
WILLIAM HAMILTON (Perry) p. 206(1)

Was born in York county, Pennsylvania, in 1777, and about the year 1800 removed to Washington county, Pennsylvania, where he remained until December, 1820. He was of Irish descent. He married in Fayette county. In 1820 he purchased of his brother Hugh Hamilton, the northeast quarter of section three, in Perry township, Wayne county, Ohio, and removed to it. He erected a cabin and other buildings, and improved his farm. At that period, the Delaware Indians made annual visitations during the seasons for making sugar and hunting. They were harmless and friendly, and often exchanged the products of the chase for corn and other food. Game was abundant in the forests, and the wolves were very destructive upon sheep, young swine and poultry. A premium was offered for scalps at the county offices in Wooster, and a large number of wolves were caught in traps. By industry, economy and care, Mr. Hamilton soon surrounded himself by all the comforts that result from agriculture. In the year 1834 he undertook the erection of a valuable farm-house, and in excavating for the cellar, dug down an Indian mound which stood upon the spot selected. An oak tree grew upon the top of it, which was some two feet in diameter. When the greater part of the mound had been removed they came upon a triangular stake, the upper part of which had decayed. It was embedded in a grayish sand, which Mr. Hamilton proceeded to remove. When he had dug down some two feet, he came upon an Indian skeleton. Continuing to excavate, he soon reached another. Proceeding, he soon came upon a third one of unusual size, which was almost entire. Near it was found a lot of red paint, and a bluish stone somewhat like a scythe stone, highly polished. The thigh bone of the giant was much longer than that of the tallest man in the neighborhood. The inferior maxillary or lower jaw bone would pass over that of the largest person. Here relics were kept several years. There was also another small mound a little east of the former, which was never thoroughly examined. Northeast of these mounds, about one mile, was an ancient intrenchment, square in form, which contained something near an acre of land. It was upon the highest point of land in the neighborhood, and overlooked the valley. It was not a great way from the Muddy fork of the Mohican. These reminiscences of an extinct race are quite interesting, and evince the fact that the occupants of this region not only understood the arts of military defence, but honored their braves by a monument of earth erected over their remains. Mr. Hamilton survived long enough to see his family comfortably situated in life. He was the friend of the Ohio school system, and gave his children all its advantages. He was an active member of the Presbyterian church for over a half century, and was the uncompromising opponent of every demoralizing vice. He deceased in 1850, at the ripe age of seventy-three years. His family consisted of Ann, John M., William H., Joseph, Daniel K., Mary J., Rebecca J., Alexander and Louisa. Of these, Ann, John M., William H., Joseph and Rebecca, are deceased. The balance of the family reside in Wayne and Ashland counties. (Transcribed by Sandy Kicker skicker@ipa.net) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ASA HARRIS (Hanover) p. 292(1)

Asa Harris, father of Mrs. Christian Deyarmon, came from Troy, Vermont, and settled in Loudonville in 1838. By trade he was a carpenter and joiner, and followed that business all his life. He was a member of the Congregational church, and an old-line Whig. He married Mary Houghton, of Brattleboro, Vermont, and five children were born to them: Solomon H., who married Tabitha Knights, and lives in Massachusetts; Orison W., who married Jacintha Darling, and lives in New Hampshire; William H., who married Sarah Hickox, and lives in Huron county, Ohio; Mary A., who became the wife of John Legget, and lives in Fulton county, Ohio; Caroline E., who became the wife of Christian Deyarmon, and lives in Loudonville. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM W. HARRIS (Perry) p. 323(1)

William W. Harris, eldest son of James G. and Rachel Harris, was born in Wayne county, Ohio, near Orrville, and there resided with his parents until the time of his marriage, in the year 1840, to Miss Catharine Crites, daughter of an early pioneer family. The fruit of this union was ten children, two sons and eight daughters. Their names are as follows: Mary E., Rachel A., Sarah J., Eliza, James W., Louisa, Lucy, George, Irvin, Minerva, and Theresa; all of whom are living. Our subject came to Perry township in the spring of 1841, and purchased a small tract of land, on which he resided for a period of five years; he then purchased the farm on which he now lives, and settled immediately in the woods; here he reared and educated his little family. Mr. Harris is one of the most industrious and prosperous farmers in Perry township. Mrs. Harris is an active member of the Lutheran church, and has always been one of its most liberal supporters, and while Mr. Harris is not associated with any church organization, he is a firm advocate of law and order. His aged mother is yet living, at the astonishing age of ninety-one years, and is a remarkably well preserved old lady for one of her advanced years. His father lies sleeping at the old Morr cemetery. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DAVID HART (Clearcreek) p. 312(1)

DAVID HART came into Ashland county from Washington county, Pennsylvania, in 1831, and settled in the woods, one mile and three quarters northwest of Savannah. Immediately after his arrival he set about erecting for himself a cabin. In 1835 he was married to Miss Ann McCorkle. Robert, who is the only living representative of his family living in this State, resides on the old home farm, which he inherited from his father. On September 18, 1861 he was married to Jennie Gault. To them were born four children, all of whom are living: Mary, Charles, John, and Wylie. Mr. Hart is an extensive wool-grower, and a prominent farmer in this county. David, his brother, was a member of the Twenty-third regiment Ohio volunteer infantry, and died in two months after returning home, from disease contracted in the army. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

NEWTON A. HART (Mifflin) p. 315(1)

Newton A. Hart was born September 2, 1811, and his wife Elizabeth, was born April 11, 1818. To them have been born fourteen children, as follows: Mary, born December 18, 1836, married Christian Leiter, and lives in Morrow county, Ohio; James, born July 17, 1838, married Lucy Myers, and lives in Ashland; Alfred, born July 17, 1840, married Mary Eighinger, and lives in Ashland; John, born December 22, 1841, and died February 21, 1851; Margaret, born January 1, 1844, married Peter Stutz, and lives in Ashland; Amanda born December 21, 1845, and died December 25, 1874; Catharine, born January 3, 1848, married Benjamin G. Rahl; Newton A., born December 27, 1849, died February 11, 1850; Barbara, born November 26, 1850; Abram, born January 23, 1853, married Ellen Clark; Irene, born January 26, 1856, married Charles Cook; Elijah, born January 19, 1858; Samuel, born May 13, 1860; and Fian, born September 10, 1863 (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HENRY HARTMAN (Milton) p. 352(1)

