior to that time. In coming across the mountains he remembers that he met a man horseback going east to purchase goods. Mr. Lemon ate dinner with him. McClenchy was his name, and he was doing business at Mansfield, Ohio. Mr. Lemon has been in the mercantile business since 1840, and has sold goods with the late John Scott in Hayesville seven years, from 1855 to 1862. Twice he has been married; the first time to Jennie Stewart, who died about 1843, and to Harriet Keffer in 1858. By the first wife they had one daughter, Mrs. Dr. Yocum, now dead; and four sons by his second wife: William W., James W., John R., and Henry F., all living. Mr. Lemon by close application and upright dealing has acquired a good property. He is now in the mercantile business in Mifflin. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ADAM LINK (Milton) p. 228(1)

ADAM LINK was born November 14, 1763, in Washington county, Maryland. His father, Jacob Link, was a native of the same State, while his mother was born in Switzerland. When Adam was about six years old his mother died. His father married again, and moved to the frontier, and located some seven or eight miles from Wheeling, Virginia, where he secured by “tomahawk right,” six hundred acres of land, four hundred in Virginia and two hundred in Washington, then Westmoreland, county, Pennsylvania. At the breaking out of Indian hostilities he had already made a good deal of progress in clearing and fitting up his farm, and had a number of horses, cattle and hogs, and determined to remain in his cabin and defend his property, taking the precaution, however, of sending his wife and smaller children back to the settlements before the approach of the savage Shawnees and their allies. In August, Mr. Link sent Adam and an older brother, Jonathan, with horses laden with provisions to his family. After the departure of his sons, the same evening, two strangers hunting strayed horses stopped at the cabin of Mr. Link for the night. A nephew of Mrs. Link by the name of Miller also remained at the cabin. When the strangers arose the next morning Mr. Link cautioned them not to go out, as the dogs had been uneasy all night. Paying no attention to his warning, they opened the door and went out to wash, and were immediately shot by Indians, who were concealed near the cabin. Link and Miller gathered up the guns and retreated to the second story of the cabin, drawing up the ladder. The Indians rushed into the building, but finding the stairway safely guarded by rifles pointing down, retreated. After exchanging shots for an hour without effect, a painted white man came forward with a flag of truce, and said if they would give up their arms and come down they would not be hurt, otherwise they would set fire to the cabin and burn them out. Finding further resistance to be useless, they handed down their guns, descended, and their hands were tied. They were marched some distance into the woods, where the Indians halted and held a council, there being some thirty in the gang. The consultation related to the fate of the prisoners. At the conclusion, Mr. Link was tomahawked and scalped, and his body left. Mr. Miller was a sad witness of the fate of his friend. The Indians then moved forward, marching, as he observed, in a circle. That night they had a scalp dance, after which Miller was fastened by raw-hide cords to a large Indian to sleep. The Indians being tired, soon slept profoundly. As soon as it was safe Mr. Miller commenced to gnaw the thongs from his wrists. Alter much perseverance he finally succeeded. He then carefully removed the cord that encircled his wrist, arose to his feet, seized a good gun and passed into the forest; but had made little progress before the Indian awakened, and with a yell, aroused his companions. Miller continued his flight, and finally reached the settlement. On the morning before the fight took place at the cabin, Adam and Jonathan, who had accompanied their step-mother to a neighboring settlement, were requested to remain part of the day to cut wood. Adam remained, but Jonathan returned. There were several families on the route. On his way Jonathan rode up to a cabin where the owner was making a trough, and asked him if he was not afraid of Indians. He replied—“the d—d redskins are afraid to come about here.” Jonathan had not proceeded over one hundred rods when he found himself in the middle of a large body of savages, who were watching the cabin he had just passed. They ordered him to surrender, but he fled. The Indians pursued–his horse became frightened—the saddle turned; he cut the girth and fled in the direction of his father’s cabin. When he came in sight of it he found it and the barn in flames. He returned by a circuitous route to the fort. In a few hours Adam followed his brother, and met a stranger on horseback, who told him to turn back, “for the Indians were as thick as yellow jackets in Hawkins’s bottom.”

After these adventures, the family of Jacob Link became scattered, until the close of the Revolutionary war. Some returned to the vicinity of Baltimore, where the father of Mrs. Link resided. At the conclusion of the war, Adam located adjoining the old homestead in Washington county, Pennsylvania. The old farm passed from the possession of the family, and Adam became a common laborer. He was a young man of great endurance, and could thresh, with a flail, sixty bushels of wheat per week, and make as many rails as any man of his weight in the border settlements.

