Berry - Bringolf

JACOB BERRY (Jackson) p. 249(1)

Jacob Berry was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, June 5, 1789, and married Elizabeth Herring in 1806, and emigrated to Wayne county, Ohio in 1819, and settled on section sixteen, in Jackson township in 1821. His wife deceased about 1866, after which he resided with Colonel John Berry, a son, where he deceased, March 31, 1874, aged about eighty-five years. His family consisted of John, Philip, Jacob, Christena, Henry, Margaret, Peter, William, Susannah, and Elizabeth, all of whom are believed to be living except Philip, William, and Elizabeth.

Philip, Jacob, and Peter removed to Richland county, Illinois, and Henry to West Salem, Wayne county, Samuel and John remain in Jackson township, and Christena, wife of Samuel Landis, and Margaret Fast, of Eli, in Ruggles township.

Jacob Berry and his wife were for many years members of the Lutheran church.

As one of the reminiscences of the past, it may be remarked that Jacob Berry was a very successful hunter, and often averaged over one hundred deer during season. Colonel John states, that he and his father killed large numbers of deer as well as other game. John also states that he has seen his father shoot a wolf and kill it at a distance of one hundred and ninety yards. There was a nest of wolves in a hollow log, near the spot where he killed the wolf, and next morning he and his sons returned and killed four half grown cubs. The bounty, at that time, was twelve dollars for old ones, and six dollars for young ones. He received thirty-six dollars for the job, at Elyria, in the county where he had killed them, being in Homer township, Huron county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

COLONEL JOHN BERRY (Perry) p. 249(1)

JOHN BERRY was born in Center county, Pennsylvania July 2, 1807, and emigrated with his father’s family (Jacob Berry) to Huntingdon county, in 1803, where he remained till the spring of 1819, in May, when his father and family came to Perry township, Ohio, and located on what was known as the old Peter Berry farm (section sixteen) and resided there until 1821, when he located on section sixteen in Jackson township, then in Wayne county, Ohio. When his father landed in Jackson the settlers in the north part were: James Durfee, Josiah Lee, John Measor, James McBride, Thomas and Stephen Cole, Thomas Green, Lawrence Swope, John Hazzard, Hankey Priest, Charles Hoy, and perhaps a few others. A few Delaware Indian hunters yet remained on Black river, but were quite harmless.

“Billy Dowdee” had often hunted on a run that now bears his name. A Delaware by the name of “Wolf” also hunted there – a run bears his name. John Measor had bored for salt water some time before Mr. Berry and father arrived, but found it in insufficient quantity to be profitable, and continued to boil the water but a short time when the works was abandoned.

Mr. Berry attended school but a part of a winter after his parents settled in 1823, to James Durfee, teacher. It was a little subscription affair in a cabin house. Rev. John Hazzard, John Rigdon, Charles Rigdon, Sidney Rigdon, and Thomas Cole held occasional meetings at that time in the cabins of the settlers. The first doctor called to Jackson is believed to have been Dr. Ecker, of Rowsburg, and Dr. Church, from Jeromeville, who made frequent visits to the township. Game then was quite plenty, such as deer, bear, and turkey. Wolves and wild cats were also very common, and quite destructive on sheep and hogs. Mr. Berry was elected lieutenant, and afterward captain, and finally promoted adjutant and colonel, and finally made brigade inspector under the old militia system, while Jackson township was yet in Wayne county.

After the erection of Ashland county, in 1845, Mr. Berry served six years as justice of the peace, and prior to that time served as constable continuously for fifteen years, and also as township clerk and supervisor a number of times. He was elected commissioner of Ashland county seven years, two terms, and served one year by appointment, in lieu of Robert Cowan, who removed west.