Henry Hartman was a native of Germany, and emigrated to this country at an early age, and first settled in Pennsylvania; he removed to Ashland county in 1840 and settled in Milton township. In 1842 he was married to Barbara Albert, daughter of a pioneer family. To them have been born five children–George, Catharine, Elizabeth, Henry and Abraham. The latter died in infancy. Mr. Hartman died in 1871 leaving a wife and four children to mourn his loss. The children are all residents of the county, and two remain with the mother at the old home, Henry and Elizabeth, who care for their aged mother, and carry on the home farm. On this farm stands a very rude log school-house, that must have been built at a very early day. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN HARVEY (Vermillion) p. 307(1)

John Harvey was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, in 1810. William Harvey, his father, moved with his wife and three children to Ashland county, Ohio in 1835, and located at Hayesville, where the subject of this sketch kept a tavern for about four years, when he bought a farm in Green township, known as the Kent farm, and moved there. After residing there ten years he removed to his present home, two miles south of Hayesville. This farm he has improved handsomely, and now, in the seventieth year of his age, lives in ease, and in his declining years, has but little care. William, his oldest son is married, and lives in Johnson county, Missouri, and was one of Ashland county’s brave soldier boys, having served his country a little over three years; Thomas, Wilson, and Sarah Ann live in Ashland county; Frank, the youngest son, is practicing medicine in Mansfield, Ohio. Mr. Harvey was married to Miss Ruth Culbertson, of Wayne county, in 1838. Mrs. Harvey was born in 1814, and is quite active. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

T.C. HARVEY (Vermillion) p. 306(1)

T.C. Harvey was born in Green township, Ashland county, in 1842. At the age of ten years he removed with his parents to Vermillion township, two miles south of Hayesville. In September 1867, he left the farm and entered the drug store of J. Kinninger, at Hayesville, as clerk. In 1869, in company with Mr. J. R. Swartz, he purchased the stock and commenced business for himself. The firm then being Swartz & Harvey: this partnership was dissolved in 1872, and Mr. Harvey continued the business alone. In 1879 Mr. Swartz returned from Toledo, Ohio, and again entered business with Mr. Harvey, under the firm of Harvey & Swartz. and at present they are doing a thriving business. Industry and ability have their reward. In the fall of 1870, Mr. Harvey was married to Miss Sarah J. Armstrong, daughter of Dr. Armstrong, one of the pioneers of Ashland county. They have no children living. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ISAAC HARVNOT (Clearcreek) [Source Unknown]

ISAAC HARVNOT was born in 1820, in Clear Creek township, Ashland county, Ohio on the farm now owned by G. Crawford, on Section 25, where he commenced life upon the land which he sold, and removed to Jackson township in 1845, on Section 6, and lived thereon for twenty-three years, selling out his farm in 1869; he thence removed to Savannah, where he now resides. He had always been an active farmer and wool-grower up to the time of removing to Savannah. Since that time he has retired from farming and turned his attention to loaning money and cashing good paper. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOSEPH HARVOUT (Clearcreek) p. 160(1)

JOSEPH HARVUOT was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, in 1792. In 1818 he married Lydia Bruce, and removed to Clearcreek, Richland county, Ohio, in the spring of 1820, and located on section twenty-five, where he resided until his decease in 1843. He was a member of the Disciple church, and an elder. His family, at his decease, consisted of Isaac, Anne, Richard, Elizabeth, Lewis, Sarah, Joseph, and Mary, by his first wife, and William, by his second wife, having been twice married. The only member of the family left in Clearcreek is Isaac. Isaac is a dealer in money, and is accumulating a fortune. He is married, and resides in Savannah. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

GEORGE C. HASKELL (Hanover) p. 295(1)

George C. Haskell was born in the State of Vermont in 1836; came to Ohio in 1870 and settled in Loudonville, and went into the bank with his uncle, Nathaniel Haskell, which he continued until his death, which occurred January 15, 1876. He was a member of the Universalist church, and in politics was a Republican. In 1871 he married Lucy E. Hayes, of Holmes county, Ohio, and to them two children were born–Charles C., who died, and Mary I. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

NATHANIEL HASKELL (Hanover) p. 178(1)

Was born in Windsor county, Vermont, October 3, 1792. He immigrated to Ohio in 1817, and located in Cleveland. In July 1818, he removed to Wooster, Wayne county, where he remained three years, and located in Loudonville, Richland, now Ashland, county. Soon after his arrival, he erected a carding-machine and fulling mill, which for several years was a great neighborhood convenience. In Aril, 1823, he married Hettia A. Skinner, the daughter of a pioneer, who erected the first gristmill in the vicinity of Loudonville. Mr. Haskell was a thrifty businessman and accumulated property quite rapidly. He laid out an addition to Loudonville, and, by his business energy and strict integrity, contributed to the growth of the town. He was long engaged in the mercantile business, and possessed tact and energy in its management. He took a deep interest in the school system of Ohio, and was always liberal in forwarding the interest of education. He was for many years, an active member of the Masonic fraternity, and noted for his genial disposition and love for that ancient order. In his later years–1868–he became the principal stockholder and owner of the Haskell bank, of Loudonville, which was an institution of deposit and exchange, and was managed by him. In 1855 his excellent wife deceased. September 30, 1871, Mr. Haskell deceased, leaving his bank interest to a nephew, he having died childless. The institution was conducted by his nephew until 1875, when he deceased. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

GEORGE W. HAZLETT (Milton) p. 349(1)

George W. Hazlett was the second son of John Hazlett, and was born May 21, 1842. He lived with his father, and aided in clearing up the farm, until 1862, when his father died. Seven years later in 1869 he was married to Libbie Thomas, who was born June 22, 1840. Both are earnest Christians and members of the Disciple church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JAMES HAZLETT (Milton) p. 349(1)