At the age of twenty-eight he married Miss Elizabeth Link, a relative, and settled in Washington county. He purchased, improved and sold a number of small farms in that county. He saw no active service in the war of 1812. In 1818 he walked from his home in Pennsylvania to Uniontown, now Ashland, Ohio, and located in the southwest quarters of sections one and eleven in Milton township, built cabins, and in the following spring removed with his family, consisting of four sons and five daughters. He located on section one, and afterward sold it to William Lockhart, and removed to section eleven, which, in his seventy-fourth year, he sold to a son, and then improved a small farm on section fourteen, and then removed to Crawford county, and resided with his son-in-law, Mr. Rashton Markley, until August, 1864, when he deceased, at the age of one hundred and one years.

Mr. Link was a peculiar man. His habits are worth notice. In height he was five feet ten inches. His weight was about one hundred and sixty pounds. He was compact in muscle, and possessed great strength and endurance. He was never sick, and never suffered pain. He retained his soundness of constitution until he had nearly reached the age of ninety years. As his limbs began to grow stiff and unwieldy, he was accustomed to say, “the machinery is wearing out.” From early life he attended the Presbyterian church, but always contended that “all men would be saved after being beaten with few and many stripes, according as they had sinned in this life. That having paid the penalty of sin, they would eventually be saved with the just.” Although nearly all his life a border settler, he was well versed in the history of the times. He was an interesting conversationalist, and in narrating the adventures of the border settlements of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, he was accurate in incident, and often eloquent in description. In politics he was a Jeffersonian Democrat. He had a strong preference for military presidents, and is believed to have supported General W. H. Harrison, General Zachariah Taylor and General Scott, for president. As a farmer, he was peculiar. For a period of nearly sixty years he never used or owned a wagon. He always attended market with a sled, and packed his wheat to mill on a horse. He was equally singular in his diet. His standard living was bread, meat, eggs, potatoes, butter, sugar and coffee. No fruit or milk. He was a hearty meat eater. He regarded two goose eggs as a medium breakfast, combined with a little bread and meat. When he was eighty-seven years old, having used whiskey freely all his life, he became convinced that the modern modes of its manufacture were pernicious, by reason of the deleterious drugs entering into the new compound, and abandoned its use. Here, then, are two problems for solution: 1. Did his diet contribute to the preservation of his health to so advanced an age? 2. Is it true that the use of pure spirituous liquors, as a common beverage, shortens life by enfeebling the physical and vital powers?*

*NOTE—Jonathan Link built a block-house on Middle Wheeling creek, in 1780, near the present town of Triadelphia. He was killed in it by the Indians in the fall of 1781. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB LINN (Montgomery) p. 376(1)

Jacob Linn, son of Adis and Elizabeth (Rowland) Linn, was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, March 13, 1820, and when fifteen years of age removed with his father’s family to Stark county, Ohio, settling there in the spring of 1835, and in the fall of the same year removed to Ashland county, and purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land where Jacob Linn now resides, and where he and his wife spent the remainder of their days. Adis died in 1844, and his wife survived him about twenty-one years. The subject of our sketch was married in November 1847 to Anna McGuire daughter of Hugh and Mary McGuire of Ashland county. To them have been born seven children, six of whom are living: Lorin H., Melissa J., Cornelius R., Hannibal, Lincoln, Alice and Nettie May. In politics he is a Republican, having been formerly an old-line Whig. Mr. and Mrs. Linn are both members of the Methodist Episcopal church, with which body they have been connected about fifteen years. Mr. Linn is the owner of the original tract settled by his father, and also eighty-four acres additional. He has a very productive farm, and fine buildings, and is now erecting a fine barn near his residence. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ADAM LONG (Lake) p. 286(1)

Adam Long was born in Ashland county in 1838. He received a common school education, and in 1868 married Mary L. Dillier, who died in 1870. In 1871 he married Matilda D. Esselburn. He has held the office of township trustee two years; has been assessor two years, and still holds that office, and has also been justice of the peace for six years. He is a member of the Lutheran church, much respected and highly esteemed in the community in which he lives. He has four children: Adam A., Lewis A., William H., and Alice M. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ALFRED O. LONG (Montgomery) p. 369(1)

