
CEPHAS PARKER (Green) p. 283(1)

Cephas Parker was born in Sangerfield, New York, in 1807, and came to Ohio with his father in 1816. They settled in Holmes county, on the farm now owned by John Priest; he was always engaged in farming, and was one of the most systematic farmers of his time. For one year he was constable in Washington township, Holmes county. A member of the Baptist church, he was an honorable and upright man. In politics, he was an old-line Whig. In 1867 he died, at the age of sixty years; his wife died in 1864, at the age of fifty-seven. Eight of his nine children are living; Silas C., who married Christie N. Gibbon; Alonzo P., who married in Kansas; Calvin C., who married Catharine Traverse; William P., who married in Philadelphia; Elenora, wife of Harison Fisher; Clementine D., wife of Wilson Norris; Isaac D., who married Miss Mocherman; and James L., who lives in Sacramento, California. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOSEPH L. PARKER (Troy) p. 337(1)

Joseph L. Parker, eldest child of Josiah and Elizabeth Parker, was born in Westchester county, New York, May 10, 1795. March 11, 1814, he was married to Miss Eunice Phelps, daughter of Elisha and Weighty Phelps, who was born in Seneca county, New York, November 23, 1797. To them were born eleven children: Wesley, Ceoleous E., Nelson, Charlotte, Mary A., Julie A., Elisha, Josiah, Hannah, Samuel, and Nathaniel. Of these, four are dead and seven living. About two years after the subject of our sketch was married, he moved to Pennsylvania, and remained in the State about four years. From there he moved to Colombiana county, in the year 1825, and from Columbiana county he moved to Mahoning county, then Trumbull, and thence to Ashland in the year 1832, and has been a resident of the county ever since. Mr. and Mrs. Parker are earnest members in the Methodist Episcopal church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)


Was born in South Salem, Westchester county, New York, May 10, 1795. When seventeen years of age, he went as a substitute in the war of 1812, four months. In 1813 he was drafted for three months in the same war. In his first tour he was in the battle of Queenstown. After the war he resided in Columbiana county, Ohio, two years, to which he removed in 1826, and then in Austintown five years, and in 1833 removed to Troy township, now in Ashland county, and located amid a dense forest on lot three of surplus lands. Upon his arrival he found Benjamin Moore, David Mason, David Carrier, Ralph Phelps, Nicholas and Christian Fast and their families. At that time Francis Granger, of New York, owned nearly all the lands of the township, and the primitive forest covered the same. Two years after his arrival, the township was organized, and he thinks, at the first election, there were seven votes cast for the following officers: Benjamin Moore, justice of the peace, J.S. Parker, treasurer, Sanford Peck, David Mason and Ralph Phelps, trustees. He is unable to name the constable. The return was made to Elyria. The first school was a little south of his present residence, and was taught by Ralph Phelps. It was in a cabin, which was sometimes used as a church for the earlier preachers. Mr. Parker and his venerable lady became members of the Methodist Episcopal church as early as 1813-14, and he was licensed as a local preacher nearly sixty years ago. The first class was organized by him at his cabin a short time after his arrival in the township, from which has grown the fine structure in Troy center. He states that the Baptists erected a small building and had a few members at an early day, but the organization went down. He and his lady, now (1876) about eighty-two years of age, are quite vigorous, and their mental powers seem to be unimpaired. When they arrived, and for a few years afterward, the Wyandots from Sandusky hunted in the neighborhood. A number of huts were found a little northwest, near a deer lick. He found on and about his premises great numbers of flint arrow points, stone axes and fleshers, some of which he has presented to the Historical and Pioneer society. He is drawing a pension of ninety-six dollars annually for his services in the war of 1812, and takes a deep interest in the prosperity of the country. His wife’s name before marriage was Eunice Phelps. She is a sister of the wife of the venerable Nathaniel Clark, of Troy, another soldier of 1812. Their children are Alonzo, Elisha, Samuel, Joshua, Nathaniel, Mary Ann, Julia and Hannah. They are somewhat scattered. All are married, except Samuel, who died many years since. Mr. Parker could never be persuaded to travel on a circuit. For over fifty-five years he has been a speaker and zealous advocate of the doctrines of the Methodist Episcopal church. In his earlier years he was a fine singer and a fluent speaker. (Transcribed by Penny Hanes PHanes1368@aol.com) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SILAS C. PARKER (Green) p. 283(1)

Silas C. Parker was born in Holmes county, Ohio, in 1831, and took a course in the Loudonville academy and at Delaware university. He taught school twenty years, and was superintendent of the Perrysville union school two years, and of the union school in Lucas one year. He studied law with R.M. Campbell, of Ashland, and was admitted to the bar in Mt. Vernon, Knox county, Ohio, in 1876. In 1854 he went over the plains to California, and remained there four years, engaged in mining with fair success. In 1858 he returned to Ashland county, and engaged in farming and teaching until 1861. In 1862 he enlisted in the Thirty-second Ohio volunteer infantry, where he remained until the end of the war. He was a non-commissioned officer and division commissary sergeant, and color-bearer, and took part in the battles of Port Gibson, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hill, where he was wounded; Vicksburgh, with Sherman on his Meridian expedition, at Atlanta, Peach Tree creek, Decatur, and took part in every action that took place with Sherman on his march to the sea, up to the time of Johnson’s surrender; he then returned to Big Prairie, Wayne county, where he engaged in the mercantile business, and remained there until March, 1868, when he removed to Perrysville, where he is engaged in the practice of law. In 1876 he was elected justice of the peace of Green township, which office he now holds. He is a member of the Baptist church; and in politics is a Democrat. In 1860 he married Christie N. Gibbon, of Wayne county, Ohio, and is the father of seven children, Sallie L., deceased; Essa M., Edie J., Amasa C., Frank A., Lib C., and Kary G. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

EDWIN PARKES (Mifflin) p. 316(1)

Edwin Parkes was born in England, December 25, 1835, where he resided until he was twenty-seven years old, when he came to this country and located in Cincinnati, where he remained one year, and then went to Louisville, Kentucky, and remained there a short time, when he removed to Mt. Vernon, and from there to Mansfield, where he remained fifteen years, when he came to this county, and located in Mifflin township, where he has charge of and runs a tannery. He also owns a tannery in Mansfield, and has run that for a period of fifteen years, the tanner and currier business being his trade. On August 10, 1857, he was married to Mary Ann Borham. She was born October 1, 1834. The fruits of this union are eleven children: Julia N., who was born in England, May 15, 1858; Emily M., who was born October 5, 1859; George P., who was born April 13, 1861; Edwin J., who was born February 13, 1863; Frank, who was born October 24, 1865; Harry, who was born December 25, 1867; John William, who was born October 19, 1869; Howard, who was born October 14, 1872; Edna R., who was born April 12, 1874; Arthur L., who was born September 8, 1876; and Walter L., who was born December 2, 1878. The first four named were born in England; six were born in Richland county, and one in this county. Mr. Parkes has never paid much of his attention to political matters, although he claims to support the Democracy. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SYLVANUS PARMELY (Clearcreek) p. 233(1)

