McCool - Mish
JAMES McCOOL (Green) p. 282(1)
James McCool, was born in Pennsylvania in 1822, came to Ohio in 1838, and settled in Green township, Ashland county. He is a miller by trade and occupied the old steam-mill in Ashland until 1861, when he was elected sheriff of Ashland county, and held the office two terms. In 1866 he bought an interest in John W. Springer’s livery stable, and remained in partnership with him one year, when he sold his share to Springer, and bought out Helpman’s stock of groceries, and was engaged in that business until 1875, when he sold his share to Springer, and went to Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he is engaged in milling. In 1845 he married Rhoda Swacick, and is the father of seven children, four of whom are living, James; William A., who married Elizabeth Denner; Henry C., of Perrysville; and Chas. W., of Ashland. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
WILLIAM A. McCOOL (Green) p. 282(1)
William A. McCool, was born in Ashland county in 1850, and received a common school education. When he was fourteen years old he went to work for David Whiting, of Ashland, where he learned to be a machinist, and has always worked at his trade. He is now one of the proprietors of the Perrysville machine works. In politics he is a Democrat. In 1871 he married Elizabeth Denner, of Rowsburgh, Ashland county, and is the father of four children: Jesse M., who died in infancy; Howard S., William A. and Charles E. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
HARRISON McCRARY (Vermillion) p. 299(1)
Harrison McCrary was born in Vermillion township, Ashland county, Ohio, July 3, 1840. His grandfather, John McCrary, was among the pioneers of this section of Ohio, having removed from Jefferson county, Pennsylvania about 1812, and settled on the Black fork, and soon after sold his farm there and came to Vermillion township, and purchased the tract of land where the subject of this sketch now lives, and where he was born. His father, David McCrary, was a young unmarried man at that time; and engaged in the hardships of those early times, and assisted in clearing the land. When Harrison was a small boy his father died, and his mother built the house in which he now lives; she died September 30, 1876. In October 1863, Mr. McCrary was married to Miss Elizabeth Sackett of Montgomery township, Ashland county. They have had nine children, one of whom is dead; the eight living are at home with their parents. Mr. McCrary gives his farm his whole time. It is one out of many of the farms that has been held by members of the same family for over sixty years. In politics he is a Republican, but his ticket is cast in every case, for the man who, in his judgment, is best fitted to fill the office to which he is chosen, regardless of political name. Mr. And Mrs. McCrary are members of the Presbyterian church at Hayesville, Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
HENRY L. McCRARY (Hanover) p. 294(1)
Henry McCrary, son of William McCrary, was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, in 1845, and came to Ohio with his father. He studied law with T.Y. McCrary, of Wooster, Ohio, and was admitted to the bar July 6, 1866, and began the practice of law the same year, in Wooster, with his brother. He remained there four years, going from there to Ashland, where he stayed two years. At the end of that time he settled in Loudonville, and was elected town clerk in 1874. He held the office of councilman one year, and in 1880 was elected mayor. He once run for State senator, but was defeated. In politics he is a Democrat. In 1869 he married Enrietta A. Shaw, and four children have been born to them, Benjamin W., Maud M., Henry A., and Charter O. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
WILLIAM McCRARY (Hanover) p. 294(1)
William McCrary was born in Ireland, and came to America in 1815. He settled in Ashland county in 1847. He was a farmer and stock raiser, and was a member of the Disciple church. In politics he was a Democrat. He was the father of eight children, all living except one: William, who married Margaret Gibbs, and lives in Ashland county, Thomas Y. who married Mary E. Barnhill, and lives in Ashland county, Grace A., wife of Martin T. Fast; and John T. who married Minerva Craft, both are living in Ashland county, Henry L., who married Enrietta V. Shaw, and lives in Loudonville; Lewis J., who married Almyra Fast, and lives in Ruggles; Joseph A., who married Miss Gates, and lives in New York city. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOSEPH McCUTCHIN (Perry) p. 181(1)
Was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, August 3, 1803. He resided a short time, in his youth, in Maryland, where he attended school. In 1815 his father’s family removed to Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, where he served an apprenticeship of three years at the hatter’s business. In 1828 he married Nancy Stem, and removed to Pittsburgh. In 1835 he came to Orange township, Richland (now Ashland) county, and, in 1845, removed to Savannah, where he still resides. His wife died in 1843, and, in 1845, he married Mary Ann Freeborn, daughter of one of the pioneers of Clearcreek.
