Flickinger - Funk

LEVI FLICKINGER (Mohican) p. 360(1)

Levi Flickinger, son of Jacob and Christena Flickinger, was born in Londonderry township, Bedford county, Pennsylvania, July 24, 1817; he came to Ohio in 1838, and settled in Mohican township, Ashland county, where he has since resided. May 9, 1839, he was married to Annie Newman, of this county. They have had eight children as follows: Amanda A., born December 13, 1840, died February 14, 1841; Delilah, born February 18, 1842; Nathaniel, born March 26, 1844, died March 22, 1864; Daniel T., born April 7, 1847; Charlotte, born December 10, 1848: Elias, born November 22, 1851; and two who died in infancy, unnamed. Mrs. Flickinger died September 26, 1856, and he was again married February 26, 1857, to Eliza Wolever. They had seven children, as follows: Levi W., born December 10, 1857; Samuel L., born August 22, 1859; Ida P., born January 31, 1861; Isaiah C., born July 5, 1863; Eliza L., born June 6, 1865; George E., born January 10, 1868, died June 3, 1878; Maggie, born October 9, 1869. Mr. Flickinger is a member of the United Brethren church, in which he is a trustee. In politics he is a Republican. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DAVID FLUKE (Orange) p. 343 (1)


David Fluke was born in the State of Ohio, in the year 1822, and resided with his parents until the time of his marriage, in 1845, to Miss Hannah Stine. The fruit of this union was five children–two sons and three daughters as follows: Lucinda, Celia Ann, Laura Jane, Perry M., and one son who died in infancy, unnamed. Mr. Fluke died in the fall of 1866. Mrs. Fluke resides at her home in Orange township, with her children, Laura and Perry who superintends the farm and cares for his widowed mother in her declining years. Both Mr. Fluke and his wife were members of the Reformed church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

Images p. 260B (1)

HENRY FLUKE (Orange)#1 p. 343(1)

Henry Fluke was born in the State of Pennsylvania in the year 1811, and came to Ohio with his parents when but a small boy, and resided with them until his marriage in 1836, to Margaret Switzer. The fruit of this union was four children, two sons and two daughters. Their names are as follows: Mary Ann, Wilson, Amanda and Enos, all of whom have left the parental roof, except the elder son, Wilson. Mr. Fluke died in December 1875. Esteemed and respected wherever known, his loss to family and friends was one irreparable. Mrs. Fluke has been an active and earnest member of the Methodist Episcopal church for almost forty years. Being an energetic, industrious and frugal man, Mr. Fluke, by dint of hard labor, careful judgment, and wise economy, acquired quite a fine property. His widow resides at the old home in Orange township, with her son Wilson, who superintends the farm and cares for his mother in her declining years. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HENRY FLUKE (Orange)#2 p. 261(1)

Henry Fluke was born in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, December 20, 1811. His father, the late Philip Fluke, emigrated with his family to Orange township, Richland, now Ashland, county, in October, 1816. Mr. Fluke grew up on the old homestead, north of the village of Orange, married Miss Switzer, daughter of Jacob Switzer, and located a short distance south of the residence of his father, where he had been an active and prosperous farmer for many years. At the pioneer organization in September, 1875, at Ashland, he became a member of the society. When his father’s family located on a branch of the Mohican, in Orange township, and for several years afterwards, it was the custom of the Delaware Indians, from Black river, and the Fire Lands, on the Western Reserve, to pass up and down the old trail, which ran near his father’s cabin, with peltry and furs, on their way to Pittsburgh and other trading points, to exchange the same for blankets, amunition, and other necessaries. They often camped on the bottom, in the fall to hunt, and in the spring to make sugar. At that period they were harmless of any intent to injure their white neighbors. They occasionally poached upon the swine and fowls of the pioneers, but this was of rare occurrence. Mr. Fluke stated that on such visits it was the habit of his mother, on seeing the approach of the savages, to draw in the latch string of the cabin door, that no temptation to enter might be given the Indians. They were never disturbed in any way, except by the loss of a few fine shoats.

He died December 17, 1875. Mr. Fluke was a citizen of excellent habits, moral, intelligent, industrious, and upright. Though not a member of any church, no citizen sustained a better record for integrity and manly bearing than he. It will be difficult to fill the station in society vacated by his decrease. (Transcribed and contributed by Linda J. Collins)

JOHN FLUKE (Orange) p. 342(1)

John Fluke was born in Orange township in 1831, on the farm now owned and occupied by him being the old Fluke homestead. He resided with his parents until the time of their death, caring for them in their declining years. November 24, 1864, he married Elizabeth McDowell. The fruit of this union was three children, one son and two daughters: James M., Mary S., and Esther C.,–all living but Mary, who was a bright little daughter of five summers, and the loss to the fond parents was irreparable. The wife and mother died February 15, 1879, leaving a broken family of two affectionate children and a kind and devoted husband, who had ever been ready to share alike with her all the cares and disappointments that are so common in life’s pilgrimage. Mr. Fluke was married again February 5, 1880, to Freelia A. Thomas, daughter of one of Ashland county’s early pioneers. He is one of the most substantial and enterprising farmers of Orange township, his home denoting more than ordinary thrift. By dint of hard labor, careful judgment and wise economy, he is now the possessor of one of the most pleasant homes in Orange township. Both Mr. and Mrs. Fluke are earnest followers of the Christian religion, and have always been staunch supporters of the cause of Christ. They are surrounded by almost every comfort that a gracious Heaven could confer, and as they pass along life’s journey, they can look back without regret upon a well spent life. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

PHILIP FLUKE (Orange) #1 p. 342(1)

Philip Fluke was born in the year 1791 in the State of Pennsylvania, Bedford county. He married in or about the year 1810 to Miss Mary Summers. To them were born eleven children, seven sons and four daughters–Henry, born 1811; Lewis, born 1813; Samuel, born 1814; Philip, born 1816; Catharine, born 1819; Jacob, born 1820; David, born 1822; Eliza, born 1825; Lucinda, born 1826; Margaret, born 1829; John, born 1831. He came to what is now Orange township, and made permanent settlement immediately in the woods with no traces whatever of civilization. Here he began life in earnest. He immediately set about the erection of a rude log cabin in which to shelter his little family. This done, he at once proceeded to clear up and improve his pioneer home, and by his strong will and earnest determination to conquer, the forest was soon made to give way, and waving fields of grain soon told that his intentions had been fully executed. Here he reared and educated his family, and each year, as he was prospered, he kept constantly adding more acres to his first purchase, until he had accumulated eight hundred broad acres of valuable lands, and as each son left the parental roof, the father presented him with a farm of one hundred acres. Our subject departed this life in the year 1876, surviving his wife but six weeks. This worthy aged couple now lie sleeping side by side in the old St. Luke Cemetery, and are deserving of a kind remembrance. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

PHILIP FLUKE (Orange)#2 p. 260A(1)

Philip Fluke was born in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, in 1791. In about 1810 he was married to Mary Summers, who became his companion for a lifetime. They raised a family of 11 children, seven sons and four daughters, as follows: Henry, Louis, Samuel, Philip, Catherine, Jacob, David, Eliza, Lucinda, Margaret, and John. Some few years after his marriage he emigrated to Ohio, and settled in what is now Orange township, Ashland County – in that day the wilderness of heavy timber, with few if any settlers. Hard work was to be done, as was expected, before a comfortable home could be had, but neither Mr. nor Mrs. Fluke were persons to flinch from an undertaking they had commenced. The first work to be done was the erection of a small log cabin to shelter the family from the storms and protect them from the attack of wolves and other wild animals, which  

nightly prowled about the lonely cabin. As soon as a home was built, the sturdy father made an onslaught on the forest, and every blow of his ringing axe accomplished something toward removing the heavy timber and preparing a place where could be planted corn and the future subsistence of the family provided for. In time, the land was cleared and improved, but during the most of his long life there was still hard work to be done.

