Q - R

AARON N. QUICK (Green) p. 283(1)

Aaron N. Quick, son of Benjamin Quick, was born in Holmes county, January 8, 1824, and in 1848 married Catharine Darling. At first he worked at his trade, that of a carpenter and cabinetmaker; then he purchased his father’s farm, about two miles south of Perrysville, and for the last twenty years has been engaged in farming and stock-dealing. In politics, he is a Republican. Seven children belong to his family: Ella; Franklin, who married Russia Robinson, and lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Jonas B.; Drego A., deceased; Thomas, who lives in Pittsburgh; Jeanette, and Hattie. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

BENJAMIN QUICK (Green) p. 283(1)

Benjamin Quick, born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, in 1793, came to Ohio in 1812, and first settled in what was then Wayne, but is now a part of Holmes county, and is called Washington township. He settled in Ashland county in 1839. He was a wagon-maker by trade, and worked at his trade all his life. He first married Clarissa Priest, and afterward married Susan Clough. He died in 1841. He was the father of eleven children, eight of whom are living, Harriet, wife of William Ayers, of Upper Sandusky; Daniel, who married Elizabeth Tannehill, and lives in Missouri; Olive; Aaron; Benjamin, who married Mary Jackson, and lives in Colorado; Isaac, who lives in Oregon; William in California, and Thomas in California. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DAVID QUICK (Hanover) p. 291(1)

David Quick, grandfather of Jacob L. Quick, was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, and came to Holmes county, Ohio, in 1814, and settled on the farm now owned by Jacob L. Quick. He was the father of ten children, of whom only one survives, Mrs. Mirah Ligett, who lives near Nashville, Tennessee. Isaac Quick, father of Jacob L. Quick, was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania and came to Holmes county, Ohio in 1814. In 1834 he married Elizabeth Lybarger, of Lake fork, Ashland county, Ohio. He was one of the prominent men of Holmes county, having held the office of justice of the peace and trustee for a number of years, and being also connected with the public schools. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and an honored and respected member of society. In 1860 he died in Holmes county. He was the father of nine children, only four of whom are living, Jacob L., who married Ella Barker, and lives in Ashland county; David, who married Jane Layman, and lives in Ashland county; John, who married Emma Ross, and lives in Indiana; and Cyrus, who married Barbara Workman. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB L. QUICK (Hanover) p. 291(1)

Jacob L. Quick was born in Holmes county, Ohio, in 1837, on the farm he now owns; came to Ashland county in 1866, and settled in Loudonville. In 1868 he married Louisa Sprague, who died in 1871. In 1874 he married Ella Barker. From 1866 to 1868 he was superintendent of the public schools in Loudonville, when he severed his connection with the schools and went into the Loudonville bank as cashier, and has remained there up to the present time. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and has served as Sunday-school superintendent for the past eight years, he is a Republican in politics. The Quick family, as far as they can be traced, were Jacksonian Democrats. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

THE RALSTONS (Montgomery) p. 227(1)

Originally Scotch, fled from Scotland to the north of Ireland during the persecution of the Presbyterians, and from that branch of the family descended the American Ralstons, who emigrated to Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, about the year 1760. From Lancaster they removed to Washington county in 1786.

Robert Ralston, sr., served in the war of 1812, in a regiment from western Pennsylvania. On the way to the Maumee, he passed over the territory now constituting Ashland county; and being pleased with the appearance of the country, sold his farm in Washington county on his return from the Army, and came to Montgomery township, Richland (now Ashland) county, in 1814, and settled 2 miles north of Ashland, where he resided until 1830. He became one of the justices of the peace at the first election, after the organization of Montgomery township, his commission being in the possession of his son James.

He married Jane Woodburn; he died October 26, 1854, aged eighty-six years. Jane, his wife, died September 3, 1862, aged eighty-six years, five months.

Their children were: Robert, jr., who died November 17, 1871, in Clinton county, Iowa, aged seventy-four years; James of Plymouth, Richland county, Ohio, aged seventy-seven years; Jane Hall, oldest daughter, resides in Nevada, Wyandot county, Ohio; Margaret Hall resides in Orange township, Ashland county; Nancy Gribben, in Plymouth, Richland county; Alexander, in Franklin county, Tennessee; Samuel W., in Auburn, Indiana; Maria Dickson, in Crawford county, Ohio; and Julia Bodley, in Whitley county Indiana. Robert was the father of the late W.C. Ralston, of San Francisco, California.

James, the second son of Robert, sr., the oldest living member of the family at this time (1876), was the mill-boy during the first few years of their residence in Ashland county. With a horse and pack-saddle, with a sack of corn or wheat, he often traveled by new-cut roads and Indian trails to Shrimplin’s mill, in Knox county, the journey occupying three or four days, to obtain a grist. In these trips, he often forded the swollen streams, and encountered many dangers and difficulties.

Robert, jr., was a house carpenter, and constructed many of the first buildings in Ashland and Montgomery township. He removed from his farm, north of Ashland, to Plymouth, Richland county, in 1829; and from there to Brooke county, Virginia, in 1832; and from there to Wellsville, Ohio, in 1836; and to Clinton county, Iowa, in 1853, where he died.

Alexander represented Richland county in the Ohio legislature two terms, and served as justice of the peace a number of years, prior to his removal to Tennessee; he was also a carpenter by trade.

The Ralstons, like their Scotch-Irish ancestors, are warmly attached to the Presbyterian faith, and have all been noted for their intelligence, frugality, industry, and moral integrity. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN RAMSEY (Jackson) p. 246(1)

John Ramsey was born in Maryland, near Baltimore, February, 1790, and came into Wayne county, Ohio, about 1822, and afterward settled on his homestead in section thirty-five, in Orange township. His father located in Jackson, township, and by his assistance cleared up the farm which came into the possession of John, after the death of his father, whose name was William, and who died at the age of eighty-six years. Mr. Ramsey passed through all the early pioneer scenes, such as cabin-raisings, log-rolling, corn-huskings, attending the first mills, or in the use of hominy blocks, which were in extensive demand, flax-pullings or scutchings, and the evening dances on such occasions. These were regarded as occasions of much fun by the young people. Those days are all gone. Age gradually comes on, and many of his associates of fifty years ago have been gathered to their long home. Mr. Ramsey has a fine estate, and has always lived on agreeable terms with his neighbors, and does not know of a single enemy in the world. He states that he has always obeyed the dictates of conscience, and treated all men kindly, and always when his time is at an end, the Good Being will reward his actions in a better world. He has always lived a single life, believing that he would have less trouble and be quite as happy as those who married. He has one hundred and sixty-six acres of land in Orange township, and ninety in Jackson, and thinks he is in no danger of coming to want. William Ramsey, of Jackson, is a brother. He is eighty-two years of age. Mr. Ramsey resides with a widowed sister on his one hundred and sixty acre lot in Orange township. The widow is the wife of the late Samuel Tilton, and aged about seventy-two years. Mr. Ramsey is quite cheerful and is perfectly contented and happy, and may live to see his hundredth anniversary. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM RAMSEY (Jackson) p. 224(1)

William Ramsey was born in Maryland and removed to Jackson township, Wayne county, in 1823, and has resided in Jackson township about forty-seven years. When he located the original settlers were Charles Hoy, John Baker, John Russell, Noah Long, John Jackson, William Byran, Elisha Chilcote, John Tucker, John Davault, John Swaney and Robert Crawford, who owned a horse-mill, and finally went to Missouri. He owns a good farm and has it under fine cultivation, with fine buildings. Mr. Ramsey is now about eighty-two years of age. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JAMES REDD (Hanover) p. 293(1)

James Redd, father of J.F. Redd, was born in Pennsylvania, came to Ohio at an early day, and married Lydia Nettles, of Wayne county. By trade he was a carpenter, and in politics was an old-line Whig. He died in 1840, leaving but one child, a son, John F. Redd, who was born in Wayne county, in 1836, came to Ashland county in 1840, and lived there with George Ream for three years, then went to Holmes county and stayed three years, when he returned to Ashland county and stayed until he was eighteen years old. He then settled in Loudonville, and learned harness-making of J.T. Henderson; worked at the trade thirteen years, and at the end of that time, went into business for himself, and worked three years more. In 1867 he bought the grocery store of P.J. Black, and has continued in that business up to the present time. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. In 1858 he married Louisa Reinhardt. Two children were born to them: Charles M. and Cora B. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ASA S. REED (Sullivan) p. 214(1)

