M - McConnell
GEORGE MACKEY (Clearcreek) p. 311(1)
GEORGE MACKEY was a native of Scotland; he was born in the year 1801. In 1835 he came to America, on the “Lady of the Lake,” and settled in Ashland county, near Savannah. He was married in 1838. He has adopted three children, and cares for them as his own. He is a man of charity and integrity, and he and his aged wife still live near the town of Savannah. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
MARTIN HENRY MANSFIELD (Mifflin) p. 244(1)
Was born in the city of New York, December 1, 1821, and left an orphan by the death of his father and mother when quite young. There were but two children, Martin H. and William, who by the intervention of friends, succeeded in finding desirable homes in Pennsylvania. Martin found a place at the home of the father of Senator Patterson, at Mifflintown, Juniata county, where he grew to manhood and learned business habits. He early developed a talent for mechanical pursuits, and devoted his time in perfecting machinery to aid the agriculturist. He never had any training by practical machinists, and his mechanical ideas were all born with him, and of a wonderful cast. About 1846 he began to evince his peculiar talent for invention, and letters patent were granted by the office in Washington for improvements in clover hullers; his object being to enlist the farmers in raising clover for the purpose of saving the seed, and enhancing the price of both clover and seed, and in making it a valuable crop as a fertilizer of failing lands, and a good feed for stock. When patented his original huller was visited by many farmers, and looked upon as an effort that would aid in saving the seed, and increase a disposition to raise and save increased crops wherever introduced. He visited several States with a view to interesting farmers in the enterprise, and selling territory. He met with some encouragement, but not such as the merits of his invention warranted, and finally turned his attention to Ohio, where his invention attracted a good deal of attention, and finally settled in Mifflin township, in Richland county, where he commenced the manufacture of his huller in 1848.
His original object was to enlist mechanics who would engage in making this huller. His shop was at first in Mifflin, in Juniata county, Pennsylvania. He procured two horses and a wagon, and with one of his hullers and cleaners commenced to canvass, hoping to encourage the growing of clover, but met with little success in selling machines and patents. It was then in the fall and winter, when clover could be procured to exhibit the machine by hulling and cleaning the seed. The weather was generally stormy, with rain or snow, arresting the hulling and cleaning. It was not pleasant work exhibiting the machine. The roads became very bad, and he could hardly travel. In the winter of 1848 he made a trip to Ohio and made an effort to sell the patent, and operated among the farmers of Richland and Ashland counties, but without sales. In Ashland he put up at the hotel kept by the late James McNulty. While at his hotel he drove out to the farm of the late Isaac Davis, near the Mifflin line, and states that by that time “he was flat broke” in finances. He remained with Mr. Davis about two weeks, and sold one machine to Isaac Roland and Jacob Hoover, for fifty dollars–about half price–getting twenty-four dollars cash and a note for the balance. He found that in his travels it would be better to sell machines than patents. So he determined to come to Ohio and engage in manufacturing his huller and cleaner, and never again offer a patent right for sale. Before leaving he went to Mansfield and partly arranged with Messrs. Hall and Allen, then proprietors of the Mansfield Machine Works, to assist in making his huller. Leaving Ashland county, he returned to Juniata county, Pennsylvania, receiving from Roland and Hoover twenty-four dollars, balance due on a machine, which carried him safely through the mountains, there then being no railroad for conveyance to Ohio. About six weeks after, being in December, 1848, he arrived at his old home. It is proper to state that Mr. Saiger, a brother-in-law, accompanied him on his former trip. In a good covered spring wagon, with curtains, and a pair of good horses and about eight hundred pounds of goods and clothing, and in February, 1849, his wife, Mr. Saiger and himself started for Ohio. The roads were then frozen and were smooth, much resembling a plank floor all the way to Mansfield, where he rented a house from Dr. Teegarden, and lived in it until April, 1849. Having failed to complete a contract with Messrs. Hall & Co., to manufacture machines, and becoming scarce of money, he concluded to settle in Mifflin township, near Mr. Isaac Davis, and start a shop of his own, furnished by Mr. Steinhour, who lived near, and with his assistance, he being a mechanic, made hullers. On the first of April, 1849, he moved near Mr. Davis, and commenced making clover hullers in a small way. He made five that spring and summer, and sold them all in the fall. He remembers that George Stillwagon and Daniel Koogle, near Mifflin, bought machines and gave him a friendly recommend among the farmers, which aided him very much, these gentlemen having done a good deal of hulling during that fall and winter. Mr. Mansfield regarded this act as very kind to the day of his decease, and attributed his success to the aid of such friends. It was the means of selling a number of hullers that fall and winter, and was the cause of many other sales in Ashland county. By this means he had accumulated a small amount of money by April 1, 1850, when he removed to Ashland and settled in an old frame building opposite the house of the late Captain A. Walker, on Third street, in which he lived and used as a shop for two years.
The demand for hullers was very great, and it became necessary to procure more room. So he purchased out lot number sixteen, of Joseph Wasson, in South Ashland, where he built a shop, where Robert McMurray subsequently built a residence. The shop was twenty-four by sixty feet, two stories high, one of which was converted into a dwelling, where Mr. Mansfield lived, having moved into it, until the spring of 1852. A short time after he attached a foundry, and made plows and other farm implements, having a blacksmith shop, with steam engine. The demand for hullers kept increasing from year to year–some years running as high as one hundred–until he was compelled to enlarge his facilities, and, in the summer of 1853, Mr. D. Whiting built him a residence, where he resided, which gave him all the room he needed for the hullers. In 1856 he entered into partnership with D. Whiting, who built a shop on ground formerly owned by the late George Swineford, as a tannery and residence, and now occupied by Messrs. Whiting & Shearer for the manufacture of agricultural implements. After he and Mr. Whiting formed a partnership they increased their facilities for manufacturing. He sold one-half of the undivided interest in his patents to Mr. Whiting, after having conducted a thriving business four years, being limited to that time. In January, 1860, he sold his interest in the machine works to Mr. Whiting. On the fourth of January, 1861, he purchased lot number thirty-five, on the south side of Main street, in Ashland, from William Skilling, and commenced again to make hullers, during the year, in an old building on the lot. He seems to have been destined to wear out in improving and making clover machinery.