As soon as Mr. Fluke had improved the land included in his first purchase, he added to it acre by acre, until he possessed 800 acres of valuable lands. His family gradually increased, but soon the elder children became his assistants, and as they grew to maturity and desired to have homes of their own, he gave to each son 100 acres of improved land, on which to commence life. His aim in life had been accomplished, and his children would never be compelled to begin, as he had done, in an unbroken wilderness. He departed this life in 1876, surviving his beloved wife but six weeks. Both sleep their last sleep side by side in St. Luke’s cemetery, their names and virtues being held in loving remembrance by their children and other relatives who are left behind.

Henry Fluke, the eldest child of Philip and Mary Fluke, was born in Pennsylvania in 1811, and when a small boy accompanied his parents to their new home in Ohio, where he grew to manhood, and performed his part in the pioneer work of the county. He was married in 1836 to Margaret Switzer, and raised four children: Mary Ann, Wilson, Amanda and Enos, all of whom left the parental roof except the older son Wilson. He was an energetic, industrious and frugal man, esteemed by all who know him. He died in December, 1875, leaving his widow and his son Wilson, who cares for his mother in her declining years, on the home farm in Orange township.

Lewis Fluke was born in 1813 died at the old home, unmarried, in 1844.

Samuel Fluke was born in 1814, and lived in the vicinity of his father’s family until 1874 or ‘75, when he removed to Iowa, where he now resides.

Philip Fluke, jr., was born in 1816, and removed to Indiana about 1845, when that State was new and almost unsettled. He was by trade a tanner, and in that business accumulated a good property, but is now retired, and still lives in Indiana.

Catherine Fluke was born in 1819, April 1st, at the old homestead, where she lived until the time of her marriage to Abraham Fast, January 23, 1840, when she removed to his home on the Troy and Ashland road, where she now resides with her son Byron, who manages the farm and cares for his mother. She raised a family of three sons and two daughters, who are now living: Wilson A., Jennie E., Judson L., Byron F., and Mary B. The daughters are married and live in the west. Judson lives in Nevada, unmarried, and Byron remains at home, also single. Three other children of Mrs. Fast – Melissa A., James I., and Rollin, – died in infancy. Mr. Fast, her husband, died November 28, 1862, aged forty-six years.

Jacob Fluke was born in 1820, married, and lives on the farm adjoining his brother John’s, in Orange township.

Dave Fluke was born in Orange township in the year 1822, and lived on the home farm until his marriage, in 1845, to Miss Hannah Stine. They had five children: Lucinda, Celia Ann, Laura Jane, Perry M., and a son who died in infancy, unnamed. Mr. Fluke died in the fall of 1866, and his widow remains on the farm with her children, Laura and Perry, who care for their mother in her declining years.

Eliza Fluke was born in Orange township 1825. She married David Campbell, and now lives in Iowa.

Lucinda Fluke was born in 1826, at the old Fluke homestead. She married Lewis Mason, and after a few years deceased.

Margaret Fluke was born in 1829. She married John Sherick, and lives in Orange township.

John Fluke, the youngest member of the family, was born in 1831. He remained with his parents, caring for them until her death. November 24, 1864, he was married to Elizabeth McDowell, by whom he had three children: James S., Mary S., and Esther C. Mary died when five years of age. The wife and mother died February 15, 1879, and Mr. Fluke was a second time married to Freelia A. Thomas, February 5, 1880. They live on a part of the home farm, where they have a good home. (Transcribed and contributed by Linda J. Collins)

ELIAS FORD (Clearcreek) p. 164(1)

ELIAS FORD was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, in 1799. He came with his father, Thomas Ford, from Jefferson county, Ohio, to Clearcreek township, in 1819. His father had entered a quarter section of land in section twenty-two. They journeyed in a small, one horse wagon, in which they brought the necessary provisions for their absence, and a few tools to erect a cabin. From Wooster they passed along the path to the present site of Rowsburgh, thence along the old trail to the house of Jacob Young, on the Mohican, northeast of Uniontown; thence, to near Mason’s Mill, and then, along a new cut road to section twenty-two, where they erected a temporary shelter, somewhat in the form of a camp house, with open front, and covered with bark. Their bunk upon which they slept was suspended by bark ropes from the roof and was about three feet from the ground. The fireplace was immediately in front of this open cabin and fire was kept burning during the night to frighten away the wolves, and keep off the mosquitoes. The wolves were uncommonly numerous and mischievous. Rattlesnakes, and other varieties of reptiles, were quite numerous. The bed being thus elevated secured the occupants from the reptiles. Mr. Ford was accompanied by a large watch-dog, who slept at the open doorway in front of the cabin, to alarm the occupants in case of intrusion or danger. Thomas and Elias Ford were well armed. Elias slept in the cabin while his father made his home at Thomas McConnell’s, a son in-law, in Orange township. At the time of the arrival of Mr. Ford and son, a large number of Delaware Indians were in encamped in the neighborhood, engaged in making sugar and hunting. They were well armed but quite friendly. A strong attachment soon sprang up and continued until the close of the hunting season. At this date many Wyandots and Delawares hunted annually along the Vermillion river and in the vicinity of the Savannah lakes, and looked with suspicion upon the intrusion of the white settlers. After a few weeks, Thomas Ford returned to Jefferson county and removed with the balance of his family to Clearcreek. Elias had been engaged in clearing and fencing a field for corn, and in the absence of a team, carried rails on his shoulders to place them in a fence.

The family of Thomas Ford, at their arrival in 1819, consisted of four sons, Elias, Elijah, Thomas H., and John; and four daughters, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Susannah, and Belinda. In the meantime a larger and more commodious cabin had been erected by the aid of the scattered settlers. Elias, subsequently, September 9, 1821, married Miss Elizabeth Parks, of Jefferson county, and located on the late Daniel Huffneer farm. At this time there was neither a church nor schoolhouse in the township. The people assembled at the cabin of Thomas Ford, for public worship, for many years. In 1830, Ford’s meeting house was erected; it was a fine structure for that period, and was occupied by the Methodists as a place of worship. Thomas Ford died October 10, 1830; his funeral was preached by Rev. Elmer Yocum.