James Hazlett, first son of John Hazlett, was born September 27, 1830 in Milton township on the place where he now resides and which is the old homestead of his parents. His father settled in the woods, occupying an old log cabin, but by hard toil, industry and the aid of his eldest son, he cleared away the forest and carved out for himself a pleasant home. James was married in the year 1852, April 27th, to Miss Mary Ann Riddle, by whom he had seven children: Elmira, William Loren, Rosetta, John, Lucy, Mary, Ophenia and Frank. William Loren died in infancy. May 3, 1866, Mrs. Hazlett died, and for his second wife he married Sarah J. Horn, by whom he has had one son, Christopher. He and wife are consistent members of the Disciple church, and liberal supporters of that branch of the Christian religion. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SAMUEL HECKMAN (Mifflin) p. 316(1)

Samuel Heckman was born in Stark county, Ohio, April 17, 1840, where he resided until the age of about eight years, when he went to Wayne county to live with his uncle, Jacob Arnold, his parents, Abraham and Mary Heckman, having died prior to his going there; his father died when he was about eighteen months old, and his mother died just previous to his going to live with his uncle. He remained with his uncle until he was fourteen years old, when he went to live with another uncle named Philip Hoover, in the same county. With him he remained three years, when he went to work for a man by name of Fulk, and with him went to the State of Illinois. After remaining there six months, he returned to Wayne county, Ohio, staying this time about eighteen months, when he went back to Stark county again, where he remained about seven months, when he came to Ashland county and located in Mifflin township, where he has since resided. February 27, 1862, he was married to Catherine Brubaker, who was born on the farm Mr. Heckman now owns, October 15, 1838. She is the only living daughter of John and Catharine Brubaker, of whom mention is made elsewhere in this work. The fruits of this union are two children. One is living–Lester, who was born March 30, 1867; the one deceased was Franklin, who was born March 11, 1865, and died July 17, 1865, aged four months. Mr. Heckman has never turned his attention to political matters, although he has served his township as trustee. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN HEICHEL (Mohican) p. 363(1)

John Heichel is a son of Michael and Catharine Heichel, and was born in Mohican township, Ashland county, Ohio, April 17, 1836. When he was sixteen years of age, his father died leaving him to battle his own course through the world. He engaged with Mr. Austin on a farm for one year, when he returned to the old homestead, where he has since resided. On September 3, 1863, he married Maria Hammett, daughter of James H. and Anna Hammett. They have five children, as follows: William E., born April 14, 1864; Thomas J., born September 9, 1865; Jennie B., born July 31, 1867; and Annie May and James Ray, twins, born May 23, 1878. Both himself and his wife are members of the Christian church, with which he has been connected twenty years, and has held the offices of deacon and elder. In politics he is a Democrat. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOSEPH HEICHEL (Mohican) p. 362(1)

Joseph Heichel was born in Middleton, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, November 5, 1819, and emigrated to this State in October, 1832, and to Mohican township, where he has since resided; He was married April 27, 1843 to Ann Rebecca Bassford, daughter of G.W. Bassford, sr. By occupation he is a farmer. In early life he was a member of the Lutheran church, but about the year 1856 he united with the United Brethren church, and entered the ministry of that church in 1860, in which he traveled from 1862 until about 1866. By Mr. Herchel’s marriage was born nine children, Sarah Jane, born March 14, 1844; Elizabeth Ann, born January 28, 1845; Francis Marion, born February 10, 1847; John Luther, born May 6, 1851; George W., born July 7, 1854; Henry, born November 14, 1857; Mary Anne, born May 3, 1860; Cassey, born July 21, 1862; Malinda Viola, born April 19, 1865. He has held office of trustee, assessor, and justice of the peace, which office he holds at this time. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DAVID HEIFFNER (Orange) p. 341(1)

David Heiffner, the only living representative of his father’s family, came to Orange township in company with his parents, in the year 1817. He now owns and occupies the old Heiffner homestead. His father and mother are both deceased, and lie sleeping side by side in the family cemetery. In the year 1828 he was married to Miss Margaret Hartman, and to them were born fourteen children, five sons and nine daughters. Mrs. Heiffner died in the year 1852. Mr. Heiffner was again married in 1856 to Mrs. Sophia Marks. The fruit of this second marriage was one son Richard. Mrs. Heiffner was the widow of George Marks, by whom she had five children. He and his wife are earnest followers of the Christian religion, and have always been staunch supporters of the cause of Christ. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JAMES HEIFFNER (Orange) p. 344(1)

James Heiffner, third child and second son of Henry and Elizabeth Heiffner, was born in Orange township, Ashland, then Richland county, July 15, 1824, and has been a resident of the township ever since. He was married to Elizabeth Shaw, daughter of William and Elizabeth Shaw, April 27, 1847. To them have been born three children: Ira and two who died in infancy. Ira is still living and a resident of Troy township. Although Mr. Heiffner is a member of no church, he is a strong advocate of law and order. When Mr. Heiffner started out in the world his father gave him but a small start, but by hard work, wise economy, and careful management he is now the owner of two fine farms. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HYMAN L. HEIFNER (Milton) p. 352(1)

Hyman L. Heifner, was the third son of John and Margaret Heifner, who were early residents of Orange township, and was born November 25, 1841. He lived with his father until his marriage to Sarah Lutz, November 15, 1874, when he came to Milton township to live. He has been a carpenter and joiner, but has now adopted farming, and gives it his whole attention. They have three children: Laura A., Bertha A., and Ida B. Mr. Heifner generally acts with the Democratic Party; he came from old pioneer stock; he had a great grandfather who was a Revolutionary soldier, and he is a peaceable and law-abiding citizen, and well respected. Mrs. Heifner is the daughter of John and Sarah Lutz. The father was a careful, industrious, and frugal man, and died July 2, 1873. His widow survived him until May 11, 1875. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

D.F. HEISER (Mohican) p. 364(1)