Alfred O. Long was born in Green county, Pennsylvania, March 16, 1838, and moved to Orange township, Ashland county Ohio in 1844. He was raised on a farm until 1855, when he came to Ashland and apprenticed to the carriage firm of Ames & Leach to learn the carriage trimming trade, at which he worked most of the time in Ashland, until the breaking out of the civil war in 1861, when he enlisted in company G, Twenty-third Ohio volunteer infantry. He served in the regiment in all its marches and battles in the mountains of western Virginia, and was engaged in the battles of Carnifax Ferry, West Virginia, Cotton Mountain, Fayetteville, Rolla Court House, Giles Court House, and Pack’s Ferry. In 1862 the regiment was ordered to Washington City to reinforce McClellan’s army in its retreat from Richmond in 1862. He was engaged in the battle of Frederick City, Maryland, and again in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, Maryland. He was wounded in the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862. He served in the regiment until July 5, 1864, at which time the regiment was mustered out of service at Columbus, Ohio and he returned to Ashland and went to work again for Ames & Leach at the carriage trimming trade. He was married to Mary E. McCauley August 31, 1869. In 1875 he embarked in the shoe business buying out E.W. Wallack. He was elected one of the city council in the spring of 1879, and was appointed by President R.B. Hayes as postmaster of Ashland, July 16, 1880. He was a patron of Masonry, joining Ashland lodge No. 151, Free and Accepted Masons, September 2, 1868, and also Ashland chapter, Royal Arch Masons, No. 67, in 1870, and Mansfield Commandery Knights Templar, No. 21, in 1879. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

GEORGE LONG (Lake) p. 287(1)

George Long was born in Ellsos, France, in 1822, and came to America with his father. He is engaged in farming, and has held the office of supervisor and school director for several years. He is a member of the old Lutheran church, in which he has been deacon for thirty years. In politics he is a Democrat. In 1843 he married Margaret Murklinger, and is the father of six children: Philip, who married Paulina Murklinger; George A., who married Christina Priest; John D.; David, who married Caroline Hipp; Simon P., and Catharine, who became the wife of John Peter. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

GEORGE W. LONG (Vermillion) p. 306(1)

George W. Long was born in Canton, Stark county, Ohio, February 22, 1831; came to Ashland county with his parents when he was about seven years old, and settled on a farm in Lake township, Wayne county, now Ashland county. Here he remained and worked on the farm until he was about eighteen years old, when he went to Mohicanville and learned the boot and shoe trade. This trade he followed until the spring of 1852, when he started for the gold fields of California, and engaged in mining. He went by overland route, and in 1856 returned to Ohio by water, and in the same year, September 30th, was married to Miss Catharine Mohre, daughter of Jesse Mohre, of Lake township, Ashland county. Mr. Long had sent money from California and purchased a farm about two miles from his father’s place, and soon after he was married moved and began improving his own farm. For a period of ten years they lived here, when they sold their farm in Lake township and purchased the farm on which they now live. They have six children–three sons and three daughters. The oldest daughter married Mr. John Eighinger, of Vermillion township. She was married September 30, 1879–just twenty-three years after her father and mother. Mr. Long has been township trustee a number of terms in Vermillion township, and was trustee one term in Lake township previous to coming to Vermillion. Both himself and wife are members of the English Lutheran church. In politics he is a Democrat, but is a man highly esteemed by both parties, as he is moderate in his views, and gives his best time to his family and farm. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN G. LONG (Lake) p. 287(1)

John G. Long born in Ellsos, France, in 1798, came to America in 1828, and first settled in Stark county, Ohio, where he remained ten years. Then he came to Ashland county, and settled in Lake township, on the farm now owned by Peter B. Long. All his life he was engaged in farming. He was a member of the old Lutheran church, in which he was elder twenty years. He married Catharine Barnhart, in Ellsos, France. She died in 1875. In 1868 he died. He was the father of five children: George, who married Margaret Murklinger; Peter, who married Saloma Kantzer; John; Adam, who married Barbara Wyemer; and one child who died in infancy. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN M. LONG (Vermillion) p. 310(1)

John M. Long was born September 24, 1834, in Canal Fulton, Stark county, Ohio. When he was about three years old his parents removed to Lake township, Ashland county, where he remained and assisted his father on the farm until he was twenty years of age, when he went to California, by water via New York and the isthmus of Panama, and engaged in mining in company with his two older brothers, George and Peter. By strict attention to business, at the end of four years he was able to return to the old home, and purchased the farm he now lives on. On May 12, 1859, he married Mary Jane Laird, of Vermillion township. They have five children, four sons and one daughter, all at home cheerfully doing all in their power to make home the most desirable place on earth. Mr. Long has filled township offices two different times, and is held in high esteem by his neighbors. He now owns a farm of one hundred and forty-two acres. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

PHILIP LONG (Green) p. 280(1)

