C - Church
ALEXANDER CALHOUN (Orange) p. 312(1)
Alexander Calhoun was born in Ireland, November 4, 1796. He was married to Margaret Morehead, by whom he had eight children. In 1831 he sailed on the steamer Colossus for America. First he settled in Ashland county, where he purchased a quarter section of land in Orange township, known as the old John Patterson homestead, and resided there until his death, in 1870. Mathew, the elder son, resides in Clearcreek township, and was married June 21, 1848, and had three children. Mr. Calhoun is a prominent farmer and worthy citizen of the township. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN CAMP (Perry) p.326(1)
John Camp, third son of Matthias Camp, was born in 1826 in Perry township, Wayne county, and resided with his parents until the time of his marriage, in 1853, to Miss Ellen Campbell, daughter of one of Ashland county’s early pioneers. The fruit of this union was eleven children, five sons and six daughters: May C., Margaret J., Alice Emma, Lydia A., Warren C., Matthias G., Arthur E., John W., Sarah E., Eunice E., and one who died in infancy unnamed. Eunice E. also died in infancy, and Matthias died in early childhood. Mr. Camp now resides in Perry township, on the farm adjoining the old homestead. He and his wife are active members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and have always been among its most liberal supporters. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
MATHIAS CAMP (Perry) p. 326(1)
Mathias Camp was born in the State of Pennsylvania, Westmoreland county, in the year 1744. He came to Ohio in the year 1815, and made his home with his brother Anthony, in Baughman township, Wayne county, where he followed clearing and chopping until the time of his marriage in 1821, to Miss Sarah Evans. He then rented a cabin of his brother, where he remained for one year, when he purchased a quarter of land in Perry township, Wayne county, and began settlement immediately in the woods with no implements whatever. Here our hero commenced life in earnest. He at once set about the erection of a house in which to shelter his little family. His structure was a rude cabin with stick chimney, puncheon floor, and greased paper for windows, and with nothing for a door but a quilt or coverlet, and when all was completed he looked upon it and called it good. To him were born eleven children, seven sons and four daughters. Their names are as follows: Silas, James, John, Anthony, Mary, Evans, Wesley, Margaret, Sarah, Agnes and Matthias. Three are deceased: Margaret, Anthony and Matthias. Here, in this pioneer home, our subject reared his family, situated as he was, directly in the forest. It required a strong will and earnest determination to conquer, and as evidence the wilderness was soon made to give way, and waving fields of grain told that his labors had not been unrewarded, and each year as he was prospered he continued improving his farm until it now compares favorably with the best farms in the county. By dint of hard labor, careful judgment, and wise economy, this pioneer father has acquired quite a handsome property, sufficient to carry him through his old age. Silas, Anthony, and Matthias all served in the war of the rebellion in company C, Forty-fourth regiment. Matthias died of disease at Louisville, Kentucky, and Anthony died at the battle of Lookout Mountain, from a mortal wound, surviving but for two hours. Their brother Silas brought them home, and they both lie side by side in Wayne county. Silas remained until the close of the war, receiving a slight wound, but nothing serious. Frank W. Eckerman, of the same company, was mortally wounded at Dallas, Georgia, the wound proving fatal, July 4, 1864, at Chattanooga. He now lies buried in the sunny south in an unknown, but not an unforgotten grave. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ALMER R. CAMPBELL (Montgomery) p. 395(1)
Almer R. Campbell was born May 19, 1853. His grandparents were of Scotch and Irish ancestry, and came from Pennsylvania to Ashland county, where his father, James Campbell, was born May 19, 1828. His mother, Isabel Campbell, was born in the same county, and is now living in Bowling Green, Wood county, Ohio, his father having died February 9, 1875. They had five children, three of whom died in childhood. Laura E. is the wife of Titus Beck, of Bowling Green. Almer R., the subject of this sketch, received his education at Baldwin university, Berea, Ohio, after which he taught school until 1875, when he commenced reading law with his uncle, R. M. Campbell, esq. of Ashland, with whom he was a partner one year. In 1877 he was elected justice of the peace for Montgomery township, which office he held for three years. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ARTHUR CAMPBELL, JR. (Perry) p. 239(1)
Was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, January 19, 1810, and emigrated with his parents (Arthur Campbell, sr.,) to Perry township, Wayne, now Ashland, county, Ohio, in May, 1815. They came in two wagons, by the way of Steubenville, Canton, and Wooster, then villages, and followed Beall’s trail. Mr. Campbell visited his land, which was entered at Canton, in 1814, in the fall of that year, and built a small cabin, stopping with John Raver while doing so. He located on section twenty-three, just southeast of what is now the village of Rowsburgh. When he landed, the pioneers of Perry are believed to have been John Raver, Henry and John Pittinger, David and Daniel Williams, Henry Worst, Cornelius Dorland, Benjamin Emmons, Thomas Johnston, and Samuel Chasey. Joseph Chandler, sr., and two sons, John Cory and father, and John Carr and family, had been in the township a short time prior to the war of 1812, but had returned to the east part of the State, where they remained until the close of the war, and then re-occupied their improvements. The settlers next succeeding Mr. Campbell, are believed to have been: William Adams, John Adams, Hugh Adams, Richard Smalley, Isaac Smalley, John Smalley, Henry Worst, James Dickason, Samuel White, Abraham Ecker, John Keiser, Michael Row, Jacob Shinnabarger, and perhaps others. The spring of the arrival of the family of Mr. Campbell, the Sandusky Indians came down and made sugar near what was afterwards the Hoy farm, at Red Haw, and a few of their poll huts, covered with bark, were left standing. The sap was gathered in bark vessels and boiled in copper kettles. The Indians were then quite peaceable. From 1815 until about 1820, they passed down the old trail once a year, in large numbers, to draw their annuities at Canton. The trail came by the Vermillion lakes, near the residence of the late Jacob Young, in Orange, and ran a southeast course to the cabin of John Raver, half a mile southeast of what is now Rowsburgh, passing by the cabin of Mr. Buckingham, in Montgomery, and thence to the cabin of John Premer, in Chester township, Wayne county, by the cabins of Judge Goodfellow and Adam Shinnaman, Yankee Smith, and across Killbuck, near Wooster. The trail was opened and traveled many years as a wagon road for the pioneers, though destitute of bridges.
The first year Mr. Campbell was compelled to visit Knox county, by pack-horses, for corn. The first trip was made in company with Benjamin Emmons. They followed Indians, directed by a small pocket compass, and camped out two nights, serenaded by immense packs of wolves, but were not harmed. After procuring a few sacks of corn it was ground at Shrimplin’s mill and carried on pack-saddles, through the forests, to their cabins. Mr. Campbell was greatly mortified to learn, upon his arrival, that his family could not eat the meal. He was compelled to return to Washington county, with a wagon and three horses, to procure flour enough to last until his first crop had been harvested. In the spring of 1816 John Raver erected a small log mill with nigger-head stones, which did some business in the way of cracking corn. He afterwards added horse power, but the mill did not come up to his expectations. The major part of the pioneers obtained their grists at Stibbs’ mill, one mile east of Wooster, until John Pittinger erected, in 1820, what afterwards became the Ecker mill, east of the village of Rowsburgh.
The people were destitute of the means of carrying on schools, but managed, by subscription, to gather their children into a log cabin for instruction, two miles northeast of the present site of Rowsburgh, at a point known as Mt. Hope graveyard. The first teacher was Alexander Smith, and the first school in 1816. The scholars were, John Allison, Alexander Allison, Peter Pittinger, Betsy McMillen, Robert Hillis, William Hillis, John Hillis, Peggy Hillis, Ellen Hillis, John Somerton, Tabor Somerton, Mary Campbell, Charles Campbell, Arthur Campbell, Henry Worst, Lydia Pittinger, and Mary Allison. Very few of these remain. Arthur Campbell speaks well of the school.
The first preaching was in the same school-house, and the first preacher Rev. Cole, about 1817. The first Sabbath-school was organized about the same time, at the same place. The children brought a lunch and remained all day, and were instructed and catechised. It was under the control of the Presbyterians, and Mr. Campbell took a deep interest in it. The congregation and school were small, but increased and flourished for many years.
Arthur Campbell, sr., was the first shoemaker in the township. He generally prepared shoes for his own family, and occasionally made brogans for his neighbors, though not having learned the trade in a regular way. Samuel Neal was the first tanner, and his establishment was carried on near Mt. Hope. A blacksmith arrived in the person of Thomas Andrews. The shop was located in the northwest part of the township, near what is now known as the Hance Hamilton farm. The shop was much frequented; and Mr. Andrews was not only a useful tradesman, but also acted as the first township clerk.
In the erection of the first cabins, almost any pioneer could prepare the clapboards, hew the logs or puncheons, and carry up a corner; but cabins began to improve as the farmers acquired means. Isaac Smalley, about 1817, became the first regular carpenter. He followed the business many years, and instructed a number of apprentices in the art.
In the absence of fulling mills and eastern manufactories, the good mothers made the spinning-wheels hum, night and day, until the flax and wool were prepared for the weaver. Henry Brown was the first wheelright, maker of looms and chairs. He carried on his trade as early as 1817. The woollen goods thus woven were carried to a fulling mill, at Stibb’s, near Wooster, fulled and dressed for winter wear.
Justice was first administered by ‘Squire Thomas Johnston, who resided in the west part of the township, on what is now the Davault farm. Mr. Johnston, like ‘Squire Newell and others, was not noted for his legal lore, but made a good practical officer, dispensing with the dry chaff of forms for the real substance.
The forests abounded in wolves, bear, deer, and other game. The wolves were destructive to sheep, and a premium was offered for their scalps, at Wooster. Mr. Campbell relates that a few weeks after the arrival of his father, in neglecting to shelter his sheep, he lost his whole flock in one night, by the wolves. Their throats were cut in the most scientific manner.
The most noted hunters in Perry were John Jackson and Thomas Pittinger; they ranged the forests for many miles, and killed annually hundreds of bear, deer, wolves and turkeys. They were very successful in trapping wolves, and often visited Wooster to obtain the result of their scalps.