In 1862 he built the brick building that now stands upon the lot opposite the Times office, and in 1866, put up the rear brick. The front part is about twenty-eight by seventy-five feet, two stories high, with a basement. The rear is thirty-eight by seventy-five feet, with same number of stories as front. It is now occupied by F.E. Myers & Brother as an agricultural implement store room. These buildings were built for the manufacture of clover hullers; also with a view to other employments.
Previous to 1864 the clover hullers and cleaners made in Ashland were not like the ones made at the present day. They hulled and cleaned the seed from the clover heads after the straw was first removed by a separate machine, or by a wheat threshing machine, or in some other manner. In 1858 Mr. John Birdsall, then of New York State, obtained a patent for combining in one machine, a cylinder to thresh the heads, from the straw, and a cylinder to hull the seed, with separating and cleaning apparatus. These were called double-cylinder machines. Other manufacturers immediately commenced to make the two-cylinder machines. Mr. Birdsall brought suit in the United States court against several parties for infringements upon his machine. In order to compete with Mr. Birdsall, and not to infringe upon his patents, Mr. Mansfield constructed in the fall of 1863, a machine with only one cylinder to do the same work as that done by the Birdsall two cylinder machine. To the surprise of quite a number of manufacturers he was successful, and succeeded in obtaining a patent for his machine in 1864, 1866, and in 1871, with additional improvements. In 1875 he retired from business, and granted a license to Messrs. Russell & Co., of Massillon, Ohio, and since then retired from the business altogether, in consequence of ill health, and being affected with a bronchial trouble, brought on by being exposed to the clover dust by experimenting, setting up and starting clover hullers for the past thirty years.
Since the Mansfield machine was invented, and introduced among the farmers of this part of Ohio, the production of clover has been largely increased, the acreage being more than five times as great as formerly. The land has been greatly improved by raising the crop, the old adage that “he that causes one blade of grass to grow, where it had not previously grown, must be regarded a benefactor of his race,” is literally true. It was Mr. Mansfield’s pride, not only to be a successful inventor, but to aid the farmer in producing a valuable crop. In this respect, his value to the agriculturist cannot easily be determined. He has now done his last work, and been called home to rest. He died April 4, 1880, and was buried April 6, 1880.
As a mechanic, he was very successful; in fact, he may be regarded as a genius in invention. He was methodical and unassuming in manner, and deemed a very generous and conscientious manager of his business. Employees speak of him only in a spirit that evinces true affection. They carried him, with many tears, to his last resting place in the cemetery, accompanied by hundreds of citizens, who had learned, by long association, to love and respect him.
Mr. Mansfield was married to Miss Anna Saiger, of Mifflintown, Juniata county, Pennsylvania, February 1, 1848. Of this union there were eleven children, seven boys and four girls; two boys died young, and five survive. Two members of the family are married, William and Anna Belle. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
DR. I.F. MARKEL (Orange) p. 326B(1)
I.F. Markel is a son of Israel Markel, of Ashland, and was born on his father’s farm in Orange township, October 3, 1850. His boyhood and youth were spent on the farm, where he remained until he was eighteen years of age, attending the district schools during the winter months, and thus laying the foundation for an education. At eighteen he attended the Savannah academy for two years, after which he taught district school for two years in Troy and Orange townships. About this time his father removed to Ashland, and he commenced the study of medicine with Drs. Cowan & Myers, with whom he remained eighteen months, when he attended a first course of lectures at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia.
At the close of the session he returned to Ashland, and in the fall of 1875 attended a second course of lectures at the same college, from which he graduated in March, 1866, receiving a prize offered by the demonstrator of anatomy, for the best dissection in the anatomical rooms. In May of the same year he opened an office for the practice of medicine in the village of Mifflin (or Petersburgh, as it is generally known), where he still remains. He is a close student, and by giving careful attention to the details of his profession, has built up an extensive practice, and gained the confidence of the community in which he lives. September 14, 1876, he married Anna Hill, who was born near Olivesburgh, Richland county, Ohio, November 6, 1852. Dr. Markel has a fine collection of Indian antiquities, consisting of stone hammers or tomahawks, fleshers, arrow and spear points, and other article, to which he is constantly adding. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
SOLOMON MARKEL (Orange) p. 226(1)
SOLOMON MARKEL was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, December 1813, and came with his parents to Congress township, Wayne county, in 1837. The name of his father was Solomon Markle, sr., who died in 1852, at the age of fifty-two years; his mother died in 1850, aged seventy-two years. Solomon located on section sixteen, Orange township, in 1837. He had married Miss Hannah Howman, of Congress, Wayne county, prior to locating in Orange. Their family consists of five boys, Jacob, Israel, Aaron, Franklin and Lewis C., and four girls, Mary, Margaret, Elizabeth and Hannah J. The Children are all married but Lewis C. They are much scattered, living in the new States. Mr. Markel possesses a fine homestead of one hundred and sixty acres of well-improved land, on section sixteen, Orange township.
Israel Markel was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, February 7, 1819, and came with his father’s family to Congress township, Wayne county, in April, 1835, where he remained until 1839, and married shortly after settling on section sixteen, in Orange township, Miss Mariah Ricket, in 1839. Mr. Markel has been a justice of the peace two terms, a constable two terms, and a coroner of the county one term, in 1846. He now resides in Ashland, but retains one hundred and seventy acres of his homestead in Orange township, on sections sixteen and nine. His family consists of six boys: Jacob W., George A., Samuel D., Israel C., a physician, Isaiah F. and Henry A., lawyer, and four daughters, Eliza, Rachel, Lucia A. and Artha M. Like the family of Solomon, they are much scattered in the west and in this State. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOSEPH MARKLEY (Montgomery) p. 199(1)
From Somerset county, Pennsylvania, purchased the Trickle farm in Montgomery township, and moved to the cabin, a twelve by twelve structure, early in the spring of 1815. When he arrived, there was a camp of Indians on the present site of the residence of Jerry Fulkerson, in South Ashland, and two or three camps down the stream about half a mile, all of which contained about fifty Indians, including their squaws and pappooses. They were engaged in hunting and making sugar, and had twenty or thirty ponies, and a number of dogs with them. They left early in the summer. Mr. Markley’s family consisted of himself, wife, and seven sons–Jonathan, John, Matthias, Moses, Aaron, Horatio, and Solomon; and two daughters, Matilda and Frances. They left four sons, grown, in Pennsylvania–Philip, Peter, David, and Joseph. They came by Canton and Wooster. They brought seven horses, and a fine covered wagon, and six milch cows. The forests were filled with grass, pea-vines, and shrubbery, upon which the cattle and horses fed.