ASA S. REED was born in Lynn, Massachusetts, December 22, 1817. His father, Josiah Reed, came to Westfield, Medina county, Ohio, in the spring of 1829, and died February 18, 1830. He left his family in limited circumstances. Asa was apprenticed to a farmer until he was twenty years of age, to be instructed to the rule of three in arithmetic, and in spelling, reading, and writing. In 1834 he hired as a farm hand at twelve dollars per month, and unfortunately wounded his limb, which had to be amputated near the knee. He suffered many months, and being unable to labor was reduced to the necessity of being aided by charity. As soon as he could regain sufficient strength, he engaged in various enterprises to recruit his fortunes. In 1835 he taught school three months. His chief occupation until 1844 was that of teacher. He then undertook to learn the trade of a tailor, and sewed three months in Jeromeville with John D. Jones. In 1846 he was elected recorder of Ashland county for the short term of six months, and was re-elected continuously the three following terms. He acted at the same time as notary public nine years. He then taught one term in the Union school at Ashland. He has been remarkably successful as a teacher, and has taught more terms than any teacher within the limits of the county–in the aggregate amounting to near fifteen years. In 1859 he removed to Sullivan, and became a successful farmer and teacher. He married Priscilla Smalley, of Perry township, by whom he had three sons, George W., John F., and Oliver. George is dead. In December, 1872, Mrs. Reed deceased, aged fifty-one years. April 29, 1873, he married Charlotte Forbes, of Ashland , an experienced teacher, and a resident of Ashland for about forty-two years. Mr. Reed and his former and present wife were and are exemplary members of the Christian church. He possesses a neat and valuable homestead, and is another illustration of what can be accomplished amid all embarrassments by industry, perseverance, integrity and an upright life. Few in early life have undergone more trials, and few have been more successful in mastering all obstacles. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM REED, JR. (Hanover) p. 293(1)

William Reed, jr., was born in Ashland county, in 1846, and in 1870 married Rebecca Robinson. In 1874 he began business in Loudonville as hardware merchant in company with Joseph H. Hartupee. He is a Republican and the father of five children: Ralph, Edgar, Marion, Annie, and an infant daughter. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HENRY F. REES (Vermillion) p. 307(1)

Henry F. Rees was born in Brooklyn, New York, December 16, 1848. In 1852 he came with his parents to Vermillion township, Ashland, county, and located on land adjoining the farm of Clark A. Barton. His father died in 1862, and his mother in 1879. The subject of this sketch was married to Barbara Baumann, of New York city, June 14, 1877. They have one child, a daughter, born September 7, 1879. Mr. Rees is farming the old homestead place. He is a man of literary taste, is a good neighbor, and a man well calculated to make a neighborhood what it should be. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

P.A. REINHARD (Hanover) p. 294(1)

P.A. Reinhard was born in Neidernbergh, Bavaria, Germany, in 1827; came to Ohio with his father in 1832 and settled in Columbus, where he learned the trade of gun-smith with Cornelius Jacobs, and began that business in Columbus in 1872, following the same for seven years. In 1849 he came to Loudonville, and there opened a shop for the manufacture of target rifles, the first and only establishment of the kind in the county, and in order to perfect his trade and gain accuracy in making target guns, in 1856 he closed his place of business and went to Rochester, New York, and served an apprenticeship with William Billinghurst, the celebrated gun-maker of the world. At the close of his apprenticeship he returned to Loudonville, where he again commenced business, and proved to his patrons that his rifles, with the Billinghurst improvement, were the best. His guns have been tested at the following ranges and carried off first money: At South Vernon, Vermont; at the National shoot, when twenty-eight States were represented; at Dayton, in 1877, he won the first prize, together with seventy-five dollars in gold; at Fort Wayne, Indiana, in the same year, he won the first prize and fifty dollars in gold; at Tiffin, Ohio, in 1878, he won a lady’s gold watch and three twenty dollar gold pieces, and in the same year at Warren, Ohio, in company with L.W. Rodgers, of Tiffin, Ohio, won over one hundred dollars in gold. At a private match with John W. Adams, of West Virginia, for one hundred dollars, he won the money; shot forty rods, ten shots, string measure, measured from center to center; Reinhard’s string measured eleven and one-fourth inches. At the National Shoot, forty rods, ten shots, string measure, from center to center, Reinhards string measured ten and one-fourth inches. At another, in Wheeling, West Virginia, with John W. Johnson, he won one hundred dollars. In 1849, he married Catharine Clee, who was born in Minster Meiseldt, Prussia, in 1827; came to America with her father in 1840, and settled in Delaware county, Ohio. P.A. Reinhard was the father of eight children, only five of whom are living: Josephine C., Martha A., William H., Mary T., and Frank A. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB REINHARDT (Hanover) p. 294(1)

Jacob Reinhardt was born in Ellsos, France, in 1799, came to America in 1833, and first settled in Green township, on the farm now owned by Calvin Pell. By trade he was a carpenter, but after coming to Ohio, was engaged in farming; was a member of the German Lutheran church. In 1822 he married Catharine Millhime, who died December 5, 1877. Mr. Reinhardt was the father of six children, John J. who married Alethea Wolf, and lives in Mt. Gilead, Morrow county, Ohio; Catharine, who became the wife of George Feit, and lives in Wayne county, Ohio; Margaret, wife of Philip Black, who lives in Loudonville; George, who married Sarah Hunter, and lives in Green township, Mary, wife of Peter Wygait, of Loudonville; Louisa, wife of J.F. Redd, of Loudonville. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

EBENEZER RICE (Vermillion) p. 162(1)

Was born in Marlborough, Massachusetts, April 8, 1773. He was the eldest son of Samuel and Abigail Underwood Rice. Samuel was born in Sudbury, in November 1752, and was the son of Gersham and Elizabeth Rice. Gersham was born in Sudbury, in June 1703, and was the son of Ephraim and Hannah Livermore Rice. Ephraim was born in Sudbury, in April 1665, and was the son of Thomas and Mary Rice. Thomas was born in 1611, and was the son of Edmund and Tamazine Rice, who came from Barkhamstead, England, in 1638-9, and settled in Sudbury, and lived and died there, on the beautiful old farm on the east side of Sudbury river, near the border of the extensive meadows through which that river flows in its course to the Merrimac. The old farm is now in the possession of the Hon. John Whitmore Rice.

Ebenezer Rice married Martha, daughter of Barnabas and Mary Clark Hammond, of New Salem, Massachusetts. She was born in September 1776, and they were married May 5, 1796, and emigrated to Licking county, Ohio, from Essex county, New York, in the year 1810. The following February they came to Richland county, and entered the farm upon which Alexander Rice now resides, in Green township. Mr. Rice and his family experienced all the privations and anxieties of pioneer life in their forest home. He cheerfully aided the new settlers in the erection of cabins, at log-rollings and other gatherings. For several years the pioneers were mutually dependent upon each other, and the social relations were largely cultivated. The forests were to be cut away, farms to be opened, schoolhouses to be erected, and public highways to be constructed. Mr. Rice took an active and leading part in all these enterprises. He was particularly interested in the education of his children. He survived until 1821. His family, at his decease, consisted of eleven children–four girls: Elizabeth, Martha, Harriet, and Abigail; and seven boys: Ebenezer, Alexander, Clark, Orson, Reuben, Levi, and Samuel. Only four survive: Elizabeth, wife of the late John Coulter; Martha, of Wisconsin; Alexander, of Green township, and Samuel, of Iowa. The widow of Ebenezer Rice subsequently married Judge Thomas Coulter, and died in September 1835.

Alexander Rice was born in Massachusetts, in August 1801, and emigrated with his parents to Green township, in 1810. He grew up amid the wild and beautiful scenery of the hills and valleys fringing the Black fork of the Mohican, and a neighbor to the red men of the village of Greentown. His educational advantages at that early day were extremely limited. Being a young man of excellent sense, he acquired much information after reaching manhood. He is noted for his practical ideas, and plainness of speech. He has resided about sixty-six years on the homestead, and been continuously engaged in cultivating the soil.

 In 1826 he married Miss Sarah Johnson, of Vermillion township. Their children were–Rosella, Rosina, Orson, Reuben H., Isaac J., and Rosaline. Mrs. Rice died in 1844. Miss Rosella is a lady of talent and fine literary attainments, and has written a great deal for the eastern magazines.