Elias Ford performed arduous labor in clearing and preparing his farm. For many years he experienced all the privations of pioneer life, but by industry and frugality accumulated a handsome property. Having disposed of his old homestead, he purchased a new home in 1845, and subsequently, about 1865, sold it, and removed to Troy township, where he deceased in the fall of 1874, aged about seventy-five years. Mr. Ford was a large man; would weigh about two hundred pounds. He had a fine head, and bore a striking resemblance to Daniel Webster. If he had possessed the advantage of a thorough collegiate course of training, he would have left a proud record. As it was, he was a leading man in his township, as a farmer and a citizen. He was a man of high moral attainments, and took a leading part in favor of the public schools. Thomas H. Ford, a younger brother, served in the Mexican war as a captain, and subsequently became lieutenant governor or Ohio. He was also a colonel in the war of 1861-5. He is dead. The balance of the family are somewhat scattered. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

GEORGE and ELIZABETH FOULKS (Clearcreek) p. 138(1)

About the year 1774, the parents of George Foulks located in the midst in the dense forest in the northwest corner of what is now Washington county, Pennsylvania, near the Ohio River. The family of Mr. Foulks consisted of three boys and two or three girls. He was quite poor, and had ventured to improve his fortunes amid the dangers surrounding the border settlers. He had lived some years in the city of Philadelphia, where most of his children were born. When he moved to his new home, the Delaware and Wyandotte Indians visited that region in great numbers in search of game. The colonies had been greatly oppressed by Great Britain, and were just on the verge of a revolt. Her agents and traders were busy in alienating and exciting the savages against the rebel inhabitants of the colonies, as they were then denominated.

It was the custom of many of the settlers in that region, in the spring of the year, to cross the Ohio—which there runs nearly west for many miles—in canoes, to make sugar on the fine bottoms. John, George and Elizabeth Foulks, aged respectively nineteen, six and seventeen years, crossed the river in company with their father and erected a neat camp house of small poles, and a furnace, in which they placed kettles to boil sap.* After tapping a large number of sugar trees, Mr. Foulks recrossed the river to his cabin, leaving John, Elizabeth and George to gather and boil the sugar water. This was early in March, 1777. After they had been thus engaged several days, one evening about nine o’clock, while the moon was shining brightly, the camp-house was approached by five or six Wyandot Indians, well armed. They had been attracted by the camp-fire. When they arrived within a short distance of the camp John Foulks discovered their approach, and judging the visit to be hostile, fled in the direction of the Ohio river, where he hoped to cross in a canoe left near the north bank of that stream, leaving his little sister and brother to the mercy of the savages. The Indians followed him with a dog, and he had fled but a short distance, when they overtook him, and insisted on his surrender and return; but continuing to retreat, several of the warriors discharged their guns after him, and he was mortally wounded, fell, and soon expired. His scalp was taken, and they hastily returned to the camp, where George and Elizabeth had been taken without resistance.

*George Foulks never became a citizen of this county. Two or three of his brothers settled in Richland county, one Jacob Foulks in Clearcreek, now Ashland county. We insert this sketch that the reader may learn the trials and actual condition of this territory from 1781 to 1795. This Castleman family located in the north part of Richland county, and the last of the girls (Mrs. Stoner) died in Clearcreek township, in this county, in 1874. George Foulks was born in Philadelphia, December 4, 1769.  

The Indians hastily entered the forest in a westerly direction, ordering Elizabeth and George, in broken English, to follow. They were much terrified, but complied promptly. They traveled some miles, when their prisoners were secured, and all slept on the leaves. Early the next morning, the Indians arose, and broiled slices of venison, on which all breakfasted, and continued their flight nearly west all day, and again slept as they had done before. During their progress through the forest, they crossed a number of small streams on logs or poles. While crossing one, some three feet deep, an Indian who walked behind George, in sport, pushed him off the log, and he was thoroughly saturated. At this, the Indians all laughed heartily. George refrained from showing temper, but resolved to retaliate the first opportunity, The next day they came to another stream somewhat more swollen, and had to cross it on a log. The Indian who had pushed him in the day before, pointed to the log, desiring him to lead again. George refused the honor of leading, and fell in behind the Indian. They had gone about half way over, when George caught the belt of the Indian, and giving him a sudden twitch, the savage fell into the stream nearly neck deep. He waded out, venting all sorts of threats and imprecations on George for his temerity. The Indian was thoroughly soaked, and his comrades gave vent to the most uproarious merriment over the incident. This calmed the fury of the enraged Indian, and changed his revenge to admiration. The little captive was regarded from that time with favor, and as much tenderness as if he were a real Indian. They traveled a little southwest until they reached the old trail which passed near the present site of Wooster, to a village then known as Mohican Johnstown, near the present site of Jeromeville, in Ashland county. They were several days in reaching this point, and being unaccustomed to the Indian mode of preparing food, which consisted almost wholly of venison, without salt, bread or even parched corn, the prisoners were very hungry. They remained at Mohican Johnstown several days, and then continued along the trail in a northwest direction across what is now Ashland and Richland Counties to Snipestown, an Indian village near the present site of Rome. Here they found a large number of Wyandots who rejoiced at the success of the captors, who proved to be of that nation or tribe. Here the scalp halloo was given, as at Mohican Johnstown, but at neither place were they required to run the gauntlet.* (* The chief, Captain Snipe, was very active in the removal of the Moravians in 1781 from the Tuscarawas. See Heckewelder’s narrative of Indian missions.)

They remained at Snipestown some days. This village was named after a leading warrior and chief who resided there, and was much esteemed by his people. From this village they continued along the old trail to Upper Sandusky, the principal town and headquarters of the Wyandot warriors. When they came in sight of the village, the scalp halloo was again given, and large numbers sallied out to meet the warriors. George was again spared the pain of running the gauntlet.

He was given to an old squaw who had some time before lost a son on an excursion to the Pennsylvania border. She was the reputed mother of seven sons, all brave warriors and noted among the Wyandots. His sister was claimed by another warrior, and was given to an Indian family in Lower Sandusky to be taught the manners and duties of a squaw. George remained at Upper Sandusky with his new mother, who treated him with much tenderness. He attracted a good deal of attention, and soon formed an acquaintance with the Indian youths of his village. He was clothed and habited in all respects as an Indian, and soon learned to talk their language, and became accustomed to their mode of preparing food, and their bark wigwams or huts. He was taught the use of the bow–their gymnastic exercises—wrestling–foot-racing–playing ball and other sports, and soon became contented with his new mode of life. He occasionally met his sister, who was equally fortunate in securing a good Indian mother, who did not require her to perform all the drudgery of a common squaw.