The first summer, Mr. Markley, wife and two daughters slept in the little cabin, and the boys in and under the covered wagon. Conrad Kline, who had purchased the Carter farm (since owned by John Mason), and John Heller, were kind enough to supply Markley and family with corn-meal at a neighborly price, until they could purchase corn and get it ground at one of the mills. Aaron Markley, the only member of the family in this county, says: “Corn-bread, hominy, a little pork, and a tin of good milk constituted their luxuries the first summer and winter.”
The old gentleman, aided by his seven sons, soon prepared a few acres of corn, which they cultivated with care, and which yielded a tolerable crop. Their next care was to put up a hewed log cabin. It was completed and ready to be occupied early in the fall.
When winter began to approach, Mr. Markley, went to Mansfield and purchased three large hogs, for which he paid eighty-four dollars and fifty cents. This constituted the winter meat for the family. Jonathan and Horatio took five horses with pack-saddles, and following the Indian paths proceeded to Owl creek, the “Egypt” of northern Ohio, for corn. They purchased five loads of shelled corn, and went to Shrimplin’s mill to get it ground; but the mill having given out, they brought it home, and it was crushed in the hominy block by pounding. After this process, it was sifted, and the coarse fragments being separated, were converted into hominy, and the balance into corn-bread. Thus the winter of 1816 passed with the Markleys.
The Markley family soon became famous for their uncommon size and strength. The old gentleman weighed two hundred and sixty pounds, the old lady two hundred and forty, and the boys, when grown, averaged about two hundred and fifty, while Aaron, the runt of the family, weighs two hundred and thirty. The boys, with the exception of Aaron, averaged about six feet three inches in height–Aaron being about five feet seven. It is asserted by the early settlers that David, the third son, could lift by the chimes a barrel of sugar water, and drink from the bung-hole. It is rare that such a family of giants is found in a new country. No one had the temerity to contend with David. Samuel, Thomas, and Solomon Urie, all six feet high, and very stout, sometimes had a little tilt with the Markleys, but rarely won a laurel.
Aaron Markley now (1880) resides on the old homestead, is seventy-nine years of age, and is the only member of the family in this county.
Joseph Markley, sr., died in 1831, aged sixty years, and his wife soon followed him to the tomb. Most of his sons went west, where several of them have risen to posts of honor. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ORLANDO MARKLEY (Montgomery) p. 373(1)
Orlando Markley was born in Montgomery township, September 10, 1844, and has since resided in the county, with the exception of one year he spent in the State of Illinois. November 14, 1867, he was married to Kate C. Michael, who was born in Germany. June 22, 1846. At the age of twelve years her parents removed to this country and located in this county and township, and this place has since been her home. They had nine children, five of whom died in infancy. The ones who are still living are: Sadie J., who was born October 24, 1869, while her parents were in Illinois; Mary L., born December 29, 1875; George C., born April 17, 1878; and Orlando V., born March 9, 1880. In the late war our subject was a member of company G, Twenty-third Ohio volunteer infantry. In 1863 he entered the service, and was discharged in 1865. By reason of injuries received while performing his duty as a soldier, the government grants him a pension, but this consideration is nothing to good health, as his health has been impaired ever since the war, which has disqualified him from performing any hard labor, and his vocation has been, since that event, that of a gardener. Mr. Markley and wife are both members of the United Brethren church, and are respected by all who know them. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ABIJAH MARSH (Sullivan) p. 356(1)
Abijah Marsh was born in Massachusetts in 1757, and in 1783 married Beershia Snow in Vermont; was a weaver by trade and worked at his trade some time after he came to Ohio. He came to Ohio in 1817 and settled in Medina county, where he remained two years. In 1819 he came to Ashland county and settled on the farm now owned by William W. Whitcomb. In politics he was an old-line Whig. He died June 14, 1840. He was the father of fifteen children, all now dead but two, Chester and Azuba. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ALVA MARSH (Sullivan) p. 356(1)
Alva Marsh was born in Sullivan township, Ashland county, Ohio, in 1825 where he received a common school education. He taught school three terms–one in Ohio, one in Illinois and one in Michigan. In 1851 he married Jane Dulittle in New York, and returned to Ohio, where he remained three years; then he went to Michigan, and staid four years, when he returned to Ohio and settled in Sullivan township on the farm now owned by George Mays. He is a farmer and stock raiser, and in politics is a Republican. He is the father of four children: Alta R., Lilia A., and Effie A., all deceased, and Rosabell. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ARETES MARSH (Sullivan) p. 356(1)
Aretes Marsh, son of Abijah Marsh was born in Vermont in 1799 where he received his education; he came to Ohio with his father. He married Ruth Rice, who became the mother of five children, and died March 18, 1838. After her death he married Evangeline Toms, who had three children, and who died March 27, 1879. He was engaged in farming all his life, and was elected township trustee several years; he was a member of the Congregational church and in politics a Republican; he died May 2, 1876. He was the father of seven children: Orlando, (deceased), who married Anna Miller, and lived in Michigan; Alva, who married Jane M. Dulittle; Laurette, the wife of John H. Hyde, of Illinois; Maria, who died in Ashland county; Almira, the wife of Daniel C. Gibbs, of Iowa; Lafayette, who died when three years old; Cromwell, who married Rachel McConnel; and Aretas, who died in Clarksville, Tennessee; he served in the One Hundred and Second Ohio volunteer infantry. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
CLARENCE S. MARTIN (Montgomery) p. 379(1)
Clarence S. Martin was born in Montgomery township, December 26, 1854. He was married September 26, 1876, to Elizabeth S. Myers, who was born in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, June 8, 1862. By this union have been born two children–Ada E., who was born September 26, 1877, and John A., who was born September 5, 1879. Mr. Martin is a farmer by occupation, and has followed that from boyhood. By good management he has made for himself and family a comfortable home. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
CAPTAIN WILLIAM S. MARTIN (Montgomery) p. 369(1)
Was born in Warren county, Virginia, May 28, 1837, where he resided until 1866, when he removed to Ashland county, where he has since resided with the exception of four years he spent in Tennessee. During the late war he was captain of company D, in the Forty-ninth Virginia infantry, where he served during the war. He participated in all the numerous battles his regiment was called upon to engage in. January 1, 1867, he was married to Almena Sweeney, who was born in Montgomery township, which was her home, with the exception of the time spent with her husband in Tennessee. She departed this life November 28, 1877, aged thirty-two years seven months and twenty-one days. By this union were born six children, four of whom are still living, and named respectively, Benjamin Franklin, who was born November 24, 1868; Alice, born February 13, 1870, Charles, born August 27, 1872; and Emma, born August 31, 1874; the ones deceased are Edward, who died at the age of five months, and Arthur who died at the age of three months. Since the death of our subject’s wife he has not devoted himself to any one vocation, living more of a retired life. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ANDREW MASON (Orange) p. 157(1)
