W - X - Y - Z

HENRY WACHTEL (Mohican) p. 359(1)

Henry Wachtel was born in Plain township, Wayne county, Ohio, June 16, 1829, his parents being Jacob and Marie Wachtel. His mother died when he was ten years of age, and he lived with his sister until he was seventeen years of age, when he went out and worked by the month wherever he could find employment at farming and carpenter work. On the second of October, 1851, he was married to Sarah Hulbert daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Hulbert. To them have been born seven children, as follows: Mary E., born January 5, 1852; Jacob M., born June 6, 1861; John W., born September 12, 1862; George E., born December 23, 1863; Hattie E., born September 5, 1866. Jacob M. died in infancy, and Charles H., who was born May 18, 1868, died March 14, 1871. An infant died unnamed. Mr. Wachtel went to California in 1852, and remained seven years, returning May 31, 1859, and settling in Mohicanville, where he engaged in general merchandise and produce. This business he has continued to the present time. He has been a member of the German Reformed church for eighteen years. In politics he is a Jacksonian Democrat. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

CAPTAIN ALANSON WALKER (Montgomery) p. 174(1)

He was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, March 4, 1804, and emigrated to Uniontown, now Ashland, Ohio, in 1822. Shortly after his arrival he apprenticed to Robert Ralston, jr., of Orange township, to learn the trade of a carpenter, and served about four years. Upon the completion of his trade, in January, 1827, he married Esther Robinson, of Clearcreek township, and located in Ashland, where he has continued ever since as a carpenter. In the earlier years of his pioneer life, he endured all the privations and hardships incident to the settlement of new countries. He retained a vivid recollection of the early settlers, and their adventures, to the last. Very few of the early mechanics attended more house raisings, log rollings, corn huskings, and early military trainings, than he. From a native forest, he lived to see the site of Ashland develop into a prosperous and handsome county seat. Of the first inhabitants of the town, he retained a very clear recollection, and could relate many anecdotes concerning their social habits and customs.

In the balmy days of the old militia, he was elected captain of a company that more than forty years ago trained at Mansfield, and the prairie west of the town of Mifflin. When the war of the Rebellion broke out, though well advanced in years, he volunteered and was attached to the Eighty-second Ohio regiment, where he served until he was accidentally injured, by having the wheel of one of the baggage wagons run over his foot, which so disabled him that he asked his discharge.

Of late years, he quietly pursued his trade, and was noted for his industry and inoffensive habits. It was quite a treat to hear him relate the rough-and-tumble habits of the pioneers, their feats of strength and personal courage, and insist that we would never see their like again; for all countries have but one set of pioneers, and, when they disappear, new men, and new manners, succeed them. The hardy men that prostrate forests, construct roads, build cabins and log barns, and add wealth to communities, soon seek other localities for a renewal of old excitements, or die early.

In politics Captain Walker had settled opinions and adhered faithfully to the party of his choice, though he never pressed his claims to official promotion. He had no affinity for the tricks of political office-seekers, and concurred in the idea that a man should evince as much integrity in office as in the private stations of life.

On the morning of his decease, May 7, 1878, he felt it to be his duty to engage, as usual, at his trade. He had just ascended to the roof of a one-story building, near the shop of Mr. Fasig, between Second and Third streets, to make some change in the roof, when he was noticed to be somewhat confused in manner, and, by the time aid reached the roof, he had become unconscious. He was assisted to the ground, and carried home–only a short distance–but never rallied. In about four hours from the attack (apoplexy), he died in great distress, aged seventy-four years, two months and four days.

He was the father of eleven children, seven of whom survive–David, Mary, Hannah, Belle, Esther, Nora, and William.

His excellent lady yet retains a good deal of physical and mental vigor, though she is far advanced in life, and saw Ashland county when it was mostly forest. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ELI W. WALLACK (Montgomery) p. 227(1)

ELI W. WALLACK was born September 3, 1828, in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, from whence, at the age of twenty years, he removed to Ashtabula county, Ohio, and remained until 1848, when he located in Ashland. At first he formed a partnership with J.W. Harman in the provision business, which lasted about two years, when he formed a partnership with R. and J. Freer in the same business. About this time he married Miss Anne Faws, who deceased in 1873 aged thirty-nine years. He afterward married Mrs. Caroline Campbell in 1876. Mr. Wallack has been an active businessman in Ashland for thirty-two years, and is one of the oldest business men of the town. He has met many business reverses. The failure of the Citizens’ Bank in 1877, greatly shook his confidence in men. The destruction of his store rooms, by fire, in June, 1880, was a sad disaster and a great loss. He is now in company with W. C. Frazee in a furniture establishment on Main street, Ashland. Mr. Wallack has often been called to fill the office of treasurer for Montgomery township, and has many friends who respect him for his undoubted integrity and honor. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN WARENS (Lake) p. 286(1)

John Warens, was born in Pennsylvania, in 1800, came to Ohio at an early day, and settled on the farm now owned by the Warens heirs. When he first settled there it was like a wilderness. He cleared his own farm and built his own cabin, and was truly one of the pioneers of Ashland county. In 1830 he married Mary Ekes in Ashland county. He died in 1867, and his wife still survives him. He was the father of seven children: William, who married Catharine Horn; John C., who married Magdalena Estwiler; Elizabeth, Mary E., Susan R., Martin, deceased, and one child who died in infancy. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN C. WARENS (Lake) p. 287(1)

John C. Warens was born in Ashland county, in 1837, and received a common school education. In 1866 he married Magdalena Estwiler. He is a farmer, and deeply interested in educational matters, and is now director of the school in his district. He is not a member of any church, but contributes largely to the support of the Reformed church. In politics he is a Democrat. He is the father of three children: Irvin A., Eliza E., and Mary E. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM WARENS (Lake) p. 287(1)

William Warens was born in Ashland county, on the farm on which he now lives, in 1835. He is a carpenter by trade, but is now engaged in farming. He has held the office of supervisor one year. In 1869 he married Caroline Horn, and is the father of five children, Harvey I., Jacob N., Wallace A., William E., and one child who died in infancy. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM WEIKAL (Perry) p. 335(1)

William Weikal, third son of Daniel and Mary Weikal, was born in Columbia county, Pennsylvania, in 1817. At the age of seven years he accompanied his parents to Venago county, where he resided until the twentieth year of his age, after which he made his home with his brother Samuel until the time of his marriage to Miss May Ann Ketner, June 13, 1841. He then purchased fifty acres of land, and erected a fine and commodious house, and there began life in earnest. There he lived for a period of twelve years, when he disposed of his farm to his brother Samuel, and removed three miles distant to a quarter of land owned jointly by himself and his brother, whose interest he afterward bought. Here he again made settlement immediately in the woods, with no traces whatever to give evidence of civilization and advancement. By his strong will and earnest determination to succeed, he soon erected good buildings, and waving fields of grain soon gave evidence that his intentions had been fully executed. Here he reared his family of fourteen children, seven sons and seven daughters. Their names are as follows: John Aaron, David, Isaac Newton, Margaret Malinda, Ellen Jane, Albert K., John Milton, Ann Eliza, Uriah D., Emma Ann, Isa Alice, Hattie May, William F., and Dora, all of whom are living but John A., Isaac Newton, Ann Eliza and Dora. Mr. Weikal immigrated to Ohio in 1865, and settled in Perry township, where he purchased a farm of two hundred and ten acres, known as the old Row farm. Both himself and his wife are earnest members of the Evangelical church. Mr. Weikal’s family are much scattered, but four remaining at home. David, the eldest son living, resides in Pettis county, Missouri. Mr. Weikal has always made it a rule in his family, to give to each child on leaving the parental roof, two thousand dollars, which always comes at a time when most needed. Few parents are more deserving of honor and remembrance. Mr. Weikal has other sons in the different western States, whom he has also equally aided. To him his children owe a deep debt of gratitude. Albert K. is living in the town of Newton, Iowa, following his occupation, that of painter. John M. and Uriah D. are living in Edwards county, Kansas, where they are located on good farms. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOSEPH WEIKEL (Jackson) p. 339(1)

Joseph Weikel, son of Daniel Weikel, was born in Venango county, Pennsylvania February 25, 1829. On January 2, 1866, he came to Jackson township, Ashland county, to the place where he now lives. On October 25, 1849, he married Margaret Long, in Venango, Pennsylvania. The fruit of this marriage was nine children– Henry T., Mary J., Margaret M., George W., Joseph A., Leah E., Emma, Joseph U.G.; four of whom survive–Mary J., George W., Emma, and Joseph A. being dead. Mr. and Mrs. Weikel are both members of the Evangelical Association. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DAVID WEILER (Perry) p. 335(1)

David Weiler, youngest child of Joseph and Rosanna Weiler, was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, in 1825, and emigrated to Ohio in company with his parents in 1834. They first made settlement in Wayne county, where his father rented for a period of five years, and afterwards purchased a quarter section of land near Smithville, where he resided until the time of his death, in 1858 or 1859, surviving his wife but eight years, and leaving a family of ten children. The only representatives of the Weiler family residing in the county are Mrs. Sarah Van Nest, who resides in Rowsburgh, and David, the subject of our sketch, who lives one mile west of Rowsburgh. David purchased the farm where we now find him, in the year 1856, and he at once set about improving his home. In 1849 he married Anna Eberly. The fruit of this union was six children, two sons and four daughters: Tillitha J., George W., Ida May, William Sherman, Lora E., and Mary F. Those living are Lora and Mary, the others having died in infancy. Mr. Weiler is one of the most substantial farmers of Perry township, and is a worthy and respected citizen. He has served in the various township offices, thus bespeaking for him the full confidence of the people. His wife died in the summer of 1879. Mr. Weiler was one of the valiant soldiers of the Rebellion, serving in company I, of the One Hundred and Sixty-third regiment, one hundred days’ men. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

EPHRAIM WELCH (Orange) p. 246(1)

EPHRAIM WELCH was born November 27, 1800, in Washington county, Pennsylvania, and came to Orange township, Richland, but now Ashland, county, in February, 1828. The farm upon which he located, and which he cleared up and improved, section two, southeast quarter, had been entered by his father, and some timber girdled prior to his improving it. He married Miss Jane McAdoo, of Scotch-Irish descent, October 2, 1827, in Washington county, Pennsylvania, who came with him when he put up his first cabin, and submitted to all the hardships of pioneer life. The union was blessed by four sons, James, John, Johnson, and Rankin, and two daughters, Catherine, married to Dr. Bailey, and Mary Jane, married to Levi Mason, of Ashland.