SYLVANUS PARMELY was born in Wilmington, Vermont, March 31, 1874. He was the oldest son of John Parmely, of English descent. He married Miss Louis Gould, in Somerset, Vermont, where he resided several years. In 1816 he came to the Western Reserve to select a home. He traveled the entire distance on horseback. At that time the lands of the Reserve townships were being surveyed into lots and sections. Mr. Parmely assisted in surveying Sullivan township during that season. The surveying party camped in the forest, and procured food from Harrisville during the period of the survey, by means of pack-horses. In the fall he returned to Connecticut, and in the spring of 1817, removed his family, accompanied by six other families, to Sullivan center. These families were his father, John Parmely, his brother, Asahel Parmely, his brother-in-law, Thomas Rice, James Palmer and their families. A few months later this little colony was joined by Henry, Benjamin and Khesa Close and their families. The first mentioned families came in ox teams, with the exception of Mr. Rice, who drove a span of horses. From Harrisville to Sullivan center, a distance of ten miles, they cut a road through the forest, to enable their teams to pass. They arrived August 28, 1817. The log hut, enclosed on two sides and one end, which had been erected and occupied by the surveyors the year before, was given to Mr. and Mrs. James Palmer to occupy, while the rest of the families slept in their wagons about three weeks, until cabins could be erected for their accommodation. Two hewed log houses were built near the center of the town. Mr. Palmer went to the village of Wooster, on foot, by paths through the forest, to obtain glass for his windows. The nearest mill was also that of Stibbs, near Wooster, to which the new settlers in Sullivan resorted for their grists. Mr. Parmely and others soon conceived the idea of erecting a horse-mill in the center. The people, far and near, came there to have their grinding done, after staying all night. Mr. George Mann was the next pioneer. When it became necessary to establish a post office in the Center, about the year 1820, Mr. Parmely was made the first postmaster. In 1822 he removed to Elyria, and Mr. John Gould was appointed postmaster. In 1833 Mr. Parmely returned to Sullivan and reoccupied his old farm. In company with Alexander Porter, he erected a large steam grist- and saw-mill, and established a dry goods store at the Center.

In 1843 he was elected representative from Lorain county to the legislature. After the expiration of his term he attended at Columbus as lobby member several years, to procure the erection of a new county, of which Sullivan was proposed to be the seat of justice. It was believed by him that ample territory could be procured from the surrounding counties to erect such a county. A counter project was set on foot by rival interests, culminating in the erection of Ashland county in the winter of 1846. This unexpected result terminated the legislative efforts of Mrs. Parmely. He returned to the routine of business, and conducted his store until advancing age required his retirement. He was noted as a thorough going, energetic and upright business man. He was exceedingly industrious, and during his pioneer life labored early and late. His axe was heard ringing amid the wilds. He felled the lofty forest trees, and soon made “the wilderness blossom as the rose.” He was strictly honorable in business, mild in disposition, genial and kind to all. He was a friend to the struggling pioneer, and always ready to lend a helping hand to worthy enterprises. He was an earnest member of the Christian church, and a diligent student of the scriptures. He was, for many years, a member of the Baptist church, which was established at an early day in Sullivan. Upon hearing the doctrines advocated by Alexander Campbell, he became warmly attached to that reform, and helped organize the first Disciple church in Sullivan. For a period of nearly seventy years his name was enrolled as a member of the Baptist and Disciple churches. He died January 23, 1874, aged nearly ninety years. Mrs. Louis Gould Parmely, his wife, was born January 31, 1789, and died April 12, 1873, about nine months prior to the decease of her husband. Her ancestors were also English, and settled at Newburyport, as early as 1644. She was a Christian lady, and much beloved by her children and acquaintances. Her house was the minister’s home, and many pilgrims were sent on their way rejoicing by the ministrations of this excellent woman. Eight of her nine surviving children were at her funeral. “The memory of the just is blessed.”

The children of Sylvanus Parmely were–Manning, Louis, Louisa, Rosetta M., Sylvia P., Ellesworth, Jane L., Celia D., Melvin B., and Sarah A. Louisa married Robert B. Campbell, of New Orleans; Rosetta M., John P. Mann, of Sullivan; Sylvia P., John L. Campbell, of Cincinnati; Jane L., John M. Gorham, of Ashland; Celia D., James Pritchard; Sarah A., Stephen Doughton. Ellesworth resides in Wisconsin, and M.B. in Dayton, Ohio.

The whole number of families arriving in 1817 was nine. There were but twenty-seven families there in 1824, and in 1825, about twenty-nine. Jesse Chamberlain and Betsy, his wife, are the only heads of families now (1876) living, of the original pioneers, Aretas Marsh having deceased May 2, 1876, aged seventy-seven years. Whitney Chamberlain is eighty-two years old, and his wife, Maritta, is eighty years old.

Many of the children of the first settlers reside in Sullivan township. Ashley Parmely, son of Asahel Parmely, born February 21, 1818, was the first birth in the township. He is now (1876) living on the farm first purchased by his father in Sullivan. Mrs. Sylvia Parmely Campbell was the second birth in the town, June 3, 1818. She was the daughter of Sylvanus and Louis Parmely. John Parmely was the first death in the township, in the spring of 1818.

The Baptist church reorganized in 1834. A new house of worship was erected in 1839. The Methodists had a small church in 1833. The church of Christ was organized in 1837. The Methodist Episcopal church has gone down. The others possess a good membership. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN PARMENTER, JR. (Troy) p. 337(1)

John Parmenter, Jr., Second child of John and Sally Parmenter, was born in Cortland county, New York, June 4, 1814. In the year 1836 he emigrated to Wayne county, Ohio with his father, and remained there until 1852, when he moved to Richland county, and remained there two years, and in 1854 moved to Ashland county, where he has since resided. February 28, 1843 he was married to Miss Sarah, daughter of John and Rachel McDonald. To them have been born eight children: Frances E., John D., Rachael A., William Z., Lancaster W., Mary C., Linneus C., and one who died in infancy. The children have all left the parental roof but one, Linneus C. Mrs. Parmenter is an earnest member of the Methodist Episcopal church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM PATTERSON (Orange) p. 346(1)

William Patterson was one of Ashland county’s pioneers. He was born in Ireland, but at the age of four or five years his parents emigrated to America, locating in Brooke county, Virginia. At the age of about twenty-six, in the year 1815, he came to Clearcreek, Ashland county, Ohio, and entered a tract of land which was not to his liking, and in 1818 he entered another tract consisting of one hundred and sixty acres of land in the same township, which he improved, and continued to live upon the remainder of his life. In 1819 he was married to Jane Freeborn daughter of William Freeborn who was among the first settlers in Ashland county. The Patterson family consisted of eleven children, six of whom are still living. Freeborn and John are married and live in Steuben county, Indiana. Mary Jane, Sarah, Clark and Alexander, occupy the old homestead in Orange township, Ashland county. They have added seventy-six acres to the original farm, making one of the finest farms in the township. Mr. Patterson died May 13, 1867. Mrs. Patterson died March 19, 1857. To record the lives of these pioneers on the sacred pages of history is a pleasant task, as they well deserve the gratitude of coming generations for the sacrifices and hardships they were compelled to endure in reducing the wilderness to the beautifully improved condition we now find it. Mr. Patterson was a Democrat in politics, and his four sons adhere to the same views.  (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