It was the custom of the Wyandots, in the spring of the year, to scatter to various points in the forest, in small bands, to make sugar. The first year or two after George had been captured, he was required to assist in gathering the sap in small bark buckets to be evaporated in brass and copper kettles by the squaws. Never relishing hard work, he disliked his new vocation. The water was caught in bark vessels prepared for the purpose, and when it flowed freely, the task of gathering it was quite laborious. After worrying several days in a vain effort to keep pace with the flow of sap, George conceived a plan of relieving a portion of his toil. When he emptied the vessels, he slightly perforated the bottom and a large share of the sap escaped. In this way his toil was reduced, to the confusion of the squaws, who were unable to penetrate the mystery. A discovery of his trick would have resulted in many stripes; but fortunately, the difficulty was not solved.

The following autumn the Indian mother and father of George, and a number of Wyandots were encamped near Snipestown. An incident occurred that made a very strong impression upon George. It was this: The Indians brought in a white boy who had been captured on the borders of Pennsylvania. The poor little captive was offered to an Indian woman whose son had been killed by the “Long Knives,” in lieu of her child. She scornfully rejected the proposition, declaring “Me no take white rebel for my son.” Upon consultation, the little boy was ordered to be executed, and the time and place fixed. Sometime in the afternoon, on the day prior to the time appointed, George and a number of Indian boys were playing a little distance from his mother’s hut. She called him to her and told him the white boy was to be killed the next morning, and he should not be so merry. This reproof arrested his sport. His sympathies were deeply moved. The next morning the captive was bound to a log to be slain. At this time, a number of Delawares were encamped not a great distance from Snipestown. They somehow learned the Wyandots had determined to execute the rejected prisoner, and a warrior conceived the idea of rescuing him. He hurried into the Wyandot camp, and coming to the place where the prisoner was bound, struck the cords by which he was fettered, with his tomahawk, and severing them, carried off the boy, to the astonishment of the Wyandots. The boy afterwards escaped and returned to his friends.

When George reached the proper age, he was adopted after the manner of the Wyandots, passing through all their ceremonies, and was given an Indian name, Ha-en-ye-ha, or my brother, which he retained. During the period of his indoctrination into Indian customs, modes of hunting and fishing, he often accompanied his Indian parents and other members of the tribe through the north part of what are now Richland, Ashland and Wayne counties; and sometimes nearly to Beaver county, Pennsylvania, during which excursions he learned the names of the streams, all the good camping points, the best springs and the principal resorts of game. In fact, he became a thorough woodsman, an accomplished hunter, and an Indian in taste, dress and habits. Snipestown was a favorite Indian village, and he spent a large share of his captivity there, occasionally visiting Upper and Lower Sandusky and Cranestown with the warriors and hunters.

Many times during his captivity the Indians suffered for food. After the hunting seasons, when they had plenty of venison and hominy, bear’s oil and sugar, they lived extravagantly. For many weeks their chief occupation was visiting, dancing and feasting, which continued until their stores of provisions were consumed. At this point, the hunters and warriors were compelled to sally forth to renew their stores of venison and bear’s meat. On many occasions George and his Indian mother were so nearly starved that they were compelled to gather the old bones about their wigwam, crack and reboil them for soup, after they had been bleaching in the sun and air for many months. These messes were to him very savory, and quite a luxury at such periods.

The Indian women were very industrious, and hoed the corn, chopped the wood, did all the cooking, built the camp fires, and in fact, were literally slaves for their red-skinned lords. They made sugar in the spring, fried out the bear’s oil, jerked the venison and buffalo meat, pounded and prepared the hominy and parched corn for the haughty warriors.

Towards the close of the Revolutionary war George often accompanied the warriors to the borders, but was always very reticent about the mischief done during those excursions. In fact, he had been so thoroughly indoctrinated in Indian secresy, that very little, if anything, could be learned of him concerning the warlike expeditions of the Wyandots. He was at several Indian consultations at Cranestown, some four miles north of the present site of Upper Sandusky. He there met the noted Simon Girty and several British agents. Their council-house was of bark, and was seventy-five or one hundred feet long and perhaps twenty feet wide. Tarhe, or as he was sometimes called, King Crane, was rising into influence and power as a chief among the Wyandots. He there met many other chiefs and warriors, and learned the particulars of the capture and execution of Colonel William Crawford by the Delawares, being himself, too young to witness that battle.

When he was about twenty years of age, he obtained a sort of furlough to hunt in the east, near the Ohio River, and stealthily visited his old home. He was then a complete Indian, in dress, language and manners; and loved the nomadic life of his people. His parents offered every motive for his return to civilized life, but in vain. He determined to return to the home of the red man. This was in the fall of 1786. He had then been with the Indians about twelve years.

In 1789-90 active hostilities were carried on between the Indians and the settlers in West Pennsylvania, Virginia and Kentucky. It is believed that George Foulks accompanied the Wyandots and Delawares against Harmar and St. Clair, though he was always silent on the subject. In 1790 the Wyandots were very anxious on the subject of war then approaching. They feared the “Long Knives” —Sarayumigh, would prevail. One of their prophets or medicine men took a lot of charcoal, and pounding it into a sort of powder, placed it upon a piece of bark, and then drew a rude map of the country, its rivers, lakes, Indian trails, and the probable route of the invaders. They then took a flint and steel and fired a piece of punk and applied it to the points where Harmar and his army would be most apt to attack the Indian territory. The fire gradually spread from the points ignited. The Indians watched it attentively. When the charcoal ceased to burn, the Indians formed into a double file and simultaneously fired their guns. After which they stood quietly watching a dark cloud that was floating over. In a few seconds, the sound of their guns was distinctly heard in the clouds. The Indians regarded this as a good omen and shouted over the result, stating that the white warriors would not succeed that year. They at once began to prepare for war. The result is too well known for repetition. Disaster met the frontier soldiers at every point.

About the year 1788, George Foulks was persuaded to marry a Wyandot woman, and fully identify himself with the fortunes of his people. He had two children by his Wyandot wife; but, like Jonathan Alder, finally tired of the Indian mode of living. His people were so frequently involved in war with the whites that there was great danger of final extermination. Looking the whole field over, he concluded to abandon the Wyandots and return to civilized life. The Wyandot warriors discovered by his manner that something was wrong, and watched his motions closely. The real difficulty was, the Indians insisted that he should become a real warrior and accompany them against St. Clair and Wayne. He declined to do so, and slyly departing from his wigwam, took the most direct route for his old home in Washington county, Pennsylvania. The warriors soon discovered his desertion, and several of them took the trail and gave chase. Suspecting this, he traveled with the utmost speed, and when about exhausted, and likely to be overtaken in crossing a principal stream on the route, he concealed himself beneath driftwood, thrusting all but his head under the water. While in this retreat, several of the warriors walked on the drift, and gave utterance to their indignation saying they would punish him severely if they caught him, for the perfidy of deserting his tribe. The sound of their voices gradually died away and all became quiet. He cautiously emerged, and finding the warriors had disappeared, proceeded on his way, and finally reached his old home in safety. He was soon noticed by Brady, Sprott, McConnell and other scouts in the government employ, and had some adventures. He did not enter very zealously however, the field against the Wyandots. He had always been treated by them as if he had born amongst them, and was a real Indian. After the battle of Fallen Timbers, and peace had been declared, The Wyandots frequently returned to hunt, fish, and sell their peltry in the city of Pittsburgh. After his return home he married a daughter of Henry Ullery, and located near the present site of the village of Darlington, in Beaver county, Pennsylvania.

