Moltrup - Mykrantz

JAMES C. MOLTRUP (Green) p. 277(1)

James C. Moltrup, born in Shenango, county, New York, in 1822, came to Richland county in 1840, and settled in Perrysville in 1844. He was a machinist, having learned his trade in Erie county, Pennsylvania. He opened a machine shop and foundry in Loudonville, and built the shop and foundry in company with Stephen Rust, on the ground now occupied by the English Lutheran church. In 1850 he sold out to Rust & Sons, and in 1852 came into possession of an interest in the same business, which he continued about two years, when he sold out to Tillson & Feik. In about three years he purchased Feik’s interest and continued the business six years, when he sold out and went to Crawford county, Ohio, where he remained nine years, when he returned to Loudonville, and at present holds an interest in the machine shop, doing business under the firm name of Moltrup, Sons & Miller. While in Loudonville he held the office of councilman two terms. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He married Rosanna Rust, and after her death he married Hannah A. Russell. He is the father of fourteen children, of whom eleven are living: Amanda, wife of J. W. Robinson, of Pittsburgh, William, who married Caliste Underwood, and lives in Perrysville, Helen, Ida, wife of Thomas Underwood, of Perrysville, Mary, Stephen, James T., Rosanna, Walter, Jane, and Charles F. The following is a list of James C. Moltrup’s inventions: In 1859 he invented a plow called Moltrup’s patent. It was made of either cast-iron or steel, and is now in general use; a wrought-iron latch lever screw, used for cider presses; a drag-saw and horse-power attachment; a tire bender; a plaster dropper that can be attached to any corn planter now in use; a patent bobsled; a school-house seat; a machine for bending bobsled runners; a plow handle bender; an adjustable kettle car; also the inventor of one of the best horse powers now in use; and manufacturers four different styles of seats for school-houses, and can be considered one of the most ingenious men of the age. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

FRANK MONEYSMITH (Clearcreek) p. 398(1)

FRANK MONEYSMITH was born in Auburn, Indiana, in July 1852. When a child his parents removed to Perrysville, Ashland county, where he was raised. His father, William H. Moneysmith, was a native of Pennsylvania, and died in Michigan in 1858. His mother, E. J. Moneysmith was born in this state. She was the mother of four children: Cordelia, who married H. Ridgley, and lives in Ashland; Dora, who married A.B. Comins, and lives in Mt. Gilead; W.H., who lives in Kansas; and Frank, the subject of this sketch. When a youth he attended the Vermillion institute, from 1865 to 1868, and in the latter year he came to Ashland, where he learned the cigar business, at which he worked until 1875, when he went west. He returned early in 1880, and is now engaged in the cigar business in Ashland. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

REV. SAMUEL MOODY (Clearcreek) p. 216(1)

The Rev. Samuel Moody, of Scotch-Irish descent, was born in Northampton county Pennsylvania, February 14, 1801, in the vicinity of the mission station of David Brainard, among the Indians. His parents being Presbyterians, he was at an early period of his life indoctrinated in the tenets of that faith. His youth was marked by morality and sobriety. When about fifteen years of age he was greatly impressed by the preaching of Rev. Robert Finley, D. D., of New Jersey. At the age of eighteen he removed to Beaver county with his father’s family. When about twenty-three years of age he attached himself, by profession, to Mill Creek church, in Beaver county. Prior to that time he had attended the common schools of the neighborhood. Having thoughts of preparing for the ministry in the fall of 1824, he commenced the study of Latin with his pastor, Rev. George Scott. He continued under his tuition for about three years, and then entered Washington College, Pennsylvania. When in his senior year, the college was temporarily closed by the removal of the president. Still ambitious to become a scholar, he entered Jefferson College, where he graduated in September, 1829, being twenty-eight years of age. He then taught one year, and entered the Western Theological seminary in 1830, at Allegheny City. On the third of October, 1833, he was licensed to preach by the presbytery of Washington. He preached a few months at Upper Ten Mile, Wolf Run, and Unity churches in Washington presbytery, and in 1834 located at Big Spring, in Carroll county, Ohio, and remained about eight years. He was ordained by the presbytery of Steubenville, July 5, 1837, and installed pastor of the Big Spring church. In 1843 he was invited to Hopewell, in Ashland, and Orange churches, and accepting the call, removed to Ashland, July 9, 1843. He continued as pastor of Hopewell and Orange about thirteen years. His ministry was characterized by an exemplary and devout life, and during his residence at Ashland he won the esteem of all. Owing to an unfortunate division arising among his people concerning church music, and a separation of a number of members from the parent church, for the establishment of the First Presbyterian church of Ashland, the number of members in Hopewell was not largely increased during the labors of Mr. Moody. In April, 1856, Mr. Moody and some members of his family visited western Pennsylvania. While crossing the Ohio on the 24th of April, near Wellsville, in a skiff with his little daughter, the ferryman and three others, the skiff being moored to the ferry-boat, on approaching the Ohio shore, became separated from the barge and overturned by the violence of the current, and he and his daughter thrown into the stream. Mr. Moody soon disappeared beneath the turbid current and was drowned, while his daughter floated, being supported by her clothing, and was saved. The remains of Mr. Moody were recovered on the fifth of May, eleven days after the fatal accident, in the vicinity of Steubenville, and brought to Ashland for interment. His funeral was preached by Rev. John Robinson of the First Presbyterian church of Ashland. We are indebted to him for the following summary of the habits and character of Mr. Moody:

Brother Moody’s traits of character are easily sketched for they were apparent to all his acquaintances.