In constructing new roads the pioneers traveled many miles, and were able to do but little more than cut a narrow wagon path. The construction of bridges at public expense was impossible, so that in times of heavy rains and freshets, the larger streams were, for weeks, impassable.
Mr. Campbell relates that some two years after their arrival, Mr. Robert McBeth and family, on their way to Clearcreek township, was delayed by the overflowing of the Muddy and Jerome forks, about three weeks, at his father’s cabin.
The first deaths in Perry were Henry Johnston, son of Thomas Johnston, in 1814, of cancer of the lower jaw; James Campbell in 1814, of rheumatism in the foot; and the third death, a son, seven years old, of John Raver, frightened to death by a mouse under his pantaloons leg; he died in spasms some hours after the occurrence.
Arthur Campbell, sr., was killed, August 19, 1819, by the falling of a tree, at the age of forty-five years. A neighbor, Alexander Allison, was present when the accident happened. It was on the premises of John Pittinger. Messrs. Pittinger and Campbell were sitting near a tree conversing, when an oak tree in the clearing, which had been several hours burning, commenced falling. Mr. Allison noticed the falling tree, and instantly notified Campbell and Pittinger of their danger; Pittinger dodged behind a tree near by, but Campbell was struck in the act of rising, by a heavy limb, on the back causing instant death. He left a widow and seven children: Mary, Charles, Arthur, Margaret, Daniel, John, and William. These grew up in Perry township, and the living are Margaret, William, and Arthur. Mrs. Campbell died in 1865, aged eighty-three years.
Arthur Campbell, jr., married Lydia, daughter of Dr. Abram Ecker, by whom he had eleven children. Mrs. Campbell died in 1871. He married Mary, widow of James Scott, in 1877, and resides in Rowsburgh. Mr. Campbell came into the possession of the home farm, and has been a leading agriculturalist for many years. His children are nearly all grown, some of whom occupy the old homestead near Rowsburgh. He is a large, well-developed man, and would weigh about two hundred pounds, is full six feet high, and is in a good state of preservation, mentally and physically. (transcribed by Penny Hanes PHanes1368@aol.com) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JAMES CAMPBELL (Orange) p. 380(1)
James Campbell was born on the ocean while his parents were on the way to the United States, October 2, 1793. They were from Scotland. They settled in Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, where James grew to manhood and learned the trade of a weaver, which he followed for many years. In his earlier years, the old fashioned double coverlets, as well as single ones, were in general use. He was a volunteer in the war of 1812, and went to Baltimore just after Ross was killed. At that time he was with other Pennsylvania troops quartered at Little York, and could hear the cannon at Baltimore during the battle. He served three months, and was discharged at Baltimore City. In 1817 he came to Ohio in company with Edward Murray, who was also a weaver, and settled in Orange township, adjoining the late Patrick Murray, who had preceded him about eighteen months. Mr. Campbell remained in the family of Edward Murray until 1862, in November, when the latter died, and James became a member of the family of William Peters, a son in-law of Mr. Murray. Mr. Murray and wife and Mr. Campbell were for many years members of the Dunkard church. Mr. Campbell is now eighty-seven years of age, and among the few soldiers of the war of 1812 living. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN A. CAMPBELL (Perry) p. 332(1)
John A. Campbell was the only son of John and Agnes Campbell, and was born in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, June 21, 1803. He removed to Ohio with his father in 1833, and settled on the farm where his widow still resides. Previous to his removal to Ohio he was married to Margaret Clark, of Somerset, Pennsylvania. The year 1849 brought to him a great affliction in the loss of his father, adopted son and wife. He and his father had never been accustomed to a life on the farm, having devoted their time while in Pennsylvania to business matters and, although not understanding much of the manual labor that is common to the lot of a farmer, the father and son carried on farming extensively. The mother died in 1835. There was a family of six children: Ann, Margaret, Isabella, Jane, Matilda and John A., whose name is at the head of this sketch. The only surviving member of the family is Matilda, who is well preserved and has an astonishing memory for one of her years. She has reached the age of seventy-nine and is a highly esteemed old lady. She came from a family noted for their longevity and hardy constitutions. Our subject was married the second time to Mary Jane Hamilton, a native of Green county, Pennsylvania, whose father came to this county in 1820. This event took place November 4, 1852. To them have been born two children: Josephine M., who married Henry Dorland, and Walter H., who resides with his mother. Mr. Campbell died June 21, 1866, after a brief illness. He and his wife were earnest, consistent members of the Presbyterian church. He was a man of delicate constitution, of large experience, of a genial and social disposition, a worthy citizen, and highly esteemed as a citizen and a Christian man. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
GEORGE W. CAREY (Green) p. 279(1)
George W. Carey was born in Ashland county, near Perrysville, in 1824. In 1847 he married Elizabeth Foster. He was both a lawyer and farmer; was admitted to the bar in Wayne county, Ohio. He was Republican in politics and took an active part in all political campaigns. He represented Ashland county in the legislature in 1864, and held the office of justice of the peace several years. He died in 1867. He was the father of four children: Thomas, who married Susan M. Parr, and lives in Richland county: Mary, wife of R. H. Goram, living in Richland county; George, who died in Rowsburgh, Ashland county, and Charles. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN CARR SR. (Mohican) p. 231(1)
JOHN CARR SR. was born in Maryland, and came to Washington county, Pennsylvania, about 1790, and married Margaret McGuire, sister of the late Thomas and Hugh McGuire, and during the border wars acted as an Indian spy a short time, when the Bradys, the Poes, as well as Frank McGuire, Robert McGuire, and the Wetsels, scouted along the western border of Pennsylvania. From Washington county, Pennsylvania, John Carr removed into Tuscarawas county, Ohio, where he remained until about 1810, when he came to Mohican township, then in Wayne, now Ashland county, with his family, and settled on what is now known as the Chessman farm, about half a mile northwest of Jeromeville, which he subsequently sold to John Ewing, sr., and purchased what is now the Horn farm, on the east line of Montgomery township, where he died in 1837, aged about sixty years. Mrs. Carr died there also. His children were: Thomas, Nicholas, Nancy, Hugh, Joshua, Benjamin, John, Samuel, Margaret, Aaron, Susan, and Curtis, by his first wife, and Aquilla and David by the second wife. When the people became alarmed in Mohican, in the fall of 1812, because of the menacing conduct of the Indians, Mr. Carr and his family took refuge upon the Tuscarawas, until all danger and threats had been so far removed as to warrant a return to his cabin. Mr. Carr is understood to have been on friendly terms with the Indians of Mohican township, many of whom had resided in other days, at Goshen, on the Tuscarawas. In fact, it had often been suggested, that so warm was his attachments for many of the Jerome Indians, and so deep their regard for Mr. Carr, that he probably would have remained unmolested in his cabin near the fort, had he chosen to do so, during the war. The Indians often called on him, after the war, in their hunting excursions in Mohican. He was a good man. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
DANIEL CARTER (Montgomery) p. 375(1)
Daniel Carter was born in Baltimore county, Maryland, December 25, 1776, and was of English extraction, his father having come with Lord Baltimore’s Colony and settled in Maryland, he being the youngest of a family of three: John, William and Daniel. Daniel was married February 14, 1797, to Ann Snyder, by whom he had eight children: John, William, Daniel, Rachel, Elizabeth, James, George, and Anna. Mrs. Daniel Carter died September 25, 1813, and he married for his second wife Ruth Warner, March 9, 1814. To them were born seven children: David, our subject, Sarah, Mary, Miranda, Samuel, Milton, and Charles. Daniel died February 25, 1854; Ruth died June 18, 1862. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
DANIEL CARTER, JR. (Montgomery) p. 159(1)
Was born in Butler country, Pennsylvania, May 23, 1802. He emigrated, with his father’s family, in March, 1806, to Stark county, Ohio, where he resided until February 12, 1812, and then removed, by way of Jerome’s Place, now Jeromeville, where they remained a few days at the cabin of the late John Carr until Daniel Carter, sr., erected a cabin in Montgomery township, half a mile northeast of the present site of Ashland.
Daniel Carter, sr., had entered at the land office in Canton three hundred and twenty acres of land in Montgomery, constituting the present lands of Peter Thomas, and what was recently known as the John Mason farm. The cabin was a frail affair. It resembled a camp house–was open at one end and made of poles and covered with clapboards. He moved into it in February 12, 1812. The family began active work on a clearing for corn, and got along quietly, being occasionally visited by Indians, until after Hull’s surrender at Detroit, on the sixteenth of August. About this time several families quartered a short time at the cabin of Robert Newell, in the lower part of Montgomery, recently known as the Hugh McGuire place. When General Harrison moved his army to the northwest, these families, Frys, Tridrels, Cuppys and Carters, returned to their cabins. In September, after the murders on the Black fork, most of these families fled to the block-house at Jerome’s place.
Mr. Daniel Carter, sr., as has been elsewhere stated, took his family to Harrison county, and remained for some time at the cabin of a friend, Mr. William Rhodes, about four miles from New Philadelphia. In February, 1813 he returned to his cabin and remained until the fifth of March, when he received news of the Colyer excitement near Tylertown, a son of John Carr bringing him news of the appearance of Indians, when he fled with his family to the block-house at Jerome’s Place, and remained there until the spring of 1814.
Daniel Carter, jr., retains a vivid recollection of the incidents of block-house life. His father, in the spring of 1814, purchased at Canton the farm upon which David Carter now resides, and removed to it.