Colonel Berry married Mary Smith, of this county, October 22, 1833, by whom he had the following children: Leander S., Allen J., Robert J., and Mary J., Josephine and Emma, and two deceased when quite young. Allen J. was accidentally killed by being thrown from a vicious horse in November, 1876. The rest of the family are believed to be all living. The colonel possessed much military enthusiasm and made a fine officer. As commissioner of the county he was watchful and prudent in the expenditure of the people’s money, and stands high as a man of integrity and uprightness. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SAMUEL BERRY (Jackson) p. 338(1)

Samuel Berry, son of Jacob and Elizabeth A. Berry, was born in Jackson township, Ashland county, Ohio December 16, 1823, and has always resided here. He was married to Malinda Shutt, daughter of Philip and Elizabeth Shutt, February 27, 1851. They have had nine children, as follows: Lure, Newton, Myrtle C., Margaret C., Olive J., Alma M., Charles V., Franklin W., and one who died in infancy. Margaret died at the age of twelve years. Mr. And Mrs. Berry are earnest members in the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Berry has held the offices of treasurer and trustee of Jackson township three terms each. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM BERRY (Jackson) p. 340(1)

William Berry, son of Jacob Berry, was born in Wayne (now Ashland) county, Perry township, July 14, 1821. January 8, 1846 he was married to Miss Margaret Shutt. To them were born thirteen children, as follows: Philemon F., Mary M., Susannah E., Emma J., Lydia E., Milton M., Katie M., Wilson C., William C., Alice C., Lola B., Orville E., Lewis E., all of whom are living but Wilson, Philemon, William and Lola. Mr. Berry died September 15, 1873 leaving a widow and nine children. Mr. And Mrs. Berry were members of the German Reformed church. Mrs. Berry, assisted by her son still manages the farm. At the time of his death, William Berry was justice of the peace in his township, which office he had held for nine years. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DAVID BIDDINGER (Orange) p. 346(1)

David Biddinger was born in Orange township, Ashland county, Ohio August 3, 1823, his parents being among Ashland county’s pioneers. Philip Biddinger, his father, is still living in Troy township, at the advanced age of eighty years; his mother died four years ago. ‘Squire David Biddinger made his home with his parents until he was married, January 16, 1848, to Fannie Peck, daughter of Jacob and Lydia Peck of Orange township. They settled in Troy township, on a tract of land owned by Mr. Biddinger prior to his marriage. Here they resided eight or nine years, when they moved to Orange township on Mr. Peck’s farm and remained about ten years, when they bought the farm on which they have now resided some fourteen years. They have four children, all of whom were born in Troy township: Lydia A., Sarah Adaline, Mary Jane, and John Willard. Lydia is the wife of Gilbert M. Clark, and lives in Huntington township, Lorain county, Ohio. Sarah married Edmond U. Pollinger and lives in Richmond township, Huron county, Ohio. Mary Jane is the wife of Jacob F. Singer and lives on a farm adjoining Mr. Biddinger’s. John W. married Lizzie Tedrow of Harrison county, Ohio, and lives in the same house with his father, working the farm in common with him. ‘Squire Biddinger is an industrious farmer and highly esteemed by all. He is now serving his fourth term as justice of the peace; he has also been trustee a number of years, as well as school director and road supervisor, which shows his ability and enterprise in local affairs. In politics he is a Democrat. Both himself and wife are members of the church of the United Brethren in Christ, at South Troy union chapel, but a short distance from where they now reside. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SPARKS BIRD p. 152(1)

Sparks Bird, son of John and Cassandra Bird, was born at Redstone, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, February 9, 1797. His parents removed to Jefferson county, Ohio, about the year 1803, which, at that time, was very sparsely settled. The Delawares yet remained along the Tuscarawas River, in large numbers, and ranged the forest in quest of wild game. They often visited the cabin of the parents of Mr. Bird, but offered no threats or intimidations. In the spring of 1814, at the age of eighteen, young Bird left the parental roof in search of employment and fortune, and stopped a short time near the present city of Massillon. In the spring of 1815, he visited his uncle, General Beall, at Wooster, and obtained employment of him; and in 1816, in company with the general and the late Hon. Levi Cox, passed up the trail and visited the village of Loudonville, which at that time, contained but few cabins. They traveled over a great deal of the townships of Hanover, Green, and Lake, and he made choice of the southeast quarter of section seven, in Lake township, when he returned to Wooster and entered. He then entered the employ of General Beall, and worked at clearing and farming for some time. The farm of the general occupied most of the present site of Wooster, and Mr. Bird says he has plowed over the ground upon which some of the best residences of Wooster now stand. The old Wyandot trail, just at the south margin of the present city of Wooster, was then quite plainly marked by Indian travel. The trail was at that time much used by the Delawares and Wyandots, on their trading excursions to “Old Pitt,” as the city was then called. It was not uncommon to see hundreds of red men, from the northwest, pass and re-pass the settlement about the block-house, every week, for four or five years after the war of 1812; but the spirit of the red man had been completely broken, and the hostiles had generally removed to Canadian soil, while the Montours, the Armstrongs, the Jonacakes, the Dowdees, and the Lyons still continued to range the forest of what is now Ashland county, in search of game.