First—He was unobtrusive, quiet; not as easily known as some, and most highly appreciated where most intimately known. He was a man of tender attachments, disposed to contribute in every practicable way to the comfort of those about him, and exceedingly careful not to give pain by word or act.

Second—He was a man of correct judgement. He carefully weighed matters presented for his consideration, and seldom failed to reach a conclusion, which commended itself to others. Associated with him from our earliest ministerial life, we have rarely known him to mistake in transacting ecclesiastical business. Calm, thoughtful, and under the influence of sterling principle, his judgements were to be relied upon in all matters pertaining to the interests of Christ’s kingdom.

Third—He was very conscientious. This may be illustrated by a fact in his college life. Washington College closed temporarily when he was a senior half-advanced. The other members of his class received diplomas, as if they had graduated. He felt that he was not strictly entitled to a diploma, and, therefore, took a certificate and went to Jefferson College, and after a summer term of study, graduated. Now the last term of the senior class is generally passed, mostly in review and preparation for the commencement. So that he had little to gain by this course, as far as mere learning is concerned. But then his diploma never disturbed his conscience by asserting what was not literally true. And this trait ran through all his conduct, in all his relations.

Fourth—He was very uniform in his temper and manners. During an acquaintance of nearly sixteen years, we have scarcely ever seen him either manifestly depressed or elated. He was seldom irritated or fretted, or unduly buoyant. He seemed to live realizing the great truth that the Lord reigns, and that “he doeth all things well.” More than almost any man we have known, he fully filled the poet’s description:

“The good man lays his hand upon the skies

And bids the world roll on, nor heeds

Its idle way.”

Mr. Moody was married February 17, 1840, and had five children, three sons and two daughters, all of whom survive. Mrs. Moody, his widow, and most of her family, reside in the village of Savannah, Ashland county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SAMUEL MOORE SR. (Mifflin) p. 319(1)

Samuel Moore was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, July 15, 1806. He resided in Pennsylvania until the year 1834, when he came to this State and located in this county and township. It was then Richland county. He was married in May, 1827, to Miss Rebecca Dissinger. The fruits of this union are eleven children, ten of whom are still living, and named: Mary, Moses B., Amanda, John H., Lucy, Joseph, Samuel, Catharine, Elizabeth, and William C. The one deceased, Rebecca, died February 19, 1874, aged twenty-eight years and some months. All the children are married, and all but four born in the county; Mary, Moses B., Amanda, and John H. Mary was married to John Burke; Moses to Miss Mary Hunter; Amanda to Henry Burke; John H. to Mary Reding; Lucy to Joseph Miller; Joseph to Sarah Hershy; Samuel, to Mary E. Ohl; Catharine, to Martin Kagey; Elizabeth, to George Buchanan; William C. to Bessie Morgan; Rebecca to Samuel Rollen. Mr. Moore has thirty-three grandchildren living, besides nine who are dead, and has five great-grandchildren now living. He always paid his attention to farming, but of late years he has lived a retired life. His son Samuel jr., carries on the farm and has for the last ten years. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM C. MOORE (Montgomery) p. 364(1)

William C. Moore was born in Ashland county, August 31, 1851, and has always resided here. In 1864 he entered a store at this place, in the capacity of clerk, which he followed until the year 1873, when he associated himself as partner with M.V. Kagey, the firm name being Kagey, Moore & Co., and has since been in the mercantile business, his partner now being Mr. Reiser. They have, by fair dealing, built up for themselves a large trade. They are general dealers in all kinds of groceries and provisions, Yankee notions, etc. Our subject was married, November 2, 1879 to Bessie E. Morgan (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

EZEKIEL MOORES (Lake) p. 287(1)

Ezekiel Moores born in Jefferson county, Ohio, in 1805, came to Ashland county in 1850, and bought the farm on which he now lives, from the Webster heirs. He has held the office of supervisor and school director in the township from time to time, and although seventy-five years of age, is still able to superintend his farm. In politics he is a Republican, and is a highly respected citizen. August 6, 1829, he married Mary James, of Jefferson county, Ohio, who had ten children, and died October 4, 1864. In 1865 he married Ann E. Cordell. The names of his children are: Sarah, who married Andrew Lybarger, Elizabeth, who married James H., Dunfee, deceased, Margaret, who married George M. —-, of Illinois, Mary Ann, and James, who are deceased; Effie, who married Webster Orum, of Illinois, now deceased; William, who was killed at Gettysburg, Ezekiel, who married Lydia Smith, Alfred, who married Minnie Smith, and John, who married Mary Lorentz. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

EZEKIEL MOORES JR. (Lake) p. 288(1)