D.F. Heiser, son of John and Sarah Heiser was born in Mohican township, Ashland county, Ohio. His father was born in Pennsylvania in 1808, came to Ohio in 1816, and located on the Tidd farm, on which D.T. Heiser now lives. His mother was born in Pennsylvania in 1813, her father’s name being William Otto. By their union were born eight children: Catharine, Sarah A., E.I., Mary A., D.F., Elizabeth, Martha E., and Emma E. D.T. Heiser was married to Lucy Harris of Perry township, February 13, 1873, by whom he had two children: Ida Estella, born November 28, 1874, and Rutherford Roy, born April 25, 1877. Mr. Heiser lives three miles from Jeromeville in the Mohican valley. Both himself and his wife became members of the Methodist church at Hayesville in March 1876. They afterwards transferred their membership to Jeromeville where he is one of the trustees of the church, and also a parsonage trustee. In politics he is an ardent Republican, always working for the success of the party. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB HELBERT (Mohican) p. 219(1)

JACOB HELBERT was born in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, June 1, 1794. His parents were of German descent. During his youth he attended a German school in his native county, and became a fair scholar in that language, which he talked fluently. In 1814, in September, he volunteered to serve in the war against Great Britain. He entered a company commanded by Captain George Hartman, and was stationed about twenty-five miles northwest of Philadelphia. He saw no active service. In December, 1814, he was discharged and returned home. He now (1876) draws a pension of ninety-six dollars per annum for his services during the war of 1812. In 1812 he married in his native county. His wife was two years his senior, and survived until 1872, when she deceased at the advanced age of eighty years. Mr. Helbert removed to Mohican township, Wayne, now Ashland county, in 1835, and located adjoining the village of Mohicanville, where he purchased a farm. In connection with his enterprise as a farmer, he engaged in selling dry goods in the village, for a number of years. He now resides with a daughter–Mrs. Wachtell–and is quite frail in body, though his memory of the past is quite perfect. He is an upright citizen; a conscientious and courteous old gentleman, and much respected by all his acquaintances. His family consisted of eight sons, Jacob, Michael, Peter, Henry, Levi, Edmond, John, and one deceased; and five daughters: Mrs. John Newman, Mrs. Charles Cosner, Mrs. Henry Wachtell, and two deceased. His children all reside within the limits of Ashland county, and are noted for their industry and intelligence. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ANDREW HELTMAN (Milton) p. 350(1)

Andrew Heltman came to Ohio with his father in 1836 and settled in Milton township. He was born in Pennsylvania, September 13, 1820, and is the oldest son of Joseph and Catharine Heltman. On May 12, 1842 he was married to Barbara Campbell, of this county. They have had four children, but none are living. Joseph Heltman died September 12 1873. In 1851 Andrew went to California where he engaged in the mining business. In 1857 he again returned to Ohio and engaged in the dry goods business, being one of the partners of Whitner, Myers & Co., and afterward the firm became Heltman & Myers. He followed this for seven or eight years, when he retired to his farm where he still resides. He has led an active and busy life, and has accumulated a fine property, and today is one of the substantial men of the county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM G. HELTMAN (Montgomery) p. 380(1)

Mr. Heltman, the subject of the following sketch, was born near Mill Hall, Center county, Pennsylvania, June 1, 1835. When one and a half years old his parents removed to Ashland county, Ohio, then Richland county, and settled on a farm in Milton township, one and a half miles west of Ashland. Here he was raised and learned the art of farming, attending school in winter until nineteen years of age, when he taught a common school. Afterwards, in 1856 and 1857, he taught two terms in his own district, instructing those with whom he had been raised and most intimately acquainted. In 1857 he accepted a clerkship in the Mansfield post-office, under Jacob Reisinger, and acted in that capacity as chief clerk for two years, when, by reason of prolonged sickness, he gave up his place. In 1859 he was employed by E. W. Wallack, in his grocery and queensware store, in Ashland, and while there engaged, was three times elected clerk of Montgomery township, in 1861, 62, 63. In 1860 he was married to Mary T. Rebman, an estimable young lady, whose parents resided on an adjoining farm to his father’s, from early childhood. By this union there have been eight children, six of whom are living. In 1863 he was the Democratic candidate for clerk of the court of common pleas of Ashland county, and elected by a majority of about two hundred and fifty votes, and served as such clerk for three months, when, by the return and counting of the soldier vote, this result was changed by a few votes. In 1865 he was nominated by the Democracy of Ashland county for treasurer, and elected by a large majority, and re-elected in 1867, filling the position for two terms, with credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of the community. He is a member of the order of Free Masons, and has filled the chair as master of Ashland lodge for a number of terms, with marked ability and honor to the lodge. From 1871 to 1873, he was engaged in the dry goods trade successfully; then sold out his stock, and in 1874 engaged in the grocery and queensware trade in Ashland, in which occupation he continued till 1880, when he lost his stock of goods by fire, at the burning of the town hall. At present he is one of the publishers of the Ashland Press; has always been a Democrat, and a staunch advocate of the interests of the laboring class. By birth he is a German, and makes his influence felt more by acts and deeds than words. A thoroughly trained, self-made business-man, his rule in life is strict and square dealing with his fellows; and while he values his word as sacred as his bond, he expects the same of others. In forming his judgment he is deliberate, but when he arrives at conclusions it is seldom he surrenders them. His intimate association with all sorts of people from boyhood renders him an excellent judge of human nature, and he is seldom deceived. In the family and social relations he is warm-hearted and charitable, and none ever confide in him in vain. His friendships are as steadfast and enduring as his dislikes are firmly grounded. Now in the vigor of life and sturdy manhood, his future will be felt in business relations and in the State alike. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN G. HERZOG (Hanover) p. 295(1)

John G. Herzog was born in Buffalo, New York, in 1854; came to Ohio and settled in Loudonville in 1878. He served an apprenticeship in a printing office with Silas Folsom in the Attica, New York, Atlas office, when only fourteen years old, and afterwards worked in the Attica News office with C.F. Malloy; he also worked in the Buffalo News office. When only twenty-one years old was elected to the office of sealer of weights and measures in Attica, New York, and held that office two years, and was publisher of the first directory of Attica. In February 1879, he started the first political paper in Loudonville, with a circulation of over nine hundred subscribers. At present he is a member of the school board, and a member of the German Lutheran church; in politics is a Democrat. He married Maggie Lorentz of Loudonville, August 27, 1874, and to them three children have been born: Cora C., William G., and Walter C. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SAMUEL HESS (Hanover) p. 295(1)