During the period of his employment by General Beall, he became acquainted with the notorious John Driskel, who afterwards became the leader of a gang of desperadoes in Green township, of what is now Ashland county, that were the terror of law-abiding people. When Driskel first came to the settlement at Wooster, he was not considered a bad man, otherwise than somewhat quarrelsome when under the influence of corn whiskey. Associations and sprees with his gang of outlaws soon made him a dangerous man; and so rapid was his progress in crime that law-abiding citizens were compelled to defend themselves against the incursions of the villainous thieves and land pirates headed by him. The leading crimes of this bandit consisted in horse stealing, incendiarism, and house breaking. Driskel and his gang originated in Columbiana county, whence they gradually collected in Wayne county, and spread to Green township, in what was then Richland county. The boldness of their crimes created terror wherever they appeared. Driskel, the head of the banditti, is said to have been maimed by an encounter with Andrew Poe–having had the end of his nose bitten or cut off, which, added to his crimes, rendered him exceedingly repulsive in appearance. While residing in Wayne county, several of the gang were detected, convicted and sent to the penitentiary. Driskel was finally captured and sent to State prison; but, by some means, he escaped, and by the aid of his son John, and the two Brawdys, relations, and professional highway men and thieves, for a long time escaped recapture. Repeated acts of incendiarism in Green township, in which many barns, other buildings, hay and stock were consumed, and horses and cattle stolen, the indignant pioneers speedily organized a band of regulators, or a black cane company, to compel the Driskel gang to leave the country or suffer retaliation from an indignant and outraged community. The Driskel banditti, learning the state of public feeling, prepared to rejoin John Driskel, the head of the gang, who had been, in the meantime, captured, and on his way to Columbus had escaped and fled to Illinois, where his desperadoes hastened to rejoin him and renew their desperate vocations as a banditti, and where the Driskels finally expiated their crimes by being shot or hung by the regulators.

In September 1820, Sparks Bird accompanied a surveying party to Michigan, as a chain carrier, and was employed in surveying several counties around Saginaw bay. On the return of the company, they were driven ashore in a violent snowstorm; but all escaped from the wreck, suffering dreadfully from cold and wet. They finally reached Cleveland, almost exhausted, where they were kindly cared for. From thence he returned to Steubenville, and, in 1823, returned to Lake township, and commenced clearing and improving his farm, and put up a cabin. In 1824 he was joined by his brother William and family. He then commenced pioneer life in earnest–clearing, making rails, fencing, log-rolling, and raising cabins among the new settlers, being the chief employment. At this time wild game was quite abundant on Little Lake, and it was not uncommon for the pioneers to be serenaded by wolves. On one occasion, the Bird brothers had purchased a lot of chickens from a neighbor about one and a half miles distant, and, for convenience, had gone for them in the evening. After capturing them upon the roost, they had gone but a short distance along the winding paths in the direction of their own premises, when they were saluted by the unpleasant howl of wolves rapidly advancing upon their trail. The Bird brothers quickened their gait from a rapid walk to a run, as the wolves neared them in their flight. William Bird, being quite large and fleshy, kept up with Sparks, who was much lighter and more active, with difficulty. They hastened along the path, making all the speed of which they were capable, until Sparks caught his foot, tripped, and fell in some brush, but held his fowls, and finally escaped the wolves. He is of opinion that he must have made excellent time, for the voracious howlers remained about his cabin all night, in the hope of dining on his favorite poultry.

Mr. Bird was a good shot, and a successful hunter, and kept his table well supplied with both venison, turkeys, bear, and wild honey. His experiences as a hunter are much like other rangers of the forest in Ashland county. He often met Jonacake, Billy Dowdee, and other Indian inhabits of Greentown, as they ranged over the hills of Lake.

He has lived continuously on his pioneer farm since he began to improve it in 1823-4. He has frequently been honored, by his fellow citizens, with township offices, having been elected trustee in 1838-9 and again from 1849 to 1855.