Shortly after he located, he was requested by a Mr. Castleman to go to Upper Sandusky and rescue his daughters from captivity. Two daughters of Mr. Castleman, Mary, aged thirteen, and Margaret, aged nine, had been captured in a sugar camp near the banks of the Ohio River some years prior to the proposed rescue. The Indians had taken the captive girls to Greentown, on the Black fork, and sold the youngest to an English trader by the name of McIntosh, while Mary was taken to Upper Sandusky and adopted. Margaret was taken to Detroit, sent to school, and finally, through the traders, returned to her parents. Mary married a half-breed named Abram Williams, by whom she had two children, George and Sally. Williams loved fire-water, and when under its influence, was very jealous and very cruel to his wife. He often threatened to tomahawk her. Regarding her life as being in peril, she managed to convey word of her whereabouts to her parents, through the traders who often visited Pittsburgh. George Foulks consented to attempt to rescue her from her perilous situation. He passed alone, through dense forests, up the well –worn Indian trails to Upper Sandusky, where he met Williams, and proposed to take his wife home on a visit. Williams became angry and threatened to scalp Foulks if he attempted such an enterprise. Foulks desisted from further interviews with Williams. From his long residence with the Wyandots, he had many confidential friends among the warriors. He, therefore, resorted to stratagem. He proposed to an old Indian if he would secretly take Mary away, he would give him a barrel of whiskey and a lot of trinkets. After some parleying, the Indian consented –the “fire-water” was so tempting he could not resist. The warrior, in company with Mrs. Williams, left the village without exciting suspicion, and passed down the old Wyandot trail, which ran very near the present site of Olivesburgh to Jerometown, while Foulks remained one day and then proceeded by a circuitous route to reach the same place. On arriving near Jerometown he gave a signal, and the Indian and Mrs. Williams joined him in the forest. He had arranged with a trader for the whisky and trinkets for the Indian upon his return. Foulks and Mrs. Williams continued along the trail near the present site of Wooster, and safely reached the residence of Castleman, in Washington county, Pennsylvania.

Mrs. Williams regretted very much to leave her children, but an attempt to take them along would have proved fatal. She never met them again. Sally grew up and married a famous hunter by the name of Solomon Jonacake, who was well known to the pioneers of Ashland and Richland counties. This was the last Indian exploit of George Foulks.

Some time after this, his Indian wife and two children are reported to have visited him in Beaver county, to induce him to return to the Wyandots. He declined to do so; but visited Pittsburgh and purchased a number of blankets and such other articles as would be useful in their wigwam, and presented them to the squaw with a horse to bear them to their home on the Sandusky, which she accepted and never returned.

Mr. Foulks had a fine mill near Darlington, and afterwards became quite wealthy. He was a man of fine native abilities, and was often spoken of as a suitable person to be elected to the legislature or to fill any of the county offices. He, however, refused to accept any office, and steadily continued in business. During his captivity, he passed over the most valuable parts of what is now Richland county, and became acquainted with all the good agricultural locations. After the war of 1812, when the lands, in what is now Blooming-grove township, came into market, he entered eight or ten quarter sections, and induced his father-in-law, Mr. Ullery, to invest largely in lands. About the year 1830, Henry and George, sons of George Foulks, located near Rome, in Richland county. He had several daughters, some of whom yet survive. Jacob and William, brothers of George Foulks, also located in Blooming-grove. Jacob resided two or three miles northwest of Olivesburgh. George Foulks died in Beaver county, Pennsylvania July 10, 1840, aged seventy-one years, and sleeps quietly in the cemetery near Darlington, where he lived many years, an influential and reputable citizen. Mrs. Foulks died at the residence of one of her sons in Richland county some years after his decease.

It may be interesting to the reader to learn the history of Elizabeth Foulks, who was captured with George on the banks of the Ohio River. As before stated, she was taken to Lower Sandusky, where she was adopted by a kind squaw. As she grew to womanhood she became acquainted with a young man by the name of James Whittaker, who had been captured by the Wyandots when a child in Virginia, and adopted by them. All his friends were killed. He had lost nearly all recollection of his parentage, and had become thoroughly initiated among the Indians, and had no desire to leave them. Whittaker became much attached to Elizabeth, and she to him. They were finally married after the Wyandot custom. Whittaker became an influential trader and interpreter among the Indians. On one occasion a number of Cherokee, Shawnee, and Wyandot warriors captured an emigrant boat on the Ohio river with a number of pioneers, among whom were a Mr. Skyles and Johnston with one or two others who were brought to Upper Sandusky. A French trader, M. Duchonquet, purchased Johnson from the Indians and Skyles finally escaped.

A few days afterwards, the Cherokees appeared with a Miss Flemming, who had been captured at the same time, and made preparations for her execution. The French trader took an interest in the fate of Miss Flemming and invited Whittaker to accompany him to the Cherokee camp. He did so, and Miss Flemming recognized him as an old acquaintance. Whittaker had often visited with the Indian hunters, her father’s tavern near Pittsburgh. He was therefore, very desirous of aiding her. Miss Flemming implored him to save her from death by torture, which was then impending. Whittaker tried to induce the Cherokees to release her for a consideration. They sternly refused. Whittaker determined to have Tarhe or King Crane, who was then the great Wyandot Chief, intervene. Tarhe was at Detroit, and Whittaker took a small boat and hastened to see him. When he landed, Tarhe, with deep interest heard his story. Whittaker said Miss Flemming was his sister, and was about to be killed by torture. He asked Tarhe to interfere for her rescue. The chief admitted that he was humane, and at once started for Sandusky and hastened to the Cherokee camp. The Cherokees were inflexible, and would not consent to release the prisoner, and heaped upon Tarhe charges of cowardice for interfering. The chief retaliated on the Cherokees for the inhuman attempt to torture a woman, and withdrew. The Cherokees were alarmed, and determined to kill their prisoner without delay. She was stripped of her clothing, tied to a stake and faggots placed around her, and left to suffer the horrors of impending death. She was to be burned early the next morning. Tarhe expected this, and to avert the tragedy took a number of young warriors, and at midnight entered the Cherokee camp. He found Miss Flemming tied to a stake, painted black and in a state of insensibility, moaning over her condition. Tarhe at once released her from her painful situation, re-clothed her and set her at liberty. An Indian whoop was then given, when the Cherokees were awakened and hurried to the spot. Tarhe told them he had rescued the prisoner, and that by the laws of conquest she was his property. Tarhe’s warriors were the most numerous, and the Cherokees quietly admitted that he had the advantage. They then expressed a willingness to accept the offer of the day before–six hundred silver brooches. Tarhe consented and by the aid of the traders, furnished the brooches, and Miss Flemming, clothed as a squaw, was returned to her parents at Pittsburgh by two faithful Wyandot warriors.

Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker were employed as interpreters at the treaties of 1814-17 and at several other interviews between the whites and Indians. They are often mentioned for their humane acts by the Wyandots and Delawares. They remained in the Indian country about Malden, Detroit and Upper Sandusky long after the war of 1812. They had several children, sons and daughters. Some thirty years since a Miss Whittaker, daughter of Elizabeth, visited an uncle (Jacob Faulks) near Olivesburgh, and is said to have been a young lady of good education and fine address. The relatives treated her kindly and her visit was a pleasant one. Whittaker and his wife died many years since at Lower Sandusky, and their descendants are presumed to have gone west with the civilized Wyandots in 1842-3.

Such is the story of George and Elizabeth Foulks, as we have been able to glean from his acquaintances in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere. The larger part of the narrative was obtained from Mrs. Robert Starr, formerly of Washington county, Pennsylvania. Now a resident of Blooming-grove township, Richland county, Ohio, two miles west of the village of Lafayette, and aged about eighty-seven years. Her mind is quite clear. She was intimately acquainted with Mr. Foulks in his lifetime, and has heard him repeat the story of his adventures a great many times. Mr. Foulks also related many hunting exploits, the outlines of which have escaped recollection. All in all, he was an extraordinary character–a bold woodsman–a thrifty business man and a noted pioneer. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

CONRAD FOX (Vermillion) p. 304(1)

Conrad Fox was born in Bavaria, Germany June 18, 1829, and at the age of three years, in company with his parents, brothers, and sisters, he left the old world for a home in the new. Soon after the arrival of the Fox family in America they came to what is now Vermillion township, Ashland county, and here the children have lived and prospered by their own good management and hard work. Conrad, subject of this sketch, remained with his parents until he was married. April 16, 1852, he married Miss Gertrude Hirshler, daughter of Henry and Christena Hirshler, who died in Germany when she was about eight years old. When she was sixteen years old, in company with her brothers, John and Henry, she came to Ohio. Immediately after they were married they bought the farm on which they still live, nearly three miles northwest of the village of Hayesville. They have two children; Adolph, born April 16, 1854, and Amanda, born February 21, 1859. Adolph is married and lives on his father’s farm. Amanda is single and remains at home with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fox are members of the German Lutheran church, near where they live. Mr. Fox is a Democrat in politics, and is a man highly esteemed by his neighbors. He has one hundred and forty-two acres of land in one of the most fertile sections of Vermillion township. He is a good farmer, and his family and farm have his whole time. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DAVID FOX (Vermillion) p. 309(1)

David Fox was born in Bavaria, Germany, near the river Rhine, in 1819. In 1833, he emigrated with his parents to America, locating in Vermillion township, Ashland county, Ohio. Conrad Fox, his father, died July 28, 1872, and his mother died January 10, 1851. David Fox learned the harness business in Hayesville, and worked at it continuously about eighteen years, when he turned his attention to the hotel, farming and stock raising business. At the end of sixteen years he quit hotel keeping, and gave his whole attention to farming, with the exception of serving the community for a number of years in different official positions. In 1868 he was elected justice of the peace; re-elected in 1877, and again in April, 1880. At the advanced age of sixty-one years, he is active, industrious and cheerful. In December 1840, he was married to Matilda Watson. They have five children, four sons and one daughter. The oldest son, a physician, died in Kansas in 1877. Mr. Fox studied law and was admitted to the bar in Mansfield, Ohio in 1874. He has had the advantage of but three months schooling in America. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

FREDERICK FOX (Vermillion) p. 309(1)

Frederick Fox was born in Bavaria, Germany, October 28, 1822, and emigrated to America with his parents in 1833, August 28th; they arrived in Vermillion township, Ashland county, after a tedious journey of twenty days from New York city. Vermillion township has been the home of Mr. Fox ever since. Mr. Fox left home to learn the saddler and harness trade in Mansfield, Richland county, at the age of nineteen. On September 6, 1849, he was married to Miss Eliza Jane Blackburn, of Green township, Ashland county; she came from Bedford county, Pennsylvania, with her parents in 1832. Mr. Fox worked at his chosen trade in Hayesville continuously about sixteen years, at the end of which time he moved to his farm, where he worked winters at his trade and summers tilled and improved his farm. At the end of four years he returned to Hayesville, stayed about two years, when he again returned to the farm, where he has remained ever since. They have had ten children, eight sons and two daughters; nine of whom are living. Charley died at the age of seventeen months, January 25, 1868. Joseph Benton, born August 7, 1850; Lewis B., born December 24, 1852; Justice, born November 3, 1854; Curtis Buchanan, born January 10, 1857; Lillie Irene, born May 5, 1859; Franklin, born July 28, 1861, Conrad C., born February 3, 1864; Coates, born August 11, 1866; Morris, born January 24, 1869; Mary Margreta, born August 20, 1872. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOSEPH BENTON FOX (Vermillion) p. 310(1)

Joseph Benton Fox was born in Hayesville, Ashland county, Ohio, in 1850. He worked with his father on the farm until he was seventeen years old, when he learned the harness business, at which business he continued two years. In 1869 he returned to the farm, teaching school winters, and in 1876 engaged in the dry goods business with T.C. Harvey, at Hayesville, in which position we find him working earnestly, doing a little business outside of the mercantile in the way of a broker, buying and selling paper. Mr. Fox is an earnest businessman. On September 11, 1879, he married Miss Christiana Wallace, of Vermillion township, Ashland county, Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM C. FRAZEE (Montgomery) p. 227(1)

WILLIAM C. FRAZEE was born December 10, 1841, in Alleghany county, Maryland, and came to Ashland county, Ohio, in 1863, and taught school two winters and labored one summer on a farm, after which he formed a partnership with John Rebman in the provision business about one year, and then entered the same business with Joseph Stoffer, during which time he was elected clerk of the court of common pleas for Ashland county from 1870 to 1876. Since his time as clerk has expired he formed a partnership with E.E. Wallack in the bed spring business, and subsequently in the furniture and undertaking business in Ashland. He married Miss Nancy Swineford, daughter of John Swineford, December 26, 1864, by whom he had two children, one of whom yet survives. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ALBERTUS FREER (Montgomery) p. 367(1)

Albertus Freer was born July 8, 1845, in Ashland, Ohio, where he has since resided, with the exception of the time he served as a soldier in the Rebellion. He was in company G, Twenty-third Ohio volunteer infantry, president Hayes’ regiment. January 17, 1866, he married Ellen C. Plumb, who was born in Montgomery, Michigan, March 10, 1843. They have one child, Jessie W., born November 17, 1867. By occupation he is a farmer. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB FREES (Montgomery) p. 213(1)