Ezekiel Moores, Jr., was born in Monroe county, Ohio, in 1842, and came to Ashland county with his father, in 1850, where he received a common school education. In 1861 he enlisted in the Sixty-fifth Ohio volunteer infantry, under Captain Orlow Smith, as a private, but was appointed corporal, and afterwards was promoted to first sergeant in the same year, and, for meritorious conduct at the battle of Stone River, was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant January 1, 1863. On July 10, 1864, he was promoted to the rank of captain, which place he held until his discharge, which occurred on the El Paso plains, in Texas, in 1866. He was engaged in the battles of Pittsburgh Landing: Iuka, Mississippi; Perrysville, Kentucky, Stone River, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Muddy Creek, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, Jonesborough, Lovejoy Station, Spring Hill, Franklin, and Nashville. In 1866 he married Lydia Smith, of McKay, and in 1867 moved to Jefferson county, Illinois, where he remained ten years. While there he was county commissioner for three years, deputy clerk of the supreme court of the southern district of Illinois eighteen months, and also held several minor offices. In 1877 he returned to his old home in Lake township, Ashland county, Ohio where he still remains, and is engaged in farming. In 1880 he was elected township trustee, and appointed census enumerator. In politics he is a Republican. He is the father of three children: Adella, Nettie, and Charles. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ANDREW MORR (Perry) p. 329(1)

Andrew Morr was born in the State of Pennsylvania, Center county, in the year 1794. He was married to Miss Elizabeth Stover in the twenty-fourth year of his age. To them were born twelve children, seven sons and five daughters: Jacob, Catharine, Christinie, Harriet, Andrew, Adam E., Elizabeth, Samuel, Philip, Henry, Enoch, and Julia Anna, all living but Andrew. He came to Ohio May 22, 1828, and settled on the farm now owned by his son Jacob. This worthy pioneer departed this life in the year 1858, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. The wife and mother survived him until the year 1877, dying at the age of eighty years. Jacob, who now resides on the old homestead, was born June 22, 1817. He lived with his parents and aided his father until the time of his marriage, in the year 1840, August 27th, to Miss Sarah Dundore. The fruit of this union was seven children, four sons and three daughters. Their names are May E., Andrew P., Malinda, Adaline, Benton S., Jacob W., and Stephen A., all living but Adaline and Benton, who died in early childhood. Those married are, Mary to David Weiker; Andrew to Mary Jane Weikre, who died after five years of married life–he was afterward married to Miss Mary R. Ambrose; Malinda to Lemon Schnaders. The other members of the family reside at their father’s home. Mr. Morr and his family are members of the Trinity church, and have been among its most liberal supporters. Andrew, the pioneer father of the Morr family, was one of the organizers of the Trinity church of Perry township, and was leader and exhorter in the church for over twenty-five years. His wife was born in 1797. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ELIAS MORR (Perry) p. 325(1)

Elias Morr, third son of Andrew and Elizabeth Morr, was born in Pennsylvania in the year 1825, and came to Ohio with his parents, with whom he resided until he reached his majority, when he learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, which occupation he industriously pursued for twenty years. He was married in the twenty-seventh year of his age to Miss Sarah Myers, daughter of one of Ashland county’s pioneers. The fruit of this union was eight children–six sons and two daughters: Oliver F., Emma J., Albert A., John P., Daniel L., Benjamin W., Harvey M., and Maggie Anna, all of whom are living. Mr. And Mrs. Morr are both earnest members of the Evangelical Association, and have always been among its most staunch supporters. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ELIZA MORR (Perry) p. 323(1)

Eliza Morr, daughter of Jacob Myers, of Ashland county, Ohio, was born in Center county, Pennsylvania, October 31, 1829, and removed with her father’s family to Ohio when a child. Her father settled on the farm that is now owned by his son George, on which but a rude log cabin stood. Mrs. Morr was married October 18, 1855 to Emanuel Morr, son of John Morr. By this union four children were born: George Milton and Harvey P., both of whom reside at home; and two who died in infancy. Mr. Morr was a member of the Evangelical church at Perry, and was a consistent and devout Christian man; he took a very active part in the interests of both church and school, and was a liberal contributor to all enterprises tending to promote the common interests of the vicinity in which he lived. His was a well spent life, his aim being to gain a competence that would leave his family in affluent circumstances. He departed this life January 24, 1877, and was much esteemed and respected by all who knew him. Mrs. Morr is a most estimable lady, and, with the support of her two sons, still carries on the business of the farm on which the kind father and husband had for many years devoted his labors. George M. was born April 31, 1859, and Harvey P. was born July 26, 1867. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ELMER D. MORR (Mohican) p. 358(1)

Elmer D. Morr is the son of George and Mary Morr who raised a family of eight children as follows: William P., Elmer D., Emma, Martin, Ella. Celia, Arthur and Frank. Mrs. Morr’s maiden name was Mary Frankhouser and she was born in Pennsylvania. Elmer learned the trade of carpenter with his father and afterwards bought a half interest in the dry goods store of Brubaker Brothers at Jeromeville, in the winter of 1879-80. He is a young man, but has the confidence of those who deal with him. In politics he is a Democrat. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

GEORGE MORR (Perry) p. 325(1)