The settlers, for several years in Montgomery, were very much scattered. The schools were indifferent, and the youth of that era were deprived of educational opportunities, except in the primary branches. Mr. Carter says he never attended school over three months. He grew up among the pioneers, attending cabin raisings, log rollings and other pioneer gatherings. He purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land on section sixteen, built a cabin and improved his farm. The farm had been entered by William Drumm. In 1829 he married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Elias Slocum. His family consisted of two daughters — Amanda, wife of William M. Patterson, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Anna A., wife of Hon. William B. Allison, now a senator of the United States, from Iowa. Mr. Carter sold his farm in 1864, and now resides in Ashland. In 1850 he made a trip to California via. Panama, and remained about three and a half years. He never sought political promotion, but in sentiment was a Whig until that party disbanded, when he became a Republican, and still adheres to the principles of that party. (Transcribed by Sandy Kicker skicker@ipa.net) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)
DANIEL CARTER SR. (Mohican) p. 148(1)

Was born in Baltimore county, Maryland, and moved, when young, with his mother to Huntington county, Pennsylvania, in the year 1774. He emigrated to near Canton, Stark county, Ohio, in 1806, and then to what is now Montgomery township, Ashland, county, in January, 1812, stopping a few days with John Carr, who had a cabin adjoining the farm of Baptiste Jerome, until the erection of his cabin, and entered it with his family in February, 1812. The circumstances attending the erection of his cabin, and its first and second abandonment; his flight to New Philadelphia; his return, and his seeking safety, for several months, for himself and family, at the block house at Jerome’s place, now Jeromeville, have been described in former chapters. The death of his wife and son James, has also been spoken of in connection with his residence at the block-house. About the time he left the block-house he sold the tract of land northeast of the present site of Ashland, to Conrad Kline and John Heller, and purchased four quarters, some two miles south of his original purchase, upon one of which he located, having, in the meantime, married Miss Ruth Warner. Mr. Carter continued to reside on the new purchase until February 7, 1854, when, after a brief illness, he died at the advanced age of eighty years. Mrs. Carter, his second wife, survived him eight or nine years. Mr. Carter was an industrious, frugal and upright man. He had been a very faithful member of the Methodist church for over sixty years. His children, by his first wife, were–John, William, Daniel, Rachel, Elizabeth, James, George, and Anna; by his second, David, Sarah, Mary, Samuel, Miranda, Milton, and Charles. Daniel, David, and Samuel, are residents of Montgomery township, and three daughters reside within the county. All the rest have moved elsewhere.
Daniel Carter, jr., is a citizen of Ashland. His pioneer experiences are as exciting and interesting as those of any settler of that period. When about eleven years of age, he states his father dispatched him with a sack of shelled corn, on horseback, through the forest, to Odell’s mill, in the south part of what is now Lake township, to have it ground into meal. This was early in the spring of 1812. Pipe and his Delawares had not yet left Mohican Johnstown. On his return in the evening, being belated by the difficulty of winding his way along the Indian paths, he reached the Indian village a little after dark, and seeing a number of Indians collected for a sort of council at the council house, he stopped to witness the performances. It was at this “pow-wow” that the “red-stick,” of Tecumseh was rejected by “Old Captain Pipe.” He returned to his father’s cabin, however, without molestation by the Indians, who, at that time, were on friendly terms with their white neighbors. Mr. Carter relates many adventures, amid the forest, in his youthful days, of thrilling character. He married Miss Eliza Slocum, daughter of another leading pioneer of a later period.
David Carter was born March 18, 1815, on the homestead in section twenty-eight, Montgomery township. He is believed to be the first male child born in Montgomery township. He married Miss Elizabeth Griffith, of Fayette county, Pennsylvania, December 26, 1837. He resides on the old Carter homestead, and is a farmer by occupation. His children—three–deceased in infancy. He is a man of good natural attainments, and possesses a fund of pioneer experiences. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
DANIEL CARTER – Biography submitted by Julia Pietruszewski – juliapvero@aol.com
Daniel Carter’s father was born in Hanford, MD on 16 Apr 1738. His first wife, Elizabeth Chase was born in Huntington county, PA about 1740. Their children were Daniel (25 Dec 1776), John (09 Sept 1779), and William (Abt 1780). It is believed William died as an infant. Daniel’s wife, Elizabeth died in Hanford, MD in 1781.
Some family history states the children were sent back to Huntington county, PA but I can find no proof of this as Daniel Carter’s father married a woman named Maria MacMillian in 1782 at Wheeling, W.VA. They had one daughter named Marjorie (1782-1849). Daniel Carter (our Daniel’s Father) died in 1805 at Wheeling. W VA. His second wife, Maria, died on 23 October 1815 in Wheeling.
It does not appear the children of this family were sent back to Pennsylvania after Elizabeth’s death. Daniel went back to Pennsylvania at some point, possibly to indenture for a relative. He met his first wife, Anna Nancy Snyder while he was in Pennsylvania.
Our Daniel Carter married Anna Nancy Snyder on February 14, 1797 in Bedford county, PA. The marriage was recognized by the Bedford Meeting. The couple lived in Butler county, Pennsylvania for a few years. Their children John, William Sherman, Daniel (III), Rachel and Elisabeth were born in Pennsylvania. They family then immigrated to Stark county, Ohio in March of 1806. The family stayed in Stark county, Ohio for five years and James, George and Anna were born there. They came to Montgomery Twp, Richland county now Ashland county at the end of 1811. The original Section of the Carter Homestead was the south acreage of the Thornburg Farm. In 1959, this section of the farm was bisected by Interstate 71; the highway construction required the Carter Graveyard to be moved to the Ashland County Cemetery. The original Carter Homestead was entered at the Canton Land Office by Daniel Carter, Sr. for three hundred – twenty acres. Daniel farmed and raised apples. He also served on the Board of Trustees for the township.
While clearing land for his cabin, the Carter family stayed with John Carr, in an open-ended lean to in close proximity to the Jerome Blockhouse on the Black Fork River.
When it came time to raise the cabin, Daniel Carter, Sr. had to go some twelve miles to the Copus Settlement to get a fourth man, James Copus to complete the team to raise the frame of the new cabin. The cabin resembled a camp-house, open at one end and made of poles covered with clapboards. The Carter family moved into the new homestead on Feb 12, 1812. The family at this time consisted of Daniel, his wife Anna, and eight children, John, William, Daniel (III), Rachel, Elisabeth, James, George and Anna.
Even though it was winter, the family began actively working the land, clearing it for spring planting of corn, and potatoes. The homestead was occasionally visited by Indians. The Carter’s were respectful to the Indians and had no real problems with them.
On August 16, 1812, General Hull surrendered at Fort Detroit ending the French and Indian Wars. The peace known by the settlers in the Black River and Montgomery Twp. regions of Ohio was about to be shattered.
On September 16, 1812, the Indians attacked the Copus Cabin killing several soldiers that were staying there, James Copus, and his oldest son. This attack is known as the Copus Massacre.
A scout from Beams Mill came north to the Montgomery Twp. to warn the Carters, Cuppys and others and told them to go to the Jerome Blockhouse until further notice. The Carters prepared their belongings and loaded the children into the wagon and left for the Blockhouse. The Carters met some of the Indians on the way to the blockhouse. They examined their wagon for soldiers but allowed them to continue. Daniel felt his respectful treatment of the Indians spared the family.
The Carters stayed at the Blockhouse until early 1814. During the fall of 1813, Anna Nancy, Daniel’s wife died of Malaria on September 25, 1813. A few months later, while the family was still at the Blockhouse, his son James also died. The cause of James’ death is unknown. Both of these people were buried on the John Carr property near the Jerome Blockhouse. Thomas Edgar Thornburg reported seeing the graves in the late 1880’s. They were marked with headstones but after the turn of the century Thomas could no longer find the grave markers. He felt the graveyard was paved over with a street, as the graveyard was very near the Blockhouse.
When the Carters returned to the Montgomery Twp. homestead in February of 1814, the Cabin was still standing, many of the neighbors’ cabins had been burned to the ground. His fields still had some corn and potatoes for the family to eat, although some of the crops had been eaten by deer and turkeys.
Daniel Carter remarried a woman named Ruth Warner on 09 March 1814. It is unknown if he may have met her at the Blockhouse but the couple had another eight children together. They children were David, Sarah, Mary, Miranda, Samuel, Milton and Charles.
The Carter family again encountered the Copus family; the oldest daughter came to the household as an indentured servant after the family returned to the homestead. Her name was Sarah. She died while working for the Carters possibly from childbirth. When the Carter Cemetery was moved to the Ashland Cemetery, we found her grave and that of her stillborn infant daughter. It is speculated that “Johnny Appleseed” may have been the father of Sarah’s child. We have no proof of this.
John Chapman planted an entire orchard on the Carter Homestead and also on the adjoining Springer property. Wood from the last tree cut down in the late 1940’s still is in the family’s possession. I have a “cane” made from a branch and some chunks of limbs.
The Springers had an orchard at the Michael Springer homestead near Pittsburgh. John Chapman came by the Springer orchard to collect apples seeds from the Cider Mill. These seeds are the ones he used to plant the orchards throughout NY, PA, Ohio and IN.
Daniel Carter, Sr., and his second wife, Ruth Warner Carter were originally buried in the Carter/Springer and Thornburg graveyard located on the south portion of Orchard Heights. The graveyard was moved in July of 1959 to the Ashland County Cemetery on West Main Street in Ashland, Ohio to allow for the building of Interstate 71 which bisected the south portion of Orchard Heights.
The graves are not registered in the Ashland Cemetery Office but are located down over the hill from the Thornburg Plots, along the last row of graves. –Submitted by Julia Thornburg Pietruszewski, 2010 (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)
DAVID CARTER (Montgomery) [Source unknown]

Son of Daniel Carter, sr. was born in Montgomery township, on the old homestead in section twenty-eight, March 18, 1815. He was the first white child born in the township. It has been heretofore stated, on what should have been good authority, that the first white child born in Montgomery township was Lorin Andrews, but this is a mistake, as he was not born until 1819, four years later than David Carter. Sarah Carter was born in 1816, and William Sheets in the early part of 1819, so that Lorin Andrews was the fourth instead of the first child born in the township.
Daniel Carter Sr. was born in Baltimore county Maryland, December 25, 1776, and was married in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, to Ann Snyder. They came to Ohio in 1806, and she died in the blockhouse at Jeromeville in 1813, leaving eight children: John, William, Daniel, Rachel, Elizabeth, James, George, and Anna. Mr. Carter subsequently married Ruth Warner, March 9, 1814. She came with her parents to Mohican township in 1810 or 1811. Seven more children were the result of this marriage, David, Sarah, Mary, Samuel, Miranda, Milton, and Charles. David Carter attended the subscription schools of the time, a few terms at the district schools, and one term at the Norwalk seminary, after which he became a teacher for one term. On December 26, 1837, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Griffith, of Fayette county, Pennsylvania, by whom he has had three children, all of whom died in infancy.