He married Eliza, daughter of the late Jacob Long, in 1832. She deceased in 1835. He married Charlotte Austin, of Jeromeville, in 1840. She died in 1860. In 1864 he married Rachel, youngest daughter of the late Alexander Finley, the first pioneer of Mohican.

In 1832 the parents of Mr. Bird located in Clearcreek township, and his mother, Mrs. Cassandra Bird, was one of the first organizing members of the Presbyterian church of Clearcreek, then a branch of “Old Hopewell,” in Montgomery. John Bird, father of Sparks, resided near Savannah, from 1832 to 1839, and was a soldier under General St. Clair, in his disastrous expedition against the Shawnees and their confederates, on the Miami, November 4, 1791, but was so fortunate as to escape that massacre.

Sparks Bird, although far advanced in years, possesses a good deal of mental and physical vigor, and may survive to relate his pioneer experiences for many years. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

CORNELIUS BISHOP (Troy) p. 337(1)

Cornelius Bishop, second child of John and Catharine Bishop, was born in Orange township, Ashland county, Ohio, July 16, 1821. In 1845 he moved from Orange to Sullivan township, and remained there twelve years, and in the year 1858 he came to Troy township, where he has since resided. August 21, 1845, he married Miss Sarah Hazel, daughter of Hugh and Ruth Hazel. To them were born five children, as follows: Mary J., Louisa, Albert W., Ida and John. Two of the children are still at home; two are residents of Troy township, while Albert W. is a minister of the gospel in Missouri. Mr. And Mrs. Bishop are members of the United Brethren church. The subject of our sketch is one of the prominent farmers of his township, and has at various times been elected to township offices. He is a class-leader in the church, and superintendent of the Sunday-school. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN BISHOP (Orange) p. 229(1) (Entry #1)

To preserve the memory and hold in respect the deeds and services of the pioneers who have devoted their lives and energies to leveling the forest and taming the wild luxuriance of a new country, must ever be grateful to those who survive. While this is true, in regard to the world’s great men in military life, it is equally true in all discoveries of science, as well as in building up of new communities, in prosperity, intelligence, virtue, and wealth. It has often been the case, that in the age in which the pioneer lives, his invaluable services fail to be appreciated, yet those who survive, have generally made liberal amends for any apparent neglect. The present generation is under lasting obligations to those who encountered the dangers, and endured the hardships of our new settlements to prepare the way for the advance of the standard of civilization, where hitherto the wild native roamed free and unmolested. We should long remember these fathers and mothers for such incalculable services in the cause of human improvement; for they deserve to be held in remembrance in all coming time as public benefactors. This sentiment, we trust, actuates all the members of the Pioneer society of Ashland county.

John Bishop was born January 22, 1793, in Frederick county, in the State of Maryland. At the age of thirteen years, his parents removed to Green county, Pennsylvania. His father, being in moderate circumstances, John was hired to work for a neighbor named William Estel, for ten shillings per month, and having amassed sufficient means, came to Licking county, Ohio, during the war of 1812. That county was then sparsely settled, and the pioneers had to endure many privations in the midst of war. Here he found employment for one year. He was then twenty years old, and remained one year. In 1814 he returned to Pennsylvania and induced his father’s family to accompany him to Licking county. At the close of the war, in 1815, he came to Orange township, then Richland, now Ashland, county. He found the pioneers of that region few and greatly scattered. It was not uncommon to meet the red men in the woods, who were friendly to the whites, and often hunted in our forests. His first work consisted in digging the foundation of a new mill erected by Martin Mason, on the present site of Mr. Leidigh’s mill in the west part of Orange township. There were then no villages in the township and none in the county. The mill was put in running order, to do a small business in 1816. In 1820, he aided in the erection of the first school-house in the township in the Hiffner settlement. In 1819, March 9, he married Miss Catharine Hiffner, daughter of Jacob Hiffner, a revolutionary soldier, who died about 1849. This lady was the choice of his youth, and he lived in great peace with her until about 1876, when she left earth for a happy home prepared for all the good. Mr. Bishop could exclaim with the poet: She’s the star I missed from heaven, Long time ago, and has now gone to join her in the happier land, never more to part.