Mr. Rice subsequently married Mary Vanscoyoc, by whom he had Russell B., Ida Josephine, and Ada Lenore.

Mr. Rice is yet in the full possession of all his faculties, and is quite vigorous for a man of his age. He remembers very distinctly the early scenes in Green township–the excitement of cabin-raisings, log-rollings, cutting roads and constructing corduroy bridges over marshes and sloughs. He relates, with historic precision, the opening scenes of the war of 1812, the Indian tragedies on the Black fork, the erecting of block-houses, and modes of life from 1812 to 1815.

When about nine years of age, his father, mother and a number of neighbors, were invited by the Indians to attend a feast at their village. He accompanied the invited guests to witness the performance. “There were between three and four hundred Indians present. The invited guests were permitted to enter the council house, a building, perhaps thirty feet wide, and nearly sixty feet long. In the center of the building was a mound of earth about three feet high and eight or ten feet in diameter. Forks were driven into it and poles placed upon them. Upon these a number of copper kettles were suspended. They contained bear’s meat, venison and the like, which was being boiled for distribution among the Indians and invited guests. The white and Indian boys remained outside the building.” While gazing at the performance within, a young Indian came up behind young Rice, seized him around the arms and body and held him firmly. The alarm and amazement of young Rice were very great. He states that his first sensation on being unable to extricate himself, was that of despair. He thought he could almost feel his scalp disappearing. By the intervention of a squaw he escaped the grasp of the young savage, to the relief of his fears. Although this scene occurred sixty-four years ago he says he retains a most vivid recollection of his sensations on that occasion. Subsequently he became well acquainted with the Armstrong boys, young Pipe, a son of old Captain Pipe, Jonacake, Lyons, Dowdee and other Greentown Indians.

Mr. Rice possesses a most extraordinary memory for dates, and the author of these pages is indebted to him for many valuable reminiscences of the early settlements of Green township. Mr. Rice is yet (1880) residing on his homestead near Perrysville, aged nearly eighty years, and retains all his mental faculties and much physical vigor. (Transcribed by Penny Hanes PHanes1368@aol.com) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DANIEL RICHARD (Orange) p. 345(1)

Daniel Richard, son of Frederick and Madeline Richard, was born in Allegheny county, Maryland, April 4, 1818, and came to Ashland county in the year 1851. May 31, 1830 he married Miss Marcy Markel, daughter of Jacob Markel. To them have been born ten children, as follows: Jacob, Sarah, Margaret, Elizabeth, Israel, Daniel D., Nancy, Solomon, Mary A., and Samuel; of whom seven are living and three are dead. Mrs. Richard died March 25, 1872. Both were members of the Presbyterian church. Since the death of his wife he has been living with his daughter and son Samuel. His son Daniel, was born in Holmes county, December 10, 1839, and came with the family from Holmes to Ashland county, April 14, 1851. December 23, 1862, he was married to Jane A., daughter of William and Mary Murray. They have three children; Clement L., Israel H. and Leana I. Mr. and Mrs. Richard are members of the Christian Union church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SAMUEL RICHARDS (Troy) p. 181(1)

Was born in Jefferson county, Ohio, December 23, 1803. When a young man he located in Orange township, of this county, and removed to Troy in 1857. The township was at that time thinly settled. It was densely timbered, and the pioneers performed a prodigy of labor in removing the forest and preparing fields for culture. His family consisted of six sons and six daughters. Four–two boys and two girls–are dead. The balance are married and reside mostly within this county. His wife deceased in 1875. He resides at present with a son at Troy center. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. (Transcribed by Penny Hanes PHanes1368@aol.com) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)

THOMAS W. RICHARDS (Orange) p. 344(1)

Thomas W. Richards, son of Wesley and Mary Richards, was born in Maryland, September 5, 1827. He came to Ohio with his parents when two years of age. They settled in Columbiana county, and after some years removed to Ashland. He married Miss Mariah Bowlby, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Bowlby, December 2, 1846. To them have been born eleven children as follows: Irene, Louisa, Ira C., John A., Susan, Hattie, Mary, Elizabeth, Lydia, James, and Minerva. All are living (1880) but Louisa, who died June 10, 1879; aged twenty-eight years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Richards are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

FRANCIS T. RICHEY (Lake) p. 284(1)

Francis Richey was born in Ashland county on the farm on which he now lives, in 1835, and in June 1857, married Elizabeth Crumlick, of Wayne county, Ohio. He has been trustee of Lake township for two years, school director for six years, and supervisor of roads for several years. He is engaged in farming. In politics he is of Democratic faith. He us the father of seven children: Mary C., Laura L., Florence M., Clement L., and Celestia. Frank L., and Dennis M., deceased. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOEL RICHEY (Mohican) p. 361(1)

Joel Richey, son of Robert and Naomi Richey, was born in Butler township, Knox county, Pennsylvania, December 18, 1825. January 1, 1851 he was married to Maria Harms, in Ashland county. To them were born one child, who died in infancy. Mrs. Richey died August 26, 1852, and he was married a second time, April 20, 1854, to Rebecca Hoy, of Clinton township, Wayne county, Ohio. They have had four children: Melvin, born November 6, 1856; Alvaretta, February 5, 1858; Emmarilla, born November 14, 1863; and an infant, who died unnamed. The father of Mr. Richey came to America in 1805 and settled in Pennsylvania, and in 1812, enlisted as private soldier in Captain Gill’s company, and was among the prisoners captured by the British at Hull’s surrender of Detroit. After the close of the war he came to Ohio and settled in Ashland county, where he worked in a still-house until 1830, when he engaged in farming, at which he continued until his death, August 2, 1863. His widow survived him, and now lives with her son Joel, who in his early days followed the trades of making wagons and painting. He now owns a farm of seventy acres near Jeromeville. In politics he is a Democrat; he is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and is strictly temperate in his habits. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ROBERT RICHEY (Lake) p. 284(1)

Robert Richey, born in county Armagh, Ireland, in 1797, came to America in 1804, and settled in Ashland county, on the Big Mohican, where he remained for a number of years, when he moved to Wayne county, Ohio, where he married Naomi Isabella in 1823. He then moved to Knox county, Ohio, where he remained one year, and then returned to Ashland county, and settled on a farm in Mohican township. At the end of the year he sold his farm and settled on a farm now owned by Francis J. Richey, in Lake township. He was a distiller by trade, and followed the business for several years, but in 1830 gave it up and was engaged in farming until the time of his death, which occurred August 2, 1863. He was deeply interested in educational matters, and was a school director for a number of years. He had but three month’s schooling, and was determined that his children should, if possible, have better advantages. He was a firm believer in Universalism but never united with the church. He was the father of seven children: Joel, who married Rebecca Hoy and lives in Ashland county; Cordelia, who married Eliza Bunion; Emily, who died in infancy; Francis T., who married Elizabeth Crumlick; Newton, who married Sarah Finley; Louisa, who married Martin Tannehill, and lives in Illinois. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

GEORGE W. RIDDLE (Montgomery) p. 367(1)

George W. Riddle was born June 5, 1815, in Fayette county, Pennsylvania. March 31, 1842, he was married to Jane Scott, and to them were born eleven children: John S., who was born December 28, 1842, and died September 25, 1851; Sarah, born April 6, 1845; Cornelious F., born March 15, 1847; Ira A., born January 25, 1849; Jane I., born November 20, 1851, and died July 21, 1861; Anna S., born February 13, 1854; Sophia S., born December 28, 1855; Ella E., born April 11, 1858; Rebecca A., born May 20, 1860; Flora and Dora, twins, born April 27, 1865. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MICHAEL RIDDLE, SR. (Montgomery) p. 224(1)

Son of George and Mary Riddle, was born August 21, 1793, in Maryland. His father was of Scotch-Irish descent, and his mother was a native of Maryland, and of Welsh descent. His father died and was buried on Crow’s Island, when the subject of this sketch was but ten years old; and at the age of sixteen he came into Fayette county, Pennsylvania, and engaged to serve an apprenticeship at blacksmithing, with a Mr. Peter Herdsack, for a term of five years. But a short time before the expiration of said term, and in the fall of 1812, the Ruffner, Zimmer, and Copus assassination on the Black fork of Mohican took place, by the Indians.