Mr. Carter was first Lieutenant in a volunteer infantry company in 1841, and held that office some seven years. He was afterwards sergeant-major of the regiment, and finally became quartermaster. He was for some three years aid-de-camp to General Meredith, who commanded the First brigade of the Eleventh division of Ohio militia, of Richland county, in which capacity he served until the brigade was divided. In 1861 he volunteered as a private soldier in company I, of the Sixty- fourth Ohio volunteer infantry, in which he served until March 1862, when he was ordered home on a discharge furlough, and was never ordered back to his regiment, nor was he discharged. Mr. Carter and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. In politics he abides by the doctrines of Andrew Jackson. He now lives on the old homestead, within a few rods of the place where stood the old log cabin in which he was born. He has never known any home other than this. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
NORMAN CARTER (Ruggles) p. 180(1)
Was born in Warren, Connecticut, January 23, 1802, and came to Ruggles in 1824, and located on lot twenty-six, section four. He labored some three years, part of the time for Daniel Beach, and returned to Connecticut in 1827, and married Lavina Hopkins; and in 1828 removed to Ruggles, where he has since deceased. His family consisted of Huldah Adelaide, wife of Isaac G. Sturtevant, and Sarah Lavina, married to William Gault. They all reside in Ruggles. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ALDRICH CARVER (Ruggles) p. 179(1)
Was born in Tolland county, Connecticut. He came to Huron county in 1818. In 1819 he assisted in capturing some Indian murderers, who were subsequently hung at Norwalk. In 1821 he returned to Cayuga county, New York, and married Amy Kniffin. In the fall of 1822 he settled in Greenwich, Huron county, Ohio, and in the spring of 1825 on lot ten and eighteen, section four, in Ruggles. Mr. Carver served as justice of the peace in Ruggles, and as commissioner and auditor of Ashland county. He was a shrewd politician, and a man of good native abilities. He died of cancer of the face in 1870, aged about sixty-five years. His family consisted of Fanny, wife of Daniel Huffman; Phebe, wife of Jacob Huffman, and John, who resides on the homestead. Mr. Carver was one of the petitioners for the organization of the township in 1826. It was called Ruggles, after Judge Almon Ruggles, who surveyed the Fire Lands. At the first election held January 2, 1826, there were twelve votes cast: Perry Durfee Harvey, Sacket, Norman Carter, Truman Bates, Reuben Fox, Bradford Sturtevant, Jacob Roorback, Abraham Ferris, Justice Barnes, Daniel Beach, Ezra D. Smith and Aldrich Carver. The officers chosen were: E.D. Smith, clerk; Jacob Roorback, D. Beach, and A. Carver, trustees; Bradford Sturtevant and Harvey Sacket, overseers of poor; J. Barnes and A. Ferris, fence viewers; Reuben Fox and Perry Durfee, appraisers of property; N. Carter, constable; J. Bates, supervisor, and Harvey Sacket, treasurer. There were thirteen offices and twelve voters.
At the April election, the vote was increased by the names of C. Sanders, A. Bates, T. Hendrix, D.J. Parker, and S.A. Nott. Harvey Sacket was chosen justice of the peace. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
H.B. CASE (Green) p. 280(1)
H. B. Case is of Welch ancestry. His great-great-grandfather, Augustus Case, his great-grandfather, Joshua Case, and his grandfather, Augustus Case, were all born on Long Island, New York. The latter was born July 27, 1759, entered the army of the Revolution in 1777, married Elizabeth Bell in 1793, settled in Wayne county, Plain township, in 1803, and was the father of ten children–five sons and five daughters. The youngest son, Joshua, was born October 2, 1812, married Rebecca J. Phillips, and died March 18, 1845. He was the father of six children–Elizabeth E., wife of John Coleman, who died in Wayne county, Ohio; Mary Etta, wife of James Miles, who died in Richland county, Ohio; Henry B., who married Mina Horn, and lives at McKay; Sarah A., wife of Samuel L. Paramore, who died in Richland county, Ohio; Carrie J., wife of Joseph H. Hartuper, who lives in Loudonville; Joshua M., who married Mary A. Hissem, and died at McKay. H.B. Case, born in Plain township, Wayne county, Ohio, December 13, 1839, moved to Washington township, Holmes county, Ohio, in 1850, and to Green township, Ashland county, Ohio, in 1856. He worked at marble cutting, clerked in a store, and taught school until the spring of 1863, when he purchased the McKay store of A.B. Case, and married Mina Horn. He is the father of five children, four sons and one daughter: Dayton L., Albert P., Jessie, deceased, Frederick and Herbert. He continued business at McKay as merchant, postmaster, and notary public, until the fall of 1872, when he left the business in the hands of J.M. Case (who afterwards became his partner in the McKay store) to engage in the clothing business with J.C. Pell, of Loudonville, Ohio. In the spring of 1873 he moved with his family to Loudonville, and remained in the clothing business until 1879, when he returned to McKay to take charge of the store (his brother, J.M. Case, having died), where he still continues as merchant and postmaster. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
CONRAD CASTOR (Green) p. 273(1)
Conrad Castor, born in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, in 1790, came to Ohio in 1816, and first settled on the farm now owned by Thomas Castor, in Green township, where he cleared his own farm and built his own cabin, and followed farming all his life. In 1814 he married Anna McDaniel, of Beaver county, Pennsylvania. During the early part of their lives they were members of the Methodist Episcopal church, but later united with the Baptist church, and died in that faith. In politics he was an old time Whig, and from 1844 to 1857 he voted the Democratic ticket, and afterwards the Republican ticket. He died May 21, 1871. His wife died in 1868. He was the father of eight children, Tobias, who married Delia Hickox; Noah, who married and lives in Cleveland; Eunice, wife of Cyrus H. Goodell, of Lucas, Richland county, Ohio; Rebecca, deceased; Ruth wife of Aaron Kindle, of Loudonville; Martha wife of John Smith, who died in Colorado, and was afterwards the wife of David Snyder, of Indiana; Thomas, who married Louisa Webb, of Ashland county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
NOAH CASTOR (Green) p. 273(1)
Noah Castor was born in Pennsylvania in 1764, and married Rebecca Matheny. He came to Ohio 1814, and settled in Ashland county, on the farm now owned by Paul Oliver, and occupied by Mrs. Dewalt, where he raised a crop of corn. He then moved on the farm now owned by Benjamin McGuire, where he remained several years, and afterward moved on the farm now owned by Benjamin Castor, where he died July 26, 1829. In politics he was a Democrat. He was the father of 9 children, Nathan, who married Freelove Castor, Susan who was the wife of John McDole (both died in Indiana); Conrad, also deceased; Uriah, who married Betsy Hunter, and Rachel, wife of Joseph Guin, both died in Michigan; Sampson, died in St. Louis, Missouri; Ruth, wife of Datus Stutley, and Nancy, wife of Frederick Hardee, both died in Indiana. Benjamin, the only surviving member of the family, and the subject of this sketch, was born in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, in 1809, and came to Ohio with his father. In 1829 he married Elizabeth Van, who died in 1866. In 1869 he married Louisa Herr. He has followed farming all his life and has, by industry and economy, accumulated a nice fortune. He was a Democrat until Lincoln was nominated for president, when he became a Republican, and has remained one ever since. He is a member of the Baptist church, and a highly respected citizen. He is the father of seven children: Rachel, wife of John Zigler, of Ashland county; Noah, who married Harriet Clew, and lives in Ashland county; John who married Mary J. Runion, and lives in Perrysville; Joseph, deceased; Allen, who married Susan Carnahan; Kate Monahan Castor, who married Thomas Burns, and lives in Spencerville, Allen county, Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
TOBIAS CASTOR (Green) p. 273(1)
Tobias Castor, son of Conrad Castor, was born in Pennsylvania in 1815, and came to Ohio with his father. In 1849 he married Delia Hickox, of Portage county, Ohio, and has followed farming all his life. He has held the office of township clerk and constable several years, and is at present president of the Mutual Aid association of Jelloway, Knox county, Ohio, and adjuster of the Farmers Home Insurance Company, of Knox county. In politics he is a Democrat. He is the father of five children, Tobias, who married Catherine Hunt, and lives in Nebraska; Irene, wife of Levi Maurer, of Ashland county; Edmund R., who married Mary J. Boyd, and lives in Ashland county; Ida E. wife of W.H. Bushnell, of Perrysville, Ohio, and Bertie. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JAMES CHAMBERLAIN (Clearcreek) p. 313(1)
JAMES CHAMBERLAIN was born December 8, 1796, in Pennsylvania, and settled in Ashland county in the year 1823. On June 22, 1826 he was married to Sarah Peterson, who was born December 8, 1806 by whom he had ten children: John, Mary, William, Josiah, Elizabeth J., James, Washington, H. Harrison, Weden, and Abraham. His first purchase of land was made when John Beebout was living. Both were members of the Disciple church. He was one of the party who laid out the old roads that ran from Ashland to Norwalk. He was an industrious man and possessed of a good mind. A.N. Chamberlain, his son, was born in this county October 15, 1846. December 14, 1867, he married Mary Stout, a daughter of one of Ashland’s pioneers, by whom he had two children: Tuly J., born January 16, 1869, and Cloah A., born July 14, 1871. He is a farmer of prominence and resides near the old homestead. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN (Sullivan) p. 355(1)
Joseph Chamberlain was born in Vermont in 1814, and came to Ohio with his father when only three years old. He received a common school education, and taught school one term in Sullivan township, in the district in which he now lives. In 1838 he married Samantha Barker, of Sullivan township, and is engaged in farming and dairying. He has been elected township trustee several terms and is a member and deacon of the Baptist church, and in politics is a Republican. He is the father of one child, Edsell W., who married Mary E. Spencer, and lives in Ashland county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
WHITNEY CHAMBERLAIN (Sullivan) p. 355(1)
Whitney Chamberlain was born in Dover, Vermont in 1786 and married Lauretta Turner of the same place. He came to Ohio in 1817. He first settled on the farm now owned by Joseph Chamberlain, and was engaged in farming and stock raising, and held the office of township trustee for a number of years. He was a member of the Baptist church, and helped build and organize the first church in Sullivan township. He was clerk of the church for many years and always contributed liberally to its support. In politics he was a Republican. He died in 1861. His wife died in 1864. He was the father of seven children–five living: Lucy, wife of Perus Rice of Ashland county, Joseph, who married Samantha Barker; Olive, wife of Charles Riggs, afterward wife of James VanWagnor, of Michigan; Lewana, wife of John Farmer of Michigan, and William who married Lydia Farnsworth of Ashland county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOSEPH CHANDLER (Mohican) p. 148(1)
Was born near Black Rock, Baltimore county, Maryland, May 20, 1798, and came with his parents to Jefferson county, Ohio, in 1809, where he resided a short time, and removed to Tuscarawas county, and settled near the village of New Philadelphia, and having purchased a piece of wild land at the office in Canton, he came to Perry township, then in Wayne, but now in Ashland county. He came with his father, Joseph Chandler, sr., and his brothers, Thomas and Robert F. to improve it, in the spring of 1812. The farm was situated about two miles north of the Indian village, then known as Mohican Johnstown. The village contained a council house and about sixty or eighty pole lodges or wigwams, and was located near the old Wyandot trail, and about one mile southwest of the present site of Jeromeville, and on the west side of the stream. At the same time he found a Frenchman named John Baptiste Jerome living with a squaw, a sister of the chief, George Hamilton, in a neat log cabin near the site of the present gristmill, at the west end of Main street. Mr. Chandler, in the summer of 1812, worked occasionally for Jerome, and considered him an impulsive, clever Frenchman. He had taught his wife to cook and keep house like the white women, and Mr. Chandler regarded as a good housekeeper, considering her opportunities. Jerome seemed much attached to his Indian wife. He formerly lived as a trader in the village, but stated that the warriors got fire-water, and frequently abused him, hence, he cleared a small farm and raised horses and other stock, and cultivated a cornfield on the bottom. He entered one hundred and sixty acres of land, where Jeromeville now stands. He had great numbers of swine, horses and cows running in the forests. If fact, his stock ranged in the woods in great numbers. Jerome had a daughter, aged about fifteen years, named Mary or Mollie, who had received her name from a Catholic priest at her baptism, near Detroit, Michigan. Jerome repeatedly rehearsed his military exploits in the campaigns against Harmar, St. Clair and Wayne, in the presence of the whites, and stated that Captain Pipe and his Delawares had been in all those battles and glutted their vengeance against the white invaders.