Ephraim Welch deceased April 1, 1874, aged about seventy-four years. Mrs. Welch resides in district number one, and remembers many of the early teachers. She mentions among their number: Isaac Stull, Clarissa Rising, Shadrach Bryan, and others. Mrs. Welch has one hundred and sixty acres of land in the old homestead, which is well improved and valuable. She states that her earliest neighbors were John McConnell, William McConnell, Thomas McConnell, and George McConnell, all from Washington county Pennsylvania; Jacob Ridenour, Robert Walters, Thomas Donley, John Bishop, Samuel Mackeral, Robert Culberson, Peter Biddinger, Robert Mickey, James Clark, John Sibert, John Haun, and Jacob Hiffner. Mrs. Welch is a member of the United Presbyterian church, of Savannah, and has been for fifty years. She is at this time in good health, and seems to possess a clear recollection of former events in Orange township. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN WELCH (Jackson) p. 340(1)

John Welch, son of Ephraim Welch, was born in Orange township, Ashland county, Ohio, February 7, 1830. October 1, 1861 he moved to the old Bryen place, in Jackson township. He was married to Miss Rebecca Robertson, December 6, 1853. To them were born four children, Vernon H., Alice B., Bernie E., Leclair S., all of whom are living. Mr. Welch is one of Ashland county’s largest landholders. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

RANKIN F. WELCH (Jackson) p. 340(1)

Rankin F. Welch, son of Ephraim Welch, was born in Orange township, Ashland county, December 13, 1833, one and a half miles west of the place on which he now lives. Twice married, his first wife being Druzella A. Frink, to whom he was married in February, 1867. The fruit of this marriage was one child; Gilbert P., who is still living. His second wife was Mary I., McDonald, to whom he was married May 1, 1879. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HENRY WELLS (Milton) p. 351(1)

Henry Wells, the oldest living son of James and Mary Wells, was born October 29, 1829, in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, and was married to Catharine Mandey, September 28, 1871. He resided with his father most of the time until he went to California, in 1859, where he remained ten years; he then returned to Ohio and has ever since devoted his attention to farming. The farm he now occupies he purchased from his father, and he gives his time to the raising of stock and grain. The ancestors of his wife were among the early settlers of Ashland county. Both himself and wife are members of the Disciple church, and enjoy the respect and esteem of all. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JAMES WELLS (Milton) p. 350(1)

James Wells moved into Ashland county about the year 1835. He was a native of Pennsylvania, and drove through in a wagon, with his wife and six children. In fording the Ohio River he came near losing his life and the lives of his family, who were with him. The water was much deeper than he supposed, and the attempt to ford it brought them into serious danger. He first settled on the farm where Mr. Brown now lives, but not being accustomed to farm life, he soon became weary of it and homesick, and urged his wife to return with him to Pennsylvania. This she refused to do, and he started back alone on horseback, so strong was his desire to see his native place. He soon returned, however, and never again expressed a desire to return to the old home. In January, 1879, his death occurred, at the ripe old age of eighty-two; his wife died in 1851. They had seven boys and four girls, but four of whom now live in Ashland county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOSEPH WELLS (Milton) p. 350(1)

Joseph Wells was born May 13, 1831, and was married November 25, 1855, to Catharine Greiner, a native of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. Her ancestors moved to Ashland when it was but a small hamlet. Mr. Wells has spent most of his life in Ashland county, save a residence of nine years in Iowa. They have had six children: Lucinda, Loyal M., Clarissa M., Tempty E., Iley M., and Dora B., all of whom are living at home. They are both members of the Lutheran church and enjoy the confidence of their friends and neighbors. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN WELTMER (Green) p. 278(1)

John Weltmer, was born in Wayne county, Ohio, November 22, 1829, and in 1852 married Phebe Moses. In 1857 he settled on the farm on which he now lives. He is a cabinet-maker and carpenter by trade, but is at present engaged in farming. He is a member of the Evangelical Association, and a class leader in the church; in politics he is a Republican. He is the father of four children: Sylvania, deceased; Pinninnah, wife of Charles Scott, of Ashland, county; Epraim, who married Mina Anderr, and lives in Ashland county, and Lenna L. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

BENJAMIN WENRICK (Milton) p. 352(1)

Benjamin Wenrick came into Ashland county from Pennsylvania where he was born in Berks county, September 17, 1821, and settled in 1850 in Milton township. He has been twice married. First to Mary E. Coup. October 2, 1852, by whom he has had four children: and next to Harriet Williams, September 8, 1859, by whom he has had one son. He served nine years as justice of the peace, to the full satisfaction of the people of Milton township. He has filled the office of township trustee and treasurer at various times. He was a valiant soldier in the war of the Rebellion, being in a number of severe engagements, and was with Grant during the siege of Vicksburgh, but escaped unhurt, and returned to his home with all the honors to which he was entitled. By his fellow citizens he is highly esteemed for his integrity, and is looked upon by all who know him as a worthy citizen. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DANIEL WERTMAN (Montgomery) p. 377(1)

Daniel Wertman was born in Columbia county, Pennsylvania, November 2, 1824, and was the oldest child in a family of eight children, of Simon Wertman and Abigail Rohn, both natives of Pennsylvania. Mr. Wertman removed with his father’s family to Ashland county, then Richland, in 1837 where Simon and his father, John Wertman, purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land in the south portion of Orange township, the property now owned by Mrs. Mary Kendig, an aunt of our subject. Mr. Wertman remained with his father until his death, which occurred in 1844, about which time our subject commenced to learn the trade of saddler with W.W. Ilger, of Ashland, where he remained three years. He then returned to the farm and took charge, he being the oldest child. In 1858, March 9th, Mr. Wertman was married to Mary, daughter of John Keller, of Montgomery township. To them have been born six children, all of whom are living, Perry S., Ida S., Hattie L., Augusta A., Sarah N., and Jennie B. Mr. Wertman owns one of the finest farms of Ashland county, comprising two hundred and fifteen acres, and located one mile north of Ashland, on the Troy road. It has fine buildings and all the conveniences of a nice home. In politics he is a Democrat. Mr. and Mrs. Wertman are both members of the Lutheran church of Ashland. Mr. Wertman has from time to time occupied positions of trust within the gift of the people, and has proved an able and efficient officer, and worthy of the trust imposed in him. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DAVID WERTMAN (Mifflin) p. 319(1)

David Wertman was born in Mifflin township, this county [Ashland], December 5, 1831, where he resided until the year 1869, when he removed to this township. He was married December 15, 1853, to Miss Rachel Garver, who was also born in Mifflin township April 22, 1832. The fruits of this union are nine children, eight of whom are still living, as follows: Agnes, who was born January 21, 1855; Josiah F., born April 17, 1857; John W., born March 30, 1859; Oscar A., born April 19, 1861; Anice C., born February 21, 1864; Leah, born March 29, 1866; Jennie, born June 25, 1869; George, born November 5, 1873; Nora, born March 9, 1875. John W. departed this life December 16, 1863, age four years eight months and seventeen days. Agnes and Josiah F. are married; Agnes to Frank Vantelburg, and Josiah to Elizabeth Stofer. Agnes has two children, named Arthur and Olive E. Josiah has one child, a babe. Mr. Wertman is by trade a carpenter, and followed that vocation until the late war broke out; but since that time he has paid all of his attention to farming, which he still follows. He never meddled much in political matters, but always cast his vote for the Democracy; and has served his township as trustee for three terms. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACKSON S. WERTMAN (Montgomery) p. 395(1)

Jackson S. Wertman was born March 13, 1845. His grandparents were from Columbia county, Pennsylvania, were his father, William Wertman, was born about 1817. In 1837 the family came to Ohio and settled in the present county of Ashland. His father came to Ashland about 1840, where he married Susannah Stahl, in 1844. She was a native of Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania, and was born about 1821. She died in 1859, after raising a family of four children: J.S., Z.T., E.P., and Virginia. The father was again married about 1862, to Keziah Culbertson, by whom he had two children, one of whom died in infancy. The surviving one, Ida L., is now living in Ashland county. J.S. Wertman, the subject of this sketch, completed his education in Wittenberg college in 1869. After leaving college he occupied himself with teaching for a time, and then engaged in surveying and engineering. In 1873 he commenced reading law at Indianapolis, Indiana, in the office of B. F. Davis. From thence he came to Ashland county, in 1877, where he has since practiced his profession. He was married to Sara Kilgore, of Indianapolis, June 16, 1875, and by her has had two children, of whom one died in infancy. The other, Shields K., was born May 9, 1877. The grandfather of J.S. Wertman settled on the farm now owned by William Wertman, where our subject and his brothers and sisters were born. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HENRY WERTZ (Orange) p. 344(1)