Was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, February 4, 1801. His father, Martin Mason, emigrated with his family to Columbiana county in 1804. In August, 1814, in company with his brother Jacob, Jacob Crouse, Jacob Young, Martin Hester, Lot Tod, and Peter Biddinger, Martin Mason visited Orange township, then in Richland county, and put up six cabins. Jacob Mason was accompanied by his family, and boarded the above-mentioned pioneers while engaged in erecting the cabins. In addition to his household goods, Jacob Mason brought a team and three cows. Upon the completion of their cabins, they returned to Columbiana county, and in October, Martin Mason, Jacob Young, Jacob Crouse, Joseph Bishop, and Peter Biddinger, in wagons, suitably covered, removed with their families, household goods and their cattle, to their cabin homes in the forests of Orange and Montgomery townships. The little colony was composed of thirty-one persons, including women and children. The heads of families were all originally from western Pennsylvania. They followed Beall’s trail, from four miles west of New Lisbon, through the village of Wooster, to the present site of Jeromeville, where they encamped on what is now the Samuel Naylor farm. From thence they cut a path on the east side of the stream to the residence of John Carr, in Montgomery township; and thence in a northwest direction across the present farm of Andrew Mason, to Young’s bridge, on the Orange road, where they struck the old Indian trail, which they followed to the present site of Leidigh’s mill. For a short time Mr. Mason located on what is now known as the Shopbell farm, and, in 1815, at the sight of Leidigh’s. The residences of Messrs. Crouse, Bishop, Young, and Biddinger, are well known.
After that period the new settlers were compelled to traverse the forest paths to Stibbs’ mill, one mile east of Wooster, to obtain a supply of flour and meal, or use hominy blocks or hand-mills. During the winter of 1814-15, which was remarkably severe, the new settlers were nearly destitute of meat, and had to depend on the unerring rifle or friendly Indians for a supply of wild meat. Their cabins were imperfect; having puncheon floors, open chimney places and clapboard doors. Their bedsteads were made of poles fastened in the walls, and covered with clapboards, upon which their straw beds rested. The wheat and corn used was purchased mostly at New Lisbon and carried on pack-horses to Stibbs’, to be converted into flour and meal, and again packed to the settlement in Orange.
In the fall of 1815 Martin Mason commenced the erection of a small grist-mill, which was completed in March 1816. It had niggerhead or bowlder stones, and was quite an accommodation to the settlers. It was the second mill erected in this part of the county, Mr. Oram having completed a small mill one and one half miles northeast of the present site of Ashland, a short time before, on the modern site of Ritter’s mill.
Martin Mason died August 14, 1860, age eighty-two years. He then resided in Richland county. His family consisted of John, Andrew, Margaret, Mary, Martin, and Anna. Andrew and Martin reside in Montgomery township, and are farmers. Andrew is a gentleman of good memory, and possesses a fair English education, having attended school in the log cabins of Orange township nearly sixty years ago. He retains a vivid recollection of pioneer life and its hardships, and we have drawn liberally from his stores of experience in other chapters of these sketches. As a farmer he has been successful, and possesses a fine homestead some two and one half miles northeast of Ashland. He has served efficiently as a justice of the peace for Montgomery, and became a member of the Ashland county pioneer society organized on the tenth of September, 1875. He has been an active member of the Methodist Episcopal church for many years, and adorned his profession by an upright walk. The members of his family mostly reside within Ashland county. At this time (1879), Mr. Mason and his wife are in excellent health, and may survive to an advanced age.* They entered the forests of this region and have seen them leveled and the country dotted with thousands of happy homes. *His wife died in the spring of 1880. See biography. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
Mrs. ELIZABETH MASON (Orange) p. 157(1)
Mrs. Mason, who was a daughter of Valentine Heiffner was born in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, March 19, 1807. Having relatives in Orange township, then Richland, but now of Ashland county, she came, when a young lady, on a visit to that region with Mr. Snider and wife, formerly of Pennsylvania. Her sister, Mrs. Barbara Rowland, had come to Orange some years prior to her trip, and not having good health, became very lonesome in that region, then comparatively an unsettled forest. The object was to aid her sister in recovering her health and contentment. The new settlers of that day were compelled to endure many hardships and privations in order to prepare homes. Christian Rowland and lady finally became residents of Uniontown, now Ashland, where they died about 1832, and are well remembered by old citizens of Ashland. During her residence with Mrs. Rowland, Elizabeth became acquainted with Andrew Mason, and in 1824 they were married, and she never returned to her native country to live. It is proper to note, as a pioneer reminiscence, that Mr. and Mrs. Mason were married by Rev. James Haney, who was the first Methodist preacher in this county, whose son, John Haney, was the proprietor of Haneytown, but now the village of Savannah, in Clearcreek township, in this county. Mr. and Mrs. Mason lived together as man and wife fifty-five years, three months and twenty-five days. She went through many hardships, having gone over the period since 1824 in which great changes have occurred in the wild regions of Richland, but now Ashland county. Cabins and forests were then found in all parts of the county. After a long struggle and enduring many hardships the first settlers succeeded in taming the wilds of the native woods, and now reside in comfortable homes, surrounded by desirable improvements, and the abundance furnished by rich lands, industry and genial climate to reward the industry, economy and frugal habits, for which the pioneers of this county are noted. Mrs. Mason passed through all these scenes a cheerful, industrious Christian lady, and like her husband, long an exemplary member of the church of her choice. At a pioneer meeting on their premises, in 1879, in which many of their neighbors joined, Mrs. Mason prepared, in the ancient way, a lot of corn bread, which was regarded quite a treat. She seemed much interested in the exercises of the pioneers, and became a member of the county society at that time. The pioneers are passing rapidly to that bourne from whence no traveler returns. As the gray haired patriarchs are called to bid adieu to earth, we trust they may be found fully prepared for that great change, and welcomed to that rest prepared in that better country for all the good. Mrs. Mason was buried on Sunday, March 21st, in the Orange cemetery. Her remains were conducted to their last resting place by about seventy carriages which formed the procession, followed by relatives, neighbors and friends, making eight or nine hundred people present. The funeral discourse was preached by Rev. P. Roseberry from II. Corinthians v, 1, assisted by Rev. A. Lyon, presiding elder of the Methodist church.