George Morr, the eldest son of Michael Morr, and the subject of the following sketch, was born in the year 1829, February 10th. He resided with his parents until the time of his marriage, in the year 1853, December 15th, to Miss Mary A. Frankhouser. The fruit of this union was eight children: five sons and three daughters: William P., Elmore, Emma, Martin, Ellen, Celia, Arthur and Franklina. Two have died, Ellen and Celia, both of a fever, and but four days intervening between their departures. They died in early childhood, in the year 1871. At the age of nineteen Mr. Morr learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, which occupation he has industriously and very successfully pursued for more than thirty-three years, and has been the most extensive contractor that ever operated within the limits of his county. Himself and wife are earnest members of the Evangelical Association. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MICHAEL MORR JR. (Perry) p. 325(1)

Michael Morr Jr. Second son of Michael and Christinie Morr, and the subject of the following sketch, was born in the yesr 1831, February 15, and resided with his parents until his marriage to Miss Mary Ann Stover in 1854, December 30th. The fruit of this union was four sons—Hiram H., John P., George W., and David V., all of whom are living. He and his wife are earnest members of the Evangelical Association. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MICHAEL MORR (Perry) p. 261(1) Entry #1

MICHAEL MORR Was born in Center county, Pennsylvania, October 10, 1796. He was of German descent. He resided in his native county until manhood, when he married, and in the year 1827, with his wife and one child removed to section seven, in Perry township, Wayne (now Ashland) county, Ohio, where he continued to reside until his decease, which occurred Sunday, June 10, 1877, at the advanced age of eighty years and eight months. The immediate cause of his death was dropsy, of which he suffered for many months.

When he landed in the woods, his neighbors were: Charles Wilson, William Lash, Jonas H. Gierhart, William Latta, Samuel Sheets, James Boots, Frederick Wise, Jacob and Benjamin Myers, Hugh Carr, William Shisler, and Jacob Onstott; most of whom have long since been called home to rest.

He entered the forest as a pioneer, cleared a farm of ninety acres, and erected substantial and valuable buildings thereon. He passed through all the hardships and privations incident to the settlement of all new countries. He performed a full share of the toil expended in opening highways through the dense forests, in log-rolling, erecting cabins, school-houses and churches, and lived to see his township and county thickly populated, and dotted with villages, towns and happy homes.

He assisted in the erection of the first Lutheran church, on the old Meng farm, east of Jeromeville, as far back as 1833, and attended the same until about 1840, when a small class of the Evangelical church was formed in his neighborhood, and occasional preaching took place at the houses of the members for six or seven years.

In 1845 he lost, by death, his excellent and much beloved wife, who was a member of the new class.

About the year 1847, steps were taken for the erection of the Evangelical church located in the neighborhood of Mr. Morr, and he became an active member of the same, and has ever since sustained his professions by a devout life.

He was an industrious, frugal, honest, exemplary Christian, and died in great peace. The members of his family consist of four sons: George, Michael, Jacob, and Henry; and four daughters: Julia Ann, wife of William Clapper; Sarah, wife of Reuben Kramer; Harriet, wife of William Holmes; and Christena, wife of John Clouse.

The remains of Mr. Morr were deposited in the cemetery attached to the Evangelical church, of which he was a member, and the funeral services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Crouse. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MICHAEL MORR (Perry) p. 324(1) Entry #2

Michael Morr was born in the State of Pennsylvania, in the year 1796, October 10. He was married to Miss Christinie Stover. To them were born eight children—four sons and four daughters. Their names are as follows: Julia Ann, George, Michael, Sarah, Harriet, Jacob, Henry, and Christinie, all of whom are living. In the year 1828, May 22, He came to Ohio, and made permanent settlement in Perry township, immediately in the woods, with no improvements save a rude log cabin and a barn of the same to show traces of his having a predecessor. Here he raised his little family. The wife and mother departed this life December 9, 1845, leaving a family of eight children and a fond husband. The husband survived his companion until the year 1877, June 10. Mr. Morr was a man who had always taken an active part in educational and church affairs, was a kind parent, and a citizen respected and esteemed wherever known. This worthy couple lie side by side in the old Mokle cemetery. (Transcribed and contributed by Linda J. Collins)

SAMUEL D. MORR (Montgomery) p. 370(1)

Samuel D. Morr was born in Center county, Pennsylvania, February 15, 1829 where he resided until the year 1833, when his parents removed to this county, where he has since resided. He is the oldest child of Daniel and Eve Morr. Daniel, his father was born in Pennsylvania in 1801, and died in 1867. His mother, Eve, was born in Pennsylvania in 1807, and died in 1867, aged sixty years, after raising a family of thirteen children. Our subject was married February 6, 1851, to Mary Myers who was born in the same county he was, December 25, 1831. She was the daughter of Benjamin and Margaret Myers. Her father died in 1851 but her mother is still living, now aged seventy-three years. To them have been born five children, all of whom are living: Melinda, who was born in November 1852; Mary M., born in 1854; Amanda born in 1857; A., born in 1859; and Marion E., born in 1865. The two oldest are married. By trade Mr. Morr is a carriage and wagon-maker, and followed that as his business until his marriage, since which time he has devoted all his attention to farming and stock-raising; but for the past few years his health being somewhat impaired, he has retired from all manual labor. By hard work and good management he has made for himself and family a good home. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOSEPH MOUREY (Mifflin) p. 315(1)

Joseph Mourey was born in Pennsylvania, April 3, 1825. When about three years old, his parents removed to Ohio and located in what is now Ashland county. Mr. Mourey has always lived here. May 16, 1851, he was married to Hester Shull, who was born in Richland county.