Mr. Chandler thinks there is no doubt of the return of Captain Pipe to Jerome’s village, one mile west of the stream, and of his having a wigwam at that point, where it was pointed out in 1812. Pipe, he thinks, went to the British in the spring of 1812, as was not seen after the war began. His son resided at Greentown, until removed by Captain Douglass. After the assassination of the Zimmer, Ruffner, and Copus families on the Black fork, Jerome’s wife and daughter were sent with the Greentown Indians to Urbana, where, during the winter of 1812-13, she and her daughter died from exposure, and Jerome was imprisoned for a short time in the block-house at Wooster. Jerome sold the village site, and married another wife, and removed to the mouth of the Huron River, where he died shortly afterwards.
In the fall of the year 1812, Joseph Chandler, sr., and sons returned to Tuscarawas county, where they remained until the close of the war, and then re-occupied their cabin in Perry, where his father deceased, May 1815, aged sixty years, leaving a widow and six sons; Thomas, Robert F., Joseph, Shadrac, Jacob, and John; and four daughters: Rebecca, Eleanor, Henrietta, and Alice. Joseph Chandler resided, at the time of his death, on the old homestead. He often alluded to the wonderful change that had occurred in Perry township since his arrival in 1812, now sixty-eight years ago. First, he states that the first grist-mill was erected by John Raver, in Rowsburgh; second, the first school house of round logs was in the west part of Perry; third, the first teacher was John G. Mosier, who died near Ashland in 1856; fourth, the first dry goods store, Michael Row, in Rowsburgh; fifth, the first blacksmith, Adam Tener; sixth, the first carpenters, Isaac Smalley and James Scott; seventh, the first carding machine, at Rowsburgh, by Mr. McConayha; eighth, the first tanner, George McFadden; ninth, the first wagon-maker, Andrew Casebeer, at Buchanan’s corners; Tenth, the first church at Mount Hope on Muddy fork; eleventh, the first Presbyterian preacher, Rev. Mr. Brown.
Mr. Chandler has always been a practical farmer, and resided on his father’s old homestead. He was an exemplary member of the Methodist church for a period of over forty years, was a good citizen, and noted for his frugality and integrity. His family have all grown, and are much scattered. He saw the country when a wilderness, and has noted its wonderful changes, its wealth and prosperity, and trusted that the descendants of the pioneers would remember the hardships of their parents, and live frugal, moral and useful lives, and preserve the institutions of their fathers, untarnished by corruption and tyranny.
He was three times married. In 1825 to Amelia Jones, of Jefferson county, Ohio; she died in 1825. In 1827 he married Elizabeth Farnham, of Knox county. She died in 1850, and was the mother of Lafayette, John, Marion, Joseph, Farnham, and Elizabeth. In 1852 he married Margaret Beattie, of Vermillion township. The children were Orin, Mitchell, and Franklin. His last wife still survives to mourn his loss.
Mr. Chandler suffered but a short time. He had grown great in flesh, and would weigh nearly three hundred pounds. He had been afflicted for several years with a chronic trouble, that finally cut short his days. He became a member of the Ashland county Historical Society in 1875, and took a special interest in rehearsing the early times and occurrences in the county. It will be difficult to fill his place in the society, as well as in the community, where he resided. He was a good man, and will be much lamented. Peace to his ashes and rest to his soul. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ROBERT F. CHANDLER (Perry) p. 151(1)
Was born in Baltimore county, Maryland, September 4, 1795, and removed with his father’s family to Jefferson county, Ohio, in 1810, and shortly after, to Tuscarawas county, where he remained until the spring of 1812. At this time the father, Joseph Chandler, sr., and his sons Thomas, Joseph, jr., and Robert F., went to Perry township, then in Wayne county, to improve lands previously entered at Canton land office. The location is now where Joseph Chandler, jr., resides, about two miles north of Jeromeville, on the east side of Mohican. When the Chandlers landed the Delawares were quite numerous, but harmless. They had a village about one mile southwest of the present site of Jeromeville, on the west side of the stream, known as Mohican Johnstown. The village contained a council house and about sixty or eighty pole lodges or wigwams, and was located near the old Wyandot trail. The village was a common resort of hostile Wyandots on their warlike excursions to western Pennsylvania and Virginia, in the days of the border wars. Many white captives had been led up the old trail, by the village, from 1780 to 1795. The Indians had cleared some fifteen or twenty acres of bottom land, which the squaws cultivated in corn, after the Indian manner. The village was west of the stream, on lands now owned by Dr. Yocum. About one mile northeast of the village, a Frenchman by the name of John Baptiste Jerome, resided in a comfortable cabin, having an Indian wife and a daughter aged about fifteen years. He also had horses, cattle and swine, and had cleared about thirty or forty acres of bottom land along the stream at the west side of what now is Jeromeville, on which he raised corn, and supplied many of the early pioneers with seed corn. When Mr. Chandler landed, the Indians, mostly Delawares, were quite friendly, and often came to see him in his cabin and clearing. He was a Quaker in dress and faith, and the Indians manifested a good deal of interest in his safety and success. The Chandlers immediately set about clearing a piece of land on the bottom, (near where they erected a cabin,) which he planted in corn.
About the time of Hull’s surrender at Detroit, August 16, 1812, the friendly Indians notified Chandler of approaching danger, and he and his sons deemed it prudent to leave. They returned to Tuscarawas county, to near where New Philadelphia now stands, where they remained with the family until the close of the war. In the mean time, Robert F. returned to Jefferson county, where he remained until about 1815, when he again rejoined his father’s family and returned to the Mohican, and continued improvements on their old homestead. In May, 1815, the Chandler family, father, mother and sons, removed to their wilderness home. Two years afterwards his father, Joseph Chandler, sr., sickened and died. His mother survived until 1852, and died at an advanced age. Robert F. continued to reside near Jeromeville until 1834, when he purchased and carried on what was then known as Smith’s mill, near Mohicanville. This mill he continued, with certain improvements, to carry on about thirty years, and finally disposed of it and purchased the farm where he deceased, and turned farmer. Mr. Chandler was a friendly, genial pioneer, and in his primal days delighted to dwell upon the incidents of pioneer life sixty-eight or seventy years ago. Being a miller for many years, and possessing good conversational powers, he became acquainted with nearly all the early settlers of the south part of the county, and, when in the humor, a very interesting talker. He was never a member of any church, regarding it his duty to treat all men justly, and believing that when his career should end on earth, that the Supreme Ruler of the universe would reward such a life. He looked kindly upon all men, and desired to so live that he might have a conscience free of offence when called home.
He married young, when about twenty years of age, Miss Charlotte Jones, April 25, 1816. This lady deceased September 19th, 1819; and in January 1825, he married Miss Hannah Winbigler, who died February 25, 1875. His family consisted of Charles and Eleanor, of his first wife, and Robert, William, Joshua, Shadrac, Hannah, Joseph, Charlotte, Sarah, Rebecca, John, and Jasper, by his second wife. All these were living when this sketch was written, in 1876, except John and Jasper. His family are much scattered, and many reside in the far west.