Mr. McCutchin has been in the mercantile business for many years. He connected with the Methodist Episcopal church in 1818. He became a member of the Masonic fraternity in Pittsburgh–Miller lodge, No. 165–in 1830, and of Western Star lodge, of the Odd Fellows, No. 24, in 1832. He has been notary public about seventeen years; mayor of Savannah four years; postmaster eleven years, and township treasurer six years. He is the father of a large family, part of who are married, and part deceased.
Mr. McCutchin is a quiet and undemonstrative citizen. In politics he acts with the Democratic Party, though not proscriptive in his opinions. (Transcribed by Penny Hanes (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ALFRED McFADDEN (Orange) p. 344(1)
Alfred McFadden, second child of Daniel and Margaret McFadden, was born in Green township, Wayne county, September 25, 1833, and moved to Orange township, Ashland county, with his father when quite small. He has been a resident of the county since that time. He was married August 13, 1857 to Elizabeth Richard daughter of D. and Nancy Richard, who was born in Holmes county, Ohio, September 23, 1834. To them have been born five children as follows: Dianna, Pierce, Oliver, Leander and Essa, all living. Four of the children are still at home. Although Mr. and Mrs. McFadden are members of no church, they are both strong advocates of Law and order. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
C.S. McFADDEN (Perry) p. 326(1)
C.S. McFadden, sixth son and twelfth child of John and Catharine McFadden, was born in Wayne county, Ohio in 1832, and resided with his parents until the year previous to his marriage December 6, 1856, to Miss Lydia Fry. To them were born four children, one son and three daughters: Sarah, Ellen, Emma, and Aldie. One died in infancy, unnamed. Sarah E. died at the age of twelve years. The wife and mother died in May, 1878, leaving two little daughters and a fond husband. Mr. McFadden was married again, in December 1878 to Miss Sarah Jane Greenlee, daughter of one of Ashland county’s pioneers, a sketch of whose life appears elsewhere in this volume. Mr. McFadden is a retired farmer, living at his ease in Rowsburgh, this county. He comes from pioneer stock, his parents settling in Wayne county at a very early period. They came to Ashland county in the spring of 1853, and remained here until the time of the death of his father, September 12, 1860, his mother surviving her husband about four years. The subject of our sketch came to Wayne county a poor man. Commencing life immediately in the woods, he had, by dint of hard labor, careful judgment, and wise economy; accumulated quite a handsome property. Mrs. McFadden is an active member of the Disciple church, and has been one of its liberal supporters. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JAMES McFADDEN (Mohican) p. 359(1)
James McFadden is a son of Edward and Elizabeth McFadden, and was born December 11, 1841. November 12, 1863 he was married to Sarah Garus, of this county. They have had a family of seven children, as follows: Flora B., born August 21, 1864; Edward L., born August 7, 1866, died November 22, 1871; Clara B., born April 18, 1868; John W., born June 6, 1870, died December 2, 1871; Melvin L., born September 5, 1872; Elizabeth M., born July 6, 1875; and James E., born December 19, 1878. Mr. McFadden has a farm of one hundred and eighty acres, situated a mile from Jeromeville, on what is known as the Mansfield and Wooster road. When he was eighteen years of age, he commenced farming on the place known as the McFadden place, and has, by hard work and perseverance, accumulated a good property. For twelve years, he has been a leading member of the Reformed church, during eight of which he has held the office of deacon. Every member of his family belongs to the same church. In politics he is a Democrat. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
J.N. McFADDEN (Perry) p. 334(1)
J.N. McFadden, the only son of John and Susan McFadden, was born in the year 1837; he resides with his widowed mother in Perry township. In the year 1877 his father died, leaving two children and a faithful and devoted wife. The subject of our sketch is one of the substantial and enterprising farmers of Perry township, and the owner of a pleasant home. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
The McGUIRES (Montgomery) p. 211(1)
The grandparents of the Ashland county McGuires, of Irish extraction, appear to have located near the Potomac, in Virginia, as early as 1771. About the close of the Revolution, three brothers–Frances, Robert, and John–appear to have located in what is now Washington county, Pennsylvania, where Frances and Robert attached themselves to Brady’s Patrol, and became famous as Indian fighters and scouts. Frances died in Brooke county, Virginia, in 1825, aged about seventy-eight years. Robert lost his life in Cross creek, in a skirmish, in 1794. John died in 1831. Thomas and Hugh were sons of John.