They have had five children, all living and married: Mary A., who married Robert McCraken, Sarah E., who married Harrison Hoover; Nannie, George McClenan, and Charles Curtis. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MICHAEL MOWRY (Montgomery) p. 374(1)

Michael Mowry, son of Michael Mowry and Nancy Rough was born October 15, 1836, in Wayne county, Ohio, and was the fifth child in a family of eleven children, consisting of five brothers and six sisters. November 23, 1863, he was married to Mary Steward, daughter of Samuel and Polly Steward of Wood county, Ohio. By this union was born four children: Harvey A., Willard L., Cora A., and Jessie L. Our subject has a farm of one hundred and twenty-eight acres, finely improved, and with fine buildings; he has made a life business of farming and dealing in stock. In the fall of 1872 he removed from Wayne county to Ashland county. In politics he is a Republican. Both he and his wife are members of the Lutheran church of Ashland, Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ANDREW MUMPER (Green) p. 282(1)

Andrew Mumper, was born in York county, Pennsylvania, in 1787, came to Ohio in 1837, and first settled in Ashland county on the farm now owned by Samuel Staffer. He was a farmer by occupation; a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and in politics was a Democrat until the Whig party was organized, when he became a Whig. He married Margaret Dato, of York county, Pennsylvania, who died in 1861. Mr. Mumper died in 1860. They had a family of nine children, six of whom are living: Catharine, who married Michael Bender, of Pennsylvania; John, who married Leah Wonders, of Iowa; Andrew, who married Elizabeth Bryan, of Ashland county; Hannah, who married Vincent Daly, of Indiana; Jane, who married Samuel Shaffer, of Illinois; and Joseph, who married Christina Fleck, of Ashland county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ANDREW MUMPER JR. (Green) p. 282(1)

Andrew Mumper, Jr., was born in Knox county, Ohio, in 1841, and came to Ashland county with his father in 1846. In 1861 he enlisted in company G, Sixty-fifth Ohio volunteer infantry, under Captain Orlow Smith, and served until July, 1862. In 1867 he married Hannah Hite. He is a farmer, has been school director for five years, and is deeply interested in educational matters. He settled on the farm on which he now lives in 1872. He has three children: Mary T., Harry O., and Katie. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ANDREW MUMPER SR. (Green) p. 282(1)

Andrew Mumper, Sr., was born in York county, Pennsylvania, in 1816, and came to Ohio with his father in 1837. In 1836 he married Elizabeth Bryan, of York county, Pennsylvania. In 1838 he removed to Knox county, where he remained seven years, when he returned to Ashland county, and, in 1851, bought the farm on which he now lives. He has farmed all his life, and the last thirty-nine years has threshed. He commenced business with a small capital, and, by honesty and industry, has accumulated a large property. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and a respected member of society. He is the father of nine children, six of whom are living: William A., who married Susan Sanborn, and now lives in Holmes county; Frances, wife of Isaac Hunter, of Hanover township; Andrew, who married Hannah Hite, of Ashland county; Margaret, wife of George Lawrence of Ashland county; Joseph, and Catharine. (Transcribed and contributed by Linda J Collins)

HUGH MURRAY (Orange) p. 347(1)

Hugh Murray, third son of William and Mary Murray was born in Orange township, Ashland county, Ohio, September 29, 1834. William Murray came to Ashland county when he was a small boy about the year 1812. Mrs. William Murray, who came about the same time at the age of twelve years is still living with her son Hugh, at the advanced age of eighty years. The Murray family are well known in all parts of the county as one of the first families to settle here after the war of 1812 closed. These heroes of Ashland county deserve to be remembered by coming generations, as it was to their hardships and privations that the present and coming generations owe a debt of gratitude. William Murray was married November 1, 1825 to Mary Chilcote, daughter of Mordecai and Ruth Chilcote, another family that came to Ashland county as before mentioned. After their marriage they lived in different portions of Orange township, and in 1834 they moved to the farm on which mother and son now live, in section five, near range sixteen, the northwest corner of the township. Mrs. Murray says she well remembers the log cabin days when quilts were often used as doors. When they came to this farm it was a wilderness and it required plenty of nerve and will to cope successfully with the hardships necessary to provide bread and clear the land. For Ashland county these hardships are the things of the past and to record the names of these good pioneers on the sacred pages of history is a pleasant duty. They had a family of eleven children, but five of whom are living. George fell at Stone River, near Murfreesborough, Tennessee, while defending the American flag. He was a private in company H, Thirtieth Indiana volunteer infantry. James was one of Michigan’s Calvary boys. Hugh was a member of the One Hundred and Second Ohio volunteer infantry, company K. He returned after a service of three years to the old home in Ashland county. On September 25, 1870 he was married to Jane Shidler. They have two boys, Guy B. and Harold Fay. He owns the old homestead consisting of one hundred and sixty acres, and has added eighty acres, making one of the most desirable farms in the township. The scenes of his childhood, no doubt, still linger in his mind, the more so as he has the pleasure of associating with his good mother, a pleasure that few men of his age are allowed. In politics Mr. Murray is a Democrat, and is a man of many friends and as a neighbor is highly esteemed. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