Henry Wertz was born in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, April 17, 1817, and came to Ohio with his father and mother, Henry and Magdalene Wertz, who settled in Holmes county when Henry was quite small. In the spring of 1858, he moved to Ashland county and has been a resident of the county ever since. On October 3, 1843, he was married to Sophia Rudy daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth Rudy, who was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, March 5, 1819. Mrs. Wertz is a member of the Brethren church. Mr. Wertz is a member of no church, but respects the religious convictions of others. He has served in the office of trustee of Orange township three terms, the last coming in the year 1874. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ROSWELL WESTON (Ruggles) p. 180(1)

Was born in Litchfield county, Connecticut, July 28, 1811. He removed with his father, Salmon Weston, to Ruggles township, Huron (now Ashland) county, in the spring of 1826. His father died in 1864, aged about seventy-six years. He left two sons, Phineas and Roswell, the subject of this sketch. Roswell died May 21, 1875, aged sixty-four years. He resided two miles east of the center. His family consisted of one daughter, Lucy, who married Milton N. Campbell, who resides at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and one son, Clarendon, who resides with his mother on the homestead. Phineas Weston resides in Ruggles, two miles east of the center, adjoining the homestead of Roswell. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DAVID WEYANT (Perry) p. 330(1)

David Weyant, eldest son of Jacob and Margaret Weyant, was born in the State of Pennsylvania, Washington county, in the year 1815; he made his home with his parents until after he had reached his majority; he then left the parental roof, and came to Ohio in the year 1838, and tool up his abode in Doylestown, where he purchased property, and there resided until the spring of 1848. He was married in the year 1838, September 26th, to Rachel Nowland. To Mr. and Mrs. Weyant were born five children, three sons and two daughters, their names are as follows: Margaret A., Jacob H., Martha S., Noah I., and Harvey I.; all of whom are living and married—Margaret, to Henry Morr; Jacob, to Lizzie Scott; Martha, to Solomon Mouser; Noah, to Lizzie Fridline; Harvey, to Catharine Jackson. Our subject is grandparent to eleven grandchildren. Mr. Weyant lost his wife in the year 1864, February 26th. She left a family of five children. Our worthy subject was married again married September 27, 1866, to Miss Rosanna Gallwitz. Himself and wife are earnest members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church General Synod, and have always been its staunch supporters; he has been repeatedly elected to the office of trustee. His parents are both deceased; his mother is buried at Ginger Hill, Pennsylvania, and his father sleeps in the old Meng cemetery in Perry township. He has been elder in his church for almost forty years, and never shrank from what he thought a duty. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

EBENEZER WHARTON (Milton) p. 352(1)

Ebenezer Wharton is the oldest son of James Wharton, of whom mention is made elsewhere in this volume. He was born September 6, 1849, and lived upon the home farm until his marriage to Lizzie McClusky, November 17, 1874. They have had two children, James and Charles. He is an energetic and enterprising young man of intelligence and thrift. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JAMES WHARTON (Milton) p. 352(1)

James Wharton was born in the State of Pennsylvania, November 30, 1817 and came to Mifflin township, Richland county, but now Ashland, and settled in the woods, with no improvements whatever save a rude log cabin and a barn of similar construction, and a few apple trees scattered about the house. April 4, 1844 he was married to Nancy Williams, whose ancestors were early settlers in Ashland. They have had nine children as follows: Adaline, Mary, Ebenezer, Malinda, Loren, John, Reumfried, Willard, and Grant. All are living but Mary and Loren, who died in childhood. Adaline married T.W. Hunter, a thrifty young farmer of Clearcreek township. Ebenezer married Lillie McClusky, and resides in Milton township. Mr. Wharton resides upon the old homestead, and his dwelling is one of the best to be found in the township. He is one of the largest landholders in the county, and the improvements to be seen on his lands denote more than ordinary thrift and tact on the part of the owner. He has held various township offices and is a prominent man of enterprise, thrift, and intelligence, and highly esteemed by all who know him. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN WHARTON (Milton) p. 352(1)

John Wharton was born January 2, 1789, in Pennsylvania. When a young man he married Nancy Fultz, who died August 15, 1830. In September, 1831, he was married to Anna McMillen, of Richland county. To them were born ten children as follows: Sarah, Susannah, Alvina Jane, Robert, Martha and Minerva, deceased; Thomas, Hulbert, B.F. and Clara, who are living. John Wharton died February 7, 1860, aged sixty-five years and five days; his widow survives him. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

THOMAS WHARTON (Milton) p. 352(1)

Thomas Wharton was born in Ashland county March 7, 1835, and resided with his parents until his marriage to Eliza Butt December 27, 1860. They have had four children: Henry, Charles, Frank and Anna Bell; Henry died in early childhood. Mr. Wharton has held various offices and is at present treasurer of the township. A substantial farmer, he enjoys the esteem of his fellow citizens. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN W. WHISLER (Mifflin) p. 320(1)

John Whisler was born in Jackson township this county [Ashland], February 1, 1853, where he resided until the age of ten years, when his parents removed to Milton township. From thence they removed to Mifflin township in 1873, where Mr. Whisler has since resided. He is by profession a school teacher, but of late years, having been superintendent of the Louisville school, his health has failed him and he had to resign his charge, since which time he has paid his attention to farming, but expects to resume his profession. He was married, March 29, 1877, to Miss Martha E. Baker. They have one child, Orson L. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HORACE N. WHITCOMB (Sullivan) p. 353(1)

Horace N. Whitcomb was born in Vermont in 1824, and came to Ohio with his father, where he received a common school education. In 1844 he married Jane A. Toms, and has been engaged in farming. He has been school director several years and takes a deep interest in educational matters. He has held the office of township trustee two years, and was district clerk twenty-one years. He is a member and one of the trustees of the Baptist church, and contributes liberally to its support. He is a highly respected member of society, and in politics is Republican. In 1864 he enlisted in company E, One Hundred and Twenty-eighth Ohio volunteer infantry, under Captain J.R. Sanford. He was a non-commissioned officer, and was discharged July 17, 1865. He is the father of four children: Lottie, wife of George McConnell of Ashland county, Ohio; Curtis I., who married Melvina Bailey and lives in Ashland county; Eugene C., who lives in Cleveland, and Carrie M., wife of Samuel Bennett of Ashland county, Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILSON WHITCOMB (Sullivan) p. 353(1)

Wilson Whitcomb was born in Brattleborough, Vermont, in 1799, came to Ohio in 1832, and settled in Sullivan township, Ashland county, on the farm now owned by W.W. Whitcomb. He was a blacksmith by trade, and built a shop on his farm, and followed his trade in connection with farming nearly all his life; his was for many years the only blacksmith shop within a radius of twenty miles. In politics he was an old-line Whig. He married Olive Rugg, of Vermont, who died on December 4, 1853. He then married Betsey Davis, of Vermont, who died June 10, 1871. He died in 1875. He was the father of six children: Clarissa, wife of L.J. Fairchild, afterward wife of Alonzo Doolittle, of Ashland county; Horace N. who married Jane A. Toms, and lives in Ashland county; David R., who married Hattie N. Chase, and lives in Cleveland; Oren J., who married Susan Crissinger, and lives in Michigan; Minnie P., deceased, who was the wife of A. L. Firman, of Oberlin, Ohio; and Willie W., who married Rose Wirts, and lives in Ashland county, Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JUDGE DANIEL W. WHITMORE (Montgomery) p. 241(1)

DANIEL W. WHITMORE was born in the town of Leicester, county of Livingston, and State of New York, March 2, 1823. His father was quite an extensive farmer when Daniel was a small boy. He was the oldest of his father’s children. Mr. Whitmore remained with his parents, worked on the farm, and attended to his father’s business, until he was about eighteen years of age, when he became afflicted with sciatic and inflammatory rheumatism, and, consequently, could do but little labor on the farm. Up to this time he had attended a common district school, only two or three months each winter, which was one and a half miles from his fathers residence. He could imperfectly read, write, and cipher a little, which was about the extent of his education. Being an invalid, and knowing, from the condition of his physical organization, that he would not likely ever be able to perform hard manual labor, and possessing an ambitious disposition to be, or do, something in the world, with the influence of his mother, he obtained the consent of his stern father to let him go to a select school at Perry center, three terms, in all nine months. In the estimation of his father, nearly all professional men were, more or less, contaminated with one, or all, of the following vices: Intemperance, recklessness, and dishonesty, and the laziest man made the best fiddler, and the next laziest would come in as a country school-teacher.

School-teaching he had chosen as his profession. As a student, his full determination was to know the principles of his studies. All the time he attended the select school he did not lose an hour, sometimes studying until midnight. To be a good and successful school-teacher, was his aim. To that end he spared neither pains nor expense. After the close of the last term of the select school, he returned home and attended a graded school taught by Professor Nuland, a graduate of the normal school at Albany, New York. In the autumn of 1845 he made application to Mr. Crosby, town superintendent, for a certificate to teach school, and draw public money for his services. He had no difficulty procuring a school, as he had a recommendation from the professor and superintendent. He taught a term of four months, and, at the close of the term, he received for the services he had rendered, sixty-four dollars. He never had so much money at one time before. He states that he would have been well recompensed if he had not received a dollar, for he had never passed a more agreeable winter. The following summer he attended the district school at home, three months, which was taught by a thorough and practical teacher, and studied the remainder of that summer at home. The winter following he engaged as assistant teacher in a graded normal school. The following summer, his health being poor, he visited the sulfur springs, at Avon, New York.

In the month of September, 1847, he came to Ashland, Ohio, on a visit: and a long one it has proven, for it has lasted thirty-three years. He had not been thirty miles from home before. His first night in Ohio was passed in Oberlin. In the coach that carried him from Oberlin to Ashland, he met a tall elderly gentleman, who was very jovial and communicative. A couple of days after arriving at Ashland, he was informed that there was an interesting lawsuit in progress at the Stone church, then used as a court-room, to decide whether Ashland village should remain the county seat of Ashland county. There to his surprise, stood the tall, spare man, who came in the coach with him, pleading in the interest of Ashland village. Upon inquiry, he found the interesting speaker to be Reuben Wood, the great expounder of law, from Cleveland.