Hugh first visited this county in 1810, in company with Robert Newell, and others, on a hunting excursion. In 1811 Mr. Newell entered the farm in Montgomery township, which subsequently became the property of Hugh McGuire. Hugh emigrated in 1841. He was a fine mathematician and a polished gentleman. He filled the office of township trustee for a number of years, and, after the erection of the county, was infirmary director. He was averse to holding office, and asked no promotion. He was an influential and leading citizen, and exerted that influence in behalf of his friends. He died September 13, 1867, aged eighty-one years. This family are all dead, but two daughters.
Thomas McGuire settled in Vermillion township in 1831, and died in the spring of 1849, aged seventy-two years. He was a man of fine native abilities, but could not be induced to accept an office. When in his prime, he wielded more political influence than any citizen of Richland county, and often controlled an election.
Thomas and Benjamin, nephews of Thomas and Hugh, settled in Green township, in 1837. They are influential and leading citizens. Thomas is seventy-five, and Benjamin about sixty-four years of age. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
BENJAMIN McGUIRE (Green) p. 276(1)
Benjamin McGuire, born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, in 1824, came to Ashland county September 25, 1838, and settled on a farm a short distance from where he now lives. He has followed farming all his life, and has made wool-growing a specialty, has held the office of trustee in Green township three times, and was elected infirmary director in 1879; is a member of the Baptist church. In 1843 he married Rachel Gladden, and is the father of nine children, James G., who married Margaret Anderson, and lives in Ashland county; Elza W., who married Nancy J., Criswell, afterward married Mary Brown, and lives in Iowa; Orlin M., who married Mahala Budd, and lives in Ashland county; Elizabeth E., wife of James C., Andrews, of Holmes county, Ohio; Louzinski, who married Melinda Budd, and lives in Ashland county; Mary A.; Alva M., who married Lilly Earnest, and lives in Ashland county; Hugh D., and Willis. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
THOMAS McGUIRE (Green) p. 276(1)
Thomas McGuire, born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, August 28, 1808, came to Ohio in 1837, and settled on the farm on which he now lives. He has held the office of township trustee and treasurer for several terms; is a respected member of society, and is highly esteemed by all who know him. He has followed farming all his life. In 1839 he married Sarah J. Taylor, and is the father of seven children, William T. (now deceased), who married Melinda Laird; Electa J., wife of R.P. Wallace, of Ashland county; Diadama S., who married Nahamia Neptune, of Holmes county; John A., who married Eliza Armstrong, in Ashland county; James M., who married Patty Byall, and lives in Kansas, and Alice I. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JEFFERSON MONROE McILVAIN (Montgomery) p. 369(1)
Jefferson McIlvain was born in York county, Pennsylvania, March 21, 1826. When about nine years of age his mother removed to this State (his father having died prior to that event), and located in Mansfield where he resided until the year 1849, when he removed to this county, where he has since resided. He was married March 22, 1848 to Rebecca Robbins, who was born in Wayne county September 3, 1827. To them have been born eleven children, four of whom have departed this life. The seven who are living are: Harvey, Cynthia, Martha, Sarah, Julia E., Edward and Charles. Mr. McIlvain is by trade a molder but for the past sixteen years has paid his attention to raising fruit and vegetables, and is a general dealer in ice. The facilities he has for preserving ice cannot be surpassed. His ice-house is sixty by thirty-six feet, and his intentions are to enlarge it this coming season to ninety by thirty-six feet. He has in connection an artificial pond near the ice- house where he can get enough ice to furnish the town. He was the first person in Ashland who established the ice business, his first ice-house being eight feet square, and he has kept increasing the dimensions from year to year until it has reached its present capacity. He intends to make the ice business a specialty in the future. He owns twenty-acres of land, all of which is inside of the incorporated village of Ashland, except three acres. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
HUGH B. McKIBBEN (Clearcreek) p. 310(1)