Volunteers from western Pennsylvania were called out to defend the border settlers in Ohio. He entered the service as one of the volunteers, for a term of six months, under General Robert Crooks, and passed over the territory now constituting Ashland and Richland counties, en route for Upper Sandusky; was at all the principal points along the rivers and lakes, from Fort Meigs, on the Maumee, to Toledo, Detroit and Cleveland, under General Harrison. He became acquainted with Col. Richard M. Johnston, of Kentucky; and was finally detailed to take charge of the sick on Put-in-Bay and South Bass islands, where he remained most of the time for which he had enlisted.

He stood by and saw James Bird shot for deserting Perry’s fleet; and in the spring of 1813 he returned to Fayette county, Pennsylvania, worked at his trade, and in the fall, September 11, 1814, married Miss Barbara Ann Franks, daughter of George and Abigail Franks, of Fayette county, Pennsylvania. The result of said marriage was eleven children, nine sons and two daughters. George W., was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, June 5, 1815; Aaron, born in same county, February 10, 1817. And in the spring of 1818, he removed with his little family to Applecreek, Wayne county, Ohio, at which place his daughter Abigail was born, December 31, 1818. And in the spring of 1820, he located on eighty acres of military school land, four miles northeast of Ashland, then Uniontown, on the Cleveland road, it being then in Richland county, and there he erected his little log cabin in which to live, surrounded by a dense forest of tall oak and hickory, as well as beech and maple. And in the fall of the same year, November 28, 1820, his son, Samuel was born. Then Michael, jr., born October 28, 1822; John R., born April 12, 1824; Jacob, born January 12, 1826; Cornelius, born December 8, 1827; Jesse, born August 3, 1830; Mary Ann, born January 9, 1832; and William Patterson, born October 31, 1834; of these, Jacob, Jesse, Cornelius, Aaron, and Mary Ann are dead.

Aaron married Miss Delia Ann Alexander, February 15, 1838, who died August 17, of the same year. George W., married Miss Ruth Alexander, October 23, 1838, who also died, May 31, 1839; George’s second marriage, to Miss Jane Scott, March 31, 1842, by whom he has eleven children–John S., dead; Sarah, Cornelius F., Ira A., Jane Irene, dead; Samantha Ann, Sophia S., Eliza E., Rebecca A., Flora and Dora, twins. Of these Samantha Ann, Sophia S., and Eliza E., are school teachers. Aaron’s second marriage was with Miss Elizabeth McCammon, November 1, 1843. They have had four children–three boys and one girl: Marshall W., dead; Almon G., dead; Judson B., in the far west; and Lucy Jane, school teacher, wife of Joseph Welch, a farmer. Aaron died November 17, 1851, aged thirty-four years nine months and seven days. Abigail remains single.

Samuel married Miss Margaret Dally, of Mohicanville, November 16, 1843. The result of said marriage was nine children, three boys and six girls.

Michael, jr., married Miss Catharine Hatfield, of Doylestown, Ohio, February 1, 1849. Result of marriage, six children, two boys and four girls.

Mary Ann was married to James A. Hazlett, and had seven children, three boys and four girls; Willie, dead; John, Ellie, Ettie, Lucy, Phoenie, and James Franklin.

William Patterson married Kate D. Stents, December 10, 1861, and has three children–Orwell, Emma, and Norman. Two of his sons, Samuel and Michael, turned their attention somewhat to the subject of education, and attended the Ashland academy, under the superintendence of the Fultons and Lorin Andrews. After teaching school each several terms, the former turned his attention to the study and practice of medicine; the latter, to the ministry of the Gospel. The other members of the family are farmers, and live on and near the old homestead.

Mr. Riddle was noted for his habits of industry, economy, and self-reliance. He was an excellent farmer, and experimented largely in choice varieties of fruits, and is believed to have manufactured the first wine in Montgomery township, from the catawba grape. In his earlier years he was an active member of the Baptist church; he and his wife were baptized by Elder John Rigdon, who was then a pioneer preacher, living in Clearcreek township, Richland county; but when Alexander Campbell began to publish his views of church doctrine and government, in what was called the Christian Baptist, first published in 1823, Mr. Riddle embraced the doctrine of the Disciples, and assisted Mr. Rigdon and others in organizing a church in Ashland. Many years, however, before the little church-house was built which stands on Orange street, of which he was one of the original trustees, he opened his own house for public worship; he made it the home of all the old pioneer preachers, as they passed through from place to place; and not infrequently they held protracted meetings at his house. He entertained on many occasions from forty to fifty people at a time, giving largely of his means to support the ministers, besides. He was for a long time the only elder of the church, but in after years, others were appointed to assist him.

He unfortunately received a mortal injury in a fall from an apple tree, October 28, 1857, from which he expired in a few hours, aged sixty-four years two months and twenty-seven days. His wife died June 15, 1880, aged sixty-seven years five months and seven days.

He was a life-long Democrat, of the Jeffersonian and Andrew Jackson school, and was never known to vary his vote in any case. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM PATTERSON RIDDLE (Montgomery) p. 367(1)

William P. Riddle was married December 10, 1861, to Kate D. Stentz, who was born in Ashland county, Ohio October 31, 1843. To them have been born three children, all of whom are living: Orwell, who was born March 25, 1863; Emma, born August 7, 1866; and Norma, born November, 1869. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN B. RIDGLEY (Mohican) p. 361(1)

John B. Ridgley, son of Wesley and Rebecca Ridgley, was born April 8, 1844, at Jeromeville, Ashland county, Ohio. In 1823, shortly after their marriage, his father and mother came from Frederick county, Maryland. The father worked at the trade of shoemaking, which he learned in Maryland; he was also an auctioneer of considerable renown. In 1847 he died, leaving the subject of our sketch to the care of his mother and elder brothers. At the age of eighteen he was apprenticed to his brother Leonard to learn harness and saddle making, at which he continued for eight years, when he accepted an agency of the Domestic Sewing Machine company. But, meeting with poor success, he abandoned the business after having worked at it for two and a half years, and next engaged in the grocery and produce business, at which he has met with success, and in which he is still engaged. As a businessman, Mr. Ridgely is lively and energetic. December 17, 1867, he was married to Emma, daughter of John and Margaret Hoffman, and has two children: Anna, born November 10, 1867, and Willie, born October 19, 1871. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HERMAN M. RIESER (Montgomery) p. 378(1)

Herman M. Rieser was born June 4, 1842, in Buchau, Wurtemberg, Germany. He was apprenticed to a large dry goods house of his native city, for the term of two years, his father paying one hundred florins for the privilege. He was obliged to study so as to be able to correspond in English, French and German, and a little later took up Latin and Hebrew, besides drawing and other studies. At the close of his indenture he had to pass a tedious examination in all the branches of book-keeping, foreign and home correspondence, etc., which lasted from morning until evening, when he received his diploma as a merchant, with the privilege of conducting business in his own name. When sixteen years of age he was established in a successful wholesale business at which he continued for six years. At twenty years of age he paid eight hundred florins for a substitute in the militia, but owing to the unsettled condition of the country and the possibility of being called into the service at any time, he responded to the earnest solicitation of his brother Samuel, and came to the United States and engaged with him in the dry goods business at Oil City, Pennsylvania. They continued in business several years, and established a branch store at Pontiac, Michigan, soon after which they sold their Oil City business, and subsequently their Pontiac business. He was married in Franklin, Pennsylvania, November 11, 1867, to Miss Mathilde Weil, of Gorlinger, Grand Duchy of Baden. Soon after his marriage he came to Ashland and engaged in the millinery business, at which he has since continued. His father, Marx Rieser, died at Franklin, Pennsylvania, March 20, 1871, nearly seventy years of age. His mother is still living with him and is nearly seventy-six years of age. Mr. Rieser has a family of six children: Albert, Jennie, Mollie, Isabella, Max and Deborah. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HORACE RIGGS (Sullivan) p. 356(1)

Horace Riggs was born in Franklin county, New York, in 1822, and came to Ohio with his father in 1835, and settled in Holmes county, where he received a common school education. In 1844 he came to Ashland county and settled in Sullivan township, on the farm that he now owns. In 1845 he married Susan C. Pierce, of Sullivan township. He learned the cooper trade, and is at present engaged in that business, in connection with farming. In politics he is a Republican, and is the father of three children: Wadsworth, who married Caroline Holbrook; Charity, who married John Gould, all living in Ashland county, and one child who died in infancy. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN RISSER (Vermillion) p. 308(1)