PATRICK MURRAY (Montgomery) p. 198(1)

Was born in Ireland, March 17, 1755, and emigrated to America in 1782. He located at Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania, where he married Mary Beattie, also of Irish descent. He remained at Harrisburgh until 1806, and then removed to Greensburgh, Pennsylvania. About the year 1809, he located in Stark county, Ohio, where he continued to reside until 1815. In the fall of 1812, Mr. Murray volunteered in the brigade of General Reasin Beall to go to the defense of the border settlers in the northwest. His son James, then thirty-five years of age, also entered the same brigade. While quartered at Fort Meigs, the army became much distressed for want of rations. The roads to the settlements were long, rough and in poor condition, passing mostly through dense forests and across marshes and bogs. The quantity of forage consumed by the cavalry, as well as the supply of the quartermaster’s department for the troops, made it difficult to furnish the necessary rations at the proper time.

For a time, the rations were reduced to but a few ounces per meal, and the half starved soldiers began to murmur over their hardships. The weather was inclement, and their sufferings were regarded as almost unbearable. General Harrison deeply sympathized with the half famished troops; and was urgent in regard to immediate supplies, but “red tape” made many delays in forwarding and distributing food. In the midst of the general distress, the privates began to remonstrate with their officers, and threaten retaliation if their hunger was not soon alleviated. Little knots of clamoring soldiers continued their discussions, notwithstanding the guardhouse menaced them.

Among those who were particularly active and persistent, was Patrick Murray, who took it upon himself to enter the marquee of General Harrison, to expostulate with him concerning the distribution of food. On entering the general’s tent, Mr. Murray was asked by one of the aides-de-camp what he desired, and how he dared enter without permission?

Mr. Murray–“May it please your honor, I am very hungry, and wish to know when our rations will be increased?”

General Harrison–“I am sorry to learn that the troops are suffering for food. We have been urgent for an increased supply, which we hope will be here in a few days.”

Mr. Murray–“But gineral, in the meantime we may all starve We can’t stand it much longer, sir.”

General Harrison–“You will have to be patient. We are doing the best we can.”

Mr. Murray–“Do you think, gineral, a man would commit a great sin to steal, rather than starve?”

General Harrison–“That is a hard question. I would not like to starve so long as I could obtain food.”

Mr. Murray—”I thank you, gineral, you are right, and, as there seems to be a spare loaf or two here, I will begin at headquarters to supply meself.”

Mr. Murray approached the larder, and, taking a large loaf of bread, commenced to devour a part of it, intending to take the balance to his comrades. An officer in the general’s tent ordered him to put it back.

Mr. Murray–“The gineral has relaxed the moral law that he might not starve; and I decline to depart from the same principle, sur.”

At this response the general laughed heartily, and ordered the officer to permit Mr. Murray to return to his company.

For this act of generous forbearance Mr. Murray always remembered General Harrison, and declared that he was “a brave officer, a patriot and gintleman.”

I have preserved this reminiscence, because it is characteristic of Mr. Murray, who was never known to be without a reply, and wit enough to escape the sharp repartee of an adversary.

After Beall had returned, Mr. Murray and his son served a second enlistment, and were at the battle of Fort Meigs. In that contest Mr. Murray was separated from his company, and the grass being very tall, it was presumed, by his comrades, that he had been killed and scalped by the Indians. After a few hours, he appeared in the camp amid the cheers of his companions at his safe return. Upon the expiration of his term of service, he returned to his home in Stark county, where he remained until 1815, and then removed to what is now Orange township, in what was then Richland county. The members of his family at that time were James, Edward, Catharine, Susannah, William, John, Mary, Elizabeth, Alice, Sarah, Rebecca, George, and Hester, and, in 1816, Hugh.

Mr. Murray was a tailor by trade, and worked at that occupation in Harrisburgh and Greensburgh, Pennsylvania, and in Stark county, Ohio. He was a “live Irishman” in company–full of wit and original humor. Although his education was defective, he had a very retentive memory, and, if now living, would relate a volume of exploits and border achievements. On the fourth of July, the year he was ninety-nine years of age, he rode to Ashland in a buggy, walked about one mile during the day, and returned home, some three miles, in the evening. He was enthusiastic, like all his countrymen when they have become Americanized, on the observation of the natal day of American Independence. Mr. Murray voted for ten different Presidents of the United States. He died at his farm in Orange township, July 23, 1854, aged ninety-nine years and nearly four months. His wife had preceded him to the grave a short time.