There were ten children when the Bishop family arrived in Ohio. There are still living: Jacob, Catharine Weedman, and Elizabeth Young, all of whom now reside in the State of Illinois. Mr. Bishop leaves several members of his family in Ashland county. He resided about sixty-four years in this county, most of the time on his late homestead north of Orange.

Mr. Bishop had always been an industrious, unpretending farmer, and, by economy and uprightness had acquired a good property, which he divided among his children. As a citizen, socially and morally, he occupied a high place in the respect of his neighbors. He was among the earlier pioneers of the township–the Metcalfs, the Fasts, the Norrises, the Youngs, and the Uries. He helped to clear its forests, make its roads, erect its school-houses, and aid the pioneers by his kind offices. As a citizen he was kind and gentle in his manners, and, as a Christian, exemplary among his neighbors. He was a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church for more than half a century, and deemed death but gain for the true Christian. Although regarded as a member of the Pioneer and Historical society of the county, advanced age and exposure prevented his meeting with his pioneer associates frequently.

Mr. Bishop died, after a brief illness, March 12, 1879, aged eighty-six years, one month, and eighteen days. His work is done, and he has gone to rest. May he find the reward of the good and true. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN BISHOP (Orange) p. 342(1) (Entry #2)

John Bishop was born in Frederick county, Maryland, January 22, 1793. At the age of thirteen years he went with his father to Green county, Pennsylvania. His father being very poor, John was obliged to earn for himself a livelihood, and he at once engaged with a man by name of Estell for the small pittance of ten shillings per month, and remained faithful to his first employer until in his twenty-first year. In the year 1814 he came to Licking county, Ohio, remaining one year, when he returned to his father’s home, and upon his suggestion the family also came to Ohio, in the spring of 1815, and settled in Licking county, John coming through to Orange township, Ashland county.

He was married in the year 1819, March 9th, to Catharine Heiffner. To them were born eleven children, six sons and five daughters: Jacob, Cornelius, Elizabeth, Mary Ann, Hannah, John, Mahala, Isaac N., Joseph, Sarah J. and Henry. The first purchase made by Mr. Bishop was a tract of land containing eighty acres, almost completely covered with timber, with no improvements whatever save a rude log cabin to give evidence of his having a predecessor. His motto was “excelsior,” and his earnest determination was to conquer. Possessed of a great amount of energy and in the full vigor of manhood, many were the mighty oaks that yielded to this worthy pioneer.

The dense forest was rapidly cleared away, and waving fields of grain soon told that his intentions had been fully executed. After improving his home he sold and purchased different other tracts, owning at one time two hundred and eighty acres of valuable lands. He died in the year 1878, March 12th at his home in Orange township, surviving his wife about two years. This aged couple were esteemed and respected wherever known, and to them Ashland county owe a deep debt of gratitude. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOSEPH BISHOP (Orange) p. 343(1)

Joseph Bishop, the fifth son of John Bishop, was born in Orange township in the year 1838, May 3rd. He lived with his parents until the time of his marriage, in 1860 to Miss Eleanor Smith. The fruit of this union was one son, Charles G. Mr. Bishop is one of the most substantial and energetic farmers of Orange township. By dint of hard labor, careful judgment, and wise economy, he is now the owner of quite a pleasant home. Both he and wife are active members of the German Reformed church, and have been among its most staunch supporters. His son, Charles, is a member of the Methodist church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DANIEL BITTINGER (Green) p. 276(1)

Daniel Bittinger, born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, in 1802, came to Ohio with his father, and has always lived on what is called the Bittinger homestead, and can truly be called one of the pioneers of Ashland county. In 1824, he married Susanna Grimes, of Frederick county, Maryland. He is a member of the German Reformed church, and contributes largely to its support. He is the father of nine children, three of whom are living, Leah, wife of Michael Heffner, of Ashland county; Sarah and Anna. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

GEORGE BITTINGER (Green) p. 275(1)

George Bittenger, born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, came to Ohio in 1827, and first settled on the farm now owned by Daniel Bittinger. He is a member of the Lutheran church; and in politics is a Democrat. He married Susanna Derr, and is the father of eight children, Elizabeth, wife of John Motes, of Ashland county; Daniel, who married Susanna Grimes and lives in Ashland county; Sarah, deceased, wife of Peter Wilkenson, of Indiana; Catherine, deceased, who was the wife of Peter Myers, of Bucyrus, Ohio; George, who married Polly Kidwell, and lives in Richland county, Ohio; Mary, deceased, who was the wife of Jacob Mathews, of Ashland county; Susanna, deceased, who was the wife Samuel Brayton, of Richland county, Ohio; and Barbara, wife of William Cresswell, of Indiana. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB S. BLACK (Mifflin) p. 317(1)