HUGH B. McKIBBEN was born in Beaver county, Pennsylvania May 1804. His wife’s maiden name was Isabella Chambers. He came into Ashland county in 1828, and settled in Clear-creek township, four miles northwest of Savannah. He was the father of eight children: William C., Elizabeth Jane, Mary, Sarah, James A., Robert, Hugh, and Martha Belle. Mary, married James Brinkerhoff in 1849, and died in September 1854, leaving one daughter. James A. died May 16, 1858. The father died September 26, 1868, his wife surviving him until the year 1879, November 14th. Both were earnest members of the Presbyterian church, and were industrious and worthy people. Robert was married to Mary P. Platt, March 31, 1864. Their children are one son and one daughter. Robert still occupies the old homestead. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
BENJAMIN S. McKINLEY (Vermillion) p. 304(1)
Benjamin S. McKinley was born in Juniata county, Pennsylvania, July 31, 1825. In 1835 he came to Ohio with his parents, and settled in what is now Mohican township, Ashland county. September 10, 1848, he was married to Sarah Ryland, daughter of William and Catharine Ryland, who were among Ashland county’s early settlers. Mr. And Mrs. McKinley’s parents are dead. They have four children, two sons and two daughters; Judson, Lillie Alice, Emer, and Sadie Agnes. Lillie Alice is the wife of Abraham Hossler, who owns a farm adjoining his father in-law. Emer married Mary Brubaker, of Mohican township, and owns a farm adjoining Mr. Hossler. Judson owns a farm adjoining his father’s place, but as he is yet living in single blessedness, he makes his home with his parents. Sadie Agnes is yet unmarried and lives at home. Mr. McKinley is one of the most thorough, go-ahead farmers of Vermillion township, and is a neighbor highly respected by all who know him. Though a very hard worker for a man of his age, he is genial and companionable. He loves a good horse, and has the gratification of having some that he raised on his own farm. In politics he is a Democrat. Both himself and wife are members of the Presbyterian church at Hayesville, Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN McNAUL (Montgomery) p. 376(1)
John McNaul, a native of Ireland, emigrated from that country to America and settled in Pennsylvania prior to the war of 1812, and subsequently, about the year 1815, removed to Ashland county, Ohio, and settled upon one hundred and sixty acres of land, the same being the homestead farm, now owned by his sons James and Michael. Here he erected a log cabin and preceded to clear, cultivate and improve the land. He was married to Rose Donner a short time before entering the lands. To them were born six children: William, Sarah, James, Michael, John, and Mary, five of whom are living. John died some twenty years ago; Mary married Mr. McFadden and now resides in Missouri; the others reside in the vicinity of the old homestead. Mr. McNaul died some fourteen years since at the age of eighty-six years; Mrs. McNaul is living with her daughter Sarah, wife of Patrick Kelley. James McNaul was born August 10, 1820, in Montgomery township, Ashland county, and has made farming a life business. He was married to Margaret Crowner, October 12, 1847. To them have been born eight children, as follows: John, William, Michael, Agnes, James, Alfred, Rosa, Thomas Shannon, and Elmer, all of whom are living. In politics he is a Democrat, and is a staunch supporter of the principles of his party, and has never missed being present to cast his vote at election. Both Mr. and Mrs. McNaul are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. He served as infirmary director some twelve years since. The land he owns, comprising eighty acres, is part of the old homestead. Mr. McNaul is a man of fine physique, weighing over two hundred pounds, and is well preserved for one who has done so much toward clearing up and improving his section of country. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
WILLIAM McNAULL (Vermillion) p. 300(1)