Philip Long, son of George Long, was born in Lake township in 1844, and in 1870 married Paulina Murklinger. He learned the shoemaker’s trade with Philip Bucher, and commenced the boot and shoe business with J.B. Long, in Loudonville, in 1867, and continued in partnership three years; he then sold his interest to J.B. Long, bought a new stock, and opened a store in Perrysville, the only boot and shoe store in that place, and has, by honest and fair dealing, built up a large trade, and gained the confidence of the public. He has been township treasurer three years, and still holds that office; and is one of the councilmen in Perrysville. He is a Democrat in politics. He is the father of four children: Normanda A., Nora A., Mary A., and Emma A. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM LONG (Lake) p. 285(1)

William Long, was born in Ashland county, December 11, 1846, and received a common school education. He learned the baker’s trade, and in company with his brother Samuel Long, opened a confectionery store and bakery in Napoleon, Henry county, Ohio, and stayed there five years, when he gave up the business, and has since been engaged in farming. In 1868 he married Annie Andrews, of Green township, Ashland county. She died in December 1876, and in December 1878, he married Magdalena Weimer, of Holmes county. He was a member of the Lutheran church, but is now a member of the Evangelical Association. He is the father of four children: Peter, deceased; Maggie, Bertie A., and Harry. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB LUCAS (Perry) p. 164(1)

Was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, June 27th, 1805. He is of German descent. His father was from Hessia, and came over in the British army during the American Revolution. He served about three years, and upon learning that the colonists were not really cannibals, as asserted by the British officers, deserted to the colonial side. At the close of the war he settled in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, where he died in 1833, aged seventy-three years.

Jacob Lucas, his son, immigrated to Perry township, Wayne county, in 1832, with his family. He served a time at the trade of a tanner, in Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, in 1821-3, and was among the first of his craft in Perry township. He carried on business over forty years, and retired in 1872. He is a leading member of the German Baptists or Dunkards. His family consists of four sons, John, Albert, Joseph, and Hiram, and four daughters, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Mary, and Lydia, all married. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DR. JOEL LUTHER (Montgomery) p. 167(1)

On a pleasant evening in the fall of 1820, a young man of fair countenance, dark eyes, black hair, very erect and plainly habited, seated in a one-horse wagon, with a wooden box for a trunk, drove to the front of what was then known as the “Sheets’ tavern,” located on the lot now occupied by Jacob Weisentine, in Uniontown, now Ashland, and asked permission to lodge for the night. It was granted, and the young man was soon seated for supper, while his jaded horse was carefully stabled and fed by the landlord, Mr. Joseph Sheets, who was also the principal tailor and merchant of the village. The new guest appeared to be a quiet, self-possessed, intelligent young gentleman, and Mrs. Sheets soon had him engaged in a lively conversation. Supper being over, the routine of finding out the birth-place, the financial resources, the destination, and the personal peculiarities of the stranger, was gone into in a systematic manner.

During this ordeal it was learned that the stranger was a native of Berkshire county Massachusetts, was born about the year 1794, had attended a neighborhood school until he was of age, and then, like a true son of New England, had come west to seek his fortune, his parents being unable to extend further aid. It further transpired that he had gone to Troy, New York, about the year 1816, where he earnestly engaged in the vocation of teaching school, in the meantime studying medicine under a leading practitioner of that place, where, at the conclusion of his studies, he had been licensed to practice, and located, for a short time, at a place called Red Post, in the vicinity of Troy, but, finally, preferred to go further west, and that, with one hundred dollars in money, and his horse and wagon, he had reached Uniontown in the hopes of finding a new home.

Mr. and Mrs. Sheets gave it as their opinion that a physician might soon obtain a lively practice in this region, as there was no doctor nearer than Mansfield (Dr. Miller), which was about sixteen miles away. The young gentleman whom they addressed was Dr. Joel Luther, Berkshire, of Massachusetts.

The new doctor retired to bed feeling much encouraged over the idea of having found a good location and a pleasant home. About daylight the next morning the occupants of the Sheets house were aroused by loud knocking at the door. Mr. Sheets hastily opened it and asked what wanting. The man, who resided some three miles in the country, inquired if there was not a doctor in town, stating that a member of his family was very sick. Mr. Sheets replied that a young doctor had arrived the night before, was in the house, and had about concluded to locate in the village. Dr. Luther was urged to accompany the pioneer to his cabin. He was but too happy to do so. He was soon ready, mounted his horse and threaded his way along paths through the forest to the presence of his new patient. This was the first case of the first doctor; and having been successfully treated, the new physician soon obtained an extensive practice. The prevailing diseases of those days were autumnal fevers, bilious, bilious remittent, and the process of treatment was generally such as kills the modern bullock–copious bloodletting. Strongmen required vigorous treatment, and they got it without stint. The lancet was an indispensable instrument; and when a physician could not be had, many private persons proffered their services as phlebotomists, and human blood was abstracted freely. Time change, and men change. The sanguinary theory is now almost a dream.