B.F. PAULLIN (Mohican) p. 359(1)

B.F. Paullin, son of Z.T. and Hannah Paullin, was born October 9, 1847 in Mohicanville where he was married to Martha A. Maurer September 26, 1871. They have had two children of whom the eldest died in infancy, unnamed; the other, William Ray, was born July 23, 1876. Mr. Paullin engaged in business shortly after his marriage; by trade he is a saddle and harness maker, and trimmer, which business he has been engaged in for the past thirteen years. He has a large shop for manufacturing these articles, in Mohican, and turns out the best quality of work. Both himself and wife are members of the Reformed church, to which they have belonged since 1873. In politics he is a Jacksonian Democrat, and has held the office of township clerk four years. His father was born in Greensburgh, Pennsylvania, August 24, 1822, and came to Ohio with his parents in 1824. He was married in 1844 to Hannah Hayes, a cousin of President Rutherford B. Hayes, and raised a family of nine children, of whom B.F. was the second. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

Z.T. PAULLIN (Vermillion) p. 176(1)

Was born in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, August 24, 1822, and emigrated with his father’s family, in 1823, to Wayne county, and in 1824 to Vermillion township, now Ashland county. They located near Daniel Porter on Beall’s trail. Mr. Isaac Paullin, sr., had a description of the country from Mr. Porter, who passed up the trail in 1812. Isaac Paullin was a shoemaker, and the first practical workman in that part of the township. He was also the first gunsmith. His sons Z.T. and Daniel learned the shoemaking business of their father, and continued to manufacture shoes. In 1835 Isaac Paullin and family settled on the present site of the village of Mohicanville. Here he deceased. Z. T. Paullin is the only son remaining in Mohican township. He has accumulated a comfortable property, and has a pleasant family. We obtained many valuable reminiscences from him concerning the early settlement of Vermillion and Mohican townships. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

LAFAYETTE PAXTON (Vermillion) p. 299(1)

Lafayette Paxton was born in Vermillion township, February 21, 1849. His father, Hugh Paxton, was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, and came to Ohio in 1819, and located in Wayne county. In 1833 he moved to Vermillion township, and purchased a tract of land, one mile west of the village of Hayesville, Ohio. Here he remained the balance of his life. He was a very industrious and energetic man. To the breaking out of the Rebellion he was a Democrat, but he at that time changed to a strong Republican, which principles he adhered to until his death, which occurred January 23, 1878, Lafayette, the subject of this sketch, is the only heir, and has charge of his invalid mother, who is a great care. September 28, 1873, he married Miss Ellen Himes, of Richland county, Ohio. They have one child, Hugh, born May 19, 1876. Mr. Paxton is a Democrat in politics. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HOMER PECK (Ruggles) p. 236(1)

HOMER PECK Was born at Kent, Litchfield county, Connecticut, March 3, 1820. In April, 1826, his father, Taylor Peck, and family, consisting of his wife and four children, started in a wagon for Ohio; on arriving at Albany, New York, they took boat passage on the canal, to Buffalo. They found the route pleasant and cheap. At Buffalo they took passage on a schooner, and, after enduring a rough and tempestuous journey, arrived safely at Sandusky City. At that point Taylor Peck hired a team to remove his family and goods to Ruggles township, Huron, now Ashland, county. The trip occupied three days. The streams were full, and had to be forded at some risk. The road, a mere path cut through the forest, was rough and full of chuck holes. Upon reaching the center Mr. Peck and family were kindly received and sheltered under the hospitable roof of Daniel Beach, who had preceded him some three years to Ruggles township. When Mr. Peck arrived, there were about eight families in the township. He purchased one hundred and fifty-seven acres of land, in lots twenty and twenty-seven, section three, and went to work to clear the same; and by the aid of his neighbors soon had comfortable buildings and other improvements. Mrs. Jerusha Peck died in 1835, and Taylor Peck, the husband, died September 24, 1855. Homer Peck, a son, and subject of this sketch, married in 1845. His family consisted of four daughters, three of whom survive. Mr. Peck has lived to see the last of the pioneers pass away, being Harvey Sacket, who died August 11, 1875. He has been justice of the peace five terms. He is a member of the Congregational church, a Republican, and a reputable citizen. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DR. J.M. PERCIVAL (Green) p. 275(1)

Dr. J.M. Percival, born in Clearcreek township, Ashland county, Ohio, in 1853, studied medicine with Dr. J.C. Bright, at Chatham, Ontario, Canada, and graduated at Long Island college hospital, in Brooklyn, New York, and began the practice of medicine in Perrysville in 1879. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church; and in politics is a Republican. In 1879, he married Miss Clara Skinner, of Detroit, Michigan. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MOSES COOK PERCIVAL (Clearcreek) p. 312(1)

MOSES PERCIVAL, son of Milton and Hannah Percival, was born in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, moved to Ashland county in the fall of 1850, and settled three miles south of Savannah, on the Olivesburgh road, where he still resides. He has been twice married, first to Mary Wright, by whom he had five children: Hannah, Sophia J., Adeline M., Moses Cook, and J. Milton. Moses Cook died July 19, 1878, after having served about five years in the ministry. Mrs. Percival died June 3, 1857, and on January 11, 1859, Mr. Percival married Margaret Ann Scott, by whom he has had three children, James Gates, Grace D., and Alice Scott. Mr. Percival is a man of intelligence and a great reader. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM PETERS (Orange) p. 345(1)

William Peters, only child of Daniel and Mary Peters was born in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania December 8, 1823. In April 1837, he came to Richland (now Ashland) county. He was twice married, his first wife being Rebecca daughter of Edward Murray, to whom he was married November 2, 1845. To them were born eleven children, John, Edward, Levi, William, George, Mary J., Catharine, Louisa, Mertle, and two who died in infancy. Of these but two are living, William and Catharine. His second wife was Mary Murray, sister of his first wife, to whom he was married February 24, 1870. Mr. Peters lost his first wife July 20, 1869 at the age of forty-two years, one month and twenty-nine days. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

CLAUDE PETOT (Hanover) p. 294(1)

Claude Petot was born in Venare, France, in 1827, came to America in 1854, and first settled in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he remained three years. In 1857 he removed to Loudonville, Ohio, where he has since been engaged in the boot and shoe business, having learned the shoemaker’s trade in France. Twenty years ago he commenced to deal in ready-made boots and shoes. In 1852 in the city of Paris, he married Catharine Speack. He is a member of the English Lutheran church; in politics is a Democrat; holds the office of councilman, has been township trustee for two terms, and is also a member of the school board. He is the father of six children, Alfred, who married Mary Selix, and lives in Loudonville; Josephine, wife of Henry Stentz, of Loudonville; Mary L., Frank M., Lizzie, and Charles E. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MRS. NANCY J. PETTERSON (Mifflin) p. 317(1)