Among the incidents of his life, Mr. Chandler took much pleasure in relating the following: When a young man, during his residence in Tuscarawas county, he became acquainted with a number of Delaware Indians, formerly from Greentown, upon the Black fork. At a hilarious gathering, near Goshen, in Tuscarawas county, a number of Delawares joined in the sport of wrestling, running and hopping. A tall, powerful Indian, formerly from Greentown, by the name of Philip Kennotchy, challenged Mr. Chandler to wrestle at arms-length–Indians never taking back hold. Mr. Chandler being always full of conceit, and very ambitious and athletic, and weighing at the time about two hundred pounds, accepted the banter. The parties selected the ground, and took hold as agreed, Mr. Chandler supposing himself superior to all rivals at arms-length; but the giant grasp of the big Delaware soon convinced him that he had a full match. They twisted, tripped, and struggled for thirty or forty minutes, until nearly exhausted, without apparent advantage to either. Mr. Chandler became very much enraged and quite desperate, while Kennotchy remained calm and resolute, and finally compelled him to ask a cessation of the struggle, which Kennotchy was willing to do. Mr. Chandler said that at one time, that he was so much enraged that he felt like striking the Indian; but, in his calmer moments, he is now satisfied that he refrained from all violence, because the Indian would have undoubtedly overpowered and severely punished him. In connection with this Indian, he gave a very interesting detail of the Ruffner-Zimmer assassinations, on the Black fork, in the fall of 1812. Kennotchy was very fond of firewater, and while under its influence, gave full particulars of the Black fork murders. He stated that he was one of the number that killed Martin Ruffner, Frederick Zimmer, the old lady, and Kate. After leaving the cabin and passing up the ravine, the Indians held a council, when Kennotchy returned and dispatched the white squaw, meaning “Kate,” with his tomahawk, the other Indians protesting, when he claimed to have “brave heart.” This is the most valuable information ever obtained concerning the particulars of that fearful tragedy. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN CHAPMAN p. 183(1)

[The oddest character in all our history was John Chapman, alias Appleseed, who was discovered in Knox county as early as 1801. A. B. Norton.]
John Chapman, sometimes called “Johnny Appleseed,” because of a penchant for planting apple seeds, and the cultivation of nurseries, was born in Massachusetts, as is believed, in the year 1770. Nothing is known of his ancestry, except that they were genuine Yankees, poor, enterprising, and restless. His name was not “Jonathan,” as it is generally printed in pioneer sketches, but plain John Chapman; hence, he is generally called, among the early settlers of this region, “Johnny Appleseed.”* It is remarkable he never communicated his real history to his most intimate friends, and was equally reticent concerning his youth and school days. We have only a glimmer of his early instruction, and even there, but a single ray of light bursts through the clouds that hover over and about his boyhood. All agree that he was a good reader—eloquent at times—and that in conversation, when discoursing upon fine fruit, and the spiritual theories of his beloved Swedenborg, his dark eyes would flash with peculiar intelligence, while he discussed his favorite topics. It was clear to all that his education had not been neglected, for he possessed a fair fund of information upon many subjects not connected with his fruit enterprises.
The time when, and the reason why, he bade adieu to the sterile hills of New England, were never communicated to any one, so far as we have been able to learn.
Whether the acceptance of the life of a recluse sprang from disappointment in a love affair, or was voluntary and a matter of choice will never be known. As early as 1796-7, he was seen in the autumns, for two or three successive years, along the banks of the Potomac, in eastern Virginia, visiting the cider mills where the farmers were pressing cider, picking the seeds from the pumice. When he had collected a sufficient quantity of seeds for his purpose, they were carefully packed in linen or leather sacks, and carried on his shoulders or by an old horse procured for that purpose, across the mountains, to the territories west of the Ohio River. He generally had with him an axe, a hatchet, and a Virginia hoe, with which he cleared and dug in loamy or rich soil, along the banks of a stream, a few rods of ground, around which he erected a brush fence, and then planted his apple seeds. His first nurseries were planted, as near as we can learn, along the Tuscarawas, the Muskingum, the Licking, and Walhonding and its branches, Vernon river, the Lake fork, and the Jerome and Black forks. He probably passed up the Licking two or three years before he ascended the Walhonding, which took place about the year 1800. When the Butlers ascended Vernon river to the present site of Mt. Vernon in 1801, they found the eccentric John Chapman at the cabin of the wild, rollicking pioneer, Andrew Craig. He planted a number of nurseries along the banks of the Walhonding, and several along the Vernon river as high up as Mt. Vernon. These nurseries were placed at eligible points in the region of good farmland; and when the pioneers began to pour in, young fruit trees in abundance awaited their arrival.
It is not well ascertained when Johnny Chapman commenced planting seeds within the present limits of Ashland county, but from the fact that most of the territory along the Black fork belonged to Knox until 1813, we incline to the opinion he may have passed up the Black fork as early as 1808-9, for he had a very fine nursery one and a half miles west of Mifflin as early as 1811-12, and had, in 1809, obtained a small piece of ground for a nursery from Alexander Finley, near the present site of Tylertown, in Mohican township. Here he was ready with his choice apple-trees as soon as the woodman’s axe began to echo through the forest. Besides the nurseries at Finley’s and west of Mifflin, he planted one on the farm subsequently owned by the late John Oliver, in Green township, and a fine one on the bottom, near the present site of Leidigh’s mill in Orange township, and sundry smaller ones in the east and west parts of the county, along the small streams, where the early settlers procured trees for a trifle. Ever restless, Johnny kept moving from point to point. His nurseries were not neglected, for he frequently returned and pruned them so as to make the trees symmetrical. His nurseries were scattered along the streams for hundreds of miles, and he consumed many months during the year traveling from place to place. Sometimes he would be gone several months, and then suddenly appear among the pioneers, all tattered and bruised by the briars and brambles, ready to give them fresh news right from Heaven. His usual charge for young trees was a “fip-penny-bit” apiece. As money was extremely scarce, Johnny was very accommodating; and if the pioneer could not pay the money he would sell in exchange for old clothing, and if he could not get such articles he would kindly close the contract, in a business way, by taking a note payable at some future period, and if he ever got his pay he was very much gratified, and if he never got it he seemed equally content and happy.
In the year 1811 he extended his operations into Richland county, planting several nurseries there, and probably one or two within the present limits of Crawford county. During the war of 1812-15, he often visited Mansfield, Mt. Vernon, Clinton, and the settlements along the forks of the Mohican and the Walhonding. When these sparsely settled regions were threatened by Indian invasion, he hastened from cabin to cabin notifying the pioneers of approaching danger, and conjured them to flee for their lives to the block-houses and places of safety. He was well known among the Indian tribes; and from his harmless demeanor, was regarded as a “great medicine man;” and never incurred the hate and suspicion of the warriors. Thus, he was enabled to glide through the forests from settlement to settlement on errands of mercy, in entire safety. From Richland county, after the close of the war, he passed through Crawford to Upper Sandusky, and as early as 1825 into the present limits of Defiance county, and along the Maumee. In 1826 he visited John H. James, a leading lawyer at Urbana, concerning a nursery that he had planted sometime prior to that year, in Champaign county, and which had passed into the hands of a third party, owing to the neglect of the man from whom he had permission to plant it, to reserve the interest of Chapman. He doubtless had planted nurseries in Delaware county prior to 1826.From 1815 to 1843, when he made his last visit, he often returned to Ashland county, at which times he usually passed down the Black fork, among the Copuses, the Irwins, the Coulters, the Tannehills, the Rices, the Olivers, and the Priests. From thence, he passed over to Finley’s; then up the Jerome fork, among the settlers along that stream, until he reached Jacob Young, Patrick Murray, and the Fasts and Masons, at his nursery, near Leidigh’s mill—rarely stopping in the villages—though occasionally he called in Mifflin, at the Thomas hotel—in Ashland, at Slocum’s; and in Mansfield, at Wiler’s. When he did so, he always slept on the floor of the bar-room.
The precise period when he ascended the Maumee and entered the territory of Indiana is left in doubt. It is probable he had reached Fort Wayne as early as 1826; for in 1830 he was seen on the Maumee seated in a section of a hollow tree, which he improvised for a boat, laden with apple-seeds, and which he landed at Wayne’s fort. Thus, as the pioneers infringed upon the location of his nurseries, he passed on, and continued to plant seeds in advance of the settlements, until death, that waits for no one, called the old man from his toil.
When interrogated on the subject of grafting, he would dilate on the evils of such a custom with as much earnestness as most surgeons would the operation of separating an arm or a limb from a human being, insisting that the true way to obtain good fruit was to let it grow upon ungrafted trees, because the native growth produced the finest fruit. How often he visited the cider mills in the east is not known; but the practice must have been kept up to a late period in his life, for he visited the pioneers of Green township as late as 1843, looking very much as he did a quarter of a century before. The old man generally traveled alone, and rarely had lodgers at his primitive camp-fires. We hear an occasional instance of parties, desiring to purchase trees, tarrying all night at his solitary hut.
It is a matter of surprise to many how he survived so long, while roaming through the forests, without defensive weapons, illy clothed and half famished for healthful food during the inclement seasons of the year. He always refrained from taking the life of animals—never, if possible, even disturbing their lairs or haunts. So, he never procured sustenance in that way. His food was generally meager, and consisted of berries, nuts, vegetables, and a little corn-bread or mush made from meal given him in exchange for trees, or as a matter of charity. He carried with him a few cooking utensils—a tin pan, which served the double purpose of a hat and a mush-pot, when he had no other headgear. He would rarely eat at a table with families—and never until he felt sure there would be enough left to satisfy the hunger of the children, always manifesting a great affection for young people, especially little girls, for whom he always had some little keep-sake, consisting of a piece of ribbon or calico. This peculiarity throws a faint explanation over his monomania for the life of a hermit. The shadow of some bright little lady of New England still clung to the heart of this strange man.