Samuel Hess was born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, in 1817, and came to Ohio in 1837; settled in Ashland county in 1839. He was a cooper by trade, and carried on that business for some time. In 1869 he began the grocery and provision business and in 1879 took W.C. Hamlin as partner, and is doing a thriving business, their sales amounting to about twenty thousand dollars per annum. He is a member of the English Lutheran church, and in politics is a Republican. He married Parmelia Johns of Ashland, Ohio, and is the father of eight children: Christopher C., who was taken prisoner at Chickamauga, and died in Andersonville prison; Mary J., wife of John H. Cutle, Alliance, Ohio; William H., who is deceased; Sarah E., wife of Jonathan Nebil of Loudonville; Samuel E., who married Miss Travirs, and lives in Mansfield; Jonathan E., who died; George A., who married Martha Honeybarger; Olive E., who married William C. Hamlin. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB HIFFNER SR. (Orange) p. 164(1)

JACOB HIFFNER, SR. was born in Hessia, Germany, in 1752, and when about sixteen years of age emigrated with his father’s family to the state of Maryland, and settled near the Pennsylvania line. In the fall of 1776 he volunteered to serve three years in the line of Maryland infantry in the American Revolution. He marched with the Maryland troops to Trenton and Princeton, and participated in the battles of December 27, 1776, and January 3, 1777. In the following August he was in the battle of Bennington, and in September, the battle of Brandywine. He as at the surrender of Burgoyne, in October 1777. He fought in the battle of Monmouth in June, 1778. From that period to the close of his enlistment, he marched and counter marched with the army from point to point, participating in many skirmishes and hard fought battles. At the expiration of his enlistment he returned to the residence of his father, where he remained nearly two years. The long continuance of the contest was rapidly decimating the colonies of their abled bodied men. It became necessary to force recruiting . A new draft was ordered and Mr. Hiffner’s name was drawn. Having seen hard service in the army, he was not inclined to renew his old toils, dangers and sufferings. His father aided him in procuring a substitute, by the payment of such sum as was demanded. At the close of the Revolution Mr. Hiffner removed to Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, where he remained until the fall of 1817, when he removed to Orange township, Richland county, Ohio. At the time of his removal his family consisted of six sons, Jacob, Frederick, Henry, John, David and Valentine, and four daughters, Elizabeth, Mary, Martha and Catherine. Mr. Hiffner and his sons, several of whom were married and had families, were accompanied by Jacob Ridenour, a son in-law, and his family. The little colony was transported through the wilderness, along trails and recently opened paths, by four four-horse teams, in covered wagons, in which the families slept at night, during their long trip, cooking by the side of the paths at the regular hours. They crossed the Ohio river at Steubenville, and passed, thence, by narrow, muddy paths to New Philadelphia, to Wooster, and the present site of Rowsburgh, thence along the old Indian trail and emigrant path, to Jacob Young’s, in Orange, and thence through the forests by new cut paths to section fourteen, where they erected small cabins within a short distance of their present homes, and commenced to cut away the forests and prepare fields for culture. When Mr. Hiffner and his sons and son in-law landed they found the following settlers, who had preceded them one or two years; Rudy Brouderberry, Robert Wasson, Martin Hester, Jacob Fast, Solomon Urie, Vachel Metcalf, Amos Norris, Jacob Young, Mordecai Chilcote, Philip Fluke, and John Bishop, who subsequently married Elizabeth Hiffner.* Mr. Hiffner lived to see his children all possess comfortable homes. He deceased November 23, 1848, aged ninety-six years and two months. He was buried on a bluff of Mohican creek, in the family cemetery, where many of his kindred sleep. May his rest never be disturbed by American recreancy or a want of patriotic devotion to the institutions he helped inaugurate. The only survivors of the large family are Catherine, wife of Joseph, Bishop and David, aged (1876) seventy-three years. Jacob Hiffner, the oldest of the family, served three months in the war of 1812, at Black Rock. He died, aged about eighty years. Henry died, aged seventy-two years. Valentine died, aged sixty-six years.

*A short time after the arrival of Mr. Hiffner, in the fall of 1817, Thomas Lyons, and sixteen or seventeen Delaware Indians, visited his cabin and had a long talk on the history of the Delawares in Pennsylvania, and the noted land-marks in that state, as well as the beautiful valleys of the Wyoming. Old Tom was very civil and slept on a blanket in the cabin of Mr. Hiffner. It was the custom of the Delawares for the following six or seven years to hunt and make sugar along the streams in Orange and Jackson township.  (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DR. JOSEPH HILDRETH (Montgomery ) p. 168(1)

About the year 1821, a young man from “York State” arrived in Ashland, and obtained employment at the distillery of Slocum and Palmer. He was dreadfully afflicted with obliquity of vision, a disease known as strabismus. One eye seemed to be so much affected as to be useless for all purposes, and the other, so distorted as to make it very difficult to read. His singular appearance attracted a good deal of attention, and many unfeeling witticisms were perpetrated at his expense. The young man attended promptly to the interest of his employers; and in deportment was habitually reserved. It was noticed, however, that he possessed quite a store of information, and could converse fluently when so disposed. He very soon engaged the attention and sympathy of Dr. Joel Luther, whose esteem he finally won. The doctor discovered, on further acquaintance, that the young man possessed a most retentive memory, and had talents of an unusual order. Thus he had been richly endowed with intellect to atone for all his physical infirmities, as in the case of Aesop and thousands of others. At the request of Dr. Luther, Mr. Hildreth commenced a course of medical studies, and made rapid progress. He continued in the office, as a student, some three years. At that period the laws of Ohio required all students, at the completion of their studies, before entering upon practice, to procure a license to do so. There being no medical school, the young doctor had to thread his way along rough roads and paths to the legislature, with a view of submitting to an examination by a special committee to be appointed by that body. On his arrival, he attracted a good deal of attention. The committee was appointed, and the time and place for examination designated. From the singular appearance of the applicant, it was believed that the committee would make a sort of frolic of the affair–have a good deal of fun and let the young man depart in disgust. The chairman of the committee, being a sort of doctor, turned out to be not so learned on anatomy as Horner, Wistor or Wilson. He had proceeded but a brief time in the examination, when the young doctor picked him up on the origin, insertion, and location of the sartorius. The next blunder was, in assigning the position of the liver and stomach in relation to the diaphragm. The young doctor triumphed. The principles of the theory and practice of medicine was hastily disposed of, and compatibles and incompatibles entered upon. By way of crowding the young doctor into a tight place, the chairman wished to know the result of a mixture of alkaline salts, water, and animal oil, in given proportions. After revolving the matter a moment, the young doctor said; “Gentlemen, I have studied with a view of practicing medicine, and not to follow the occupation of making soap.” The laugh was on the wrong side again. The committee had caught a ” Tartar,” and was bound to bring in a favorable report, which was done; and the doctor returned fully authorized to practice his profession. He continued in practice, in Ashland, with fair success, some five or six years, and removed to Bellville, Richland county, where he resided many years. He subsequently studied law located in Mansfield, where he deceased about two years since.