William McNaull was born in what is now Montgomery township, Ashland county, Ohio, about four miles east of Ashland, November 18, 1816. His parents came to Ashland county in 1815, and may well be classed among Ashland county’s pioneers. They teamed from the State of Maryland, and entered land in what was at that day a wilderness. Here they went to work in good old fashioned pioneer style. They raised a family of six children, all of whom lived to maturity. William, the subject of this sketch, remained with his parents until he was about twenty-three or four years of age, when his disposition led him to investigate distant countries, States, and territories, which he continued to do for several years, occasionally returning to the scenes of his childhood, and in March, 1865, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Adams of Vermillion township. They have no children. The place where they now live has been their home since their marriage. The farm was cleared almost entirely by Mr. McNaull or under his directions. He has a good farm and it is well improved. He is a Democrat in politics, and is a good neighbor, highly esteemed as a literary man, far superior to many who have had equal privileges. Mrs. McNaull is a member of the Presbyterian church at Hayesville, Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
EDWARD METCALF (Mohican) p. 212(1)
Edward Metcalf, was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, August 5, 1783, and removed to Mohican (then Killbuck) township, Wayne county, in the spring of 1815, and located on what is now known as the Robert Glenn farm. He cleared and improved his land, and resided on it for many years. He deceased in 1856, at the age of seventy-three years. His family consisted of three sons, John, Vachel, jr., and Daniel; and three daughters, Julia, Nancy, and Rachel. The family have all removed to other localities, except John who resides in the vicinity of Mohicanville. He is by occupation an industrious farmer. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
LEVI METCALF (Mohican) p. 358(1)
Levi Metcalf was born in Lake township, Ashland county, August 27, 1845. He is a son of Zebulon and Sarah Metcalf, and was married in 1867 to Sarah E. Leech, also of Ashland county. They have had three children, as follows: Mary Gertrude, born September 1, 1870; Eliza Lee and Elsa Maree, twins, born May14, 1876. Elsa Maree died May 24, 1876. Mrs. Metcalf is a daughter of Gilbert and Sarah Leech, and was born July 12, 1840. Both Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf are members of the Reformed church. In politics he is a Democrat. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
THOMAS METCALF (Mohican) p. 212(1)
THOMAS METCALF, brother of Edward, was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, January 9, 1797. He grew to manhood in his native county. In June, 1818, he married Miss Nancy Durbin, of Washington county. In September, having heard much of the richness of the valleys of Mohican, he and his lady traveled on horseback to the residence of his brother, Edward, in the wilds of the valley, and tarried a few weeks, until he erected a cabin. His father had entered a piece of land three miles south of the present site of Jeromeville, upon which Thomas Metcalf settled.
He passed through all the struggles of pioneer life, and resided about fifty-eight years on the same farm. In 1868 he had the misfortune to lose the wife of his youth. Since that occurrence, his hours have passed slowly. In 1875 he became partially paralyzed; February 9, 1876, he deceased, at his old homestead, aged seventy-nine years and one month. His family consisted of Drusilla, Rachel, Maria, Eliza, and Sarah; all married. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
VACHEL METCALF (Orange) p. 199(1)
One of the first settlers in the township of Orange was Vachel Metcalf, originally from Washington county, Pennsylvania. When quite a young man, Mr. Metcalf joined the expedition of General Anthony Wayne, which organized at Pittsburgh, and drilled for some time at Legionville, about thirty miles below that city, on the banks of the Ohio river. When Wayne’s legion descended the Ohio to Fort Washington, now Cincinnati, Mr. Metcalf accompanied it, as a private in a Pennsylvania company. He went with the army to the northwest, and participated in all the skirmishes, until the final contest at Fallen Timbers in 1794. After the treaty he returned with the Pennsylvania troops.
During the great battle of Fallen Timbers, Mr. Metcalf and four comrades, in a charge, became separated from their company in the forest, and were immediately pursued by the savages. They were unable to rejoin their company without a terrible conflict, in which all might lose their lives. In this crisis they struck out boldly through the forest, making a circuit of some four miles to reach the rear-guard of the army. They made the best time possible, and being strong and active, kept at a safe distance in advance of their pursuers. Although shots were frequently exchanged, none of the party were wounded; but all were much fatigued by the race for life.