When he remained any length of time about a nursery he erected a pole hut, over which he placed a bark roof after the manner of the Indians. He then gathered leaves and made a very comfortable bed upon which he slept, while the wolves and other wild animals gave him a sort of rude welcome to their precincts by assembling in the vicinity of his slumbers and giving him nightly serenades. He often slept on the ground in the midst of the forest near a small fire, erected to cook his scanty meal and protect him from freezing, if the weather was cold. At other times he reposed upon the leaves beside a log, with his pan and other traps by his side, and seemed to be the object of special interest and regard of both wild animals and savages, for he always escaped injury from both. In his tenderness for every sentient creature he was a greater humanitarian—or if you please, “animaltarian,” than even the famous Bergh, of New York city; for it is related that more than once he suffered the chill night air and winds of autumn rather than singe the wings of the mosquito by his camp-fire. In this respect the affection he possessed for the brute creation seems to have been fully reciprocated, for the fiercest animals and Johnny Chapman seemed to have had a truce. He avoided them and they avoided him.
His dress was a marvel of scraps and tatters. It consisted, invariably, of cast off, badly worn garments, given him by the pioneers in exchange for young apple-trees. He always seemed thankful for such small favors, and by the aid of such articles—ill fitting, patched and shabby– he protected himself against the wintry blasts. Upon his head he generally wore a crownless hat, much dinged and limbered with rough usage, which he often ran his hand through and carried on his arm. Sometimes he turned his tin pan over his crownless hat, in the top of which rested a testament and a well-worn volume of Swedenborg, which he declared was an infallible protection against snakes, wild animals, Indians, and all other evils. At other times he wore a pasteboard hat, with an enormous rim, which he conceived protected his face from the scorching rays of the sun.
His feet were generally covered, in the winter season, with old shoes, or one shoe and a boot; sometimes one foot was bare, undergoing, in most rigorous weather, a sort of penance for some imaginary violation of Johnny’s religious whims. At other times, he wrapped his feet in old rags or bark, and tied on a sort of wooden sandal, which protected the bottoms of his feet against thorns and rough stones. Sometimes he was seen slowly advancing through the snow, with one foot entirely naked, breaking the crust with the other, on which he wore an old boot or brogan, which he had picked up at some cabin. Being asked why he favored one foot more than the other, he replied that the one with the boot on had once been bitten by a rattlesnake, and had suffered more than the other, and deserved to be favored.
While clothed in such habiliments he presented a most ludicrous appearance, and it was hard to repress a smile on meeting him; yet such was the regard of the pioneers for this strange old man, that even the children of the cabins greeted him respectfully when he entered and craved the privilege of lying upon the floor a short time to give them fresh news, right from Heaven. “Almost the first thing he would do when he entered a house, was to lie down on the floor, with his knapsack for a pillow, and his head toward the light of a door or window, when he would carefully take out his old worn books, the exponents of the beautiful religion that Johnny so zealously lived out. We can hear him read just now, as he did that summer day, when we were busy quilting up-stairs, and he lay near the door, his voice rising and thrilling, strong and loud, as the roar of the waves and winds, then soft and soothing as the balmy airs that stirred and quivered the morning glory leaves about his gray head.” [Recollections of Johnny Appleseed by Rosella Rice, contributed to Knapps’s History, page 32.]
His charitable impulses were such, that when he met a poor emigrant going west, shoeless and penniless, he would part with his last shoe and penny to help the stranger and his family on their way. Rude and uncouth as to appearance, he was not without sensibility and modesty; and often excused himself from entering the cabins of the settlers, “because his clothing was not fit.” In conversation, he was attentive, polite and chaste in all kinds of company. He was a small man, rather bony and sinewy, about five feet nine inches high, with dark eyes, thin beard, and dark hair, which he generally wore long. Sometimes he could be induced to clip his beard, which rather improved his appearance, for his face was more round than bony, and was rather pleasant in expression, when he engaged in conversation.
His religious sentiments were as remarkable as his other traits. He was a devout and ardent disciple of the great Swedish seer, Emanuel Swedenborg; and always carried portions of his works. Whenever an opportunity presented, he entered upon the discussion of the peculiar doctrines of Swedenborg, upon which he expatiated with great warmth and eloquence. Sometimes he carried a volume of Swedenborg beneath his waistband, from which he distributed fragments whenever he could get a reader, until a volume had disappeared. His ideas upon marriage were as eccentric as upon other topics. He excused himself from entering that state on the ground that he had a vision, in which two angelic ladies visited him to encourage his single blessedness, by the assurance that if he held out in this world, he would secure two wives in the world to come! While relating this circumstance, a wag took the liberty of interrogating Johnny as to the occupation of people in the other world. Johnny seemed to think people would recognize the marriage state there, and pursue much the same occupations they did here. The wag said:
“So you think men will follow the same occupations in Heaven?”
Johnny—“I really do.”
Wag—“Do people die in Heaven?”
Johnny—“I think not.”
Wag—“Then my occupation is gone; for I am a grave-digger!”
Johnny seemed somewhat quizzed by this argument, but still consoled himself on the idea of having two wives in the spiritual land of Swedenborg. His theological tenets taught him it was wrong to deprive any creature of life; and he carried this doctrine so far as to refuse even to kill a rattlesnake, after it had bitten him. His kindness to horses was such, that when he found an old or worn down animal turned out to die, by pioneers, he would always conduct it where it could get food, or hire some one to feed it. From some intimations dropped by him at Mansfield, and other points, it is believed that he was regularly ordained by the disciples of Swedenborg, and sent west as a missionary. Some expressions of his when Rev. Adam Paine, a sort of Lorenzo Dow, was once preaching on the public square in Mansfield, confirm this impression. In winding up an eccentric discourse on the sin of pride, Paine called out: “Where now is your barefooted pilgrim on his way to Heaven?” Johnny, holding up his bare pedals, exclaimed: “Here he is.” A repetition of all the anecdotes concerning this strange wanderer would fill a volume. He was just as happy in the solitudes of the forest, communing with the author of all, as he lay gazing at the stars, where he could almost see the Angels, as in the midst of his nurseries or among the pioneers.
How, and where did he die? He died at the house of William Worth, in St. Joseph township, Allen county, Indiana, March 11, 1845. Some days prior to his decease, information was conveyed to Johnny, who was some fifteen miles distant from Mr. Worth’s, near where he had a nursery that some cattle had broken into it; and he immediately started. When he arrived he was very much fatigued, having exhausted his strength in the journey, which being performed without intermission, and on foot, was too great a task for the poor old man. He laid down that night never to rise again; for he was attacked with pneumonia, which baffled medical skill, and in a few days he passed into the spirit land. Mr. Fletter, a neighbor of Mr. Worth, who laid out the body of Johnny, states, he had on when he died, next to his body, a coarse coffee-sack, with a hole cut in the center, through which he passed his head. He had on the waists of four pairs of pants. These were cut off at the forks, ripped up at the sides, and the front thrown away, saving the waistband attached to the hinder part. These hinder parts were buttoned around him lapping like shingles, so as to cover the whole lower part of his body; and over all these were drawn a pair of what was once pantaloons, In this garb he died as he had lived. [Hon. J.W. Dawson’s letter to the Ft. Wayne Sentinel, 1871.]
He was buried in David Archer’s graveyard, two and one half miles north of Ft. Wayne, near the foot of a natural mound, and a stone set up to mark the place where he sleeps. He remained a firm believer in the doctrines of Swedenborg. His calm and resigned manner attracted the attention of his physician, who enquired about his religious tenets, asserting that he never saw a patient so resigned. [Letter of Richard Worth to the Shield and Banner, of Mansfield, describing the last hours of Johnny Appleseed. William Worth, at whose house he died, has been dead several years.]
Johnny Chapman was a good man. He possessed many virtues. He was hones–upright, and harmless. He seems to have been specially fitted by Providence to prepare the wilderness for the reception of immigration and civilization.
The lovers of choice fruit in Ohio and Indiana owe him a monument to be erected over his remains, as a token of their high regard for the cheerful sacrifices he made, to contribute to the comfort and happiness of those seeking homes in the western wilds.
*This fact is gathered from a letter addressed to the Fort Wayne Sentinel, by Hon. J. W. Dawson, author of a history of Allen county, Indiana, dated October 11, 1871. He found “John Chapman” to be his true name, in looking over the papers of his estate, which was settled in the probate court of Allen county. For instance, two notes were filed against his estate, one dated at Franklin, supposed to be on the Great Miami river, in Ohio, February, 1804, payable to Nathaniel Chapman, one year after date, for one hundred dollars—“in apple trees or land;” the other, one hundred dollars, payable to some minor children named Rudde, of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, when they became of age, both of which were signed by John Chapman. A better evidence of his name was found in the purchases of land, which he made in Allen county, as well as in Adams and Jay counties, Indiana. The muniments of title, which he held, were in the name of John Chapman. He had a sister in Adams or Jay county, married to a man by the name of Broom, who was probably living at his death. This estate of Johnny was in litigation about ten years. So he did not die as poor as most people suspected.
This sister of Johnny, alluded to by Hon. J. W. Dawson, was Persis, her husband’s name was William Broom. They at one time resided on the farm now owned by William Cowan, in Green township, a mile north of Perrysville, on the road to Ashland. Broom had the care of one or two nurseries (owned by Johnny), in Green township.
Old Johnny was bent well-nigh double
With years of toil and care and trouble.
But his large old heart oft felt the need
Of doing for others some kindly deed.
“But what can I do?” old Johnny said;
“I, who work so hard for daily bread?
It takes heaps of money to do so much good,
I am far too poor to do as I would.”
The old man sat thinking deeply a while,
Then over his features gleamed a smile;
While he clapped his hands with a childish glee,
And said to himself: “There’s a way for me!”
So he went to work with might and main,
But told to none the plan in his brain.
He took stale apples in payment for chores,
And carefully cut from them all the cores.
When he filled his bag, he wandered away,
And no man saw him for many a day.
With the well-stuffed bag o’er his shoulder flung,
He marched along and whistled or sung.
He seemed to roam with no object in view,
Like one who has nothing on earth to do;
But, rambling thus o’er prairies wide,
He paused sometimes and his bag untied.
His sharp-pointed cane deep holes would bore,
And in every hole he placed a core;
He covered them well, and left them there,
In keeping with sunshine, rain, and air.
Sometimes for days he waded through grass,
And saw never a living creature pass;
Though oft, when sinking to sleep in the dark,
He heard owls hoot and prairie dogs bark.