The doctor achieved a fine reputation as a leading member of the Masonic fraternity. He was, perhaps, one of the brightest Masons in the State, and many years ago was appointed by the Grand lodge a member of a committee to revise the work, a duty that he discharged with fidelity and rare ability.

As a physician, he understood clearly the principles of his profession, and, as a lawyer, he is said to have been versed, but, owing to his infirmities of vision, he was unable to make such a display of his talents as would win public patronage.

He was the second physician in Ashland, and a man of note. He is an illustration of what can be accomplished by industry and untiring perseverance, notwithstanding the embarrassments of physical infirmities. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HARVEY HILL (Green) p. 274(1)

Harvey Hill, father of Mrs. Thomas W. Coulter, was born in Vermont. He came to Ohio in 1812, and settled in Perrysville. The same year he married Abigail Coulter. He was a member of the Presbyterian church. In politics he was a Republican. He died in August 1869. He was the father of eight children, six of whom are living: Angelina, wife of David Manor, of Kenton, Ohio; Ellmina, wife of Thomas Coulter, of Perrysville; Amanda, wife of George Turner, of Lima, Ohio; Clarendia, wife of James Segur, of Indiana; Eliza, wife of Stanton Myers, of California; and Thomas, who married Clarance Douglass, of Lynn, Massachusetts. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

BERNARD HOLBROOK (Sullivan) p. 353(1)

Bernard Holbrook was born in Vermont in 1798, and in the same State, married Sallie H. Millet, who died in 1863. In 1833, he came to Ohio, and settled on the farm he now occupies. In politics, he is an old-line Whig and is highly respected in the community in which he lives. He is the father of four children: Abner, Franklin, Charlotte, and Clinton, Franklin being the only one now living. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DANIEL HONEBARGER (Hanover) p. 298(1)

Daniel Honebarger was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1793, and married Catharine Baum, of Bavaria, and in 1836 came to America and settled in Stark county, Ohio, where he engaged in farming. He was a member of the German reformed church, and died in 1839. In 1871 his wife died in Indiana, at the age of seventy-nine years. He was the father of six children, four of whom are still living: Elizabeth, who married George Wiselogal, of Michigan; Harriett, who married Adam Kremick, and lives in Michigan; Catharine, who married George Gache and lives in Fulton county, Ohio, and George, who married Ann Goodman. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

GEORGE HONEBARGER (Hanover) p. 298(1)

George Honebarger was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1828, and came to America with his father and settled in Stark county, Ohio, where he remained two years, and then went to Wooster, where he remained one year, and in the spring of 1841 came to Ashland county, and settled in Loudonville. By trade he is a painter, but, owing to ill health, he was obliged to give up his trade. Then he clerked in a dry goods store for Adam Kunrick six years, after which he engaged as clerk in a grocery store for John Sheet. In 1852 he married Ann Goodman, of Loudonville. He has been treasurer of Hanover township thirteen years; and also treasurer of Loudonville village for several years; township assessor four years; also councilman four years; and member of the school board. He is a member of the German Reformed church, and in politics is a Democrat. He is the father of seven children: Emeline, wife of Lyman Parish, of Loudonville; Charles, living in Michigan; Harvey, who married Lillie Marietta, of Loudonville; Martha, wife of George Hess, of Loudonville; Franklin, Luella and Joseph. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HARRISON HOOVER (Mifflin) p. 315(1)

Harrison Hoover was born in Mifflin township, Ashland county, October 4, 1833, on the farm he now owns, which was entered by his father, Joseph Hoover, who came here in an early day. He is the only living child; there were two other children, one of whom died in infancy, and Daniel W., who was younger, but is now deceased. In 1852 his father died, and his mother died in 1870. Mr. Hoover was married May 20, 1875, to Sarah E. Mourey, who was also born in the same county. They have two children, both of whom are living: William Harrison, born March 28, 1877; and Ollie May, born July 7, 1879. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ELIAS HORN (Lake) p. 289(1)

Elias Horn was born in Germany, in 1840, and first settled in Pennsylvania in 1820. He came to Ohio and settled in Lake township, Ashland county, on the farm now owned by Jacob Kayler, and was engaged in farming all his life. He was a member of the German Baptist church, and in politics was a Democrat. He married Mary Foreman, of Pennsylvania, and after her death married Eve Mercer, of Pennsylvania. He died in 1823. He was the father of eight children, of whom only three are living: Frederick, Jacob, and Susanna. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB HORN (Lake) p. 289(1)

Jacob Horn was born in Pennsylvania in 1810, came to Ohio with his father and settled on the same farm, and has been engaged in farming all his life. He has been trustee of Lake township two years, and school director several years. He is a member of the German Reformed church, and a respected member of society. In 1837 he married Catharine Hans, and is the father of nine children: Daniel, George, who married Sarah E. Harner; David, who married Mary Otto; Caroline who became the wife of William Worms; Mary, wife of William Huff; Rebecca, wife of John Coble; Barbara, wife of Solomon Easly; and Emeline. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

H.J. HOUGH (Vermillion) p. 304(1)