A few days after arriving in Ashland, he became acquainted with one of Ohio’s most gifted and talented sons—one of the most energetic, generous, scholarly and self-sacrificing of men, and who did everything in his power for the advancement of the rising generation; that man was Lorin Andrews. Being informed where Mr. Whitmore formerly resided, and that he had taught school, and that he was familiar with the methods employed in the common and graded schools in the State of New York, Mr. Andrews strongly urged him to remain in the county and teach school, and help him and other teachers in the cause of education. He informed him that he had a district school in view, that wanted to engage a school-teacher, and was willing and able to pay the highest wages to a teacher who would teach them a good school and give general satisfaction; he was fully convinced it was a difficult school to govern. Mr. Whitmore took Professor Andrews’ advice, and made application for the school referred to.

After several interviews with Mr. James Anderson, one of the school directors, Mr. Whitmore engaged to teach school for fifteen dollars per month of twenty-four days, and to receive his board in the homes of his pupils. He was admonished that the school would be a difficult one to manage. He believed that good order was the first and leading principle in successful school-teaching. He commenced his school on the day agreed upon, and had a much larger number of pupils at the commencement then he expected. He distinctly recollects this, his first day of school-teaching in Ohio. The most of his pupils on this day were from five to fifteen years old, and in appearance robust and healthy, with sparkling eyes and anxious countenances, and in their behavior quiet and mannerly. The second day a few more came, and his school continued to so increase through the winter that his average daily attendance was over forty. His school-room was considered to be one of the best in the town-ship, and was of peculiar structure and greatly in contrast with what he had been accustomed to see and use in the east. It was constructed of logs, nearly twenty feet square, about seven feet high to the eaves, and roofed with oak shingles. Yet it let in water and snow when the storms were violent. The chimney was built on the outside; the foundation was built of stone, brick and clay mortar. Mr. Whitmore found, after he had taught a few days that he had the material for a good school, provided he could get the parents and householders to purchase their children suitable school books. This he finally accomplished after much persistent effort. He persuaded Professor Andrews to visit his school and give the parents of the pupils a lecture on the subject, which had a wholesome effect. Mr. Whitmore offered to purchase school books for the pupils of such parents as could not afford to buy them then, and wait until they could repay him.

An effort was made, just before holiday time, by some of the older pupils, lead on by young men not members of the school, to have Mr. Whitmore agree to treat the scholars, after the usual custom that then prevailed. Then teacher refused to agree to anything of the kind, much to the chagrin of some of the pupils; but after the time had passed, and all hope of a treat had been given up, he surprised his school with a most liberal distribution of fruit and palatable delicacies. Mr. Whitmore relates the following:

In one school district, a teacher was barred out, because of his refusing to treat, and wanted possession of his school-room. His scholars were all in, and had the doors and windows well fastened. The teacher, expecting to be barred out, had prepared himself for the emergency. He got a ladder, and ascending to the top of the house, dropped sulphur down the flue into the stove, where there was a good fire. It ignited so quickly that the room soon became filled with a strong sulphurous odor, and the scholars were obliged to open the doors and windows to breathe, putting the teacher in victorious possession.

In another district the case was similar, but the scholars were more shrewd. After the teacher had ascended the ladder to the cone of the house, and was trying to smoke his scholars out, by covering the top of the chimney, one of the boys crawled out of a window, and took the ladder down, leaving the gentleman teacher on top of the house, with the cutting wind whistling around, to keep him cool and bring him to time. He begged to have the ladder replaced, but the boys would not unless he would consent to treat. After a couple of hours of shivering meditation, he came to the conclusion that he had better treat then freeze, or kill himself by jumping down. The contract was not considered binding unless it was in writing, so one of the boys took a long pole, and, tying the agreement to be signed and a pencil to the end of it, reached them up to him, when he signed the agreement and threw it down. The boys replaced the ladder, and he came down nearly frozen. So they compelled the teacher to treat, and had a jolly good time.

It was not customary for the householders to take part in the treating business, but let the children and teacher fight it out. One of the parties would generally back down or give up in a few days, or the school would be entirely closed for that term.

Mr. Whitmore had marked success with his first school; and public funds being lacking, money was raised by subscription, and he was invited to teach a summer school in the same district, and was employed again for the winter session. His further experience as a teacher extended over a number of years, and it is to be regretted that sufficient space cannot be given to recount the many interesting facts and events connected with his school teaching days. His contribution to education in the county of Ashland was very great.

The text books then used were the elementary spelling-book, McGuffey’s readers, Mitchell’s geography, and atlas, Green’s grammar and analysis, Adam’s new arithmetic, and Colburn’s mental arithmetic; and a good deal of writing was done. They had no steel or gold pens, and no writing-books with plated copies. After arriving at the school-houses in the morning and making a fire and sweeping the room, Mr. Whitmore’s next task was to write copies and make pens out of geese quills, and sometimes his pupils would bring turkey quills as a substitute when geese quills could not be conveniently had. Their ink was mostly made by his pupils or their parents out of the water which maple or chestnut bark had been strongly boiled, then putting in coperas and boiling it with the liquid to its proper thickness, and then straining. It made a very good black ink.

The following principles were a guide to Mr. Whitmore in his educational labors, and he endeavored to have his pupils governed by them: 1st. That it is no disgrace to perform manual labor, but an honor, a credit and a benefit to themselves, to the community, and to their country. To be industrious, economical and saving should be the aim of all, and that physical and mental exercise are necessary to fulfill natures laws; and that they should not forget the old adage, that “idleness is said to be the mother of crime.”

2d. The sure way to success was for them to depend upon themselves, and that self-reliance, with proper exertions, would enable them to accomplish whatever they might reasonably undertake, and that it is all within their own power to have or not to have the confidence and respect of their fellow-men, and a person without friends is a miserable being. Wirt says, and it is true, that every person is the architect of his own fortune.

3d. That they should be honest in all their business transactions, tell the truth on all occasions, and they would be well rewarded for their up-rightness and truthfulness; that they should never forget, but always follow, the precepts of that good old maxim: “Honesty is the best policy.”

4th. That they should at all time reverence and treat their parents with respect and kindness; be civil, quiet and mannerly, and not forget the golden rule, but practice it; “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” Much other good advice he gave to his pupils.

Mr. Whitmore had determined to follow farming for a livelihood, but in the spring of 1857 he was elected town-ship treasurer, and the following spring moved back to Milton township, in this county, and in the autumn of 1858 was elected real estate appraiser for the township of Milton, and assessed the value of the realty the following summer. In the spring of 1861 he was elected justice of the peace. At the expiration of three years he declined a re-election, but was elected again in the spring of 1866, and was re-elected again in the spring of 1869, and in the month of October, 1869 was elected probate judge for Ashland county, and three years thereafter re-elected probate judge for the second term, which expired in February, 1876; since that time he has employed himself in farming. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

PETER WICOFF (Lake) p. 289(1)

Peter Wicoff was born in New Jersey, and came to Ohio in 1815; he first settled in Harrison county, where he remained five years, when he moved to Ashland county, and settled on the farm now owned by William Wicoff. For several years he was a school director; was a member of the Presbyterian church; and in politics was an old-line Whig. September 26, 1841, he died. He married Elizabeth Bruce, in Pennsylvania, who died in 1849. Four of his ten children are still living, John, who lives in Indiana; William; Philura, who lives in Kansas; and Eleanor, who lives in Indiana. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM WICOFF (Lake) p. 289(1)

William Wicoff, born in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, in 1811, came to Ohio with his father and settled on the same farm. In 1831, he married Sabrina Oram. The office of justice of the peace of Lake township he has held for twelve years in succession, and was trustee for several years; he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church; and in politics is a Republican. The names of his five children are: Nancy J., wife of Andrew Stewart; Jasper; Newton, who died when nine years old; Delphinia, wife of Silas Smith; and Emma S., wife of Uriah McFarlan. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ABRAM WILLIAMS (Green) p. 128(1)

Among the wigwams of Greentown when the pioneers of 1809-10 entered the township, was that of Abram Williams, an irritable, morose old Indian, who had formerly married a white captive on the Sandusky river, from whom he separated in consequence of the violence of his temper and long continued jealousy and cruelty. The story of this unhappy marriage, as near as I can learn, is as follows: About the year 1785 a family by the name of Martin and a Mr. Castleman were neighbors in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, and resided near the east bank of the Ohio river. It had been the custom of these families, for several years, to cross the river in the spring to make sugar on the bottoms. They had been engaged several days during the spring alluded to, when Castleman’s horses strayed from their enclosure. He went in search of them on the river bottoms. During his absence, Martin returned from the camp and requested Mary Castleman, aged about thirteen, and Margaret, about nine, to accompany him to assist in boiling and gathering sugar water.

Mrs. Castleman hesitated for some time to let them go; but Martin being quite positive there were no Indians in the vicinity, she finally consented to let them return with him. A short time after they crossed the river Mrs. Castleman heard the explosion of guns in the vicinity of the camp, and being alarmed for the safety of her daughters, hastened to the river side and called aloud, but received no reply. Returning to her cabin she alarmed the neighbors, and a number of men assembled on the east bank of the river, but dared not pass over, for fear of an ambush. On the succeeding morning, a number of volunteers crossed in a canoe, and found Martin and his wife dead and scalped.

The Castleman girls, and a little daughter of Martin, were nowhere to be found. The volunteers concluded they had been captured and carried away by the Indians. Pursuit was now useless, as the savages were doubtless many miles away. Years after, it was learned that there were but three Indians at the capture. In skulking along the banks of the Ohio, they happened on Martin’s camp, and finding it defenceless, concluded to kill him and his wife, and take the girls to Sandusky.