The doctor erected an office a short distance above the present location of the McNulty house, where he continued to do business until about the year 1831, when he retired from the practice, owing to failing health, and soon after opened a dry goods establishment in which he was engaged until his decease in 1834. As a physician he had an extended and successful practice, and drew around him a large circle of friends. As a businessman he was shrewd and exact and careful in all his dealings, and accumulated a fine property. He was genial and pleasant among his patients and friends, and not averse to a good practical joke.

In 1824 he was married to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Christopher Mykrantz, who died April 19, 1880, aged seventy-two years, two months and twelve days, born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. At his death he left one daughter who married Dr. J. F. Sampsell, and is now deceased.

Diploma of Dr. Joel Luther

Be it known, that on the twenty-fifth day of September, A.D. 1817, Joel Luther was examined by the censors of Rensellaer medical society in the various branches of medical science, and received their approbation. Now, know ye, therefore, that by virtue of the powers in me vested, I do hereby authorize and license the said Joel Luther to practice physics and surgery, in the State of New York. In testimony whereof, I have set my hand to these presents, and caused the seal of the society to be hereunto affixed.
Done at Troy this twenty-fifth day of September, A. D. 1817
Hezekiah E. Dray, President
J. M. Hall, Secretary.
Steuben county Clerk’s Office,} ss.
October 15, 1818.}
A copy of the within diploma has been duly filed in the office of the clerk of the aforesaid county.
C. Howell, Clerk.

(Transcribed by Penny Hanes PHanes1368@aol.com) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HULBERT LUTHER (Clearcreek) p. 222(1)

HULBERT LUTHER was born in Lanesborough, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, March 14, 1809, and attended the common schools of the neighborhood until he was fifteen years of age. In 1825, he emigrated to Lewis county, New York, and remained there until the spring of 1830, when he emigrated to Ashland, Ohio, where an older brother (Dr. Joel Luther) had located and entered upon the practice of medicine, some fourteen years before.

At that time, Dr. Luther and John P. Rezner were in company in the mercantile business, and Mr. Luther entered their employ as clerk. In 1831, he formed a partnership with John P. Rezner, and continued the same some six or eight years; and dissolved the arrangement, and formed a new firm with Jacob Crall, known as Luther & Crall, which continued until 1854. In 1849, the firm established a hardware store, under the management of George H. Topping, and the new firm was known as that of H. Luther & Co. In 1851, Luther, Crall & Co. established a bank of deposit and exchange in Ashland, which continued until 1864, when the same stockholders, under a law of Congress, established the First National Bank of Ashland, and Mr. Luther became its president, and Jacob O. Jennings, cashier, and retained the position until 1870, when he withdrew his stock, and Jacob O. Jennings became president. At that time, Mr. Luther purchased a farm in Milton township, in this county, and for about five years gave his attention to agriculture. Some time prior he owned and conducted the steam flouring mills of South Ashland, and was one of the principal proprietors of the woollen factory connected with it. In 1874, he engaged in the sale of ready-made furniture, and continued to carry on the business until his decease.

For a period of forty-nine years he has been actively engaged as a business man in Ashland. When he arrived it was a mere village. His business career, and his bearing as a citizen, have been influential and honorable. He has done as much as any other citizen to promote the growth and prosperity of the place. He was for a long time postmaster of the town, and was very influential in securing the location of the county seat at this point. At a period when the markets were distant, and the transportation of the surplus products of the country exceedingly expensive, he paid the farmers and producers liberally for their products. In this respect, the interests of the farming portion of the community were promoted, and those of the merchant enhanced. In habits, Mr. Luther was retired, and, though reserved in manner, in conversation he was fluent and agreeable.

Though chronically dyspeptic, he was regarded as a well preserved man of his age, and his prospects of long life were thought to be fair. His sudden demise, unexpected, enables us to realize that in the midst of life we are in death, and what shadows we are and what shadows we pursue.

Mr. Luther was an exemplary member of the Disciple or Christian church for a number of years.

Mr. Luther married Miss Lydia E. Wicoff, of Ashland, February 17, 1835. His family consisted of his wife and three children–Joel H., and two daughters, Helen, wife of John Holland, of Cleveland; and Emily, wife of Andrew J. Burns, of Ashland.