John Risser was born in Bavaria, Germany, February 4, 1825, and emigrated to America with his parents, Jacob and Mary Risser, in 1834. His parents located in Vermillion township, on a tract of land adjoining the farm where the subject of this sketch now lives. On January 10, 1850, Mr. Risser married Miss Catharine Grabill, of Vermillion township, daughter of Joseph and Hertzler Grabill, who resided on the farm now owned by Mr. Risser. They have seven children, three sons and four daughters. Two daughters are married and live in Ashland. Amelia is the wife of E.S. Briggs, a boot and shoe merchant; Mary, married Uriah S. Shelly, a minister of the Mennonite church, but on account of poor health was compelled to quit the ministry and is at present engaged as clerk in his brother-in-law’s boot and shoe store. The other children are all single, and live at home with their parents. Mr. Risser gives his time entirely to his farm, and deals largely in fine draft horses. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN RITCHEY (Orange) p. 343(1)

John Ritchey was born in the State of Virginia, in 1801, and in 1804 came with his parents to Ohio, and settled in Columbiana county. In 1824 he was married to Lucinda Wolf, by whom he had eight children, five sons and three daughters; Samuel, Jesse, Simon, Jacob, Sarah Ann, Phebe, and Catharine, and one son who died in infancy, unnamed. In 1833 Mr. Ritchey came to Orange township, and in 1839 his wife died. In 1839 he was married again, to Fannie Millinger, and had ten children, four sons and six daughters, as follows; William, Joseph, James, George, Mary, Elizabeth, Fannie, Rebecca, Lucinda, and one who died in infancy, unnamed. While not associated with any church he is a firm advocate of law and order. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN M. RITCHIE (Vermillion) p. 300(1)

John M. Ritchie was born where he now resides, January 28, 1840. His parents emigrated to Ohio from Pennsylvania in 1835. They purchased a farm that has been their only home in this State for a period of forty-five years. The parents’ names are Samuel and Elizabeth. Mr. Ritchie died February 13, 1844, at the age of thirty-one years and nineteen days. Mrs. Ritchie is still living, at the advanced age of about seventy-five years. The exact age cannot be given, on account of the family record having been destroyed by fire when she was a child. She is quite smart, and says she is young, or at least feels as young as she did years ago. She, with her daughter, Miss Martha Jane Ritchie, occupy the home with John and his family. The old home is now owned by Miss Martha and her brother John, the subject of this sketch. In addition to his share of the old home, John owns a tract of land of forty acres which he purchased some years ago of Philip Smith. On September 2, 1875, Mr. Ritchie was married to Miss Mary A. Robinson, of Richland county, Ohio. They have two sons–Samuel N., born October 7, 1876, and Charles E., born October 18, 1877. Mr. Ritchie is a farmer. He has served the people of Ashland county as director of the infirmary. In politics he is a Democrat. He makes no profession of religion, but recognizes churches and schools as very necessary to the well-being of any community, and supports them liberally. His aged mother is a member of the Presbyterian church at Hayesville Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HARVEY ROBERTS (Orange) p. 345(1)

Harvey Roberts, fourth son of Aaron and Matilda Roberts, was born in Dearborn county, Indiana December 25, 1826. When he was eighteen months old, his parents emigrated to Ohio and located in Orange township, near the village of Orange, in Ashland county. The land had some improvements such as our pioneer fathers were accustomed to make, and all they expected in those early days. The family consisted of five children, four sons and one daughter, when they came to Ohio, as follows: John, Ezekiel, Lewis, Sarah Ann, and Harvey. Two daughters were born in Ashland county, Hannah and Amanda. The pioneer father, Aaron Roberts died March 17, 1834, aged forty-three years five months and six days. Mrs. Roberts died October 24, 1873, at the age of seventy-nine years nine months and seven days. Two sons of this family are dead, John and Lewis. Ezekiel left home in 1840, bound for New Orleans. The family received one or two letters from him, since which time no word has come, and the supposition is that he died in a southern clime of yellow fever or some of the contagious diseases that are so common in the south. Amanda is the widow of Jacob Young, and lives in Colorado. Her sister, Sarah Ann, is unmarried and makes her home with her widowed sister. Hannah is the wife of Ephraim Fast, and lives in Huron county, Ohio. Harvey, the subject of the following sketch now owns and lives at the old homestead. February 8, 1855, he was married to Mary Risher of Tuscarawas county, Ohio. They have had seven children, two of whom died in infancy, George Winfield and Clark. Those living are John Lambert, James Adison, Howard Milton, Horace Allen, and Leora Loveda. John is married and lives in Clearcreek township, Ashland county. James Adison is a carpenter, and works at his trade in Richland county, but makes his father’s house his home. The other three children are at home assisting, the father on the farm and the mother in her household duties. Mr. Roberts owns in addition to his farm, two and a half acres improved land in the town of Ashland, which will in all probability be his home in his old age should a kind Providence permit him to remain here. In politics he is a Republican, and is a man highly esteemed by his neighbors in the community in which he has lived so many years. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SAMUEL ROBERTSON (Orange) p. 182(1)

Was born in Washington county Pennsylvania, May 20, 1797. His father, James Robertson, of Scotland, settled in that county about 1794. He removed, with his family to Cross Creek township, Jefferson county, Ohio, in 1798, where he died. Samuel Robertson, grew to manhood in Jefferson county, and in 1817 visited Milton, Montgomery, and Orange townships, in what is now Ashland county. The Burgetts and Montgomerys, of Milton township, were friends and acquaintances. In 1817 he worked most of the spring and summer for George Burgett, assisting him in clearing his lands, and in cutting and preparing timber for a new barn. He returned to Jefferson county and remained during the winter. The next spring he was accompanied by Alexander Morrow, a brother-in-law of the late Patrick Elliot, of Clearcreek. Their route was from Cadiz to Coshocton, thence up the Walhonding, to and up Owl creek to Mt. Vernon, thence to Mansfield. For nearly twenty miles south of Mansfield he found only an occasional cabin, and from there to Burgetts an almost unbroken forest. In the fall of 1818 and spring of 1819, he and John Grimes assisted Isaac Charles in preparing a race and dam for a grist- and saw-mill one and a half miles south of the present site of Olivesburgh, on the Black fork. Wages were very low and money very scarce at that period. The pioneers were crowding into Montgomery and the surrounding townships. Cabin raisings and log-rollings were the chief occupation of the new settlers. A wonderful amount of energy and self-sacrifice were expended in assisting the incoming pioneers. The woodman’s axe could be heard ringing in every township. Mr. Robertson states that wild game at this period was very numerous, particularly deer and turkey. The leading hunters were Solomon Urie, John McConnell, James Clark, Christopher Mykrantz, and a Mr. Wheeler. In the spring of 1824, he resided in what is now Seneca county, and worked that summer for Mr. Gibson, father of General William H. Gibson, and remembers the organization of the county, and the location of the seat of justice at Tiffin. There was an Indian reservation within the limits of the county and the Senecas, or more properly, Cayugas, were quite numerous, though generally friendly and harmless. He remained there about one year. When he entered the county, in 1824, he is of the opinion that there were only about a dozen or twenty white families in that region, among whom were the Gibsons, Welshes and H. C. Brish, Indian agent. He reached the county by way of Beall’s trail, New Haven and Fort Ball. In 1833 he located in the north part of Wayne county, where he cleared a small farm which, in 1837, he sold, and purchased lot one hundred, in Sullivan township, Lorain, now Ashland, county. It was densely covered with tall timber. He cleared and resided upon this farm about eighteen years. He then purchased a new homestead in Orange township, known as the Linard farm. Here his wife, with whom he had lived very happily for many years, deceased. He afterward sold his farm, and now (1876) resides in Ashland. His family consisted of James, who died in the hospital in United States service in 1863; John, who resides in Michigan; Margaret, wife of Thomas Miller; Rebecca, wife of John Welsh; Mary, wife of Michael Stentz; Isabel, wife of James Campbell, and Sarah Jane, wife of John Crawford. Mr. Robertson has passed through all the pioneer scenes of the county, and still possesses a good deal of physical vigor. His memory seems to be unimpaired, and he may survive many years. Mr. Robertson died about 1878, in Orange township. (Transcribed by Penny Hanes PHanes1368@aol.com) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)