After they had killed Martin and his wife they secured the girls. While they were engaged in the fiendish murder of the two old people, Margaret attempted to conceal herself in a hollow sycamore log, while Mary fled to the river and got into a canoe and began to push it from the shore, but one of the Indians instantly pursued her into the water and dragged the canoe back again, and secured her. He asked her how many men were at the house, and knowing that the safety of her mother and family depended upon her strategy, she answered nine.

The Indians then took up their line of march for Greentown, on the Black fork. After several days they arrived at the Indian village, where they met some traders from Detroit. They passed up the ancient trail from Fort Pitt, by way of Jerometown, now known as the Portage trail. A trader at Greentown, by the name of McIntosh, was much pleased with the appearance of Margaret, and purchasing her for twenty-five dollars, took her home with him to Detroit, where she remained a number of years as a member of his family, and attended school. Her father, through the traders, finally learned of her whereabouts, and went to Detroit and took her home.

The Indians took Mary and the Martin girl to Sandusky, where they remained. The history of the Martin girl, during her residence among the Delawares, is a blank. Mary Castleman grew up to womanhood among the Indians, learning all their customs and language. During her residence among the Indians at Sandusky, she became acquainted with Abram Williams, a half-blood, to whom she was married. She had by him two children, George and Sally. Williams was a jealous, tyrannical and cruel husband, and he and his white squaw lived very unhappily.

Williams, in his paroxysms of rage and jealousy, often maltreated his wife, and threatened to kill her. Fearing he would put his threat into execution, she resolved, if possible, to make her escape and seek refuge among her friends in Beaver county. By the traders, who often visited Fort Pitt, she conveyed intelligence of her situation to her father, and her desire to be relieved. The attempt to rescue her would be attended with much danger. If not successful, it would result in bringing upon her the vengeance of her exasperated husband, and might terminate in great suffering and death.

Mr. Castleman made arrangements with a man by the name of George Foulks, a neighbor, to go to Sandusky to obtain the release of Mary. In his youth, Mr. Foulks had been captured by the Indians, taken to Sandusky and adopted, where he resided for many years, and became versed in their language and customs. He was well acquainted with all the Indian trails, and it was presumed by Mr. Castleman, that Foulks was just the man to secure the liberation of his long missing daughter.

Mr. Foulks, after some preparation, set out for Sandusky, passing up the old trail to Jerometown; thence near where Olivesburg now stands, through Bloomingrove, in Richland county, to the place of his destination. He soon found Williams and his wife. After spending a few days with them he proposed to Williams to let Mary accompany him on a visit to her friends in Beaver county. The jealousy of Williams was at once aroused. He refused to permit his wife to leave, and menaced the life of Foulks if he persisted in making such a request.

Mr. Foulks determined to carry out his intentions to bring Mary home. The rage of Williams was to be baffled by strategy. Affecting to acquiesce in the unwillingness of the dusky husband, he alleviated his fears. Mr. Foulks then went to an old Indian acquaintance and friend, and proposed to give him a barrel of whiskey and other presents if he would aid him in getting Mary away from Williams. The Indian feared the resentment of his Indian neighbor, and at first refused; but the “fire water” was a tempting prize.

At the next interview he entered heartily into the project, and agreed to go with Mary. The plan was, for Foulks to keep away from Williams, and remain about the Indian camp. The confederate then took Mary and started down the old Jerometown trail, while Foulks remained a day in the camp, and then started by another trail to meet his Indian friend and Mary at Jerometown. When he arrived near the Indian village he gave the signal, and Mary and his friend soon appeared in the forest, and she was then taken home by Mr. Foulks and restored to her friends and civilized society.

Some time after this desertion Williams came to Greentown, built a wigwam, and was residing there with his children, George and Sally, when the first pioneers came into the neighborhood. Sally was then a young woman, and had many admirers among the dusky warriors. Mrs. James Cunningham, Mrs. James Irwin, Mrs. Sarah Vale, and others, called at the wigwam of Williams to see what kind of a housekeeper Sally appeared to be. These ladies were all young then. They found the wigwam of Williams neat and clean, and Sally a pleasant young lady. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

A.H. WILSON (Green) p. 280(1)

A.H. WILSON, born in Pennsylvania, came to Perrysville in 1873. He attended the Greentown academy three years, and taught school two terms; he then began the study of medicine with Dr. S.F. Griffith, but at the end of one year gave it up, on account of ill health. In 1877 be bought an interest in the Perrysville machine shops, with F.P. Grosscup and W.A. McCool. In 1878 he bought Grossup’s share, and the firm name at present is McCool & Wilson. They manufacture thirty-five styles of plow points, and ship them to nearly every county in Ohio, as well as to other States. They also manufacture wrought screws for cider presses, and a cast iron wad scraper, and are agents for the Griffith & Wedge steam engines, and the Massillon separator and engine. In 1878 A.H. Wilson married Ida J. Rice, of Perrysville. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, and in politics is a Democrat. He is father of one child, Kittie L. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ROBERT WILSON (Vermillion) p. 301(1)

Robert Wilson was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, May 3, 1816, and came to Ashland county with his parents in 1820, his father having purchased eighty acres of land where Robert now lives. At the time they came to this place there was an abundance of game, turkey and deer principally. Indians were numerous, but peaceably inclined toward their white brethren. They were true pioneers, and as such are quite well remembered by the old settlers in the community at the present time. They began the improvement of their land, and by perseverance and hard knocks, such as our grand old forefathers and mothers could endure, the old forests gave way and the waving fields of grain took their place. Robert, the subject of this sketch, remembers quite well the privations and hardships of those early days. In 1839, November 14th, Mr. Wilson married Martha Jeannette Roison, who came from Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, with her parents when she was about three or four years of age. They had seven sons and one daughter. Two sons died in infancy; one son, James, the oldest of the family, died in the army; he was a private in the One Hundred and Twentieth Ohio volunteer infantry, and served as such from the date of his enlistment to the time of his death, which took place at Milliken’s Bend, Louisiana, February 11, 1863. Three sons and one daughter are married, and doing for themselves. The youngest child, Robert, jr., remains with his father, Mrs. Wilson having died. Mr. Wilson afterwards married Anna E. Greenwood, widow of Charles Greenwood, of Holmes county, Ohio. To them have been born one child. Mr. Wilson is one of the best known men in this section of the county. In politics he is a Republican. Both himself and wife are members of the United Presbyterian church at Hayesville, Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM J. WILSON, JR. (Mifflin) p. 319(1)

William Wilson was born in Vermillion township, this county [Ashland], June 4, 1852, where he resided until the age of twenty-three years, when he came to Mifflin township, where he has since resided. He was married July 5, 1875, to Margaret Jarvis. She died sixteen months after marriage. His second and present wife is Rebecca Agnes Boon. They were married July 31, 1877. The fruit of this union is one child, whose name is Eva May. She was born December 17, 1879, and is still living. Mr. Wilson has followed farming from boyhood, and expects to make that his vocation in the future. He now carries on the farm owned by his father. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JONAS WILTROUT (Orange) p. 341(1)

Jonas Wiltrout, son of Jacob Wiltrout was born in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, January 21, 1825. He came to Ohio with his father in the year 1836, to Jackson township, Ashland county. He was married to Miss Eliza Priest in February, 1846. The fruit of this marriage was eight children, Edward, Jane, Erastus, Estella, Lincoln, Myron, Libby and Elmore, all of whom are living. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wiltrout are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JAMES P. WINBIGLER (Mohican) p. 360(1)

James P. Winbigler is a son of Perry and Mary Winbigler and was born in Ashland county, Ohio, January 10, 1841; his parents died when he was young, leaving himself and two sisters to depend on their own resources. At nineteen years of age he commenced life for himself. On April 16, 1868, he was married to Annie E. Morris by whom he had six children, but three of whom are now living. They were Edmund K., born June 30, 1868, and who died October 10, 1870; Mary C., born January 1, 1870; John D., born March 15, 1872; Louis A., born October 3, 1873, and twin boys who died in infancy, unnamed. Mrs. Winbigler died February 12, 1875, and he was again married June 20, 1876 to Mrs. Margaretta Glenn widow of James R. Glenn. They have had one child who died in infancy. Mrs. Winbigler is a daughter of James and Annie Hammett, and was married to her first husband August 10, 1854. By him she had two children, Sadie E., born September 23, 1863; and Mary A., born September 10, 1865, and who died June 29, 1868. Both Mr. and Mrs. Winbigler are members of the Presbyterian church. In politics he is a Democrat. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

RICHARD WINBIGLER (Mohican) p. 207(1)

Was born in Frederick county, Maryland, near Frederick City, in 1782. He grew to manhood and married in his native State. In 1818, he concluded to cast his lot among the pioneers of the branches of Mohican, in Ohio, where many other Marylanders found homes. He emigrated with his family, and located about two miles southeast of Jeromeville. Mr. Winbigler deceased some twenty years since, over seventy years of age. At his decease, his family consisted of Mary Anne, Henry, Elizabeth and William, all of whom are dead, except Henry.