But sometimes butterflies perched on his thumbs,
And birds swarmed round him to pick up his crumbs.
They knew he carried no arrow or gun,
And never did mischief to any one:
For he was tender to all dumb things
That crept on the earth or soared on wings;
He stepped aside lest a worm should die,
And never had heart to hurt a fly.
Sometimes an Indian, of sturdy limb,
Came striding along and walked with him,
Whichever had food, shared with the other,
As if he had met a hungry brother.
When the Indian saw how the bag was filled,
And noticed the holes that the white man drilled,
He thought to himself ‘twas a silly plan
To be planting seed for some future man.
Sometimes a log cabin came in view,
Where John was sure to find jobs to do,
By which he gained stores of bread and meat.
And welcome rest for his weary feet.
He hilled potatoes and hoed the corn,
And mended shoes that were somewhat worn;
He taught the babies to use their legs,
And helped the boys to hunt for eggs.
He was so hearty at work or play
That everyone urged a longer stay;
But he replied. “I have something to do,
And I must go on to carry it through.”
The boys, who were sure to follow him round,
Soon found what it was he put in the ground;
So, as time passed, and he traveled on,
All the folks called him “Apple-seed John.”
When he used up the whole of his store,
He went to cities and worked for more;
Then off he marched to the wilds again,
And planted seeds in prairie and glen.
In cities some said the man was crazy,
Others said, No; he was only lazy.
But he took no notice of jibes and jeers;
He knew he was working for future years.
He knew that trees would soon abound
Where once a tree could never be found;
That a flickering play of light and shade
Would make dancing shadows on the glade.
That blossoming boughs would form fall bowers,
And sprinkle the earth with rosy showers;
And the little seeds his hands had spread
Would form ripe apples when he was dead.
So he kept on traveling, far and wide,
‘Till his old limbs failed him and he died.
He said, at last; “Tis a comfort to feel
I’ve done good in the world, though not a great deal.”
Weary travelers, journeying West,
In the shade of trees find pleasant rest;
And often they start with glad surprise
At the rosy fruit that around them lies.
And if they inquire whence came such trees,
Where not a bough once swayed in the breeze,
The reply still comes, as they travel on,
“These trees were planted by Appleseed John.”
–Lydia Maria Child. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN CHARLES (Mifflin) p. 175(1)
Was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, July 13, 1802. He was the youngest of a family of three children. His early educational opportunities were quite limited. At the age of twenty-four, he came over to Ohio, and settled in Mifflin township. He married in Lancaster. Mr. Charles was engaged for many years in farming. He owned the farm upon which Martin Ruffner had settled in 1812, consisting of one hundred and sixty acres, near the village of Mifflin. He exchanged this property, a few years since, for the Kauffman mill property on the Black fork, some three miles southwest of Mifflin. This is one of the best water-mills within the county, and is kept in constant motion. Mr. Charles has a large circle of friends, and has been repeatedly elected to township offices by the citizens of Mifflin. He has served as justice of the peace, and acquitted himself to the satisfaction of all. He was originally an old line Whig; but on the disbandment of that party after the campaign of 1852, he became an upholder of the principles of the Democratic party. He has passed through all the scenes of the early pioneers, and retains a vivid recollection of the “rough and ready” habits of the early settlers of the Black fork. He has aided scores of the settlers in the erection of cabins–in rolling logs–at corn huskings, and other gatherings. He has assisted in opening and improving most of the highways in the north part of the township. He is genial and agreeable to all, and a friend to the poor. He is the father of six children, four of whom still survive, three residing in Mifflin township, and one daughter in Indiana. Mr. Charles is a member of the Pioneer and Historical society of Ashland county. He is yet vigorous and cheerful. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
HON. JAMES E. CHASE (Jackson) p. 173
Was born in Stark county, Ohio, October 19, 1824. He was educated in the common schools of the neighborhood, and grew up a farmer. His ancestors were Scotch-English. His father, Seth Chase, was born in Massachusetts, and his mother, Syena Wood, in Vermont. Bishop Chase, and Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio, was a branch of the same family. Seth Chase removed, with his family, to Massillon, Ohio, in 1825, and remained one year, but finding his health greatly impaired by the malaria of that region, returned to Vermont, and in 1836 again came to Ohio and located in Massillon. Here he died in 1852, aged fifty-eight years. His wife died in 1856, aged fifty-six years. His family was composed of James E., Emily V., wife of Jacob Colopy, Laura T., single. James E. Chase became an active farmer, and in 1857 was elected, by the Democracy, a member of the Ohio legislature, and was re-elected in 1859. In 1861 he sold his farm and removed to Jackson township, Ashland county. In 1869 he was again elected, by the Democracy of Ashland county, to the Ohio legislature, and was re-elected in 1871. In 1873 he was elected treasurer of Jackson township, and again in 1874. He has been regularly a delegate to State conventions for over twenty years. He married Mrs. Jane Baughman, of Stark county. Their children are James B., Orlan D., Sherwood M., Nelson H., Mary I., wife of Jacob Moor, of Illinois, Ellen S., wife of David Wise, of Ashland county, and Samantha, single. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
PETER CHESROWN (Mohican) p. 361(1)
Peter Chesrown was born May 7, 1841, in Ashland county, Mohican township, where he now lives. His father was born in Pennsylvania April 11, 1811, and his mother, Elizabeth, was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania; she died January 26, 1879. Our subject started for himself in the fall of 1862, working on a farm and teaching school. In August 1862, he went to Indiana, and resided there four years, when he came back to Ohio and went on his father’s farm, where he has since lived. Mr. Chesrown is a stock-dealer and farmer, and is the owner of the thoroughbred stallion, Star Hambletonian. He lives on a well-improved farm of one hundred and twenty acres, situated near Mohicanville. May 2, 1863, he married Eliza Emrick, and has three children: Emma J., born January 10, 1864; John W., born September 5, 1866; Stella, born July 25, 1869. In politics he is a Democrat. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
WESLEY CHESROWN (Mohican) p. 364(1)
Wesley Chesrown is the son of Lewis and Elizabeth Chesrown, and was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania. When quite young, he came to Ohio with his parents, and settled in Mohican township, Ashland county, Ohio, one mile east of Mohicanville. In 1858, our subject bought a farm and has ever since made farming and stock-raising his occupation. He is the owner of two fine stallions; one a draft horse, and the other a thorough-bred roadster four years old. Mr. Chesrown lives near Jeromeville, and has a well-improved farm of one hundred and four acres.
May 28, 1857, he married Lucetta Finley, and has had eight children, six of whom are living. They were: Luca, born March 28, 1858; Zeo, born January 3, 1860; Charlie W., born September 26, 1861, died in 1863; L.V. born November 29, 1864; M. M., born December 18, 1866; Harry, born February 16, 1870, died April 3, 1876; Gertrude born February 18, 1873; and Belle born September 14, 1875. Mr. Chesrown is a Democrat in politics, and has held different township offices, but of late years has declined them. His family are members of the Lutheran church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
HENRY CHURCH p. 237(1)
Henry Church was born in Suffolk, England, in 1750, and came as a British soldier in the Sixty-third light infantry, and served under Lord Cornwallis in the memorable campaign in Virginia, in 1781. A short time prior to the surrender of Cornwallis, at Yorktown, while on a scouting party between Richmond and Petersburgh, he was captured by the troops under Lafayette, and sent a prisoner to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He remained there until peace was proclaimed; but the general amnesty brought no freedom to him. He was soon after captured by the meek eyes of a Quaker maiden, and forgot his loyalty to King George, and bowed his neck to the gentle yoke which he wore with exemplary patience for a period of about eighty-one years.
Hannah Keine, the lady that held him so long a captive, was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, in 1755, and survived to the advanced age of about one hundred and five years. Mr. Church survived until 1863, when he died at the great age of one hundred and eleven years. He located near Burton, West Virginia, after the close of the Revolutionary war, and continued to reside there until his decease. The fruits of his union with the meek Quaker maiden were eight children, the oldest of whom, Anne, died at about sixty years of age; William, the next, lived to be about ninety-six years of age; James, the third member of the family, removed to Milton township, Ashland county, about the year 1817, and yet survives at the age of eighty-five years; Elsey, the fourth child, lived to be fifty-five; Henry, who still survives, is eighty years old; Elizabeth lived to be seventy-five; Hannah lived to be seventy, and Sarah, the youngest, still survives at the age of sixty-eight years. In 1859 an excursion party of artists, with some members of the British Legation at Washington city, visited Father Church at his humble home near Boston, and made drawings of his residence, himself and members of his family. A young English soldier, who had been decorated for gallant conduct on the bloody parapits of the Redan, was introduced to Mr. Church. The old gentleman extended his hand mechanically, but his dull-dim eyes gave no sign. “Bring here the bugle,” said a member of the company. It was produced, and one of the martial airs of old England was sounded. Private Church, then one hundred and eight years old, stood up as if his blood had been warmed with wine, and his aged face flashed with intelligence. “I know–I know it. An Englishman and a soldier, did you say? Ay, a brave lad, I’ll warrant.” The scene was indeed touching. The old man, eighty years before, had landed on our shores an armed invader to aid in crushing out the spirit of revolt. With the sound of the martial bugle he, in imagination doubtless, heard the roll of musketry and the thunders of the deep-mouthed cannon. With his dim eyes he again called up and saw the scarlet battalions of his king marching towards the camps of Washington, Lafayette and Lee. What memories must have crowded upon his brain! He survived until 1863, and left his countrymen again in a death struggle to preserve the liberties and institutions bequeathed by his fathers.
James Church, of Milton, born in 1791 in West Virginia, now 89, is in possession of all his faculties, though his bodily vigor is greatly impaired by reason of age. The longevity of the Church family is quite remarkable, and arises, no doubt, from their plain and simple diet.
Mr. Church has been twice married. His children by his first wife were Elsey, Henry, William, Hannah, wife of Henry Speece, Amanda, Mary, Elizabeth and Caroline. (transcribed by Penny Hanes PHanes1368@aol.com) (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)