Is the widow of the late J.A. Petterson, who was born in Vermillion township, this county, June 19, 1846. He died March 27, 1878. Mrs. Petterson was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, April 1, 1848, where she resided until the age of nine years, when her parents removed to this county. She was married April 5, 1868. The fruits of this union are six children. John F., born June 4, 1869; Nettie M., born March 29, 1872; Almira, born June 1, 1874, Grace A., born April 6, 1878. The ones deceased were Lester, who died in March, aged about three months; and the other, one who died in infancy. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ELISHA P. PHELPS (Troy) p. 337(1)

Elisha P. Phelps, sixth child of Elisha and Weighty Phelps, was born in New York State, May 6, 1804. About the year 1848 he emigrated to Lorain (now Ashland) county, Ohio, and was a resident of Ashland county up to the time of his death, which occurred November 5, 1867, at the age of sixty-three years and six months. The subject of our sketch was married to Miss Jane Kniffin, who was born in Ulster county, New York, July 4, 1811, and was married February 3, 1831. The fruit of this marriage was three children: Charles W., George W., and John D., all living. Mrs. Phelps is still on the farm, which is cultivated by her son, John D. Phelps. She is an earnest member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and is one of its most liberal supporters. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DEAN PIERCE (Sullivan) p. 356(1)

Dean Pierce was born in Massachusetts in 1794, and married Susanna Chase, of the State of New York. In 1840 he came to Ohio, and the same year settled in Ashland county, on the farm now owned by Mrs. Horace Riggs. By trade he was a cooper, which business he was engaged in all his life. He was a member and deacon in the Free Will Baptist church, and in politics was a Republican. In 1845 his wife died, and he died in 1857. He was the father of six children, only two of them living: Susan, wife of Horace Riggs, and Harriet. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HENRY PIFER (Milton) p. 351(1)

Henry Pifer, the only son of Joseph Pifer, was born in Wayne county, Ohio, in 1838, and in 1861 he was married to Rebecca Jane Grosscup, whose ancestors were pioneers. Nine children have been born to them: Mary M., Leandra, Joseph C., Henry L., Myrta, Charles, Shuey, Leander, Samuel A., and Alma. All are living except Mary and Leandra. Both Mr. and Mrs. Pifer are members of the United Brethren church. He is a young farmer of thrift and intelligence, and his premises denote a good deal of taste and care. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOSEPH PIFER (Milton) p. 350(1)

Joseph Pifer moved in from Wayne county about the same year that Mr. Brigle came into Ashland county. He was the sixth child of Henry and Polly Pifer, and the date of this birth was October 20, 1811. He was born in Berks county, Pennsylvania and came to Ohio in 1835. He afterward moved to Indiana but remained there but a short time. In 1837 he came to Wooster, Ohio, when he was married to Mary Ann Shuey, April 27th of the same year. The Shuey family can trace their ancestry back for over three hundred years. They originally came from France. Mrs. Pifer was reared at the original homestead where the first Shuey family located in this country. Mr. Pifer by trade is a carpenter. He followed it for about eighteen years but now devotes his attention to farming. He is the father of two children: Henry and Emeline. The former married Rebecca Grosscup; the latter is the wife of E.J. Grosscup, the present auditor of Ashland county. He has been an earnest and consistent member of the Reformed church for over fifty years. He has been a hard working, energetic man, and has led an active life. He is one of the substantial farmers of Milton township, and a large landholder. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

CAPTAIN PIPE (Mohican) p. 193(1)

CAPTAIN PIPE whose Indian name was “Hobacan,” belonged to the Monsie or Wolf tribe of the Lenni-Lenape or Delawares. This famous war chief, in his later years, appears to have resided on the upper branches of Mohican, the head branches of Black river, the Vermillion and the Cuyahoga. It is believed that some time between 1793 and 1795, he made his headquarters at Jerometown, an Indian village about three-fourths of a mile southwest of the present site of Jeromeville, and erected a cabin on the old site of Mohican Johnstown. This village was surrounded south, east and north by alder swamps that were impassable by cavalry, and difficult of penetration by infantry.

A brief outline of the career of this noted chief of the Delawares, may be interesting to the reader.

He was born, as near as can be learned, on the banks of the Susquehanna River, in Pennsylvania, about the year 1740. Though undoubtedly a member of the royal or ruling family of his tribe, his youth seems to have been remarkably obscure. This obscurity may have arisen from the fact that all Indian youths were taught to show deference to age and experience. It is believed that Pipe and other Delawares located at the junction of the Sandy and Tuscarawas rivers as early as 1758. His first appearance on the historic page was among the warriors at a conference held at Fort Pitt, July, 1759, between the agent of Sir William Johnston, Hugh Mercer, the Iroquois, Delawares and Shawnees.

Pipe was then probably about nineteen years of age, and much too young to be conspicuous. He is next mentioned in an agreement with Charles Frederick Post, the eminent Moravian missionary, in the year 1762. Post had visited the junction of the Sandy and Tuscarawas rivers, in 1761, and obtained the consent of King Beaver, a Delaware chief, to erect a cabin for a school and mission house. When he returned in 1762, with John Heckewelder, then nineteen years old, as an assistant to teach the young Delawares, he located in the cabin, and commenced to mark out a small field for corn. The Indians ordered him to desist. A council was held, in which the Indians expressed fears that a fort would soon appear at that point if they permitted Post to go on with his clearing. On being assured by Post that their fears were groundless, they consented to allow the missionaries a spot of ground—fifty steps each way—for a garden or field, in which to raise corn or vegetables for their support. Accepting these terms, “Hobacan”—Captain Pipe, a young Delaware chief—was ordered to step off the boundaries, and drive stakes at the corners. Pipe seemed very suspicious of the mission, because his people had suffered many wrongs at the hands of the British in Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania, and never failed, in a sly way, to urge his tribe to be cautious of the whites and the new missionaries.

In 1764 Colonel Henry Bouquet led an expedition to the Muskingum River against the Indians. When his army reached Fort Pitt, now Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he delayed his march a few days. Some ten Indians appeared on the north bank of the Ohio river during the time he was at this fort, and asked to have a talk. Part of them crossed the river and entered the fort, and not being able to explain their object in coming to the settlement, were detained as suspicious characters or spies. One of these proved to be young Pipe, the Delaware, who, two years prior, had marked out Post’s garden spot. He was detained at Fort Pitt until Colonel Bouquet returned from the Muskingum, where he dictated terms of peace and a treaty with the Delawares and Shawnees. The transaction soured the temper of Captain Pipe, and he resolved upon a relentless course in the future against the “Long Knives,” as he called the colonists.