H.J. Hough was born in Ashland, Ohio January 24, 1847. William Hough his father, was an early settler in Ashland, and 1848 removed to Crawford county, Ohio, where he died in 1862. H.J. remained with his parents until after the death of his father, when he went to different parts of the State to see how other people live, and in 1864 enlisted in the service of his country, and served till the close of the war. In 1875 he returned to his native county, and located in the village of Hayesville. January 24, 1877, he married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Smith, of Vermillion township. They have one son, born September 4, 1878, and named Daniel Leslie. January 4, 1878, Mr. Hough engaged in the hardware, tin and stove business, under the firm name of Hough & Boyd. December 31st the partnership changed to Hough & Maag, who are at present doing a thriving business, enjoying the respect of all who patronize them. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

LEVI HOUSEHOLDER (Jackson) p. 339(1)

Levi Householder, son of Michael and Martha Householder, was born in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, May 21, 1815. In April 1848, he came to Ashland county where he has since resided. Twice he has been married; his first wife was Hester Hamer, widow of William Hamer, to whom he was married in March, 1836. The fruit of this marriage was five children: Mary A., Michael A., Abraham, Caroline and Oliver. Mr. Householder lost his first wife July 27, 1864. The second time he was married August 17, 1865, to Margaret J. Patterson, daughter of James and Barbara Patterson, who was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, April 28, 1822. Both himself and wife are members of the Presbyterian church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

PETER HUFF (Lake) #1 p. 177(1)

Huff Mill

Was born in Virginia, December 25, 1798, and when a child accompanied his parents to Beaver county, Pennsylvania, where he remained until 1825, when he came west and located in Lake township. He settled on the west side of the Lake fork in the forest, and soon erected a cabin and began to improve his land. Those residing on the west side of the stream were George Marks, John C. Young, John Emerick, Enoch Covert, Abraham Blue, Jabez Smith, Emer Akins, and Nathan Dolby. Mr. Huff has a fine property south of Mohicanville. He is quite vigorous and retains all his faculties. He has two sons, Samuel and William. The former resides in Mohicanville and carries on a large woollen manufactory, and the latter resides on the homestead. Mr. Huff stays with his son. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

PETER HUFF (Lake) #2 p. 285(1)

Peter Huff, was born in Berkeley county, Virginia, in 1798, came to Ohio in 1825, and settled on the farm on which he now lives. It was then in the midst of a forest. He cleared off a small piece of ground and erected a log cabin, and by industry has cleared his farm and accumulated a nice fortune. He has held the office of supervisor for a number of years, and is overseer of the poor. He is a member of the Baptist church. In politics he was a Jacksonian Democrat, but since the organization of the Republican party has voted the Republican ticket. In 1825, in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, he married Rosanna Lower, and is the father of five children, Elizabeth, who married Samuel Shoup, and afterward married Anthony Stentz; Samuel, who married Annie Marks; William, who married May Horn; Sarah, who married Jacob Harker; and Martha A., who married George Riland. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SAMUEL HUFF (Mohican) p. 358(1)

Samuel Huff, son of Peter and Rosanna Huff, was born in Lake township, Ashland county, Ohio, May 30, 1830, and was married to M.A. Marks, of the same county, October 26, 1854. They have had six children, as follows: Mary, born November 18, 1855, died January 7, 1859; George W., born May 18, 1858; William, born February 7, 1862; James C., born July 8, 1863; Rosanna, born March 5, 1866; Ella, born June 24, 1871. Mr. Huff worked his father’s farm four years after 1854, when he removed to this place, and run a steam engine for three years. Then he purchased the fulling factory of Major Tyler, in 1861, and has since that time made the fulling of cloth his business. He has added improved machinery, and by energy and hard work has established a good trade. He is a self-made man, having worked hard in earning his property, and deserves credit for the success he has attained. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ABRAHAM HUFFMAN (Clearcreek) p. 197(1)

ABRAHAM HUFFMAN was born in Brooke county, Virginia, November 19, 1785. In 1813 he enlisted with the Brooke county soldiers to serve in the northwest part of Ohio; but before seeing active service the war closed. He entered the east half of section thirty-one, in Clearcreek township, Richland county, in the spring of 1815, and came on with a hand and erected a small open cabin, and returned about the middle of the summer, after having prepared a few acres of new ground for corn, and brought his family. His was among the first families who located in Clearcreek–the families of Robert McBeth, James Haney, John and Richard Freeborn, and William Shaw having arrived about the same time. When Mr. Huffman first landed he found large numbers of Delaware and Wyandot Indians encamped along the stream, engaged in hunting and trapping. After a few weeks they returned to Sandusky. In the fall they came on again. A large and well-worn trail passed near his cabin. The hunters passed up and down this trail on their way to Wooster and Pittsburgh, on their trips to exchange furs and peltry for lead, powder, tomahawks, knives, clothing, and “white men’s fire-water.” There were two burial spots on the farm of Mr. Huffman, one near the modern site of his barn, and where one Mr. Mykrants erected a residence, east of the Savannah road. In their hunting excursions along the streams of Clearcreek, they frequently stopped at these cemeteries, and seemed to mourn the departed. Mr. Huffman was careful not to disturb the last sleeping place of their braves. It was his custom to feed the Indians when they called at his cabin, and by doing so he won their esteem. They never disturbed him, although they passed in large numbers until about 1822. Mr. Huffman was a large, energetic and thorough-going man. His land contained a splendid sugar camp, and the second year he made enough sugar to complete his payments on his farm. It sold at the trading points at eighteen cents per pound, in cash. For three or four years his toil was constant, for, when not engaged in leveling the forests on his own premises, his services were freely given to aid his neighbors in erecting cabins, rolling logs and the like. The timber of the native forests of Clearcreek was very dense and exceedingly tall. To prepare fields for tillage, therefore, required much hard labor and toil for a number of years. Mr. Huffman, in his prime, possessed uncommon endurance. In a few years he had a model farm, and was surrounded by all the comforts of the thrifty agriculturist. He resided on his homestead until his family had grown up and became somewhat scattered. He had been foremost in encouraging the common schools of the township, in erecting public highways and in support of houses of worship. He was always ready to aid the needy, and was the foe of every species of vice. In his intercourse with his neighbors, he was frank and outspoken. He was an active member and official of the Methodist Episcopal church for over fifty years. He removed to Ashland in 1848, disposing of his farm, and died October 19, 1860, at the age of seventy-five years. Mrs. Huffman died in 1862, aged seventy-three years. The family consisted of Zachariah, Susan, Abraham, Benjamin, John, William, Mary Ann, Sarah Jane, Daniel, and Perrin. Zachariah, Abraham, John, William, and Sarah are dead, and the balance of the family are very much scattered. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DANIEL HUFFMAN (Clearcreek) p. 311(1)