JACOB FREES of English-German descent. was born in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, November 22, 1808, and he came to Wayne county, Ohio, in November 1822, and to Wayne township, with his father’s family. He remained there until 1857, then removed to Smithville, same county, and, in 1864, removed to Ashland county. He learned the trade of a shoemaker, and carried it on in Wayne county, with a shoe store, until he came to Ashland county. He attended common schools and became a member of the Lutheran Reformed church in1825. He is now a member of the English Lutheran church of Ashland, and has been an elder six or seven years. When he came to Ashland he became one of the proprietors of the steam saw-mill until 1870, and then retired. His family consists of two sons and four daughters. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

LUDWICK FRIDLINE (Perry) p. 327(1)

Ludwick Fridline, third son of Conrad and Sarah Fridline, was born in Pennsylvania, in 1821, came to Perry township with his parents when an infant, and is now the owner of the old homestead, where his parents lived until the time of their death, his mother dying in 1844, and her husband surviving her until the year 1870, living to the ripe old age of seventy-eight years. He was a man respected and esteemed wherever known, and his loss was deeply felt among his friends and acquaintances. Ludwig, the subject of our sketch, was married in the year 1859 to Miss Elizabeth Boffenmyer. To them have been born thirteen children: Henry H., Irvin, Sarah E., Jacob, Mary A., U.S. Grant, Alvy, Elsura, Emma, Noah E., Elizabeth, Alma, and Clara. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

L. FRIZZEL (Clearcreek) p. 314(1)

L. FRIZZEL was born in the State of Maryland in the year 1815, and came to Ohio prior to the organization of Ashland county, and settled near Olivesburgh, where he remained about two years. When he landed at Olivesburgh he had three one-half dollar pieces in his pocket, and all of his baggage, beside the suit of clothes he wore, tied up in a handkerchief. He removed from Olivesburgh to Savannah, and engaged with an old pioneer by the name of Smith, at fifty cents per day to take charge of and drive his team. When twenty-one years old, his employer started him on a trip to Baltimore with one hundred and sixty bushels of clover and timothy seed. In this venture he was successful, and it was the beginning of a career that has proved to be a successful and prosperous one. He soon after married the daughter of his employer, and has, by industry, perseverance and pluck, amassed a good fortune, and is one of the leading members of the Methodist church and a prominent man in the township. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

BENJAMIN FRY (Mohican) p. 364(1)

Benjamin Fry, son of John and Catharine Fry, was born March 5, 1848. At the age of twenty-one he went to the west but did not like the country and soon returned and worked at farming. In 1867 he again started for Idaho, and after reaching Nebraska City he turned back, concluding it was not the country he wished for a home. He returned to Indiana and worked for a time at the carpenter trade, and then came on to Ohio, when he followed the same business. On October 16, 1866, he was married to Mary Jane, daughter of William Umphrey, of Perrysville, Ohio. Of his father’s children there were nine. Josiah went to California in 1852, and engaged in gold mining; he died January 11, 1869. George went to California in the same year and is now engaged in the dairy business in Lawson county. John also went to California in 1856 and engaged in mining. While returning home on the Golden Gate, the vessel was burned. He buckled his money about his waist and clung to a rope until it was burned off, when he jumped into the water with two children he was bringing to New York. The others were Benjamin, Mary Ann, William, Harvey (who was killed by fragments of the balance wheel of a machine while sawing wood), Franklin and Catharine. The brothers, William and Benjamin, live on and own the old homestead consisting of one hundred and seventy-eight acres, on the road leading from Jeromeville to Mohicanville. Both are Democrats. Benjamin and his wife are members of the Reformed church in Mohican. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MAJOR R. P. FULKERSON (Montgomery) p. 172(1)

Was born in Somerset county, New Jersey, February 11, 1807. In his youth he attended the country schools of that State, and made fair progress in the elementary branches. At the age of eighteen he was apprenticed to learn the trade of a blacksmith. He also learned, at the same time, the art of making augers. In 1829 he married Miss Sarah Ann Wicoff, and in the spring of 1830, removed to Ashland, Ohio. Upon his arrival he opened a shop and commenced business. In addition to country work, such as shoeing horses, repairing and fitting plows, he ironed many road wagons and carriages, and repaired guns. Being remarkably ingenious in working iron, he was able to turn his hand to many branches of the art. When gas was first introduced into Ashland, he engaged in fitting and preparing burners, pipes and other fixtures, and his books contain drawings showing the labyrinths concealing gas throughout most of the leading buildings and private residences of Ashland. In 1860 he retired from the toil and worries of his trade and entered upon the horticultural business, for which he had strong tastes and many qualifications. He was fond of the study of botany, and his greenhouse gave evidence of his fine taste in the floral kingdom. He also succeeded in introducing many fine varieties of fruit, flowering shrubs, and plants. He was industrious in his researches into the habits of the honeybee, and in fact, took a lively interest in everything that could contribute to the prosperity and happiness of his race. He was extremely fond of the sport of hunting, and generally kept a “pointer” or “setter” of the best blood. Few of the best hunters could excel him in shooting quail or pheasants on the wing. He was particularly successful in ensnaring, in the springtime, wild pigeons, and in taking ducks. He was buoyant in spirit, and a great favorite with his associates. There were but few subjects that he could not illustrate and explain. In 1875, when the State Archaeological society was formed at Mansfield, he became a member, and about the same time he became a member of the Pioneer and Historical society of Ashland county. He took a deep interest in the topics discussed in those organizations. His tastes were strongly military, and in his younger years he was promoted from a company officer to be major of a regiment. He is said to have been a good drill officer, and could he have been educated at an institution such as West Point, would have made an accomplished officer in the engineer department.

He was a strong friend of the school system of Ohio, and when the old academy was under the superintendence of the lamented Lorin Andrews, gave his time and attention to the encouragement of that institution. He was frequently a member of the Ashland council, and was acting as such at his decease. He was also a trustee of the cemetery association and aided in preparing that beautiful site for the dead.

In 1873 his excellent lady deceased, since which time he resided with the younger members of his family.

In 1876 he visited the Centennial at Philadelphia, and upon his return, expressed his gratification and astonishment over the wonders in art and invention beheld by him on exhibition on that occasion.

Early in the winter he was attacked with pneumonia and other complications, and gradually failed until he died, May 21, 1877. He was buried in the cemetery at Ashland.

The usual resolutions were adopted by the obituary committee of the Historical society, of which he was a member. (Transcribed by Penny Hanes PHanes1368@aol.com) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DR. EPHRAIM B. FULLER (Hanover) p. 167(1)

Was born in Madison, county, New York, July 8, 1799. He read medicine in the office of Doctor Parkis, of Tioga county, Pennsylvania, and commenced practice in 1823. He married Sarah Culver, of Elkland, Pennsylvania, in March 1822. He practiced in Potter county, Pennsylvania until the spring of 1832, when he located in Loudonville, Richland (now Ashland,) county, Ohio.