Captain White Eyes, “Coquethagechton,” chief of the Turtle tribe of Delawares, unlike Pipe, was friendly to the missionaries, and opposed him in his hostility towards the settlers in western Pennsylvania. Although Pipe’s tribe repressed their hate, with few exceptions, until 1780, he entertained a bitter feeling toward the colonists. In 1765 he attended a conference at Fort Pitt, at which about six hundred chiefs and warriors and many women and children were present. In 1768 he again met in conference at Fort Pitt, George Croghan, the sub-agent of Sir William Johnston, and over one thousand Iroquois, Delawares, Shawnees, Wyandots and Mohegans. In the meantime Pipe and White Eyes became rivals for ascendancy in the councils of the Delawares. White Eyes was a frank, manly and courageous chief, and had the sagacity to see that to make war upon the border settlers was to invoke incursions into the Indian territory, and bring ruin upon his people. Pipe was haughty and ambitious, and detested the “Long Knives,” and longed for the time when it would be safe for him to take the hatchet. His young warriors very generally seconded his warlike ferocity, and a large number of the Turtle tribe were deeply affected by his intrigues.

In 1771 he sent a speech to John Penn, the governor of Pennsylvania, in which he made complaints against white aggression and wrong. Not being relieved of the complaints in 1774, Pipe, White Eyes, and others, met the agent of Governor Dunmore, John Connelly, at Pittsburgh, in conference, in regard to recent aggressions on the Indian territory, and the unprovoked murder of the relatives of the noted Mingo, Logan. At this conference strong efforts were made to pacify the Indians and prevent war. The effort was in vain, for a great battle was fought at the mouth of the Kanawha, in October. It is not known how many of the Delawares participated in that battle.

In 1778 a conference was held at Fort Pitt between Andrew and Thomas Lewis, United States commissioners, and Captains White Eyes, Killbuck, and Pipe, deputies and chiefs of the Delawares, concerning the wrongs inflicted by the “Long Knives,” and the retaliation of the Indians.

The long-impending separation of Pipe and White Eyes soon after this took place. Pipe made an effort to overthrow White Eyes. Seeing the effect of the intrigues of Pipe upon the Turtle tribe, White Eyes summoned a council, and declared that if they determined, in spite of his remonstrances, to go to war, he would lead the warriors himself and die with his tribe. This heroic proposition turned the scale, and his people remained the friends of the colonists. Pipe, and the warlike members of his tribe, departed from the Tuscarawas and located on the Walhonding, about fifteen miles above the present site of Coshocton, and attached himself to the British, who furnished his warriors blankets, tomahawks, guns, and ammunition, in exchange for human scalps.

In the midst of the revolution (1780) Captain Pipe and his warlike Delawares removed from the Walhonding to the Sandusky, on Tymocktee creek, and united his forces with the Wyandots, Senecas, and other savages favoring the British cause. While he resided in this region he organized an expedition (1781) for the removal of the Moravian Delawares from the Tuscarawas. He was accompanied by three hundred warriors, two distinguished chiefs, and the notorious Captain Elliott, then active in the British service. After the removal, Colonel Williamson and a large number of border ruffians from western Pennsylvania, made an expedition to the deserted villages on the Tuscarawas, barbarously murdered all they could find, and burned their houses and bodies.

In 1782 followed the unfortunate expedition of Colonel William Crawford. Captain Pipe has been censured for the cruelty inflicted upon Colonel Crawford and the other captives. We are apt to think, notwithstanding ingenious attempts have been made to excuse that wicked expedition, that it was the deliberate intention of Crawford and Williamson, and the barbarous persons who accompanied the expedition, to first assault and destroy the Moravian settlements, and then finish their work of blood and death upon the Wyandots.

The barbarities of the men who accompanied the new expedition on the Tuscarawas, led Pipe and his people to believe that no Indian would be spared. The Delawares, Wyandots, and Shawnees, were ready to meet the invaders and give them a hot reception. They were not non-resisting Moravians. They fully appreciated their position, and, like brave men, met their enemies and put them to flight. The subsequent tragedies were such as Crawford and his men should have expected when Williamson and his men failed to show mercy even to praying women and innocent children.

Yet Williamson was actually a candidate to lead the new expedition, and some writers are surprised that the historians of that day should entertain the idea that the expedition contemplated the destruction of the remaining Moravians. Pipe was relentless. It was a contest of life and death. Crawford had to die, because he would have killed Pipe and his people, and burned their towns. Retributive justice is severe, but generally overtakes bad enterprises.

Captain Pipe appeared before the British authorities at Detroit, as a witness against the Moravians, and finally excused them against the false accusations of Girty and others; and expressed a determination to treat the captive missionaries better in the future. In December, 1781, he appeared before the same British officer, Colonel Arentz Schuyler DePeyster, and reported the result of his military enterprise against the colonists, and bitterly reproached that officer for seducing the Indians into a war, in which they were acting the part of a hunter’s dog, which, being hissed to the attack, received all the injuries inflicted by the ferocious beasts of the forest. At the same time he expressed a determination to withdraw from their service by returning his war tomahawk. In 1785 he was present at the conference at Fort McIntosh, and signed the treaty of that date. His name, by the interpreter, was affixed to that treaty, as “Wobocan,” and signed. At this period, it is evident; he made frequent trips up and down the Muskingum, and possibly to his old residence at Sandy. We next hear of him at the mouth of the Big Miami, below Cincinnati, at a treaty with the Shawnees and others, as late as 1786. He was not a party to the treaty, however, but was present, and signed the document as a witness. One year after this, according to Zeisberger, the missionary, he attached himself to the tribes friendly to the United States, but in a short time violated his new engagement.

In 1788, when the pioneer settlers landed at what is now Marietta, they found Captain Pipe and about seventy warriors encamped in the neighborhood. At that time General Harmar described him as a “manly old fellow, and much more of a gentleman than the generality of the frontier people.” Colonel John May, during the same spring, says: “Here (at the residence of General Harmar) I was introduced to ‘Old Pipe,’ chief of the Delaware Nation, and his suite, dressed like the offspring of Satan.” Here he is described as “Old Pipe.” According to the most reliable accounts, Captain Pipe was then about forty-eight years of age.

When we consider the fact, that Blackhoof, and perhaps Thomas Lyon, each lived over a century, Captain Pipe was then in his prime. This leaves Captain Pipe quietly navigating the Muskingum and its branches, hunting and making annual trips, at the proper season, to exchange furs and peltry for such goods and supplies as were needed by himself and people. Whether he visited Marietta at a later period than 1790 does not seem quite clear, though it is possible he may have done so.

It seems to be conceded, very generally, that Captain Pipe took an active part in the campaign against Harmar in the fall of 1790. It is urged, however, by some authorities, that he did not freely second the wishes of the Delawares in that campaign; and that he was opposed to entering the struggle against Harmar; but that he was overruled and yielded a reluctant consent to enter the contest. Pipe was no coward. He was rash and vindictive. His wishes for peace in this instance were pretended. He entertained no scruples about entering the campaign against General St. Clair in 1791. It is related that he boasted of slaughtering the soldiers of that unfortunate expedition until his arm was weary. That was the temper of Pipe when roused to vengeance. He was a merciless foe.