REV. JOHN ROBINSON (Montgomery) p. 366(1) Entry #1

Rev. John Robinson, D.D., was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania January 27, 1816. At the age of two years he was brought to Stark county, Ohio. From thence, at the age of eight years, after the death of his father, he returned to the place of his birth. When about seventeen years old he went to Cadiz, Harrison county, Ohio, and became an apprentice to the tin plate working business. Before the expiration of his apprenticeship, the gentleman with whom he was engaged ceased business, and gave him his indenture. He at once entered upon a course of study, graduating at Franklin College, Ohio in the fall of 1838. He studied theology at the Western theological seminary, and was licensed to preach on the eighth day of April 1840, by the presbytery of Steubenville. On October 22, 1840, he was married to Mary W. Willson of Allegheny City, Pennsylvania, and on the second day of March 1841, was ordained to the full work of the ministry, and installed pastor of the churches of Corinth and Monroeville. In January 1844, he was released from that charge and removed to Ashland, Ohio, and on the first Sabbath of February 1844, took charge of the Presbyterian church of Ashland. In June of that year, he was installed as pastor of that church by the presbytery of Richland. In that charge he remains now, after a service of thirty-six and a half years. His family consisted of five sons and two daughters. The oldest and fourth son are deceased. The third is residing in Greeley, Colorado, the fourth in Akron, Ohio, the fifth in Cleveland, Ohio. His oldest daughter resides in Van Wert and the youngest in Cleveland, Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

REV. JOHN ROBINSON (Clearcreek) p. 217(1) Entry #2

Was the son of Henry and Elizabeth (Harkness) Robinson, of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. His grandparents–James Robinson and his wife, of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and William Harkness and his wife, of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania–all immigrated to this country from the north of Ireland, about the year 1765. He is, therefore, of Scotch-Irish descent. He was born January 27, 1814, in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. When about two years of age his parents removed to Stark county, Ohio, settling about seven miles south of where Massillon now stands. Thus, when he was eight years old his father died, and four years afterward, his mother, with her three sons, of whom he was the oldest, one having died meantime, returned to Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. During the five following years he labored as a hired farm hand, to help in the maintenance of the family in the summer time, and attended school each winter. When he was seventeen years of age he went to Cadiz, Harrison county, Ohio, as an apprentice to the tin-plate business. His employers were Presbyterians, and as his early training had been in the Associate Reformed church, he readily formed the habit of attending the Presbyterian church, joined the Sabbath-school, and, under the labors of the pastor, Rev. John McArthur, soon united with the church. When about half of his time as an apprentice had expired, his employers ceased business and gave him his indenture. He at once obtained employment at his trade for so much of his time as was needful to earn his food and clothing, spending the rest of his time in study, under the instruction of his pastor. His studies were directed with a view to the gospel ministry. This he continued until he completed the ordinary college curriculum as far as the close of the junior year. Then he entered Franklin College, located at New Athens, Harrison county, Ohio, and graduated there in October 1837. He immediately went to the Western Theological seminary at Allegheny City, Pennsylvania. Here he remained three terms, not attending the fourth term, which was the prescribed course, because of his suffering from a slight bronchial affection.

He was licensed to preach the Gospel by the Presbytery of Steubenville, April 8, 1840. He was at once engaged to supply the pulpits of the adjacent churches of Corinth and Monroeville, the former in the eastern edge of Carroll county, the latter in the northwestern corner of Jefferson county, Ohio. From these churches he received a call for permanent settlement as pastor in the fall of that year, and on the second day of March, 1841, he was ordained to the full work of the ministry and installed as pastor of those churches by the Presbytery. On the twenty-second day of October, 1840, he married Miss Mary W. Willson, daughter of William Willson, Esq., of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He had a prosperous pastorate of nearly three years in this field. In the autumn of 1843 he was invited to take charge of the Presbyterian church of Ashland. He removed to Ashland and commenced labor there on the first Sabbath of February, 1844. In April following he received a formal call to the pastorate of that church, and in June was installed as pastor by the presbytery of Richland. In that charge he still remains near the close of the thirty-second year of his labor. The membership of the First Presbyterian church has been greatly increased under his pastorship, and now numbers nearly three hundred. The exemplary life of the pastor, added to his care for his flock, has aided in bringing about so desirable a result. He is a pleasant speaker, and well versed on theological topics. As a scholar, his attainments are of a high order. In June, 1871, the honorary degree of doctor of divinity was conferred upon him by Washington and Jefferson college, Pennsylvania. By long service in the ministry, accomplished scholarship, and a profound knowledge of theology, he had fairly won his promotion. He is now in fair health, and may survive many years to carry out the great mission upon which he entered in early life.

His family consists of his wife and eight children. One is not. Five are sons and three were daughters. John F., the oldest, resides in Mankato; William W., the second, James A., the fifth, and Etta B., the sixth, reside in Cleveland; Henry M., the third, at home; Samuel N., the fourth, in Dakota; Mary E. in Van Wert, Ohio; all of whom have had good educational advantages and training. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN ROBISON (Montgomery) p. 221(1)

JOHN ROBISON was born June 16, 1791, in what was then Chester county, Pennsylvania, and upon arriving at the age of manhood married Miss Mary Hawk, who died in Pennsylvania about 1831. Mr. Robison came to Montgomery township about 1834, with his children, and stopped at the residence of David Robison, sr., his father. Soon after his arrival, July 4, 1836, Michael Ritter got up and prepared a dinner in Carter’s grove, east of Ashland some two miles, where the youthful Lorin Andrews was the orator of the day. Mr. Ritter kept a hotel at that time where Finley’s now stands. Mr. Robison was a carpenter by trade, and made patterns, etc., for the Penn foundry, in Northumberland, now Union county, Pennsylvania, where he was employed for many years. David Robison his father, came to Montgomery township in 1824, and died in 1842, aged about eighty years, and his wife about 1847, aged about eighty-four years. David Robison, jr., who served as justice of Montgomery township, removed to Indiana where he died many years ago. His family consisted of Wallace, Wilson, Willard, Fernandez, Hannah, Lucia, Aurilla and Rebecca.

His death resulted from a fall at the hardware store of Messrs. Stull & Charles, of Ashland, about the third of May 1880. The old gentleman was desirous of being weighed and passed into the store room with Mr. Charles to learn his weight, stating that he felt unusually well that morning, and on reaching the stairway stumbled and fell heavily upon the floor, striking his shoulder and fracturing it. He was rendered immediate assistance, and the injury dressed, when he was taken home, where he remained in a feeble condition until his death. He did not seem to rally from his wound, but did not appear to suffer much from it, and died on the evening of June 10, 1880.

At the time of his death Mr. Robison’s surviving children were Percifer and Hannah.

He retained a fine memory to the last, and knew his friends at each visit. He was an honest, upright man, and always noted for punctuality and prompt dealing among his neighbors. We believe that he was respected by all, and had no enemies in the world. May he rest in peace. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

NATHAN P. ROGERS (Sullivan) p. 355(1)

Nathan P. Rogers was born in Shenango county, New York in 1811, where he received a common school education and learned the hatter’s trade. He married Pauline Park of Chenango county in 1835; came to Ohio in 1836 and settled in Sullivan center, where he opened a hat factory and store, and followed that business about six years, when he gave it up and has since been engaged in farming. He has been constable one year, and township clerk several years; is a member and deacon of the Baptist church, and in politics is a Republican. He is the father of nine children, Henry M., who married Olive Rice, and Edgar L., who married Ruvinia Rice, both of Ashland county; Frances D., Allsetta M., who married Marques Sage, and lives in Michigan; Theodore J., who married Lydia J. Lewis, and lives in Ashland county; Nathan R., who married Dollie Safford, and lives in Lorain county; Carrie, wife of Carlton Safford, of New York; Merritt J., who married Fannie Mann, and lives in Ashland county; Arthur A., who married Theresa Myers and lives in Ashland county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

RICHARD ROGERS (Sullivan) p. 355(1)

Richard Rogers was born in Connecticut in 1779, married Louisa Maynard in Connecticut, and came to Ohio in 1835, settling in Huntington township, Lorain county. By trade he was a blacksmith, but after he came to Ohio gave his time to farming. He was a deacon in the Baptist church, and in politics was a Republican. He was the father of ten children: David, deceased; Betsy; Richard, deceased; George; John, deceased; Ann, Nathan P., Louis, deceased; Samuel, and James. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

CHRISTIAN ROLAND (Milton) p. 348(1)