In the spring of 1810 a number of families from western Pennsylvania and Virginia located in Mohican, then Killbuck township, Wayne county. Mr. Alexander Finley had settled at a point now known as Tylertown, in the spring of 1809, being the first pioneer in the township. Mr. Metcalf entered a farm in what is now known as the “Bunn settlement.” He selected a fine quarter section in the forest, put up a cabin, and commenced to clear a field. He was a man of strong will, full of courage, of much physical power, and of unshrinking determination when he had formed a resolution. He looked forward to a time when he would have an excellent farm and valuable improvements, to reward his toil and privations. He was a man of peace, and loved good neighbors. He was astonished, however, to find that tricky neighbors envied his choice of land, and were laying schemes to dispossess him.
The fact was, Mr. Metcalf had failed to secure his certificate of entry before commencing improvements on his new farm. This became known to a few, and a meddlesome neighbor resolved on securing the title. The sly neighbor, in order not to excite suspicion, employed a young man to visit the land office at Canton, and enter the land.* In doing so, he rode past the cabin of Mr. Metcalf in the daytime, and, on enquiry, Mrs. Metcalf strongly suspected from his evasive answers, the object of his trip. She hastened to her husband, who was chopping some distance from the cabin, in the forest, and related the circumstance. Mr. Metcalf was convinced that all was not right. He requested his wife to return to the cabin, make two small linen bags into which he might put his hard money; and also to put up for lunch some cold corn-bread and pork. By the time this had been done, he reached the cabin, lunched, and taking the two “money-bags” containing each one hundred dollars in silver, he started down a path leading by the present site of Wooster, and thence, in the direction of Canton, the location of the land office. Sometime in the early part of the night he reached a point where, for several miles, at certain seasons, the trail was very swampy and difficult to pass on horseback. He found a cabin, and learned that his adversary had not yet passed that point. He was much fatigued by the weight of his dangling moneybags, and his thighs were considerably bruised and his arms wearied. By permission of the occupants, he took a supper of mush and milk with them, and slept on the floor. Early in the morning, the footsteps of a horse were heard approaching the cabin, in the direction of the swamp. Mr. Metcalf hastily arose, took some refreshments, and learned that at the swamp, a new road had been cut around it, increasing the distance one or two miles. He again took his moneybags, and hastened down the path; and on reaching the swamp, found that the man on horseback had gone around. He kept straight ahead, and trusted to luck.
On arriving at the opposite side of the swamp, where the new road intersected the old trail, he found, to his joy, that he was again in advance. With renewed energy, he pressed rapidly on, while his adversary, apprehending no danger, rode leisurely and securely. On approaching the Tuscarawas, he discovered an old friend, by the name of Brady, who often ferried emigrants across the stream. He aided Mr. Metcalf, and informed him that he was the first traveler who had passed in that direction that day. He hastened onward, and arrived at Canton, after a journey of some thirty hours on foot, with limbs stiffened, and arms bruised by his dangling money-bags, and piled his coin on the table, in the presence of the register, and requested a certificate of entry to be issued as soon as convenient, for the reason that he had traveled a long distance, and desired to return without delay. The money was counted, and the certificate filed with a description of the quarter of land desired. Mr. Metcalf received, and carefully placed it among his papers, and retired from the office. It was, to him, a great victory, and he felt exultant. He was now safe. About two hours after this scene, the young agent rode leisurely up to the register’s office, to learn that the coveted farm was in legal possession of its rightful owner. Upon his return home, his officious neighbor was greatly chagrined.