In the campaign of General Anthony Wayne in 1794, we are of opinion Captain Pipe was one of his bitterest foes. We are also of opinion he was engaged in the battle of Fallen Timbers, and was even present at the treaty of Greenville in 1795, though it is asserted that he died in 1794. His name is not attached to that treaty. Why is this? Captain Pipe was in disgrace. He had betrayed his friendship for the United States; brought ruin upon his people by his alliance with Little Turtle and other leaders in that war. The Delawares were left in a state of anarchy. They had warred against the United States by the advice and aid of Captain Pipe, and ruin and disorganization had overtaken them. Pipe, with a few of his friends, skulked away, and came down to the branches of the Mohican.

A late writer says “he died a few days previous” to the battle of Fallen Timbers, in 1794. Where and under what circumstances? “Upon the Maumee River.” Where? In the presence of whom? Who first gave circulation to the story of his death? “Joseph Brandt,” a Mohawk, who desired to pacify the trembling Moravians. Why did Heckewelder, Loskiel, and other Moravians not hear of and mention the circumstance? They had had bitter experience under the rule of Pipe, and would have been rejoiced to be liberated from his surveillance and dictation. Heckewelder, who is so frequently assailed as a romancer, would have been but too happy to have penned a criticism on his old accuser and foe. Heckewelder passed down these valleys many times between 1794 and 1810, and could have thrown much light on the decease of Pipe, and the incidents connected with his last hours. He is silent. So is Loskiel and others; and Zeisberger doubtless based his statement on a rumor, and subsequent writers have simply repeated that rumor.

Now for the reason. About the year 1795, John Baptiste Jerome, a French trader, who had married a Delaware woman, on the Auglaize river, about 1790 or 1791, located with his wife and daughter, then some four or five years of age, upon the present site of Jeromeville, and after whom the village was called. The stream passing said village also received his name, and has ever since been called the Jerome fork of the Mohican. When the earliest settlers came into that region, in 1808-9, Jerome had a good cabin, and some thirty or forty acres of land cleared and in a tolerable state of cultivation. About three-fourths of a mile southwest of his cabin, across the Mohican, was located the ancient Mohican Johnstown, then inhabited by Delawares, and near which old Captain Pipe, Hobocan, located about the same time. Is there any mistake about that? The identical spot of his wigwam is yet known. From whom was this information gleaned? From John Baptiste Jerome, the French trader, who accompanied Captain Pipe to this region, and who knew him well. Jerome often related to the pioneers the circumstances connected with the battle of Fallen Timbers, the utter amazement and terror of the Indians over the movements and victory of “Mad Anthony.” According to his statement, Pipe was in the battle of 1794, although it was his opinion that Pipe was not present at the treaty. He often stated to pioneers, yet living in this county, that after the treaty of Greenville Captain Pipe began to see that his diplomacy had brought distress upon his people, and though accepting the terms of peace, bitterly regretted that he had not refrained from identifying himself with the allied tribes and the British. In a vain endeavor to correct the errors of the past, he left the region of the Maumee, and quietly sought repose on the Mohican.

Captain Pipe resided on the Mohican in 1809-10-11 and 1812, and when the Finleys, Carters, Warners, Chandlers, Coulters, Olivers, Rices and Tannehills, most of whom still survive, settled on the branches of the Mohican. He continued to reside in a wigwam, about a mile southwest of the present site of Jeromeville, until the spring of 1812, when he and most of his people quietly disappeared from that locality and never returned.

In the fall of 1811 a great feast took place at Greentown, an Indian village on the Black fork of the Mohican, about ten miles southwest of Jerometown. Captain Armstrong, chief of the Turtle tribe, and his people, resided in Greentown. There were present between three and four hundred Delawares and other Indians. Among the number of chiefs was Captain Pipe, of Jerometown. The whites present were the Rices, the Coulters, Tannehills, and the Rev. James Copus, and a few others. Some of these are yet living. They all describe him as “Old Captain Pipe.” Armstrong, then sixty-five or seventy; Thomas Lyon, seventy-five or eighty, and other aged Indians, were present. In the opinion of nearly all the white persons present, the majority of whom have furnished statements, Captain Pipe is represented as being quite advanced in years, in fact, “Old Captain Pipe.” Captain Pipe, when last seen at Jerometown and Greentown by the pioneers, appeared to be about seventy years of age, was tall, straight, dignified, and very imposing in appearance. He always dressed as an Indian. This corresponds with the description of Mr. Adams.*

This was the Pipe of Crawford, Richland, Ashland, Summit, Knox, and Muskingum counties, and was none other than “old Captain Pipe,” the executioner of the unfortunate Colonel Crawford. The Pipe, of Pipestown, south of Upper Sandusky, was too young to be “old Captain Pipe” in 1812. He was about the age of Silas Armstrong, who resided at Greentown, with whom Wesley Copus, and other pioneers yet surviving, ran races and wrestled in their boyhood in sugar camps along the Black fork of Mohican. Armstrong, the father of Silas, was never seen in this region after the war of 1812; neither was young Pipe nor the old captain, his father. Young Pipe could not have been over twenty-two or twenty-three years of age at that period.

In 1814, after the close of the war, Captain Pipe, Killbuck, and White Eyes, and thirteen Delawares signed a treaty in the presence of William Walker, a Wyandot interpreter—General Harrison and Governor Lewis Cass, being commissioners of the United States. This was probably young Captain Pipe, son of old Captain Pipe; and the Killbuck and White Eyes here mentioned were evidently the sons of the chiefs of that name, who were then deceased. It is supposed by an old author that the elder Captain Pipe survived until 1818, when he visited Washington City on business connected with the Mohican reservation. He is probably mistaken in the identity of the parties, for young Captain Pipe was then a half chief. Old Captain Pipe probably died some time between 1812-14, perhaps in Canada. There is a shade of mystery covering his later years. His son was half chief with Silas Armstong, son of old Captain Thomas Armstrong, who ruled the Turtle tribe at Greentown in Ashland county. The younger chief, or sub-chief, Captain Pipe, never married. He removed with his tribe to Kansas, and died in 1839 or 1840, aged about fifty-five or sixty years.

It will be seen at once that in 1808-12 he was too young to be called “old Captain Pipe.” He was too young to be called “old Captain Pipe” at Wakkatomica, at Mohican Johnstown, and at Greentown. “Old Captain Pipe” was generally accompanied on these occasions by his wife. The young captain had no wife. The distinction is marked. There can be scarcely a doubt, then, that after the disastrous battle at Fallen Timbers, Captain Pipe and a remnant of the Wolf tribe located at Mohican Johnstown, on the Jerome fork, with John Baptiste Jerome, wife and daughter, where he was residing when the pioneers of Mohican, Lake, Green, and Mifflin townships commenced to erect cabins and open up farms in 1808-9.