Christian Roland, born in Pennsylvania in the year 1823, came to Ohio with his parents about the year 1833, and settled in Milton township. In the year 1844 he was married to Mary Brubaker, whose parents were early settlers in Ashland county. Their children are: Moses, Henry, Maria, Sarah, and Ann; all of whom are living. After an active and useful life, he died May 23, 1876. He was a preacher of some considerable note, and followed his calling up to the time of his decease. His widow still survives and lives upon the old homestead, surrounded by her children. He was a man esteemed for his worth and integrity, and an earnest man in the church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DR. J.E. ROOP (Montgomery) p. 371(1)

Dr. J.E. Roop, the subject of this sketch, was born September 25, 1828, in Carroll county, Maryland. The names of his father and mother were Joseph and Susannah Roop, both of whom were of German extraction. There were eleven children as the result of this marriage, nine boys and two girls as follows: Josiah, David, Ephraim, Isaac, Israel, John, Eli, Jonas E., Mary, Elizabeth, and Joseph N., all of whom lived to maturity save Eli, who died when only two weeks old. Having a large family to provide for, they sold their farm in Maryland, and moved to Ohio in the summer of 1838, locating in the eastern part of Montgomery township, Ashland (then Richland) county, having purchased what was known as the Pratt farm. Here Dr. J.E. Roop was raised doing general farm work and attending the district school during the winter terms, when he could be spared from the work on the farm, for at that time much of the wheat was threshed by putting it on the barn floor, and then tramping it out by riding horses over it until all the wheat was rubbed out of the heads. Thus his summers and winters were passed until 1848, when he spent one year at the academy at Republic, Seneca county, Ohio, until he was compelled to leave school for want of money. He taught his first school in Adams township, six miles north of Republic. In the spring of 1849 he entered the office of Dr. J.N. Waddell of Jeromeville, with whom he remained until 1857. He then moved to Lucas county, Ohio, where he engaged in the practice of his profession until the next spring, when he joined Captain Dorland’s party for California. The company left Rowsburgh on the eighteenth of March, 1852, and encountered many hardships. They went to the Ohio River and took passage on the steamer John Adams, for St. Louis, Missouri. There ox teams were bought and the journey commenced in real earnest. After a long and tedious journey he arrived in Shasta City, California, on the ninth of September, lacking nine days of being six months on the march for the golden shores. He located in Shasta City and engaged in the practice of his profession. He was also deputy postmaster. He remained until June 1853, when he went to San Francisco. After arriving in that city he fell in company with parties going back to Ohio, whom he joined, and returned home in the month of July. He went with his father to Iowa that fall, and the next spring returned to Ohio and married Margaret Allen, of Lucas county, Ohio with whom he became acquainted just previous to going to California. They returned to Iowa, where he practiced medicine for seven years, and by the persuasion of his father-in-law he returned to Ohio to live and graduated from the Physio-medical institute of Cincinnati, Ohio. After a few years he was elected to the chair of botany, chemistry, and chemico-legal analysis in the Physio-medical institute in Cincinnati. After filling this chair for two years he was elected to fill the chair of obstetrics and diseases of women and children in the same college, which chair he filled for eight years, when he was compelled to resign his professorship in said college on account of the failing health of his son Harrie, and take him to the country, thus compelling him to leave Cincinnati. Knowing Ashland to be a healthy locality, and as his people, the Tunkers, were about to build a college at that place, he decided to move back to his old home. Here he is engaged in the practice of medicine in partnership with Drs. M.E. Dunham and H.P. Nelson. They have a large and growing practice. Dr. Roop had born to him five children, as follows: George Joseph, Edward Allen, Jonas Wilber, Cora Bell, and Harrie Tait. Edward died when six months old, of cholera infantum; Jonas Wilber at two weeks of general weakness; Cora Bell at ten months, of cholera infantum and difficult dentition; and George Joseph was drowned on the first of June 1868, aged thirteen years, two months and fifteen days. Dr. Roop’s father was one of the early pioneers of the Dunkard church in this county. By his energy ministers of that church were brought to this county. James Tracy was among the first preachers thus brought, and by energy a successful church was established out of which has grown a large membership. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB ROORBACK (Ruggles) p. 180(1)

Was born in Maryland, February 27, 1795, and his parents removed to Yates county, New York, where he was drafted and served in the war of 1812. He married Amy Sutherland in 1821, and in 1823, purchased four hundred acres of land in section two, in Ruggles, to which he removed in 1824. He died March 21, 1850. His wife deceased shortly afterward. He had but one child, Sarah, who married A.W. Purdy, of the same township. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ISAAC ROSEBERRY (Montgomery) p. 376(1)

Isaac Roseberry, brother of P. R. Roseberry and son of William Roseberry, whose history appears with P. R. Roseberry’s sketch, was born February 27, 1813, in Hemlock township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania. Here he remained with his parents until twenty-two years of age, when he removed to Medina county, Ohio, where he remained some two years. He then removed to Ashland county, Montgomery township, where he rented a farm some fourteen years, and then purchased one hundred and twenty acres where he now resides, it being the old homestead. He married February 21, 1839, to Elizabeth Wolf, daughter of John Wolf, of Montgomery township. To them were born nine children, as follows: Elijah, Emanuel W., Mary Sophia, Sarah Catharine, Elizabeth Jane, Isaac, John Philip, Irene Isabella, and Christina Margaret, of whom all are living but Elijah and Isaac. Sarah C. married James Powell; Emanuel married Sarah Ellen Kahl; Elizabeth married George P. Biggs; Irene I. married James M. Sadler. Mr. Roseberry was formerly an old-line Whig, and is now a Republican. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

PHILIP R. ROSEBERRY (Montgomery) p. 374(1)

Philip R. Roseberry was born near Bloomsburgh, Columbia county, Pennsylvania May 19, 1821, and was the youngest in the family of ten children of William Roseberry and Sophia Reese, who were natives of New Jersey, and removed to Pennsylvania about 1808, and thence with their family to Ashland county, in the spring of 1837, where they remained until the dates of their death. William Roseberry died May 4, 1854; his wife died January 16, 1863. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal church some fifty years. Our subject was married August 10, 1847, to Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas and Catharine Jones of this county. The result of this union was two children, Catharine S., and Sophronia E., the former the wife of Dr. James Frauenfelter and the latter residing at home with her parents. Mr. Roseberry joined the North Ohio conference in 1845, but became indisposed and returned to his home, where he followed farming some two years, when he became recruited and again resumed the ministry, his fields of labor being principally in Ashland county, in the Methodist Episcopal church. He also manages his farm, it being the old homestead of his parents. The farm is highly improved, and composed of fine fertile lands comprising one hundred and five and one-half acres. In politics he is a Republican. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SAMUEL ROWLAND (Montgomery) p. 373(1)

Samuel Rowland, son of Joseph and Christina (Lane) Rowland was born in Maryland near Hagerstown, March 29, 1802. Some few years subsequently he, with his family, comprising some seven children, removed to Pennsylvania, and in the year 1818 removed to Ohio, landing in Orange township, July 12th of that year, coming with wagons a distance of two hundred miles, all of the way. He first settled on the Burgess farm, which was then a wilderness. Here they began the life of pioneer farmers, clearing the first lands and cutting the first timber, built a rough log house with puncheon floor, clapboard roof and wooden chimney. Here he remained some two years when he removed to Montgomery township, on what is now known as the Roseberry farm. Joseph, the father of our subject, died at Wyandot, at the age of ninety-five years. The mother died previously aged sixty years. Our subject was married in 1825, to Elizabeth, daughter of John Closson. To them were born seven children: Mary Jane, Joseph, deceased; Reznor, deceased; Washington, and Christina, and others who died in infancy. Mr. Rowland settled about three and one-half miles east of Ashland, entering the farm of eighty acres as school lands which was in the woods, building the first house and doing other work incident to pioneer farming. Here he reared his family and improved his farm to a high state of cultivation. Mrs. Rowland died in the year 1856. Two years thereafter Mr. Rowland married Rebecca Isman, by whom he has one child, and moved immediately to the place where he now resides. Mr. Rowland is a member of the church of Disciples, and Mrs. Rowland is a member of the Presbyterian church, both of Ashland. In politics Mr. Rowland is a Democrat, being a staunch member of that party. He cast his first presidential vote for Jackson in 1824. Mr. Rowland is a well-preserved man of seventy-eight years, the family being noted for their longevity. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN RUDY (Perry) p. 330(1)

