2023 Chapter Volunteers

Pictured (left to right) – Seated: Virginia Schuck, Barb Renneker, Tammy Pelton. Standing: Ginny Feiber, Missy Derrenberger, Marlene Applegate, Charlie Fulk, Cindy Becker, Linda Fulk, Deanna Applegate, Marge Yetzer, Linda Collins, Terry Haun, Tom Neel, Charlotte Elson. Not pictured: Barb Hart, Barb Queer, Bobbi Kerschner, Ishu Sakthivel, Jane Roland, Peg Kerr, Rita Kopp, Teddie Hill, Selvanayaki Kolandapalayam Shanmugam
Our volunteers are a valuable asset!
Volunteers contribute to our speaker programs, publications such as our books and newsletter, resources at the library, fundraising, projects, social media, virtual meeting technology, and website. In 2023, volunteers collectively logged 2358 hours on various endeavors for the Chapter. That is more than one fulltime person who works a paid position. Thank you, volunteers, for your time and talent!
Volunteer Opportunities
Are you looking for Community Service Hours for school or work? As a non-profit organization, the Ashland County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society may be able to help you as you help us!
- The Chapter would like to complete the publication of its series of Township Research Aid books. The only one remaining to be completed is Montgomery Township, which includes the city of Ashland. The book includes information from maps, tax lists, census records, voter lists, churches, schools, cemeteries, etc. We need people to gather information and type (in MS Word). Genealogical research experience is a plus.
- Website: Volunteers are needed to help the webmaster maintain the website, to do data entry needed to complete the Obituary Surname Index and other major projects. Are you a “techie” with website experience? Are you a detail person and willing to learn? Are you interested in being considered for the Technology Committee?
If you would like to become a volunteer, send an email to accogspresident@gmail.com.