To confirm this opinion, we now offer an authority often quoted as reliable, and of undoubted weight in Indian tradition and history. We mean the late Governor William Walker, of Wyandotte, Kansas. In a letter on the subject of Pipe and the Delawares, addressed to the author some months prior to his death, he says: WYANDOTTE CITY, November 10, 1873- “Dear Sir:–Yours of the twenty-seventh ultimo I received yesterday. I regret, deeply, that owing to certain untoward circumstances, I have been prevented from attending to and complying with your request earlier. And now, being able to do some clerical work at short intervals, I cheerfully proceed to give you what little information I am in possession of, though I fear you will be disappointed on reading my meager details. To begin then: I am not an Ohio, but a Michigan Wyandot, came to Ohio after General Harrison’s campaign into Canada. That winter, 1813 and 1814, I saw several of the Delawares and Mohegans at the Indian agency (my father then an officer of the Indian department) from what they called Greentown. Among these were a very aged man named Lyons and his son George Lyons, Billy Montour, Solomon Jonacake, Buckwheat, Monnis Dalledoxis, Jim Jerk. At the head of these Indians as ruling chief, it seems, was a white or part white man named Armstrong. I never saw him, as he died that winter or the following spring. He was succeeded by Captain Pipe, jr., and Silas Armstrong, son of the deceased. Silas died of smallpox in Washington City, in the winter of 1817. The elder Armstrong left eight or nine children. Among these were James, Mrs. Margaret Hill, Silas, Joseph, Tobias, Robert, and two or three younger. These were all smart, stirring men, jovial, fond of fun and frolic. James, if living, resides in Canada. They are all dead except Tobias, who is somewhere down South. The following summer, 1814, I was west on the borders of Indiana, and on my return a part, if not all, of these people had settled on the Sandusky river, five miles south of Upper Sandusky. This settlement took the name of “Pipetown.” At the treaty of Maumee, held in the summer of 1817, at the instance of the Wyandot chief, a party to the treaty, a reservation of a township, to include “Pipetown,” was made to these people. When the colonization of Indians in the west, under General Jackson’s administration, went into operation, they, with other Ohio tribes, ceded their domain and went west and rejoined their kindred from Indiana, under the leadership of Captain Pipe, their surviving chief. The elder Captain Pipe could not have died as early as 1794, for he certainly was at the treaty of Greenville, when the pacification took place in the following year: and Howe, in his pictorial history, says the Delaware Indians had a settlement at or near Jeromeville, which they left at the beginning of the war. Their chief was old Captain Pipe, who resided near the road running to Mansfield, one mile south of Jeromeville. When young he was a great warrior, and the implacable foe of the whites. He was in St. Clair’s defeat, where, according to his own account, he distinguished himself, and “slaughtered white men until his arm was weary with the work.” I can not learn where he died. I can gather no reliable information about him from the present generation of Wyandots. The late Captain Pipe was undoubtedly the son of the former, and the only son. He died in this country in 1839 or 1840, leaving no children. I do not think he ever married. He was a man of fine natural abilities, good natured and genial in disposition, and popular with his people. I do not know whether I have answered all of your questions or not. Most of my papers are in Kansas City, Missouri, where I reside. If I can add more, will cheerfully do so. I expect to return south the last week in this month to attend the great Okmulgee council, which will meet simultaneously with Congress, to organize the prospective Indian Territory, determine the question whether the Indians will organize their own government, or Congress. The former, I opine, will be the finale. I thank you warmly for the papers you were so kind to send me. They interest me a good deal. Very respectfully, William Walker.”

This would seem to be conclusive as to the existence of “old Captain Pipe” after the year 1794, as well as his residence on the branches of the Mohican, as late as 1812. There is not a scintilla of evidence that the younger Pipe fought against Harmar and St. Clair, as well as Wayne. The story of John Baptiste Jerome concerning the last battle, and the part Pipe and himself took in those campaigns, confirms his identity, and renders his presence on the branches of the Mohican as definitely certain as any human event, not recorded at the time of its occurrence, can be.

* In 1807, Seth Adams, father of W. A. Adams, of Covington, Kentucky, settled on the present site of Dresden, Ohio, and opened a store to trade with the Indians. His customers were principally Delawares, from the branches of the Mohican. They exchanged peltries and furs for ammunition, blankets and cloths. Among the leading Indians were “Old Captain Pipe” and his wife, from Jerometown. Mr. Adams says he was a tall, aged, and fine looking chief. He and his squaw, on one occasion, took supper with Seth Adams, on which occasion he gave utterance to the following sentiments. Mr. Adams said: “Captain Pipe, I notice you do not drink whiskey like the other Indians.” Pipe said: “You are mistaken; I love whiskey, but refuse to drink because it sets a bad example. Among gentlemen I drink.” Mr. Adams, at the table, handed the captain a bottle and a glass, and he drank the health of all, remarking: “We Indians have a saying which is good. It is, ‘Captain Whiskey is a brave warrior; you fight him long enough and he is sure to get your scalp.’ ”—Reminiscences of the early settlements on the Muskingum, by W. A. Adams, of Covington, Kentucky. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ISAAC PLANK (Montgomery) p. 375(1)

Isaac Plank, son of John Plank and Anna Zook, was born September 17, 1813, in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and remained at home until twenty-seven years of age, occupied at farming. February 6, 1840 he was married to Lydia daughter of Evan Lewis of Chester county, Pennsylvania, and to them have been born four children; Lewis, Morris Dickenson, Hannah Ann and Lydia Frances. Lewis died in infancy. In the spring of 1853, Mr. Plank removed to Montgomery township, Ashland county, on the farm now owned by Widow Whitwer. After residing there one year, he removed to Perry township, Ashland county, where he remained eleven years, then returned to Montgomery township, where he has followed agricultural pursuits until the present time. Both himself and wife have for years been members of the Baptist church of Ashland. In politics he was an old-line Whig until the formation of the Republican Party, when he became an earnest supporter of its principles. Mr. Plank is the owner of some ninety-one acres of land in Montgomery and Orange townships. His father died in Pennsylvania at the age of seventy-four; his mother came to Ohio in 1849, where she remained and died at the advanced age of eighty-three. Morris D. married Elizabeth Boots, and resides in Orange township. Hannah A. married Lorin Boots and lives in Montgomery township. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB PLICE (Orange) p. 341(1)

Jacob Plice, oldest son of Jacob F. and Mary B. Plice, was born in Pennsylvania March 4, 1821, and came to Ohio about the year 1830, with his father, who settled in Orange township, and about the year 1832 moved into Jackson township where he has remained up to this date. Jacob Plice was married to Miss Mary Cole, sixth child of Thomas and Atheliah Cole, August 20, 1846. She was born in Ashland county, December 9, 1827. The fruit of this union was six children: George E., Thomas V., William A., Mary R., John, and Samuel V. Of these four are living: Thomas V., Mary R., John and Samuel V. Mr. and Mrs. Plice are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. He has served as constable of Jackson township. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JAMES POAG (Ruggles) p. 180(1)

Removed into Ruggles from Clearcreek in 1827. He died April 9, 1854. He was twice married, and left by the two marriages some seven or eight children, part of whom reside in the township. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

D.F. POCOCK (Mohican) p. 362(1)