Mr. Luther died Saturday evening, March 15, 1879, aged seventy years and one day, after a brief illness. The remains of Mr. Luther were deposited in the cemetery of Ashland, on Tuesday, March 18, 1879. May he rest in peace.

The circumstances attending the last illness, and decease of Mr. Luther, though generally known in this community, may be repeated in this connection. On Saturday, March 1st, he had gone into the garden for some purpose, when he found his strength failing him, and at once attempted a return to the house. Finding he could not succeed in this, he called to his daughter, Mrs. Burns, who sat by a window near by. Before that lady could reach him, however, he had fallen to the ground, and lapsed into unconsciousness. By the time aid had been summoned, and his removal to the house had been effected, sensibility returned, and towards evening the heart had resumed its normal condition. From this time until the middle of the following week he gradually rallied, and hopes were entertained of his recovery. But on Thursday he grew rapidly worse, to rally slightly the day following, and to relapse again and pass peacefully away Saturday afternoon. With the exception of one short moment of unconsciousness when he was first stricken, he retained his senses until the last moment, conversing easily with his family and friends until death took him. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN LUTZ (Mifflin) p. 316(1)

John Lutz was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, January 18, 1836, where he resided until the age of fourteen years, when his parents removed to this county and located in Milton township. He lived there ten years, when he was married and returned to Richland county, where he lived three years when he removed back to this county, and located in this township (Mifflin) where he has since resided. He was married November 10, 1860 to Eliza Keever, who was born in Ashland county, June 26, 1839. They have had three children: Henry, who was born November 25, 1861; Amanda J., born September 4, 1863; and Alice C., born July 21, 1871. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILSON LUTZ (Mohican) p. 360(1)

Wilson Lutz was born December 29, 1848, near Jeromeville, Ashland county, Ohio, within a few rods of where he now resides. His father, Martin Lutz, was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, and came from thence in 1836. His mother, Matilda Wilson Lutz, was born in Center county, Pennsylvania, and came from thence the same year. On the seventeenth day of October 1869, Wilson Lutz married Nettie Robb, adopted daughter of Isaac and Sallie Robb, of Jeromeville, Ashland county, Ohio. She was born in Orange township, Ashland county, Ohio, October 12, 1852. Their children are: Willie, born March 11, 1871; Bertha, born January 20, 1873; Charlie, born November 11, 1875; Johnny, born July 25, 1877; and Nora, born March 24, 1880. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

THOMAS LYONS (Mohican) p. 130(1)

When the pioneers of 1808-9 began to settle in what are now known as Green and Mifflin townships, in this county, they found a tall, lean, aged Delaware, by the name of Thomas Lyons. From conversations held with James Cunningham, Peter Kinney, James Copus, Lewis Oliver, and John Coulter, it was learned that Lyons was born in New Jersey, near the Delaware line. It was impossible to gather from him any definite idea of the date of his birth. When interrogated on that subject, his response generally was: “One hundred fifty years.” In conversation with others concerning the length of a year, “Tom” considered the winter and summer each a year. That would make him about seventy-five years of age, in 1810. Most of the settlers, however, concur in the opinion that he was the oldest Indian they had ever met. He was probably near one hundred years old when he left the country.

Lyons informed Judge Peter Kinney that he was at the massacre of Wyoming in 1778. Colonel John Butler, at the head of eleven hundred Mohawks, and a few white tories who had joined the British, entered the lovely valley of Wyoming, in northern Pennsylvania, July 2, 1778. Most of the strong men were then away on distant duty, and families and homes found defenders only in aged men, tender youths, resolute women, and a few trained soldiers and friendly Delawares. These were marched up the valley to drive back the invaders, but the savage Mohawks soon put them to flight, a large portion being slain or made prisoners. A few escaped to a fort near Wilkesbarre, where families for long distances around had fled for safety. The invaders soon appeared before the fort. They were sweeping onward towards the Susquehanna with resistless fury, carrying carnage and death in their train. The night after the battle, the yells of the infuriated savages echoed through the forests, and death seemed impending over the beleaguered refugees within the little fort. An agony of suspense rested upon all during the slowly passing hours of that dark and dreary night. Morning came, but contrary to expectations, the leader of the savages (John Butler) appeared near the fort and offered terms of safety to the inmates if they would surrender. The gates were thrown open, and most of the families were permitted to return to their homes. During the day the Mohawks scattered up and down the valley. Before sunset, all the inhabitants were doomed. Scarcely had the shades of night appeared, before their burning dwellings threw a lurid glare over forest and field, and the work of death began. The terrified people fled to the mountains and the forests to escape the hatchet and scalping knife; but alas! the red fiends, led by the inhuman Butler, left that fair valley blackened with the ruins and cinders of the homes of the pioneers, while their bodies, scalped and mutilated, were scattered through the forest, to become food for wild beasts.