Mrs. Mason was the mother of thirteen children, six of whom preceded her to the better land. She had twenty-eight grandchildren, one of whom had passed over the river of death before her departure. She had four great-grandchildren. She had been a Christian and a motherly pioneer, and an affectionate wife for over half a century, and we trust has found the reward of every Christian and faithful wife.
One evening she asked the friends to sing “Home of the Soul,” and “I am so glad that Jesus loves me.” She then broke out in joyous strains: “I am so glad that Jesus loves me.” In a vision or dream she said she saw her little grandchild in the spirit land; she was very happy, and sent word to her parents to not mourn for her.
Two more hands are gently folded
On a faithful, silent breast;
Two more feet have ceased to journey
Through life’s howling wilderness;
One more head is freed from aching,
One more heart has ceased to beat,
One more soul has left is casket-
Gone to Heaven’s safe retreat.
One dear face no more appearing
When the breakfast table’s spread;
One less kneeling at the altar
When the evening prayers are said;
One more husband sad and lonely,
One more family motherless,
One more singing hallelujah,
In the regions of the blest.
Six dear, sainted little spirits
Opened wide the golden gate,
When they saw their mother coming
To enjoy their happy state.
Still the blissful chorus singing,
Angels shout it loud and long,
“Welcome, welcome sainted mother,
Welcome to this happy throng.”
O, cheer up, dear father Mason,
Soon your journey will be o’er,
Then you’ll meet your dear companion
Where sad partings are no more.
Children, serve your mother’s Saviour;
Heed your mother’s dying prayer-
May the family reunited,
Dwell forever with her there.
Mrs. S.Z. Kauffman.
Nova, Ashland county, March 22, 1880 (Transcribed by Penny Hanes PHanes1368@aol.com) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ISAAC MASON (Orange) p. 344(1)
Isaac Mason was born in Columbiana county, Ohio, December 7, 1813, moved to Orange township, Ashland county, in October 1833, and settled on the farm where he now lives. On March 10, 1836, he was married to Eunice, daughter of Henry and Eunice Miller who was born in Union county, Pennsylvania, June 11, 1814, and came to Ohio. with her parents, about the year 1830. To them have been born ten children: Levi P., William H., Sarah E., Emily, Parvin L., Angeline, Helen J., Callie and two who died in infancy–Emily also died at the age of two years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mason are earnest workers in the Methodist Episcopal church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
MARTIN B. MASON (Montgomery) p. 364(1)
Martin B. Mason is the sixth child of Martin and Elizabeth Mason, who came to this county, at an early day and of whom mention is made elsewhere in this work. Our subject was born October 11, 1810, in Columbiana county, this State. When at the age of four years, his parents came to this county, and located in Orange township. But, for the past ten years, he has resided in this township. January 10, 1833, he was married to Sarah McMeeken, who was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, August 12, 1812. At the age of ten years, her parents removed to this county, then Richland county, and located near Savannah. By this union have been born nine children, six of whom are still living, and named respectively: Jane, who was born September 26, 1835, and was married to R.N. Hershey, April 15, 1856 (her husband died March 20, 1863; he served as county treasurer one term, and part of another, and died while holding that office); James P., born March 19, 1839, and who was married April 7, 1868, to Mary Gollady; William, born September 22, 1841, and married Eliza Ross, in 1864; Harriet L., born March 19, 1846, who married Thomas Lilly, in 1873; Izra T., born July 23, 1848, who married Belle Sanders; Martin Poe, born May 17, 1852. The ones deceased are: Elizabeth, who was born December 2, 1833, and died December, 1855, age twenty-two years; John E., born December 22, 1843, and died at the age of six years. The other, a daughter, died in infancy, aged ten days. Mr. Mason is one of the oldest surviving pioneers of Ashland county, and can recall many hardships and privations that he, together with others, had to contend with that the present, as well as the future, generations, will never know nor experience. He has, by industry and paying strict attention to business, made for himself and wife a good home. One year he raised over two hundred bushels of wheat and oats. It is conceded by all that he has raised more wheat than any other man in Ashland county. Joe Williams took wheat up after Mr. Mason for twenty-one successive years, the latter swinging the cradle. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
MARTIN MASON SR. (Orange) p. 214(1)
MARTIN MASON, SR., was born in Germany in 1742, and emigrated with his parents to America in 1745, and settled on the south branch of the Potomac river, in Virginia. When he was about thirteen years of age, in 1755, he was captured by the Indians. This occurred about two weeks after the disastrous defeat of General Braddock, when on his way to attack Fort DuQuesne. Young Mason was taken by the Indians to the fort, and thence, by Niagara, to Canada, where he was purchased by a French officer at Montreal. When General Wolfe captured Quebec, in 1759, young Mason was ordered, by his master, to conduct the family to a neighboring swamp for safety during the battle. Four years after the surrender of the city to the English, in 1763, he was liberated and returned home, after an absence of about eight years, where he remained until his marriage. He subsequently removed to what is now Fayette county, Pennsylvania, and located land by “tomahawk right,” which consisted in blazing trees around the tract selected and having it surveyed and recorded, all of which cost but a trifle. This was four or five years after the Dunmore war, when with his neighbors, he was greatly harassed by the Indians for a number of years. Mr. Mason died at an advanced age on the old homestead of the late Jacob Mason, in Orange, in 1838, aged ninety-six years, leaving nine children: Elizabeth, Barbara, Margaret, Abigail, Mary, John, Martin, Charles, and Jacob. Martin and Jacob located in Orange township, Ashland county, and Charles in Columbiana county, Ohio. He was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, February 16, 1780, and died in Columbiana county, in April; 1869, aged about eighty-nine years. He had four sons, John, Martin, Jacob, and Lewis. Martin emigrated to Ashland county in 1844, and settled on a quarter of land purchased by his father in 1814. He was born April 12, 1817. He still resides on the homestead. His children are a son, W.A. Mason, and two daughters, Emila and Mary. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