DANIEL HUFFMAN, a native of Virginia, was born in Brooke county March 9, 1793, and came to Ohio in 1818. He was first married May 20, 1815 to Nackey Holmes, by whom he had thirteen children, seven sons and six daughters. Three sons and four daughters are still living. His first wife died May 20, 1837; he married for his second wife Barbara Wagner, whose maiden name was Stoner, January 10, 1838, by whom he had two children–John Q., and Martha E., the latter is deceased. Daniel Huffman died November 18, 1876. He was a worthy old man, and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of all who knew him. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

REV. WILLIAM HUGHES (Green) p. 220(1)

REV. WILLIAM HUGHES of Green township, was born in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, May 20, 1802. He attended a primary school and academy, at Darlington, and graduated at Jefferson College, Cannonsburgh, Pennsylvania, and studied theology at Princeton, New Jersey, and was licensed to preach June 24, 1829. He came west in August, and, having preached a few trial discourses in September, 1829, it was arranged for him to preach steadily at Perrysville, and in Lake township, now in Ashland county. He occupied the pulpit, in Perrysville, from 1829 to November 17, 1866, a period of over twenty-seven years. He retired in consequence of failing health. He is now disabled by chronic rheumatism. During his pastorate, at Perrysville, he preached at several places in the south part of this county; some of them statedly, on Sabbath evenings and week days.

When he settled in Green township, in 1829, there were no church buildings in either Green, Hanover, or Lake townships. The larger part of that territory was then covered with a primitive forest, unbroken, save where were found the scattered cabins of the pioneers. The preachers of that era met their congregations in the cabins of the new settlers, or in log schoolhouses. Mr. Hughes has lived to see the forests leveled, and hundreds of farms opened and improved where wild game resorted forty years ago. The sons of the pioneers have productive farms and fine improvements, and comfortable residences, and are blessed with abundance. Great has been the change. Dozens of schoolhouses, neat and comfortably furnished, are now to be seen, where fifty years before the red man had scarcely ceased to hunt. Then there were no churches. Now we find one Methodist, one Presbyterian, one German Reformed, and two Baptist churches in Green; and one Methodist, one Baptist, one Presbyterian, one German Reformed, and one Catholic church, in Hanover; and one Lutheran, one Presbyterian, and one German Reformed in Lake; in the aggregate, containing several hundred members.

Mr. Hughes now resides on his farm in the vicinity of what is known as Meanor’s mill, on the Loudonville road, in the east part of Green township, where, when not engaged in the active service of his congregation, he performed, for many years, a good deal of manual labor in the improvement of his farm. He is very comfortably situated.

He was married in 1830, and has had seven children, six boys, and one girl. Of the sons, one is a farmer, the other a physician; three are ministers; and an only daughter, the wife of a minister. The others are deceased.

It will be seen, therefore, that Mr. Hughes can be congratulated upon his effort to educate and prepare his children for usefulness. Few men have accomplished as much. He died in July, 1880. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ANDREW HUMPHREY (Green) p. 282(1)

Andrew Humphrey, born in Ireland, came to America when only twelve years old, and afterward married Mary Humphrey, of Erie, Pennsylvania. He came to Ashland county in 1824, and first settled on the farm now owned by William Humphrey. He was a shoemaker by trade, but in the latter part of his life was engaged in farming. He was a member of the Disciple church, and in politics was a Democrat. He was the father of ten children, six of whom are living: William, who married Nancy McIlvaine; Rebecca, wife of Lewis Patterson, of Missouri; Nancy, wife of Alexander McS–; Catharine, wife of John Ramsey, of Iowa; John, who married Rebecca Toney, and lives in Ashland county, Ohio; and Jane, wife of James Laird. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ROBERT R. HUMPHREY (Green) p. 282(1)

Robert R. Humphrey, born in Ashland county, Ohio, in 1851, was engaged in farming and school teaching until 1874, when in company with J.R Swartz he purchased A.D. Zimmerman’s stock of dry goods, groceries and notions in Perrysville, and continued in partnership until 1878, when he purchased Swartz’s share, and still continues business under the firm name of Humphrey & Son. April 14, 1880, their store and nearly their entire stock was destroyed by fire, but they immediately erected a temporary building adjoining their old stand, bought a new stock of goods, and still continued in business. They deal largely in country produce, their sales in all amounting to between twenty-five thousand and thirty thousand dollars per annum. In 1878 he married Jennie E. Wallace, and they have one child, Clyde. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM HUMPHREY (Green) p. 282(1)

William Humphrey, born in Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, in 1814, came to Ohio with his father, and in 1842 married Mary McIlvaine. He is engaged in farming, and also in the dry goods business in Perrysville, and has the largest vineyard in Green township. He has held the office of trustee, clerk and treasurer for a number of years, and is an honored and respected member of society. He has eight children: James A., who married Mary Wachel, and lives in Ashland county; Mary, wife of Benjamin Fry, of Ashland county; Annie; Robert, who married Jennie Wallace, and lives in Ashland county; William, Jane, Sadie and Hattie. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

T.W. HUNTER (Clearcreek) p. 311(1)

T.W. HUNTER is the second child of George and Rosannah Hunter. He came to Ashland county about the year 1864, from Indiana and settled in Clearcreek township. The greater part of Mr. Hunter’s early life was given to teaching school, which he followed with success and profit. He made his home with his father until his marriage June 9, 1870, to Miss Addie J., daughter of James Wharton, an early settler in Milton township. They have two children, Estella and Pearl. Mr. Hunter purchased of his father the farm where he now resides. His means being limited this incurred a heavy debt, and although meeting with a severe reverse in the loss of his house by fire, he has by industry and hard work cleared his farm of all incumbrance, and is now enjoying that independence which comes of easy circumstances. Mr. Hunter is one of the young and enterprising farmers of Clear-creek township, and both he and his lady who comes of old pioneer stock, are highly respected by all those who know them. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)