After this dreadful disaster, Tom Lyons and several other friendly Indians fled to their Delaware friends, on the Tuscarawas and the branches of the Mohican. Tom Lyons dwelt among the Moravians some time at Gnaddenhutten, and continued to revisit that favorite spot of the Christian Delawares to the close of his life. When Colonel Crawford invaded the Sandusky country in 1782, Thomas Lyons, Thomas Armstrong, Billy Montour, Thomas Jelloway and a number of the Delawares are believed to have had a village on the Clear fork, about one mile west of the old Lewis block-house, in Richland county. The name of this town was German, and signified clear, light or transparent. It was Helltown. In German the word “hell” signified light or clear. The name probably originated from some Pennsylvania captive, as the village on the Clear fork or Clear water. Upon the approach of Colonel Crawford, the inhabitants of the village fled, and when his army returned from its disastrous defeat, Armstrong and his associates located a new village called Greentown, on the banks of the Black fork, and the stream was known to the surveyors and early settlers as Armstrong’s creek. This village was the home of Lyons, when Andrew Craig, James Copus, the Coulters and Oliver’s came into the township in 1808-09-10.

It has been asserted that Thomas Lyons was a chief. He was only a warrior. On a few occasions he related his military achievements. He had been in many battles on the border, and taken many scalps. When under the influence of “fire water” he related many acts of extreme cruelty, and a few of his barbarities, inflicted upon the wives and children of the border settlers. Like most of his race, he delighted in the excitements of war, and was easily induced to join his red brethren in their attempt to expel the pale faces from the beautiful hunting grounds of Ohio. When Harmar, St. Clair and Wayne invaded the Indian country of the northwest in 1791-‘2-‘3-‘4, Tom Lyons joined Captain Pipe, Armstrong and other Delaware chiefs in an effort to expel the invaders. On one occasion, while stopping a night with Allen Oliver, father of Lewis and Daniel, in Green township, he gave a very graphic description of the battle of “Fallen Timbers.” Lyons, Pipe, Armstrong, Motour, Baptiste Jerome, and other Greentown and Jerometown Indians were in the fight. Lewis Oliver, now eighty-one years of age, relates the conversation thus:

Allen Oliver. “You say you were at the battle with Wayne. What do you think of Wayne as a white chief?”

Tom Lyons. “Him be great chief. He be one devil to fight. Me hear his dinner horn–way over there go toot, toot; then way over here it go toot, toot–then way over other side, go toot toot. Then his soldiers run forward–shoot, shoot; then run among logs and brush. Indians have got to get out and run. Then come Long Knives with pistols and shoot, shoot. Indians run, no stop. Old Tom see too much fight to be trap–he run into woods–he run like devil–he keep run till he clear out of danger. Wayne great fight – brave white chief. He be one devil.”

Mr. Lewis Oliver states that while “Old Tom” was going through this description of the fight, he gesticulated, grimaced and expressed as much emotion as if he had been in the midst of the battle. In fact, terror was evinced in the whole of the mimic battle he was then fighting over. Add to this the fact he was perhaps the ugliest Indian ever seen by the border settlers, and some idea of his emotions may be gleaned. Mr. Oliver thinks he was “about six feet high, quite lean–very like a mummy in the consistence and color of his skin, with a long protruding chin, some missing teeth, short upper lip, a low forehead, a protruding crown, jet eyes, very fierce and piercing, and wore a dress, never very tidy nor clean.” This was old “Tom Lyons.” The war-like fire of his youth had ceased to blaze. He was now an old man. He had long since given up the idea of driving back the pale faces. At this period, 1811-12, he was quite friendly to the new settlers. He had no wife. His two sons, George and James, occasionally visited the pioneers. George had the reputation of being a cruel and ill-tempered Indian; though he never molested the pioneers. Before the war of 1812, Tom Lyons, as I am informed by Mrs. James Irwin, daughter of Judge Peter Kinney, often came to her father’s house in great haste, requesting him to hurry to Greentown and enforce quiet among the Indians, who were quarreling, and evinced an inclination to scalp each other. Mr. Kinney was then a justice of the peace, and was quite an influential man among his red-skinned neighbors.