James Murray studied medicine, and resided for a time in Cincinnati, where he died. John studied surveying, and afterwards became treasurer of Richland county for two terms, and then removed west, where he died. Of his numerous family, all have deceased except three married daughters, who do not reside in the county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)


George William Hill, M.D. History of Ashland county, Ohio, page 399

Benjamin Myers was born in Perry township, December 21, 1841, the son of Jacob and Mary Myers, natives of Pennsylvania. His father was born in Center county, of that State, May 25, 1788, and died in Ashland county, Ohio, August 4, 1857. His mother was born in the same county as his father, and died in Perry township, Ashland county, September 12, 1878. His brothers are Jonathan, George, Jacob, and Daniel, all residents of Perry township, except Jacob, who resides in Kansas; his sisters are Margaret, Eliza, Mary, and Catherine, all living in this county, except Mary, who is deceased. Benjamin Myers resided with his father in Perry township until 1860, doing farm work in the summer time and attending district school in the winter time. In 1861-62 he attended the Vermillion institute at Hayesville, but, in 1862, offered his services in defence of his country, enlisting in company F, One Hundred and Twentieth Ohio Volunteer infantry. In July, 1865, he returned home from the war and resumed his studies at the institute. In 1866 he began the study of medicine at Wooster, Ohio, in the office of Drs. Robinson & Weaver. In 1867 he attended upon a course of medical instruction in the Jefferson Medical college of Philadelphia, graduating from that college in 1869. In June of the same year he formed a partnership with Dr. J. P. Cowen, and began the practice of medicine at Ashland, Ohio. November 29, 1879, he was united in marriage with Samantha Cowan, his partner’s daughter. His children are; Rena M., born November 19, 1871, and Emma C., born September 14, 1873. Mrs. Myers died November 21, 1878. In 1873 Mr. Myers was elected to the Ohio legislature, and re-elected in 1875, serving all four years. (Contributed and transcribed by Barbara H. Hart)

DANIEL MYERS (Perry) p. 325(1)

Daniel Myers, fourth son of Jacob and Mary Myers, was born in the State of Pennsylvania in the year 1836, and came with his parents to Ohio when but an infant. He resided at the old homestead until the time of his marriage in January 1861 to Miss Elizabeth Felgir, of Wayne county. To them were born three children, one son and two daughters. Their names are as follows: Lily U., Melvin S., and Artie A., all living. Mr. and Mrs. Myers, and also the eldest daughter, Lily, are members of the Evangelical church. Our subject has repeatedly been elected to the office of trustee thus bespeaking for him the full confidence of his people.  (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

FRANK E. MYERS (Perry) p. 396(1)

Frank E. Myers, son of George and Elizabeth Myers, was born March 16, 1848. His father was a native of Pennsylvania, whence he came with his parents when a youth, and settled on the homestead in Perry township, and his mother was born in Wayne county, Ohio. There they were married, and raised a family of nine children: Frank E., Celena, P.A., Mary M., Elizabeth S., Alvah N., George D., Minnie V., and Effie. Frank E. Myers, the subject of this sketch, lived at home working on the farm, and attending school during the winter months, until he arrived at maturity, when he left home and entered the dry goods store of M.B. Parmely, at Ashland, with whom he remained about a year, when he returned to the farm. He again came to Ashland and worked for the Ashland Machine company, where he continued four years, until 1875, when he opened a local agency for agricultural implements, and in 1879 associated with himself his brother, P.A. Myers, who had until then been employed by him. In 1878 the increasing demand of his business required him to move to the large building now occupied by himself and his brother. During all the time since 1875, he has been general traveling agent for Bucher, Gibbs & Co., of Canton, Ohio, for Ohio and the eastern States. January 18, 1872, he married Alvesta, daughter of S. Hohenshil, of Rowsburg. They have had five children: Mamie E., George J., Charley, John C., and Laura E. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

GEORGE MYERS (Perry) p. 328(1)

George Myers, second son of Jacob and Mary Myers, was born in Pennsylvania in 1822, and came to Ohio with his parents in 1836. He lived with his parents until the twentieth year of his age, when he went to Ashland to learn wagon and carriage making, which occupation he followed for a period of twenty-two years. He was married, in the fall of 1858, to Miss Elizabeth Morr, daughter of a pioneer family. To them were born nine children, F.E., Celena, Philip A., Miranda M., Sevilla E., Alvah N., George D., Minnie, and Effie Centennie, all living but Minnie. Both Mr. And Mrs. Myers are members of the Evangelical Association, and have been among its most liberal supporters. He was elected to the office of infirmary director in 1870, which position he occupied six successive terms, and has repeatedly served as trustee of his township. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HENRY MYERS, JR. (Jackson) p. 339(1)

Henry Myers, jr., son of Henry and Margaret Myers was born in Center county, Pennsylvania in 1781, and about the year 1830 emigrated to Jackson township, Ashland county, Ohio, and settled on the farm on which his son now lives. He was married to Barbara Foreman, daughter of Michael and Elizabeth Foreman. They had nine children: George, John, Rebecca, Daniel, Susan, Eliza, William, Henry and Reuben–all living but Daniel and Henry. William the seventh child is still on the old home place. He was born in Center county, Pennsylvania, September 24, 1830, and was married March 31, 1866, to Mary, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Miller who was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania June 4, 1848. They have raised three children: Corren, Orlando and Henry P. But one of the three is now living–Henry P. Mr. And Mrs. Myers are both earnest members in the Evangelical church, and are among its most liberal supporters. Mr. Myers still lives on the old home place, his mother living with him. She has reached the ripe old age of eighty-four years. Henry Myers, her husband, died in March 1861, aged seventy-two years. They were among the earliest settlers of Ashland county, and were respected and esteemed by all who knew them. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