C.C. MATTHEWS (Jackson) p. 340(1)
C.C. Matthews, son of Jesse Matthews was born in Trumbull county, Ohio, March 18, 1815, and came to Wayne, now Ashland county, when but three years old, with his father, ever since remaining on the farm on which his father first settled. December 19, 1839, he was married to Elizabeth Cole, and raised fourteen children: Lucy A., Harriet E., Rebecca J., Emma C., Athaliah, Mary N., Joseph E., Thomas L., Martha S., Sarah M.C., Jessie I.O., Newton E., Ettie C., and John E., all of whom are living except Martha S. Both himself and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. He has served three terms as constable in Jackson township. In speaking of the early days, he says he has heard wolves howling around his house many a night. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ISAAC H. MATTHEWS (Mifflin) p. 317(1)
Isaac H. Matthews was born in Vermillion township, this county, February 18, 1853, where he resided until the eighth year of his age, when his parents removed to Jeromeville, where they resided four years. Mr. Matthews was married March 24, 1875 to Miss Harriet Barr, who was born in Mifflin township, Richland county, where she resided until she was married. She was born January 8, 1858. The fruits of this union are two children: Ira O. and an infant. Mr. Matthews is constable of his township. He carries on all kinds of blacksmithing in all its branches, having worked at that trade since he was a small boy. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
NICHOLAS MATTHEWS (Mifflin) p. 318(1)
Nicholas Matthews was born in Milton township this county, November 3, 1833, and this county has always been his home. He was married March 24, 1852, to Angeline Sigler. She died March 24, 1874, aged forty years. The fruits of this union were eight children, all of whom are living; Isaac H., Mary S., Isabel., Clara, Elseya, Charles M., Benjamin H., and Jennie. Mr. Matthews is a blacksmith by trade, and is proprietor of his shop in this place; he has carried on this business since 1850. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
HENRY MAURER (Lake) p. 286(1)
Henry Maurer was born in Pennsylvania, near Hollidaysburgh, in 1792. In 1833, he came to Ashland county, and settled on the farm now owned by George Brubaker, in Lake township; and was engaged in farming all his life. For several years he was justice of the peace, and also held the offices of trustee, clerk, and treasurer, and was highly respected in the community in which he lived. He first married Hannah Cautner, who died in 1856. In 1862, he married Mary A. Smith. In 1864 he died, the father of nine children, only two of whom are living: Rebecca, wife of Daniel Metcalf; and Samuel, who married Mary J. Stow. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN MAURER (Green) p. 276(1)
John Maurer, born in Pennsylvania, in 1818, came to Ashland county in 1833, and first settled on the farm now owned by William Moore, in Lake township. He was a farmer by occupation, and held the office of trustee in Green township for several years, also the office of constable, and was assessor one term. He was a member of the Baptist church, and in politics was a Democrat. In 1838 he married Miss Wachtel, who died in 1879. He died in 1870. He was the father of eleven children, of whom eight are living: Rebecca, wife of Mahlon Werrick, of Loudonville: Henry, who was elected clerk of Green township in April, 1880; Hannah; Mary M., wife of John Clugh, of Shreve. Wayne county, Ohio; Jacob; Levi, who married Irene Castor, and lives in Ashland county; Ellen, wife of Shannon McLeod, of Ashland county, and Phebe. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
WILLIAM MAURER (Perry) p. 332(1)
William Maurer was born in Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, April 30, 1813, and was the son of John And Barbara (Rotharmal) Maurer. They removed to Ohio in 1822, and took up a piece of land containing eighty acres, on which they built a rude log cabin, where they commenced pioneer life, and many are the incidents that can be related of these early times that were common to the lot of the pioneer. Wild game abounded, and the forest were filled with deer and other animals. The beautiful fields of Perry township, now teeming with the rich waving grain, were then covered with a dense forest of trees, out of which must be carved a home for our pioneer settlers. With courage and fortitude they entered upon their work, and today their posterity are reaping the benefit of the labors of these hardy old pioneers. The wife and mother lived to the remarkable age of one hundred years and a few months. She was a woman of great endurance, remarkable for her courage and fortitude, and possessing her faculties up to within a few years of her death. She was the mother of eight children, five boys and three girls, whom she reared with care. Three only have survived her–Isaac, who lives in Fremont; Mrs. Jackson, and William, the subject of this sketch, both of whom reside in this county. William Maurer lived with his parents until he became a man, and then took it upon himself to care for his aged parents. Now that they have passed away, the dutiful son can look back to it as a duty pleasant to have been permitted him to