Henry Winbigler was born in Frederick county, Maryland, June 4, 1808. He accompanied his father’s family to Mohican township in 1818, and has a very distinct recollection of the pioneer days of that township. He attended the common schools of that period, and obtained a fair knowledge of the elementary branches. In 1832 he married Jane, daughter of John Hootman. He has filled several township offices in Mohican, and been elected justice of the peace four times, or twelve years. Mr. Winbigler is a gentleman of intelligence and undisputed integrity. His family consists of Richard M. and Elizabeth, wife of Josephus Newbrough, of Jackson county, Michigan. Mr. Winbigler is an industrious farmer, and in possession of a valuable homestead, where he lives quietly and contentedly. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ANDREW WIREMAN (Perry) p. 324(1)

Andrew Wireman was born in Petersburgh, Adams county in 1806, came to Wayne county in 1827, where he located, and for twelve months followed chopping for a livelihood. He then learned the trade of a mason, which occupation he pursued for almost fifty years. Mr. Wireman married in 1831 to Miss Sarah Baker. To them were born twelve children, four sons and eight daughters: Sevilla, Margaret, Samuel, Elizabeth, John B., Sophronia, John K., Sydna H., Orline, Irena, Minnie, Etta, and Barton Leroy. Three are deceased—John B., Elizabeth and Sydna H.  Elizabeth died when just budding into womanhood, the others in early childhood. The subject of this sketch came to Perry township March 15, 1854. Himself and wife are members of the Lutheran church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM H. WIRT (Hanover) p. 297(1)

William H. Wirt was born in Summit county, Ohio, in 1841, attended college in Hillsdale, Michigan, two years, and then began the study of medicine with Drs. Fuller and Scott, in Loudonville, Ohio, where he remained three years. In the spring of 1869 he graduated at Rush’s Medical college, Chicago, Illinois, and the same year began the practice of medicine in Dundee, Tuscarawas county, Ohio, where he remained one year, when he returned to Loudonville and formed a partnership with Dr. A.B. Fuller, with whom he remained in partnership five years. In 1875 he dissolved partnership, and continued, in business alone until the fall of 1879, when he took Dr. O.W. Schwan into partnership, and is now practicing medicine under the firm name of Drs. Wirt & Schwan. He is a physician of the regular school, and has built up a large practice. In 1872 he was elected member of the school board, and has been re-elected every term since, and has held the offices of president and clerk of the board; was also chief of the fire department for one year. In 1879 he received the nomination of representative on the Republican ticket, but owing to the large majority on the other side, was defeated, but greatly reduced that majority. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and contributes largely to its support. Mr. Wirt is a man who has gained the esteem and confidence of the community, and is honored and respected by all who know him. In 1869 he married Clementine L. Smith, of Loudonville, and is the father of two children–William G.; and Rush, who died when about four months old. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MICHAEL WISE (Perry) p. 325(1)

Michael Wise was born in Center county, Pennsylvania, October 25, 1820. His father, George Frederick Wise, emigrated to Ohio in 1822, locating in what is now Perry township, Ashland county, Ohio. Seven years previous to his coming he entered one hundred and sixty acres of land, and to this tract he brought his family, consisting of his wife and seven children–four sons and three daughters. They erected a log cabin in the dense forest, and at once began the improvement of his chosen home. These were times that required sinews and perseverance, and this they brought in abundance from their eastern home. This was his only home. As it improved it naturally became more and more attractive to them. There were born in this Ohio home six children—two sons and four daughters, making a family of thirteen children. By earnest endeavor, father and sons soon had the satisfaction of seeing the sturdy old forest trees give way, and in their stead waving fields of grain. Mr. Wise lived to the age of eighty-eight years, and had it not been for a sad accident he might have lived many years longer. He fell on the frozen ground and fractured his thigh, which caused death in about six days. Mrs. Wise is still living on the old homestead. She is ninety-one years of age, being the oldest person now living in Perry township. Well may we call them pioneers, for such they certainly are in every sense of the word. Michael, the subject of the following sketch, was not two years old when his parents removed to this county, and he grew up in pioneer style, learning well the lesson to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. He made his home with his parents until he was married to Sarah Weaver, daughter of Thomas and Julia Ann Weaver, of Perry township. To them have been born eight children, three sons and five daughters: David, Mary M., Sarah, Rebecca, Emma, Harriet E., John A., and George Morgan. David, Rebecca and Sarah are married, and all live in Perry township. The other five are at home with their parents. Mr. Wise is a good farmer, and has one hundred acres of fine land. He is a man highly esteemed as a neighbor and friend. He is forward in improvements that tend to elevate the character of the people, though his time is principally given to his family and his farm. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

GEORGE WOLF (Lake) p. 288(1)

George Wolf, born in Ellsos, France, in 1824, came to America with his father in 1853, and purchased a farm in Ashland county, Ohio, in company with his father. In 1848 he married Mary Cross, who died August 1, 1869. She was the mother of seven children. In 1870 he married Hannah Sanders. After the death of his father he sold the old homestead and purchased the farm on which he now lives, and has accumulated a nice fortune. He has held the office of school director for six years, and has been supervisor several terms. He is a member of the old Lutheran church, in which he has been elder for twelve years, and is a highly respected member of society. In politics he is a Democrat. He had seven children: John, who married Matilda Kayler; Mary, deceased, who was the wife of John Keik, Margaret, wife of Jonathan Tobe; Catharine, George, Caroline and Jacob. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

GEORGE B. WOLF (Lake) p. 284(1)

George B. Wolf, born in Ellsos, France, in 1838, came to America with his father in 1840, who settled in Ashland county, Lake township, Ohio. In 1860 he married Alla V. Myers, of Wayne county, Ohio. Mr. Wolf is a stonemason, having learned his trade of Michael Roth, but has been engaged in farming for several years past. He has held the office of township clerk for the past four years, and is the present incumbent. He is a member of the Lutheran church, and a highly respected member of society. His children are: Adeline M., Ida M., John M., and William S. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ISAAC WOLF (Green) p. 278(1)

Isaac Wolf, born in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, in 1789, came to Ashland county in 1819, and settled on the farm now owned by Warring Wolf. He built the first house on the farm, and when built there was not another house within a mile of it. He was engaged in farming all his life, and although not a mechanic, he manufactured wooden plows for all the people near there. He was a member of the Baptist church, and in 1813 married Nancy Small. He died in October 1840. He was the father of ten children, eight of whom are living: Warring, who married Sarah Peterson; Sylvester, who married Hannah Gladden, and lives in Indiana; Abrilla, wife of Henry M. Hoover, of Shelby county, Ohio; Milo A., who married Elizabeth Priest, and lives in Iowa; Boston F., who married Elizabeth Cotton, and lives in Barre county, Michigan; Aletha, wife of Jacob Rheinhardt, who lives in Morrow county, Ohio; Orsamus S., who married Pamela Fuller, and lives in Osceola county, New York; and Samantha A. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN WOLF (Lake) p. 288(1) Entry #1

John Wolf was born in Ellsos, France, in 1789, and married Margaret Spak, in Ellsos. She was born in 1798. June 14, 1853, he came to America, and settled in Lake township, Ashland county, on the farm now owned by John Artz, where he engaged in farming all his life. In 1860 he died; he was a member of the old Lutheran church, and while in Ellsos was elder in the church sixteen years. A hard working, honest, industrious man, he was much respected in the community in which he lived. In September 1874, his wife died. Only three of his five children are living: George, who married Hannah Sanders; Michael, who married Mary Spack; and Mary, wife of Jacob Breckhisen. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN WOLF (Lake) p. 284(1) Entry #2

John Wolf was born in Ellos, France, in 1803, and came to Ashland county in 1840, and settled on the farm now owned by J.J. Wolf, in Lake township. A weaver by trade, he followed his occupation six years after he came to Ohio, when he gave it up and engaged in farming, which he followed up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1861. He married Mary Peteas in Ellsos, France, who still survives him. He was a member of the Lutheran church. In politics he was a member of the Democratic party. He has five children: Mary, Catharine, Margaret, John J., and George B. (Transcribed and contributed by Linda J. Collins)

JOHN C. WOLF (Vermillion) p. 307(1)

John C. Wolf was born in Germany, March 20, 1848, and emigrated to America, when he was but four years of age, with his parents. They located in Richland county, Ohio; here he remained until 1854. November 16, 1878, he was married to Elizabeth Vesper, daughter of Michael and Mary Vesper, residents of Orange township, Ashland county. In April, 1879, Mr. Wolf was chosen by the people of Ashland county as superintendent of their county infirmary; and he is a man well calculated to fill such a position to the satisfaction of the people. He is of a sociable and pleasant disposition, though he possesses sufficient firmness to manage the affairs of his office in such a manner that the people appreciate and are fully satisfied with their choice. He has many warm friends among those who are intimately acquainted with him. No children, as yet, have come to vex or cheer this young couple. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MICHAEL WOLF (Lake) p. 289(1)

Michael Wolf born in Ellsos, France, in 1837, came to America in 1852, and first settled in Hanover township, Ashland county, Ohio, on the farm now owned by Adam Young. In 1863 he sold it and purchased the farm on which he now lives, from David Workman. The farm contains two hundred and twelve acres, and he has built on it one of the largest brick houses in the county. When he first came to America he had to borrow ten dollars of his brother in Cleveland in order to reach Loudonville, and since that time (only about twenty-seven years), by industry and economy, has accumulated a nice fortune, and has secured for himself one of the best places in the county. He is a member of the old Lutheran church, in which he has been trustee for nine years, and to which he contributes largely. He married Mary Spack in Hanover township. She was a native of Ellsos, France. Mr. Wolf is the father of eight children, all living at home. John, George, Mary, Martin, Henry, Margaret, Michael and Charlie. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

STEPHEN WOLF (Montgomery) p. 376(1)