After the surrender of General Hull, at Detroit, in 1812, the Indians of the northwest assumed a hostile attitude toward the border settlements in Ohio. The Indians at Jerometown and Greentown were ordered, by the State authorities, to be removed from their villages to Urbana, as a means of safety, until peace should be restored. A few weeks after the removal of these Indians, a number of then returned, when the Ruffner-Zimmer tragedy took place near the Black fork. This affair was speedily followed by an attack on the cabin of James Copus, by some forty savages. The settlements were greatly alarmed, and means of defence adopted as rapidly as possible. There were some six or eight families in the vicinity of Mr. Metcalf, among who were those of William Bryan, James Conley, Elisha Chilcote, Benjamin Bunn, James Slater and James Bryan. These met in council at the cabin of Mr. Metcalf, when it was determined that a fort should be built. The building was to be two stories high, the walls of the second story to project two feet beyond the first, on all sides; the floor and sides of the second story to be pierced with portholes. The pioneers gathered with their ox-teams, and axes, and the logs were cut and rapidly gathered; and the building soon completed. The lower story, with strong doors, securely fastened, was to be occupied by the women and children, while the men, with their trusty rifles, were to occupy the second story, in hours of danger and alarm. About one acre of ground was cleared around the fort, and enclosed with a palisade twelve or fourteen feet high, with a strong gate; and all the families of the neighborhood were gathered into the fort, and the horses and cattle inside the palisade. Mr. Metcalf and his neighbors remained, most of the year, in the fort, occasionally visiting their cabins to see that they were safe, and to cultivate their corn and vegetables, with pickets to guard against surprise by the Indians. This fort was about two miles below the present site of Jeromeville, and stood on an elevated spot, on the lands of Mr. Metcalf.
In the spring of 1814, Vachel Metcalf and Amos Norris moved into what is now Orange township, and purchased lands adjoining the present village of Orange. They are believed to have been the first settlers in the township, although several other families arrived within that year, among whom were those of Jacob Young, Martin Mason, Jacob Mason, Martin Hester, Joseph Bishop, Soloman Urie, and John Bishop, single. The cabin of Mr. Metcalf stood not a great way from the present site of the tannery of Mr. Smurr, on a knoll. Mr. Metcalf had an excellent piece of land, though it was heavily timbered, and required much labor to fit it for cultivation. Being a man of fine physical powers, and of determined purpose, he soon cut away the forest and prepared a desirable homestead. At that day, the pioneers traveled many miles to aid each other in the erection of cabins, in rolling logs and clearing. Mr. Metcalf willingly attended all gatherings of this kind. In fact, the unselfish character of the pioneers was one of the most striking features of the times. Each settler volunteered his aid and good wishes to forward the enterprises and interests of all new comers. They aided each other in the distribution of seed, and in harvesting their crops. In other words, the “latch-string was always out.”
Mr. Metcalf was a very active member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and the organization of the first class was probably the result of his zeal. The first church was built about the year 1830, and he was one of the first class-leaders and official members, and is understood to have been one of the speakers. In the erection of the present church, in 1853, he was prominent as a member and class-leader. He was a lover of peace and good neighborhood, and his influence went far toward attaining such a condition of society.
When Orange township was organized, in 1818, Mr. Metcalf was chosen as justice of the peace, and John Bishop as constable. Mr. Metcalf was, we believe, elected justice of the peace three times. In politics he was a Whig, and, during the heated campaigns of 1828 and 1832, his party fell into the minority, and remained so during most of the balance of his life.
Mr. Metcalf died in 1858, aged about seventy-nine years. He is remembered as a good neighbor, frank and straightforward in his business transactions, and a lover of truth and integrity.
His sons, William and Vachel , removed to Illinois, and John to Michigan. None of his family remain in Orange township.