perform. He was married to Catharine Garn, a native of Guilford, Franklin county, Pennsylvania, who moved to Ohio in 1872, and settled in Ashland county. Here her father died upon the old homestead, the mother having died before their removal from Pennsylvania. The marriage of Mr. Maurer occurred March 12, 1839. To them were born four children, three boys and one girl: William, G., Adam R., John D., and Mary A., who died when just blossoming into womanhood. This loss was a severe stroke to the fond parents. She was the only daughter, and much beloved by all who knew her. Mr. Maurer’s occupation has been that of a farmer, and has followed it successfully. Although he has passed the age allotted to man he is still well preserved, and presents a hearty and rugged appearance, and seems able to withstand many years more the ravages of time. Both Mr. And Mrs. Mauer have been for over thirty-five years consistent members of the German Reformed church, and have been faithful followers of the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. He has never aspired to political position, although he has served his township in various capacities. He has been an honest and industrious man, commencing life in poverty, and after meeting with reverses, he has steadily pursued his course through life, and has now surrounded himself with every comfort necessary to his happiness. The oldest son has been driven to the far west by the breaking down of his health. He is a young man of more than ordinary business abilities, and has occupied many positions of trust. Mrs. Mauer has been a fond and judicious mother, loving her children as only a mother knows how, and has been a loving companion to her husband for forty-one years. This old couple are pleasantly located in a nice home, and enjoy the esteem and good will of all who know them. He is one of Ashland county’s pioneers. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
MICHAEL MAY (Jackson) p. 339(1)
Michael May, son of Jacob May, was born in York county, Pennsylvania, February 25, 1823. In April 1833, he removed to Wayne county, Ohio with his parents. In the year 1858 he left Wayne county and came to Ashland county to the farm where he now lives. On the twenty-fifth of March 1858, he was married to Miss Mary B. Gout. The fruit of this marriage was three children: John, Melissa and Jane, all living. Mr. And Mrs. May are both members of the Disciple church. With a little assistance from his father, hard work, and careful management, Mr. May has got as well improved farm as you will find one in Ashland county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
DR. OLIVER C. McCARTY (Jackson) p. 172(1)
Was born in Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, December 29, 1816, and moved with his father, Job McCarty, to New Lisbon, Columbiana county, Ohio, when young, and resided there until 1826, when they settled in Dalton, Wayne county, Ohio. He began his medical studies in 1829 with Dr. Joseph Watson, of Massillon, Ohio, and continued there until 1833, and then located at Albion, now Ashland county, Ohio, where he continued in practice until 1841, when he attended a full course of lectures at the Ohio Medical college at Cincinnati, and graduated at the Hudson Medical college, Cleveland, in 1846. He continued in practice at Polk, Ohio, until 1863, at which time he was commissioned as assistant surgeon in the army, by Governor John Brough, and remained in the service until the close of the war. At the close of the war, he was examined and commissioned for five years in the regular United States service as surgeon; but declined to remain, and returned to his former locality and again entered into active practice. He has, with the exception of his absence in the army, practiced medicine over forty years in Jackson township, in this county. He is an attentive observer, a close student, and a successful physician. He possesses inventive talents of a high order, and has patented a number of inventions for the benefit of agriculturists. He has strong tastes for natural science, and has repeatedly delivered a course of lectures before the students of Vermillion institute, of Hayesville. He married Miss Eleanor B. Pancoast, daughter of Hezekiah Pancoast, of Wayne county, in 1836. His family consists of his wife, self and five children, all of whom survive but one son, H.W. McCarty, who died in the army. The doctor is quite vigorous, and may survive many years. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
SAMUEL McCLURE (Mohican) p. 363(1)
Samuel McClure, son of Samuel and Elizabeth McClure, was born in Plain township, Wayne county, October 23, 1837, where he resided until the year 1878, when he removed to this county and located in Jeromeville, Mohican township, at which place he has since resided. He was married February 18, to Miss Jane Alexander, and has reared a family of nine children, eight of whom are still living. Mr. McClure now keeps the hotel at Jeromeville. The names of the children are: Eva A., born February 1, 1863; Thomas A., born August 22, 1864; Calvin W., born December 11, 1865; William W., born September 22, 1867; Mary C., born October 11, 1869; Elizabeth L., born June 4, 1872, Cleveland, born March 20, 1875, died April 19, 1876; Sadie E., born June 4, 1877; Madie M., born August 17, 1880. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN H. McCOMBS (Montgomery) p. 230B, 240*(1)

JOHN H. McCOMBS was born June 14 [13]*, 1813, in Washington county, Pennsylvania. He had two brothers, one, James A. McCombs, died at the age of four years. Andrew M. McCombs was a member of Captain Barber’s company, and died in the service on the thirtieth of April, 1862, at Ashland, aged forty-seven years and five months. His mother, Ann McClean, was married to his father, Matthew McCombs, on the twenty-third day of April 1812. His father served six months in the war of 1812, under General Harrison, and died, from the effects of the service, in the year 1822. His mother died at Ashland on the eighteenth of February 1867, in the eighty-second year of her age.