Stephen Wolf was born in Butler township, Columbiana county, Ohio, June 19, 1814. He was the eighth in a family of ten children, of Jacob and Mary M. Mason Wolf. The father was a native of Maryland, and for many years was a resident of Virginia. He was of German descent. He, with his family, removed to eastern Ohio about the year 1807, and to Ashland county in the spring of 1832, where he died in December, 1856; the mother died in June, 1858. Our subject remained with his parents, following farming until he was thirty-three years of age, when he was married to Elizabeth Heifner, daughter of Frederick Heifner from Pennsylvania. By this union were born seven children, four of whom are living, namely: Mary, Jane, Rebecca and Lewis M. Those deceased are, George S. and infant twins. After his marriage our subject built a house on the farm where he still remains, which is the old homestead. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wolf are members of the Baptist church of Ashland. In politics Mr. Wolf is a Conservative, having formerly been a Democrat; but in Vallandigham’s day cast a Republican vote and has since voted for whom he considered the best man. In 1847 Mr. Wolf was appointed deputy sheriff of Ashland county, and soon after was elected justice of the peace for one term. He served as deputy sheriff in Richland county under David Bright. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WARRING WOLF (Green) p. 278(1)

Warring Wolf, son of Isaac Wolf, was born in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, in 1815, came to Ohio with his father, and, in 1841, married Sarah Peterson. He has been engaged in farming all his life, and has held the office of trustee for several years; has been justice of the peace for six years, and assessor for three years. He is a member of the Baptist church, and has been a deacon in the same ever since the death of his father, which occurred forty years ago. In politics he is a Democrat. He is the father of nine children, only four of whom are living, Mary A., wife of John L. Metcalf, of Ashland county; Isaac, who married Alice Freshwater, and lives in Ashland county; Margaret E., and John P., who married Annie Workman, and lives in Holmes county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM S. WOODHULL (Green) p. 276(1)

William S. Woodhull, father of Mrs. Samuel Budd, born in New Jersey in 1799, came to Ohio in 1837, and settled in Ashland county, and followed farming all his life. In 1838 he married Mary Peterson. He was a member of the Baptist church, and in politics was a Republican. He died in March 1879. He was the father of seven children, viz: Temperance, wife of Samuel Budd; Joachin, who married Phebe Jones, and lives in Richland county; William, who married Martha Earnest, and lives in Ashland county; Mary E., wife of Benjamin Hughes, of Indiana; Sarah E., deceased; John, who married Elizabeth Cochrane, and lives in Ashland county; and Margaret, deceased. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HENRY WORST (Perry) p. 324(1)

Henry Worst was born in the year 1775, in the State of Pennsylvania, Berks county. In the year 1799 he was married to Miss Barbara Donet, and came to Ohio in the year 1814 and settled immediately in the woods on the farm now owned by his son Samuel. The farm showed no signs of improvement whatever, to give evidence of civilization or advancement. Here he reared and educated a family of eleven children–seven daughters and four sons. Their names are as follows: Catharine, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, Margaret, Henry, Susan, Jacob, Samuel, Nancy and George, six of whom are dead–Catharine, Elizabeth, Mary, Margaret, Sarah and Nancy. Our subject died in the year 1869, surviving his wife for a period of twenty years. This aged couple lie buried side by side in the Mount Hope cemetery. Few pioneers are more deserving of a kind remembrance than Mr. and Mrs. Worst. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SAMUEL WORST (Perry) p. 324(1)

Samuel Worst, the subject of this sketch, was born in the year 1817, on the farm now owned by him, and the old Worst homestead. Mr. Worst was thrice married, first in the year 1838, May 3d, to Miss Mary Martin. The fruit of this union was nine children—five sons and four daughters: Elizabeth, John, Margaret, Nancy, George, Mary, Samuel, David and William. Mr. Worst lost his wife in the summer of 1868. In the year 1878 he was again married to Miss May Facker. She died eighteen months later, in the month of October, 1879. Again he was married to Miss Lucy Besecker. Himself and wife are earnest members of Jerome Baptist church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

AARON YARNELL (Green) p. 281(1)

Aaron Yarnell, was born in Wayne county, Ohio, in 1818, came to Ashland county about 1838, and settled in Loudonville. He was a tinner by trade, and was engaged in that business about ten years, when he sold to G.G. Leopold, and, in company with Thomas McMahon, opened a dry goods store, in which business he continued about six years. He died in 1877. He was married to Margaret McMahon, who died in 1878. They had three children; Mary E., who became the wife of Isaac Seigenthaler, and, afterwards, the wife of Timothy Osborn; John, who died in infancy; and Daniel R. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DANIEL YARNELL (Green) p. 281(1)

Daniel Yarnell, a resident of Wayne county, Ohio, was born in Pennsylvania in 1787, and married Elizabeth Calhoun. He was a shoemaker by trade. He held the offices of sheriff, justice of the peace, and constable, in Wayne county, for a number of years. He died in 1864. His wife died in 1871. He was the father of eight children: David, who married Laura Henderson, and lives in Wayne county, Ohio; Aaron deceased, who married Margaret McMahon; Hannah and Ewing deceased; Sarah, wife of G.G. Leopold, of Loudonville; Ellen (deceased), who was the wife of Jacob Everhart, of Wooster, Ohio; and Phebe (deceased). (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DANIEL R. YARNELL (Green) p. 282(1)

Daniel R. Yarnell, son of Aaron Yarnell, was born in Loudonville April 3, 1846. He learned the tinner’s trade of G.G. Leopold, in Loudonville, and February 27, 1867, in company with G.G. Leopold, opened a stove and tin store in Perrysville, the only store of the kind there, and remained in partnership twelve years, when they sold to Jonathan Coulter. At present Mr. Yarnell is engaged in milling, his mill being situated two miles south of Loudonville, on the Clear fork. It has three run of stone, and grinds on the new process. January 2, 1868, he married Miss L.L. Gladdon, of Richland county, Ohio. He has been trustee of Green township one term, and councilman ever since the town was incorporated. He is the father of four children: Oakley E., Guy G., Leon, L., and Don G. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

LEWIS P. YEATER (Mifflin) p. 316(1)

Lewis P. Yeater was born in Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, November 29, 1838, where he resided until 1854, when his parents removed to Ashland county, and located in Mifflin township. October 19, 1865, he was married to Miss Amelia Wertsbaugh, who was also born in Pennsylvania, twelve miles from Chambersburgh, in Cumberland county. The fruits of this union are five children, four of whom are living: William P. who was born November 27, 1867; Henry A., born August 26, 1873; Maud, born March 30, 1876; Mary, born October 1, 1878. The name of the one that died was Norma A.—departed this life October 22, 1874, aged four years, five months and thirteen days. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB YOUNG (Orange) p. 235(1)

JACOB YOUNG, of Orange, was born in Hardy county, Virginia, January 1, 1773. His parents were natives of Bavaria, Germany, and immigrated to America about the year 1743. The Youngs settled in Virginia, and the father and mother of Jacob Young (the mother’s name was Cox), landed in New York, and subsequently settled in Virginia, where Andrew Young, father of Jacob, married into the Cox family. When Jacob Young was four or five years old his father removed to Washington county, Pennsylvania, then considered part of Virginia, and located near Ten Mile creek. He subsequently served some two years as teamster in the Revolutionary army, and died on his homestead about the year 1807, at an advanced age.

Jacob grew to manhood in Washington county, and married Mary Mason, of Fayette county, Pennsylvania, June 7, 1795, and, in 1804 removed to and located in Columbiana county, in the newly admitted State of Ohio, where he remained until October, 1814, when he removed to Orange township, then in Richland, but now in Ashland county, Ohio, where he had erected a cabin the preceding year. Prior to his removal he had entered, at the office at New Lisbon, a number of tracts of land, one of which is now (1878) owned by John Crivelin, one by the heirs of the late George Hall, one by Isaac Mason, one by William Rhone, and another by Rev. William Sattler. His route to his new home was by the old army trail to Wooster, thence by Beall’s trail to Jerome’s Place and block-house, now Jeromeville, and thence up the Mohican, by a new path passing near where Andrew Mason now resides, and thence to his cabin on the present Sattler farm. But few settlers had preceded him, and his cabin was in the midst of an almost unbroken forest. It was a lonely home, and he was soon serenaded by wolves and the screams of other wild animals. As soon as he had arranged for winter he set to work upon the rich alluvial bottoms to prepare ground for culture the next year. The forests were of stupendous growth, and required much toil to cut and remove them. During the winter his family lived upon corn-bread, milk, and such wild meat as he could secure by means of his trusty rifle. The hominy block was brought into requisition, and such corn as could be procured in Columbiana county and in the vicinity of Wooster, was prepared for use. His nearest neighbors were Solomon Urie, Vachtel Metcalf, Amos Norris, Patrick Murray, and Jacob Crouse, to whose number others were soon added.

An old Delaware and Wyandot trail ran near his cabin, and Indians from Sandusky frequently passed along, with furs and skins to Pittsburgh and returned with new blankets, ammunition, and such other articles as they received in exchange for peltry; but were then quite civil. They occasionally called at his cabin, in small numbers, for something to eat, and always were served by Mrs. Young when she had anything to allay their hunger. After 1817 they rarely visited the cabin, when off their reservation, which was situated in what is now Marion county, Ohio. They generally hunted in the forests along Black river and in Huron, Lorain and Medina counties. They finally disappeared about 1824, and went west in 1829. In his hunting excursions he often met small parties of Delawares in the northern forests. On one occasion, in attempting to pass silently to a resort for deer–a sort of lick–he came quietly upon an old Delaware seated upon a log, soundly asleep, and apparently very much exhausted from fatigue and want of food. Upon his approach the Indian was very much frightened; but Mr. Young advanced, showing by signs that he intended no harm, and, upon discovering the real situation of the Indian, drew from the pocket of his hunting shirt a corn cake, which he tendered to his red friend, which was eagerly accepted. The Indian kneeled down in token of thankfulness, at the same time pointing toward the heavens, as if to intimate that the Great Spirit would reward him for generously feeding the hungry.