Doctor Fuller was not a regularly educated physician, having read in a private office, and according to the statues of New York, was examined and admitted to practice medicine and surgery under a certificate issued by the county censors. He was a man of marked industry, and possessed an iron will, which associated with a powerful physical organization, a love of his profession, and close attention to medical authorities enabled him to accomplish a great deal in the line of his calling. He had a most extensive practice, and was unusually successful in the treatment of the diseases of his locality. He practiced continuously over thirty-six years, sometimes under circumstances the most adverse, and in the face of a well arranged competition, always sustaining himself honorably in his profession. He should rank among the very best of the profession in the county. He died at Loudonville, December 23, 1867. He left a family.

Doctor Amos B. Fuller is a son, and Doctor A. J. Scott, a son in-law. The son is to possess many of the peculiarities of the father, and will probably succeed to a fair share of his practice. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DANIEL FULMER (Green) p. 280(1)

Daniel Fulmer, born in Ashland county in 1855, married Mary Sprang in 1879. He carried on the business of queensware, groceries and bakery combined, in partnership with his brother, John Fulmer, doing business under the firm name Fulmer Brothers. They have the largest and best selected stock in Perrysville. In 1880 he was elected clerk of the township, and in 1878 was appointed postmaster by President Hayes, which office he still holds. He is a member of the Evangelical Association, and in politics is a Republican. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB FULMER (Lake)#1 p. 280(1)

Jacob Fulmer, born in Elsos, France, in 1809, married Mary Hoffman, and in 1837 came to Ohio, and settled in Lake township, Ashland county, on the farm now owned by Mrs. Fulmer. Mr. Fulmer was a stone mason by trade, but followed farming all his life. He was a member of the Evangelical Association, and in politics was a Republican. He was the father of eleven children, three of whom died in infancy. Eight are living: Margaret; John, who married Lucretia Tipton, of Perrysville; Jacob, who married Jennie McMorrill and lives in Wayne county, Ohio; Catharine, wife of Abel Metcalf, of Lake township; Julia, wife of Levi Shut, of Lake township; Frederick, who married Amanda Workman and lives in Holmes county, Ohio; Daniel, who married Mary Sprang and lives in Perrysville; Mary, wife of William Steward, who lives in Mohican township. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB FULMER (Lake)#2 p. 289(1)

JACOB FULMER, born in Ellsos, France, in 1805, came to America in 1845, and the same year settled in Lake township, Ashland county. By trade he was a mason, but after he came to America he gave up his trade and engaged in farming. He was a member of the Evangelical Association; and died in 1862. In 1839, he was married to Mary Huffman in Ellsos, France, who still survives him. Of his family of eleven children, but eight are living: Margaret; John, who married Lou. Tipton; Catharine, wife of Abraham Metcalf; Julia, wife of Levi Shutt; Jacob, who married Jane Morrell; Frederick, who married Amanda Workman; Daniel, who married Mary Spreng; and Mary, wife of William Stewart. (Transcribed and contributed by Linda J. Collins)

AMOS FUNK (Perry) p. 331 (1)

Amos Funk was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania February 5, 1823, and was the oldest son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Funk. They both removed to Wayne county, Ohio, in the year 1831, where he lived until his removal to Indiana, where the father died in 1873. His son Amos, and the subject of our sketch moved into Ashland county about the year 1850. Previous to his removal from Wayne county, he was married to Matilda Jane Kramer of Ashland county May 23, 1844. To him have been born eight children, five of whom are living: Elizabeth, deceased; Benjamin; John, who died in infancy; Christian, who died in infancy; William F., Lewis A., Stanzie E., and Abner W. Mr. Funk’s first purchase was twenty acres of land where he now lives. He has increased his possession now until he is the owner of a tract of one hundred and forty-four acres. Mr. and Mrs. Funk have been consistent members of the Church of God, and have been liberal supporters of the same. Mr. Funk is one of the substantial farmers of Perry township. He is a man of a very strong physical organization, and has been able to endure the great labors that have been necessary for him to undertake. In connection with his farming, he carried on a saw-mill, which he has operated successfully for twenty-five years. Mr. Funk generally acts with the Republican party and is a firm advocate of its measures and principles. For one of his years, he is a well preserved man, and is surrounded by a family of intelligent children, and in a pleasant home. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

BENJAMIN FUNK (Perry) p. 333(1)

Benjamin Funk is the oldest son of Amos and Matilda Funk, a sketch of whose life will be fund elsewhere in this work. Our subject was born May 1, 1847, in Wayne county, Ohio. At the age of twenty-one he attended school at Smithville, and there completed his education. Following this, he taught two terms of school in his home district. After working a part of his father’s farm on shares for three years, he married Eliza E. Foltz, a native of Wayne county. This event occurred April 10, 1873. To them have been born three children, all boys: Captain Perry, Adelbert R., and Charles H. Mr. Funk is a young and promising farmer, of good habits, is industrious, enterprising, and pleasantly situated in a nice home, and is very happy in his family. Upon his place he has put a nice and commodious house, and his farm is well improved. In religious belief, his sympathies are with the Church of God, that branch of the church best exemplifying his view of the Christian religion. In politics he is a staunch Republican, and an advocate of its measures and principles. Mr. Funk devotes his attention to the breeding of a superior grade of stock, making a specialty of the Berkshire pig. Besides this, he owns a fine stock of sheep, and devotes some attention to the raising of grain. He is a farmer of advanced ideas, careful and prudent, and thorough in everything he undertakes. Mr. Funk served his country during the war a term of four months, going out to its aid at the early age of seventeen. His children will ever look back with pride at this part of their father’s career in life. He was a member of the One Hundred and Sixty-third Ohio volunteer infantry. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

C.C. FUNK (Perry) p. 327(1)

C.C. Funk, eldest child of Hugh and Elizabeth Funk, was born in Wayne county, in 1831, and resided there with his parents until the time of his marriage, April 19, 1854, to Mary Jane Foltz, daughter of an early pioneer family. Immediately after marriage, Mr. Funk came to Perry township, where we now find him, and purchased a beautiful farm of one hundred and eight acres. To Mr. and Mrs. Funk were born three sons. Their names are as follows: Harvey H., Walter W., and Leroy L., all living. While Mr. F. has not aspired to official position, the citizens of Perry elected him to the office of trustee at three different times. As a soldier, he went forth in the discharge of his duties, occupying the position of first lieutenant. He enlisted as one of the hundred day men, and served for one hundred and thirty-two days, returning to his home and family uninjured, and crowned with all the honor to which he and his rank were entitled. Mr. and Mrs. Funk are both active members of the Disciple church, and have been among its most liberal supporters. His life has been devoted to school teaching, and that of farming. The schools he taught number fifteen in all, and, as proof of his ability and success, they were all within a mile and a half of his home. By the aid of a kind father and his own energy and perseverance, he is now possessor of one of the finest homes in the county. Mr. Funk is also dealer and breeder of thoroughbreds and high grades of cattle. Mr. Funk has in his possession a most valuable dog, that has been doing all the churning until the last eight years, churning in that time over fifteen thousand pounds of butter. The name of this member of the family is Shep, and is ow in the twelfth year of his age. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)