Mr. McCombs’ grandfather, on the father’s side, was born in Ireland, [Ashland]* and emigrated to, and bought a farm in, Washington county, Pennsylvania, and lived to about the age of eighty years, and his wife to near the same age. Mr. McCombs’ grandfather, on the mother’s side, Andrew McClean, died on his farm in Washington county, Pennsylvania, Smith township, at the age of eighty-five years, and his wife at the age of sixty-seven years. Grandfather McClean was born near Fort Deposit, Maryland, was a Revolutionary soldier, who died at a ripe age, full of years and full of faith, being an elder in the Presbyterian church of Raccoon. He performed an important part in procuring the liberties we now enjoy. He was in the battles of Brandywine, Long Island, Germantown, Monmouth, Stony Point, etc., serving five years and enlisted at the age of seventeen. He saw and participated in the mighty event which, under Providence, ended in the permanent independence of this country, and died enjoying the confidence and esteem of all his neighbors. Mr. McCombs was left to the care of his mother, who
brought him up and early taught him self-independence. He taught school in his neighborhood at the early age of sixteen. He commenced to acquire a liberal education at Florence academy, Washington county, Pennsylvania, then attended Washington college, and after a course of over five years was graduated at Franklin college, in Harrison county, Ohio in the class of 1839. He then read law with the Hon. T.M.T. McKennan, who was Secretary of the Interior under General Taylor, and his son, William McKennan, now United States district judge for northwestern Pennsylvania, and he was admitted to the bar in Washington, Pennsylvania; when he came to Ohio and resided in Richland county one year; came to Ashland, Ashland county, Ohio, before the county was erected, and assisted in procuring the county-seat, where he has ever since resided and engaged in the practice of law. He was married to Sarah A. Wright, a native of the State of New York, December 29, 1846. They had three children, S. Anna, Mary B., and John. The youngest, John, remains with the parents; Anna is married to S.W. Andrews, and Mary to James Whyte. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
DAVID McCONNELL (Perry) p. 335(1)
David McConnell, fourth son of William McConnell, was born in the State of Pennsylvania, Mercer county, January 15, 1813. He emigrated to Ohio in the year 1815, in company with his parents, and lived with his father in Wayne county, where he first settled, until the twenty-third year of his age, when he was married to Matilda Firestone. He then rented his father’s farm, which he superintended for three years. Then he came to Ashland county and purchased a little farm of fifty acres in Perry township and began life in earnest, immediately in the woods, with no improvement whatever, save a rude log cabin, to give any traces of civilization or advancement. To Mr. And Mrs. McConnell were born eleven children. Four of whom were born in the pioneer home. Through his strong will and earnest determination the forest was soon made to give way, and waving fields of grain soon gave evidence that his intentions had been fully executed. Here he reared and educated his little family, and as Heaven prospered him he was able every few years to add more acres to his pioneer farm, and to-day has one of the most pleasant and comfortable homes in Perry township. The names of his children are as follows: James who lives in Missouri; Sarah, who lives at home; Rachel Flora, who resides in Seneca county; Nancy, who lives at home; Annis Shonnaker, who resides in Seneca county; John, who is superintending the home place; David, who makes his home in Ashland; Alice Spotts, who lives in Wayne county; and Florence, Burzilla and Rebecca, deceased. Mr. McConnell is one of the most substantial pioneer farmers in the township. Mrs. McConnell is an earnest member of the Lutheran church, and has always been one of its most liberal supporters, while the husband is not associated with any church organization. He is a strong advocate of law and order. James enlisted in the Forty-second regiment, company C, September 25, 1861, and served three years under T.C. Bushnell, and was in the fight at Vicksburgh and various other engagements, and was captured by the enemy at Champion Hill and kept in custody for about three weeks, when he was paroled. He was exchanged about three months later, when he again joined the army. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN McCONNELL (Orange) p. 382(1) Entry #1
Mr. McCONNELL was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, and settled in Orange township, Ohio, in 1818. He settled near his brothers, William and Thomas. During the war of 1812 he served three months and was a brave defender of the cause, for which he received a land warrant about 1856. Mr. McConnell had been a border scout from 1790 to Wayne’s great victory at Fallen Timbers in 1794. He became famous as a hunter and Indian fighter. At the hands of the red men he had lost many friends, and felt bitter toward the whole race, and never let an opportunity to avenge his wrongs pass. The Delawares, Miamis, Shawnees and Wyandots often fell before his unerring rifle. He ranged the forest far and near on his hunting excursions, and was as much feared as Brady, Sprott or Poe. He became quite famous as a hunter and often camped in the forests along Black River and the Mahoning for weeks, and when the settlers became numerous, like Kenton and Wetsel, he became restless and pushed off to northwest Ohio, and finally sought a home in the forests of Michigan, where he could indulge his tastes in pursuing the wild deer and other game. His fame as a hunter still followed him as he ranged the forests. Often he camped out during the hunting season, weeks at a time. Finally the old man, weary of hunting, was gathered to his fathers about 1863, aged about eighty years.
Thomas McConnell was not so noted as a hunter. He was a lover of fine horses and was fond of caring for that noble animal. He settled in Michigan, choosing the wild scenes of that country, like John, in preference to the more thickly settled parts of Ohio, where he survived until he had arrived at the age of seventy-five years.
William died when about forty-five years of age, and left a young family. Hon. George McConnell, the oldest son of William, resides in Orange township. He is a thrifty farmer, and by good management and industry has accumulated a valuable homestead of nearly eight hundred acres. For the last few years he had dealt largely in sheep. He is a leading farmer in his part of the township. In politics he is influential and has been twice commissioner of the county, and made an efficient and prudent officer, guarding well the treasury of the people. During the war of 1861-5 he was elected a member of the legislature, and sustained his reputation as a careful and discreet member of that body. He was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania March 15, 1811, and married Miss Narcissa Cox about 1850. They have two living sons, Elza and John. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN McCONNELL (Orange) p. 204(1) Entry #2
JOHN McCONNELL, a brother of Mrs. Solomon Urie, located in Orange township about the same time that the Uries came. He was an accomplished backwoodsman and Indian fighter. He was a relative of the famous Alexander McConnell, of Washington county, Pennsylvania, and also a relative of Colonel Williamson. He had many encounters with the Indians in the border wars, and in the Miami and Wabash country; and is believed to have settled a number of accounts with the Green and Jerometown Indians after he came to this county. Being a bachelor, while a resident of Orange township, he spent a good deal of time in his forest camps, hunting deer, bear, wolves, and other game. He had lost many dear friends in the border wars; and hence had no very strong attachments for his red neighbors. He never hesitated, when threatened with danger by the Indians, as he roamed through the forest, to face his foe, and resent impending attacks; particularly when he met savages who had made themselves conspicuous in murdering the border settlers.
Some thirty-five years since, when game had grown scarce in this region, McConnell sought a new home in the wilds of Wood county, where he remained a few years, and then located in Eaton county, Michigan, where he died.
Hardy, frank and fearless, he seemed to enjoy a lonely hut in the wilderness, like Boone and Kenton, more than the restraints of civilized society. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)