H.K. MYERS (Orange) p. 396(1)

H. K. Myers was born in Carroll county, Maryland, December 21, 1834. His father, John Myers, was a native of the same county, as was his mother, Hannah Myers, both of whom died in Ashland county, after raising a family of eight children, as follows: Eliza, David, Mary A., Israel, Sarah A., Lydia, Henry K., and Julia A. Henry K. Myers, the subject of this sketch, came to Ohio in the fall of 1839, with his parents and their family, and settled in Orange township, Ashland county. He remained at his father’s for some years, working a part of the time in the saw-mill owned by his father. While there he was married to Anna Shoemaker, of Chester township, Wayne county, Ohio, by whom he has had five children, one of whom, Allen Gilbert, died in infancy. The others are John W., Mary E., David N., and Bertha B. Mr. Myers remained in Orange township until 1865, when he moved to Ashland and engaged in the lumber business. In 1874 he went into the milling business with partners, the firm name being H.K. Myers & Co. The partners were Christian Cabel and J.T. Engel. The partnership still continues, the lumber business being conducted under the firm name of Cabel, Myers & Co., the third partner being Jesse Cabel, son of Christian Cabel. Mr. Myers is also interested with J.J. Shoemaker in the grocery business in Ashland. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

J. MYERS (Perry) p. 323(1)

J. Myers, second son of Abram and Susannah Myers, was born in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, in 1822. He lived with his parents until he had reached his majority. In 1847 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Miller. To them have been born eight children, five sons and three daughters, as follows: Abraham, Augustus, May Isabel, George F., John J.S., Elizabeth L., David E., Catharine E., and Elmore Oscar, all of whom are living but Abram and Elmore, who died in early childhood. He came to Ohio in the fall of 1866, having previously purchased the farm on which we now find him, a beautiful tract containing one hundred and sixty-six acres. Although Mr. Myers is not an early settler, he has one of the most comfortable homes in Perry township. Both himself and his wife are earnest members of the Albright church, to which they contribute liberally in its support. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JONATHAN MYERS (Perry) p. 329(1)

Jonathan Myers, eldest son of Joseph and Mary Myers was born in the State of Pennsylvania in the year 1821, and came to Ohio in company with his parents in the year 1836. He made his home with his parents until the time of his marriage in 1848 to Miss May Spangler, daughter of a pioneer family. To Mr. And Mrs. Myers have been born twelve children, seven sons and five daughters as follows: Jacob, Mary, Henry, Emma, Jane, William, Elmore, Katie, Clemont and Holbert; all of whom are living. His first permanent settlement was on the farm on which he now resides. While our worthy subject is not associated with any church, he is a firm advocate of law and order. His father and mother are both deceased, and lie buried side by side in Zion cemetery. He has always been a great man for hunting and recreation. In fact, he is a man who believes in pleasant employment. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MICHAEL MYERS (Clearcreek) p. 246(1)

MICHAEL MYERS was born January 24, 1814, in Germany, and came to America with his parents and settled in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, in the fall of 1814. From there his parents removed to Dauphin county, where they lived about eight years, and then removed to Center county, where they resided until 1832, when they removed to Columbia county, where they remained about two years, and then emigrated to Richland county, Ohio, in 1836, and settled near Savannah, then known as Haneytown, in Clearcreek township.

Here he became acquainted with and married Miss Anne Mason, daughter of Martin Mason, and then resided about two years in Ruggles township, Huron county, after which he removed to Montgomery township, and purchased his present homestead. The fruits of his marriage has been sixteen children, fourteen of whom still survive. His sons are Charles, Alonzo, John, Martin, Joseph, Frank, and George; the girls are Mary Anne, Lucia, Elizabeth, Irene, Ella, Ida, and Maggie; all married but two boys and one girl.

Mr. Myers came in 1836, and has been a resident of Montgomery township forty-four years, and all the time, he has been a practical farmer. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church ten years. He now attends all protestant churches, miscellaneously. Mr. Myers owns a good farm, which is in an excellent state of cultivation, and yields an abundance to reward him for his toil. He has quite an interesting family who have been raised to habits of industry and economy, and are respected as useful and exemplary citizens. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

CHRISTOPHER MYKRANTZ (Clearcreek) p. 314(1)

CHRISTOPHER MYKRANTZ was a native of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, and was born in the year 1788. At the age of twenty he was married to Catharine Poorman, who was his senior by six days only, and by whom he had three children: Betsey, who was born in 1808, and died April 19, 1880; John, who was born in 1810, and died in 1870; Jacob, who was born December 8, 1819, and is the only living representative of the family. The father made the trip to Ohio in wagons in the year 1822, and settled in Ashland, when he engaged in the hotel business, which he followed for a period of six years, when he purchased the Lawrence farm, a short distance from Ashland, where he resided for thirteen years, when he again returned to Ashland, where he resided until his death, in April 1872. His wife died three months previous. Jacob married first, Susan McLaughlin, by whom he had eight children. She died November 26, 1868. On March 1, 1870, he was married to Rachel Minker, by whom he has had one son, George M. Mr. Mykrantz resides in Clearcreek township, three miles northwest of Ashland, and is one of the foremost men of the township. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)