In 1833, when the great stellar shower took place, when it seemed as if the universe were coming to an end, Mr. Young was hunting in the north woods along the banks of the Black river, and slept of nights in a rude hut or wigwam covered with bark. The singular appearance of the heavens amazed him, and fear that some great evil might befall his family seized upon him, but upon his return he was happy to discover that his apprehensions were baseless. The heavens had again become calm, and the fiery torches that blazed through the limitless regions of space had disappeared, and all nature seemed at rest. It was not a matter of surprise that he should have been alarmed, for philosopher and divine alike trembled at beholding the phenomenon, and were uncertain as to its final termination.

Mr. Young succeeded in raising a few acres of corn the first year; but was compelled to depend largely upon the chase for meat. His neighbors were few and far between, and he was often requested to assist in erecting cabins for new settlers, to roll logs, and do other acts of good neighborhood, to all of which he responded, often boarding himself in addition to services rendered, and at the same time furnishing seed corn to the newcomer. Indeed, though industrious, economical, and careful, he found it difficult to protect himself and family from suffering, until he had succeeded in raising a few crops. Nevertheless, short as was his home supply, he was noted for his generous aid to all comers, even to squandering his own profits by helping parties who were subsequently unable or unwilling to pay him in return. His wife often related that they had, not unfrequently, been so short of meat, for the first year or two, that Mr. Young depended almost wholly upon his gun, from day to day, for a supply; and often returned, hungry and weary, without game, and made a supper upon milk and pone. In his hunting excursions, during his earlier years, he often met, in the northern forests, that skillful and successful woodman and hunter, Solomon Urie. He often found signs of bear, and frequently succeeded in capturing bruin, of whose flesh he was very fond. Deer were very common, and turkeys often made havoc with cornfields, in the fall of the year. Wolves were also numerous, and very destructive on sheep; their scalps commanded a fair price in money.

Mrs. James Kerr, daughter of Jacob Young, has in her possession a family Bible purchased by her father, with wolf scalps, in Columbiana county, over sixty-five years ago. It was a book duly venerated by Mr. Young, during his life. He made a conscientious effort to follow its precepts.

In July, 1815, John Whittaker, a surveyor of Columbiana county, was employed by William Montgomery to survey the original plat of the village of Uniontown, now Ashland, Ohio, and boarded at the cabin of Jacob Young, while so doing; for the site of the new village was covered by the original forest, and had no boarding houses or hotels for the accommodation of travelers.

In 1815 he helped erect the first school-house in Orange township, near his residence, in which John Swigart taught the first school, in the winter of 1815-16, and married Barbara Young, about the close of his school, which is supposed to have been the first wedding in Orange township. The ceremony was performed by ‘Squire Newell, of Montgomery township, at the cabin of Jacob Young.

Mr. Young became a member of the Evangelical Lutheran church at the age of seventeen years, in Washington county, Pennsylvania, and continued faithful until his decease, which occurred in 1862, at the age of eighty-nine years, a period of about seventy-one years.

It is a sufficient panegyric upon the life and character of Mr. Young to say, that he never had a quarrel with any man; that he never sued any man; that he was never a defendant in a law-suit; that he was generous to all men; and that, while he was born under the dominion of King George III., he lived to see the independence of the American Republic, the establishment of the Union, and the prosperity and greatness of the States.

His wife, Mrs. Mary Mason Young, was a member of the same church from 1800 until her decease in 1865, being about ninety years and six months old.

The family of Mr. Young consisted of twelve children, two boys, John, who died in Van Wert county, Ohio, in 1851, and Abraham, who died in Missouri in 1877; and ten girls–Elizabeth, wife of the late Joseph Bishop; Barbara, wife of John Swigart; Mary, wife of John Swineford; Christiana, wife of Samuel Baughman; Phebe, wife of Rhinehart Allaphela; Sarah, wife of Abraham Marks; Amy, wife of John C. Kerr; Hannah, wife of Robert McKee; Nancy, wife of Jacob Marietta; and Margaret, wife of James Kerr. All survive but Mrs. Bishop.

The entire family, learned at an early day, lessons of industry, economy and morality, and lived to honor the parents that gave them birth. The loom was their parlor organ, and the busy hum of the spinning-wheel kept time with the music of the shuttle as it shot to and fro among the warp. All made intelligent, exemplary mothers, and faithful wives. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JAMES YOUNG (Lake) p. 290(1)

James Young was born in Virginia, in 1815, came to Ohio with his father, and in 1836 married Eliza Stoner. He is a member of the Reformed church, and in politics is a Democrat. His wife died in September, 1879. He is the father of nine children, only five of whom are living, Catharine, wife of Tobias Wessel; Mary E., wife of Henry Coble; Rebecca, wife of John Eberhart; and Sarah A., wife of Truman Cross. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN C. YOUNG (Lake) p. 290(1)

John C. Young, born in Virginia, came to Ohio in 1817, and settled in Lake township, Ashland county, on the farm now owned by George Wolf. He was a cooper by trade, but while in Ohio was engaged in farming until his death, which occurred in 1851. During his residence in Lake township he was justice of the peace eleven years and township treasurer several years. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, and in politics was a Democrat. He married Rebecca Mathews, of Virginia, who died in 1845. He was the father of seven children, five of whom are still living, Drusilla, wife of John Megary, of Richland county, Ohio; Eliza, wife of Reuben Hill; James, who married Eliza Stoner; Lucinda, wife of Elias Snowbarger; and John, who married Louisa Myer. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOSEPH ZEHNER (Mifflin) p. 320(1)

Joseph Zehner was born in Richland county Ohio, July 4, 1833. When a babe his parents removed to Ashland county, and settled in Mifflin township. He is the tenth child of Samuel and Christiana Zehner. His father died in 1854, aged sixty-seven years. His mother died in 1867, aged about sixty years. He has always lived in the county, with the exception of about eleven years he spent in California and Nevada territory. He was married, January 9, 1872, to Annie Apple, in this county. The fruits of this union are four children, named respectively: David, who was born December 9, 1873; Minnie, born December 7, 1874; Irene, born January 5, 1876, and Bertha, born January 19, 1879. Mr. Zehner has always paid his attention to farming, with the exception of the time he spent in the west, at which place he turned his attention to speculating and mining. He now owns a good farm and intends to make that and the raising of stock his future business. He is comfortably situated in regard to this world’s goods, and together with his family, are respected by all who know them. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

PETER ZEHNER (Mifflin) p. 317(1)

Peter Zehner was born in Mifflin township, this county, October 29, 1836, and was married January 24, 1861, to Hannah Boyer, who was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, March 15, 1839. When six months old her parents removed to this county, since which time she has resided here. The fruits of this union were eleven children, nine of whom are still living: John I., who was born February 1, 1862; Sarah Ann, who was born June 23, 1863; William H., who was born September 20, 1864; F. and G. Nety, who was born October 12, 1866; Leah, who was born February 12, 1868; Joseph, who was born March 7, 1870; Hannah S., who was born November 9, 1871; Malinda, who was born April 17, 1876; and Peter, born December 14, 1877. Those deceased are: Leonora, who died September 7, 1875, aged about twenty months; and Caroline, who died February 20, 1880, aged three months. Mr. Zehner is a carpenter and contractor, to which business he pays all his attention, his sons carrying on the farm. In connection with his carpentering business, which he has followed for over twenty years, he has carried on the undertaking business for the past five years. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

CYRUS ZIMMERMAN (Montgomery) p. 365(1)

Cyrus Zimmerman, the subject of this sketch, is the fourth child of Peter Zimmerman, of whom mention is made elsewhere in this work. He was born in Montgomery township, March 15, 1842, and Montgomery township has always been his home. He was married March 8, 1866, to Miss Amanda Irwin who was born in Holmes county, Ohio October 3, 1848. To them has been born one child, who is living, and named Elizabeth. She was born November 13, 1869. Our subject is a farmer by occupation, and has followed that as his vocation from boyhood. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ISAAC ZIMMERMAN (Perry) p. 327(1)

Isaac Zimmerman, the eldest son of Eli and Elizabeth Zimmerman, was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, in the year 1830, and came to Ohio in company with his parents in the fall of 1838. On the organization of Ashland county, he came to Perry township. His father resided here until the year 1865, when he removed to Mohican, and today is one of the largest landholders in the county. Isaac, the subject of our sketch, purchased the old Zimmerman homestead in Perry township, and has added many noticeable improvements. He was married in the year 1859 to Miss Susan Ely. To them have been born five children, three sons and two daughters. Their names are as follows: Judson A., Zenas W., Isadore, John E., and Etta May, deceased, who died in early childhood. So great is his ambition to improve, advance, and reach the zenith in farming, that he has purchased fine specimens of wheat at the enormous price of fourteen dollars per bushel, sowing the present season forty-eight different specimens. By dint of hard labor, wise economy, and careful judgment, —- Mr. Zimmerman has accumulated an extensive property, being the possessor of three hundred and fifty-three acres of land. Mrs. Zimmerman is one of the staunch members of the Reformed church, and has always been one of its most liberal supporters, and while Mr. Zimmerman is not associated with any church organization, he is a firm advocate of law and order. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

L.P. ZIMMERMAN (Mohican) p. 361(1)

L.P. Zimmerman was born in Wayne county, August 29, 1847, his parents being A.D. and Catharine Zimmerman, who came from Pennsylvania in 1833. During his boyhood he remained with his parents, and while still young commenced clerking for Mr. Thompson, in Perrysville. Some two years later, his father moved to Perrysville, and purchased Thompson’s stock of groceries, which they disposed of after two years to Rouse & Fullmer. They still continued in trade in the Cotter store for two years, when they again sold out and removed to Orrville. Here L.P. Zimmerman remained in the grocery trade one year, when he came to Lake Fork and purchased the dry goods stock of Eddy & Harvey, where he still remains. In December 1873 he was married to Ella Applegate, and has had three children: Zella, born in January 1875, and an infant. Another infant died, unnamed. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)