When Captain Douglas and Cunningham removed the Greentown Indians, in the fall of 1812, Tom Lyons accompanied his people to Urbana.* A short time after the removal of the Indians, the Ruffner-Zimmer-Copus murders took place. The Greentown Indians were blamed for that invasion and those wanton assassinations.

After the war, a number of Greentown Indians returned and erected cabins on the site of their old village, and continued to hunt for six or eight years. Among these were Tom Lyons, Billy Dowdee, Jonacake, Buckwheat, and others not now recollected. Thomas Lyons visited his old friends in the neighborhood of Greentown, among others, Mrs. James Copus and her children, at the cabin where Mr. Copus had been killed. Mrs. Copus (as I am informed by Mrs. Sarah Vail, now seventy-six years of age, and daughter of Mrs. Copus,) inquired of Tom Lyons whether he was present and helped the Indians kill her husband on that frightful morning. Tom Lyons said he was not; but he knew who did it, but could not help it, as many strange Indians were along. He manifested many regrets over the tragedy; said he and Mr. Copus were good friends. On that fatal day, the same band passed by Newell’s in Montgomery township, burned his cabin, and early next morning, through Carter’s cornfield, to Cuppy’s cabin, burned it; then to Fry’s, and burned it; and continued on towards Sandusky. Several years after, Tom Lyons explained this adventure to Daniel Carter, sr., who was undisturbed. He stated also, to Martin Mason, who originally had a mill where Leidigh’s now stands, that he notified Fry and Cuppy several days before, to leave, which was speedily done, and their families were saved from torture and death.

This singular old Indian continued to hunt in different parts of the county up to about the year 1823. He often visited the pioneers on his way to and from Goshen, in Tuscarawas county. He, on several occasions, brought cranberries and a wild turkey, which he had shot, to be dressed, stuffed and roasted by Mrs. Copus, after the manner of the whites. She always complied; and when it was done, with many words of gratitude, “old Tom” would bundle it in his deerskin pouch and proceed on his way to Goshen or to Sandusky, as the case might be.

He, on several occasions, accompanied by other Indians, stopped at the shop of Solomon Urie, father of Colonel George W. Urie, in Orange township, to have their guns and tomahawks repaired. From there they proceeded to Mason’s mill, to obtain meal and other provisions, in exchange for venison. Thence they would proceed to John Bryte’s distillery, in Clearcreek, and then strike out through the forest.

About the fall of 1822, Lyons visited Mrs. Irwin, in Green township, for the last time. He had a strong attachment for his old friend, Peter Kinney. Almost as soon as he entered the house, he inquired if Mrs. Irwin had recently heard from Judge Kinney, who had removed to Illinois some years before. Mrs. Irwin says the poor old fellow put down his head, and muttered to himself. “My poor friend Kinney, I never see him any more. Peter Kinney was a good friend. Poor Peter Kinney, I never see him any more.” After remaining a few hours, the old man departed. That was fifty-eight years ago. She says she never saw the old man again. He always behaved well at their house, and seemed to possess many good traits, although he had been reared amid the wilds of the forest, and among untamed savages. He never fully explained the reason that he received the name of Thomas Lyons. She thinks he had very little, if any white blood in his veins. He at one time requested Judge Kinney to go with him to the Wyoming valley, in Pennsylvania, to act as his agent, where he said he owned a large tract of land, for which the Government had never compensated him. But, for some reason, Judge Kinney could not accompany him.

 At a treaty, in 1814-17, territory six miles south of Upper Sandusky was set apart, as a reservation for the Jerometown and Greentown Indians. A village was built there, called Pipetown, in honor of Captain Pipe, jr., who, in conjunction with Silas Armstrong, son of Captain Thomas Armstrong, was made a half-chief over the remnant of Delawares there located.

Thomas Lyons resided at Pipetown, in Marion county, in 1821-22-23, and in company with his son Tom, Billy Dowdee, and other Delawares, often hunted along the Whetstone or Olentangy. The old settlers along those streams, the Sharracks, Beckleys, and others, were often visited by him in their cabin homes. Old Tom was very fond of repeating his war exploits along the Delaware, the Schuylkill, the Wyoming valley and other localities in Pennsylvania, before the removal of the Delawares to the branches of the Mohican, in Ohio.

Old Thomas Lyons is believed to have died on this reservation, some time in the winter or spring of 1824. It is now believed that the stories of his assassination by white hunters, are destitute of foundation, and that the old warrior died a natural death.

*Some authorities say Piqua, the latter place was the headquarters of the friendly Shawnees, and possibly of the Jerome and Greentown Delawares. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)