D. F. Pocock, son of Daniel and Sarah Pocock, was born September 26, 1842. His father was born in Harford county, Maryland, in 1814 and came to this State in 1826; his mother was born in Ashland county, Ohio, in 1815, and was the daughter of Alexander Finley. Mr. Pocock enlisted in the Army August 29, 1862, in company H, Forty-second Ohio volunteer infantry, and was engaged in the Chickasaw and Arkansas Post battles. After being in this regiment twelve months, he was mustered out at Vicksburgh, Tennessee, and came home; he then enlisted in the one hundred day service, in Company I, one hundred and sixty-third regiment. He was mustered out at Columbus, Ohio and came back home. April 2, 1868 he was married to Miss S.C. Glenn, daughter of Robert Glenn, of Hayesville, Ohio; she was born March 25, 1845. They have had three children: G.D., born March 29, 1871; D.D., a son, born December 3, 1875; and an infant, not named, June 14, 1880. Mr. Pocock lives on the old farm, on the road leading from Hayesville to Lake Fork, two and one-half miles east of Hayesville. The farm consists of one hundred and fifty-five acres, in the Pocock valley. Mr. Pocock became a member of the Presbyterian church in Hayesville in 1867; his wife was a member at the same time. For the past six years he has been a[n] elder, and is still a leading member. He is a staunch Republican, and an active worker in the party. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JAMES M. POCOCK (Green) p. 275(1)

James M. Pocock, son of Elijah Pocock, was born in Ashland county, Ohio, in 1850, in Mohican township, He studied medicine, and graduated at the Ohio Medical College in 1874, and the same year began the practice of medicine in Perrysville. In 1874 he married Sarah A. Harvey, and is the father of two children, Ruth, and Mary. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

GEORGE POORMAN (Jackson) p. 340(1)

George Poorman, son of Matthias Poorman, was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. From there he emigrated to Stark county, Ohio, at about the age of twenty. He was there married to Nancy Oberland in 1830. The fruit of this union was five children as follows: Hiram, Catharine, John, Jeremiah and Elesan, all living but Elesan and Catharine. In the spring of 1862 Mrs. Poorman emigrated with her little family to Ashland county, Jackson township, to the farm where she now resides. Her husband, George Poorman, died February 27, 1846, leaving his wife with the care of a family upon her. Mrs. Poorman is a member of the German Reformed church, and is one of its most liberal supporters. By wise economy and careful management, Mrs. Poorman has supplied each of her sons with a farm. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN PORTER (Vermillion) p. 212(1)

JOHN PORTER Was born in Virginia October 15, 1799, and removed with his father’s family to Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, in 1810. In 1824 he removed to Vermillion township, now Ashland county. He located near what is known as Smith’s mill, near Beall’s trail and camping ground. His brother Daniel and several acquaintances had been in Beall’s expedition in 1812, and finally located in the same neighborhood. Mr. Porter’s neighbors were John Johnston, Thomas Roe, Uriah Johnston, George Eckley, Eli Finley, George Keene, Isaac Vail, Robert Finley, Lemuel Bolter, and John Farrer, and shortly afterwards Isaac Paullin.

Mr. Porter improved his farm and resided on it until January 20, 1860, when he deceased. His widow still survives. His sons are David, deceased, William O., and Daniel.

William O. Porter has filled a number of township offices, and been sheriff four years. He possesses a good education, and has recently studied law, and been admitted. He resides on the old homestead. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JAMES LOUDON PRIEST (Lake) p. 161(1)

From Crawford county, Pennsylvania, settled on the banks of the Lake fork, in what was then Wayne county, as early as 1810. At that period the Coshocton county line joined Wayne on the south and included the county of Holmes. At the erection of Holmes county, in 1824, the part of Lake township where Mr. Priest located became a part of Washington township, in Holmes county; and at the erection of Ashland county, in 1846, another slice, on the east side of the township, was annexed to Clinton township, Wayne county, leaving Lake one of the smallest townships in Ashland county. Mr. Priest, with his family, located in the spring of the year, and by the aid of Thomas Jelloway, and several other friendly Delaware Indians, put up a plain log cabin and moved into it. His nearest neighbor was Alexander Finley, who had located six miles further up the Lake fork, at a point now known as Tylertown, in 1809. Mr. Priest was indebted to Mr. Finley for his seed corn for his first crop, and many other favors. His next neighbor was Nathan Odell, who arrived in the spring of 1811, and located in that part of Lake township, which is now known as Clinton township, Wayne county.

James Loudon Priest died about 1822, at an advanced age. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JAMES LOUDON PRIEST (Hanover) p. 291(1)

James Loudon Priest was born in Massachusetts, in 1769, and married Paulina Channey, he moved from Oneida county, Massachusetts, to Onondaga county, New York, and then to Crawford county, Pennsylvania. He came with a large family down the Ohio River in a dug-out canoe, and settled in Holmes county, on the Lake fork, about two miles from Loudonville, on the farm now owned by Jacob Schauweker. May 10, 1810, with Stephen Butters as his partner, he laid out the town plot of Loudonville; wrote all the first titles of the town lots, and the village was named in honor of him. He was a farmer and dealt extensively in real estate; was a prominent Free Mason and a Royal Arch Mason; was a Whig, and during the war of 1812, he built a fort on his farm, and kept guard there two years. He was an active member of the Baptist church. He died in 1822, at the old homestead, and was buried with Masonic honors. He was the father of fourteen children, of whom only two are living: John, who married Barbara Workman, and lives in Ashland county, and Alonzo, who became the husband of Rhoda Clark, and lives in Holmes county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN PRIEST (Hanover) p. 291(1)

John Priest, son of James Loudon Priest, was born in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, in 1807, and came to Ohio with his father in 1810, and settled in Holmes county. In 1835 he married Rebecca Workman, and in 1870 came to Ashland county. He is engaged in farming and stock dealing. In politics he is a Republican. He is the father of eight children: Melissa, who became the wife of B.F. See, and lives in Wood county; Elizabeth C., Normanda, wife of L.S. Culver, of Loudonville; Columbus D., who married Elizabeth McCrary, and lives in Loudonville; Josephine, who became the wife of James A. Hackett, and lives in Massillon; Morgan A., Ida M., and Agnes L. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ANDREW PROUDFIT (Montgomery) p. 374(1)

Andrew Proudfit was born in York county, Pennsylvania, May 26, 1809, and was the eighth in the family of ten children of Andrew and Mary Marshall Proudfit, who were natives of that State. The ancestry on the father’s side dated back to Ireland; that of the mother to Scotland. The father of Andrew Proudfit, with his family, removed to Fairfield county, Ohio, in 1810 or 1811, where they remained some six or seven years, and then sought a home in Ashland county, where they entered three hundred and twenty acres of land in an almost unbroken wilderness, for which they paid two and one-half dollars per acre. They remained until the date of their death. Andrew sr., died at the age of seventy-one, and his wife at sixty-six years of age. Our subject was married May 14, 1835 to Phebe Artman by whom he had three children: John, Mary, and Augusta, John being the only survivor. Mrs. Proudfit died January 29, 1865. He married for his second wife Rebecca Dininger daughter of John Decker. He has made a life business of farming, and now owns two hundred and forty acres of very fertile land. In politics he is a Democrat; and has served his township as trustee some three or four terms, and in other positions, although not an office-seeker. He is of large physique, weighing some two hundred and eighty pounds and is well preserved. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)