*James Bryan, who subsequently moved to Wood county, Ohio, and deceased in 1861. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
G.W. MILLAR (Orange) p. 343(1)
G.W. Millar, fourth son of Thomas and Rachel Millar, was born in Orange township, Richland county (now Ashland), in the year 1838. He made his home with his mother until the time of his marriage, in the year 1863 to Caroline Porter. To them were born three children, two sons and one daughter as follows: Ermine, Denton and John, all of whom are living. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
GEORGE MILLER (Milton) p. 351(1)
George Miller was born June 25, 1820, and February 20, 1845, he was married to Charity Elliott, by whom he has six children–Mary Ellen, William, Albert, Joseph (deceased), Charles, and Jennie. He is a well-to-do farmer, and resides one mile and a quarter northwest of Ashland. He is the son of George and Mary (Stephenson) Miller, who was born in Ireland, in the year 1769. He emigrated to America, and first settled in Washington county, Pennsylvania. About the year 1813 he moved into Wayne county, and died there in 1842 at the age of seventy-two years. His wife died in the year 1849. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JACOB MILLER (Vermillion) p. 309(1)
Jacob Miller was born in Bavaria Germany, in 1824. In 1830 he emigrated with his parents to America, and located in Wayne county, seven miles northeast of Wooster. Michael Miller, his father, died in 1842, July 30th. In March, 1858, his mother died. In 1850 Mr. Miller married Miss Mary Risser, daughter of Jacob Risser, of Vermillion township, Ashland county, Ohio. In the spring of 1860 he moved to the farm formerly owned by his father-in-law in Vermillion township, Ashland county, Ohio, where he now lives. They have had seven children, two of whom are dead. One son and one daughter live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. One daughter lives in Loudonville, Ohio, and one son and one daughter live at home. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOSEPH MILLER (Mifflin) p. 321(1)
Joseph Miller was born in Union county, Pennsylvania, November 11, 1828, where he resided until the year 1841, when his parents, Jacob and Catharine Miller, removed to Clarion county, Pennsylvania, in the northwestern part of the State, where they remained two years. From thence they removed to Wayne county, this State, where they remained one year, and then they removed to Ashland county, where our subject has since resided. November 24, 1859, he was married to Lucy Ann Moore, who was born in this county, where she has always lived. Samuel Moore, her father, is one of the oldest surviving settlers in the county. The fruits of this union are two children, both of whom are still living, and named Catharine J., who was born July 24, 1861, and Rebecca E., who was born March 18, 1871. Mr. Miller is by trade a carpenter as well as a cooper, and has always followed both of those vocations from boyhood first; the cooper trade, and later he paid his attention to the carpenter trade until the past year, since which time he has been farming. For a period of thirty-six years he has lived in this county, and is considered by all who know him to be an upright citizen and neighbor. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
THOMAS MILLER (Jackson) p. 340(1)
Thomas Miller, son of Thomas Miller, sr., was born in York county, Pennsylvania April 7, 1823, and came to Orange township, Ashland county in the year 1835, and in the year 1837 moved to Jackson township where he now lives. In April 1845, he was married to Miss Margaret Robertson. Their children were nine in number as follows: Alice, John, Pierce, Rachel, Orville, Otis, Ada and George M., all of whom are living. Although Mr. Miller is a member of no church, he is a strong believer of right and law. He is the largest landholder in Ashland county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
GEORGE W. MILLIGAN (Mifflin) p. 316(1)
George W. Milligan was born in Vermillion township April 30, 1836. For six years he has lived in Mifflin township. In 1861 he was married to Nancy E. Copus, who was born August 17, 1840. They have had five children, all of whom are living: William H., who was born July 10, 1862; Francis Marian, born April 8, 1867; Anna S., born July 3, 1872; Mary A., born March 20, 1874; George B., born September 11, 1878. Mr. Milligan has always farmed from boyhood, and now caries on the farm of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Margerrie Copus, who is identified with the early history of the county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ADAM MISH (Perry) p. 328(1)
Adam Mish, seventh son of John and Magdalene Mish, was born in the year 1808, in the State of Pennsylvania, Franklin county, near Strasburgh. In the year 1832 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Colsmith. The fruit of this union was nine children, six sons and three daughters. Their names are as follows: John A., Washington, Sarah, William Augustus, Ann, Jeremiah, Adam, Mary and Simon, all living but Washington, who died in early childhood. In the year 1845 he emigrated to Ohio and purchased a beautiful tract of land, containing one hundred and five acres. Here he began life in earnest, immediately in the woods, with no improvements what ever, save a rude log cabin, and a rickety barn of the same mould. But he was determined to conquer; and with a courageous heart and positive will, the forest was soon made to give way. Here he reared and educated his family. The wife and mother died in the year 1874. Three of Mr. Mish’s sons volunteered in the war of 1861–William, Jeremiah and Adam–serving honorably their full time, and returning to their home uninjured, and crowned with all the honors to which our brave sons were entitled. He is an earnest and active member of the Lutheran church, and has always been one of its most liberal supporters. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)