John Rudy was the eldest child of Frederick and Elizabeth (Smith) Rudy, of Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, and was born October 18, 1806. His father died when John was but a boy of seven years. His widow survived him, and was married again, to Jacob Jennings, by whom she had two children. One, a son, is one of the wealthy and prominent men of Ashland, and is engaged in the banking business. After the death of his father, John was “put out” by his guardian, and served his first master two and one-half years, when he again returned to his mother. His guardian then bound him out the second time, to a man to learn the weaving trade, as that was then a paying business. He remained at this until he was eighteen years old, when he again returned to his mother, where he lived until he was thirty-two years of age. He was then married to Sophia Spangler, by whom he has had four children, two boys and two girls, as follows: Elizabeth, Jacob S., who died in infancy, Jennie and John Edward. Two only are living–Elizabeth and Jennie, both married, leaving both the old people alone. John Rudy, our subject, removed to Ohio in the year 1833, and first settled on the farm now owned by Murray & Ewing. His first purchase of land was one hundred and thirty-seven acres. This he traded for a farm of ninety-one acres, upon which a saw-mill was located. This business he followed successfully for twelve years, when he exchanged it for the fine property on which he now resides. Although not a member of any church organization, his sympathies and inclinations are with the Church of God, of which his wife is an earnest and consistent member. Mrs. Rudy is a lady of very youthful appearance for one of her years, and has withstood the ravages of time, and although having worked hard all through life, she shows but few traces of it. Mr. Rudy is a staunch Republican, and firm advocate of the party measures and principles. Although well advanced in years he has kept pace with the times, and is a farmer of advanced ideas. Mrs. Rudy has been a kind and judicious mother and loving wife. This old couple live in a pleasant home, surrounded by every comfort, and can look back over the past with satisfaction at what they have accomplished. Every one has a good word to say of “Uncle John Rudy,” as he is familiarly known. He is one of Perry township’s most respected citizens. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB RUMBAUGH (Montgomery) p. 377(1)

Jacob Rumbaugh is the tenth child of Adam and Elizabeth Rumbaugh, and was born October 22, 1835, in Chester township, Wayne county, Ohio. He was first married June 9, 1859, to Mary A. Mowrey. By this union were born three children, all of whom are living, as follows: Sarah Ann, born November 10, 1860, and who was married September 19, 1877, to L. A. Ash, who carries on our subject’s farm in Wayne county; Priscilla E., born October 14, 1864, and Ira G., born August 4, 1871. Mr. Rumbaugh’s first wife died October 28, 1875, aged thirty-six years, ten months and two days. August 12, 1878, he married his present wife, Mrs. Jennetta A. Latta. She was born in this county November 16, 1841. She is a granddaughter of Mrs. Wise, of Perry township, of whom mention is made elsewhere in this work.  Our subject owns a very fine and valuable farm in Chester township, Wayne county, the old homestead where he was born, and where he lived for a period of forty-three years. In 1878 he removed to this county and located in this (Montgomery) township. Aside from his farm in Wayne county, he owns very valuable lands in Brown county, Kansas, in the county seat, Hiawatha. He also owns ten acres of land near the depot at Ashland. His great grandfather served in the Revolutionary war. In 1819 his grandson Adam, our subject’s father, removed to Chester township, Wayne county, Ohio, settling on the farm now owned by Jacob Rumbaugh. He removed from Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, making the journey in a wagon drawn by three horses, bringing his family, consisting of his wife Elizabeth, his two children, Isaac and John, and their household goods and farming implements. This was in March, and our subject has often heard his mother recall the many hardships they had to contend with on the route. The snow, at times, was from ten to fourteen inches deep. As they brought with them two cows, his mother had to wade through the snow to drive them, and to save their team from giving out. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DARIUS RUST (Green) p. 280(1)

Darius Rust, born in New York in 1824, came to Ohio with his father, and settled in Ashland county. He was a moulder by trade, and worked in the foundry with his father until 1874, when he went to Iowa and remained four years, when he returned to Ohio and settled in Loudonville, where he now lives, and where he has been township clerk, village recorder, mayor, member of council, and member of the school board. He is a member of the Disciple church, and in politics is a Democrat. In 1859 he married Philena Priest, who died in 1863. Afterwards he married Elizabeth Priest. He is the father of six children; Stephen and Francis, deceased; Fayette L., Jennie, Arquette and Nettie. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

LUCIAN RUST (Green) p. 279(1)

Lucian Rust was born near Binghamton, New York, and received a common school education. He began the study of law with George A. Elliot, of Erie, Pennsylvania in 1842, but his health failing, he was obliged to give it up in 1843, when he went south, but in 1844 returned to Erie and began clerking in a bookstore and express office. In 1846-47-48 he was book-keeper for Williams & Wright, who were in the dry goods business, and was afterwards with A. King, wholesale grocer, and with Boyd, Cook & Co., contractors on the Lake Shore railroad. In 1850 he went into partnership with Albert Becker, under the firm name of Becker & Rust, general contractors, and constructed the railroad bridge across Walnut creek, on the Lake Shore railroad, in Pennsylvania; built the Akron branch of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh railroad, and commenced in 1853 the construction of the Hillsborough & Parkersburgh railroad, and in 1854-5 ballasted the Hillsborough & Cincinnati railroad. In 1855 took the contract for laying the Nashville & Northwestern railroad in Tennessee, but suspended operations on account of the approach of war. He soon returned to Erie, and in 1861 built the Carbon Oil Company’s refinery. In 1864 he built the Dale oil works, in Franklin, Pennsylvania. In 1867 he moved to Loudonville, and has since been employed by the Brundage Iron Bridge company, and in 1871 built the iron bridge over the Kentucky River, at Cogar’s Landing. In 1873 he was appointed clerk in the treasury department, under Commodore Douglas, and held that position until July 1875, when he returned to Loudonville and engaged in the clothing business. In 1849 he married Sarah Davis, of Washington county, New York. She died in 1856. In 1857 he married Francis A. Smith, who died in 1859. In 1861 he married Jeanette A. Whitney, of Chautauqua county, New York. He is the father of five children: Lucian, deceased; Helen, deceased; Frances H; Sarah J. and Lucian. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

STEPHEN RUST (Green) p. 279(1)

Stephen Rust, born in Connecticut in 1790, came to Ohio, in 1840, and settled in Ashland county. He was a moulder by trade, and manufactured the first cast-iron plow that was cast in the United States; he was also the first patentee of the first wash-board that was ever manufactured in the United States. It was made of copper, sheet-iron, tin, and zinc. In 1845 he built the foundry in Loudonville, and started the first steam-engine that was ever used in a foundry in central Ohio, and in company with his sons, run the foundry thirty years. In 1812, at Onondaga Hill, New York, he manufactured from the ore, shot and shell for the United States army.

In 1817 he married Hannah Wiard. He died in 1870. Was a Democrat in politics, and was the father of six children: Lucian, who married Sarah Davis, then married Francis Smith, and afterwards Jeanette Whitney, and lives in Loudonville; Morrell, deceased, who married Mary Smith, of Loudonville; Darius, who married Philena Priest, and afterward married Elizabeth Priest, of Ashland county, Halbert, who lives in Jeffersonville, Indiana; Rosanna, deceased, wife of J. C. Moltrup, of Ashland county, and Helen, deceased. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

N.D. RYLAND (Vermillion) p. 302(1)

N. D. Ryland was born in Knox county, Ohio, February 19, 1846. His parents came to Ashland county about the year 1850, and bought a farm about a mile and a half south of Hayesville, where they remained until the fall of 1857, when they sold the farm and emigrated to Randolph county, Missouri. In the fall of 1861 they returned to Ohio, and bought a farm one mile south of Hayesville. The next spring he sold his farm and removed to the farm of James Ewing, and, at the end of two years, bought a farm adjoining the one owned by N.D. Ryland, where they lived some ten years, when they concluded they would leave the farm, and try town life. They rented the farm and moved to Hayesville, where they now reside. The subject of this sketch, N.D. Ryland was married April 6, 1871, to Eliza, daughter of John and Barbara Endinger, of Mohican township. In 1874 they purchased the farm on which they now live. They have two children, one son and one daughter–Willis Howard, eight years old, and Effie Blanche, four years old. In politics Mr. Ryland is a Democrat, but is a man who does not allow politics to interfere with his business affairs or his association with neighbors. With the exception of running a threshing-machine four years, his whole time has been given to his farm. Mr. And Mrs. Ryland are members of the Presbyterian church in Hayesville. They have bright prospects before them, as both are young and hard workers, and are highly respected by the community in which they live. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)