Jacob S. Black was born in Ashland county, May 27, 1834. In the late war, he was a member of company B, Forty-eighth Illinois volunteer infantry; he enlisted September 2, 1861, and participated in all the battles the regiment engaged in, until he received an injury at the battle of Fort Donelson, Tennessee, February 15, 1862. Soon after, he was honorably discharged on accounts of wounds received, which disabled him from performing duty as a soldier. He is the second child and only son of James and Nancy Black, who came to this county at an early date. His mother has lived here since 1830. His father came here about 1804. He came from Maryland when about two years old. He is among the early settlers, as mention is made elsewhere. He died October 12, 1835. His widow survives him. Jacob S. was married July 9, 1867, to Miss Agnes Hogarth, who was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, April 1, 1858. She was only two years old when she came to this country. She has resided in this township eleven years, coming from Illinois here with her husband. The fruits of this union are five children; James C., who was born June 4, 1868; Benjamin William, born July 9, 1870; Homer A., born September 22, 1872; Edward Jacob, February 24, 1874; Thomas Ross, born August 17, 1876. Mr. Black is a shoemaker by trade, and is constable of his township. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

PHILIP J. BLACK (Hanover) p. 293(1)

Philip J. Black was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, and came to Ohio in 1832 and settled on the farm now owned by his father; was apprenticed to a baker in Tiffin, and at the close of his apprenticeship, in the spring of 1851, opened the first bakery in Loudonville, in the building now owned by Michael Derrenberger, jr. Eight years he followed the business, and at the end of that time sold out to S.W. and J. Black, and commenced the manufacture of dulcimers–the only establishment of that kind in Ohio. On the breaking out of the Rebellion, he closed out his business and opened a grocery at Shreve, where he remained two years. Then he opened a grocery and bakery in company with J.F. Redd, and at the close of three years, sold out to Mr. Redd and went into the produce business, which he is still engaged in. The first year’s business amounted to nine thousand dollars, and in eight years had increased to eighty-five thousand dollars. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and a Republican in politics; has held the office of councilman and mayor. In 1852, he married Margaret Reinhardt, and to them three children have been born: Josephine, Mary A., and Minnie A. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SAMUEL BLACK (Green) p. 275(1)

Samuel Black, was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, in 1805, and came to Ohio in 183- and settled on the farm on which he now lives. In 1825, he married Rosanna Cashdollar, who died in 1855. He afterwards married Eliza Hilderbrand. He has been engaged in farming all his life; is a member of the church of God, and in politics is a Republican. He is the father of eleven children, Catherine, deceased, who married Samuel Conkle; Elizabeth, wife of Sylvester Huff, of Indiana; Philip, who married Margaret Rhinehardt, and lives in Loudonville; John, who married, and lives in Sandusky county, Ohio; Henry, who married and lives in Iowa; Sarah, wife of Henry Snyder, of Green township; Samuel, who married Caroline Ullen, and lives in Ashland; Joseph, who married Miss Sneer, and lives in Iowa; William, who died in Missouri; Daniel, who went to Tennessee, and the family have no farther knowledge of him; Lewis, who married Paulina Bartlett, and lives in Green township. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

S.W. BLACK (Green) p. 398(1)

S.W. Black, son of S. M. and Rosanna Black, was born in Green township, Ashland county, Ohio March 3, 1834. His parents were natives of Pennsylvania, and had the following children born to them: Catharine, who married Samuel Conkle, and died about 1865; Elizabeth, who married Sylvester Huff, and lives in Indiana; P. J., who lives in Loudonville, Ohio; John, who lives in Burgoon, Ohio; Sarah, who married Henry Snyder, and lives in Ashland, Ohio; S. W., the subject of this sketch; Henry and Joseph, who live in Iowa; William, who died in Missouri in 1878; Daniel; and Lewis, who lives in Ashland county. Mr. Black, sr., is now living in Green township, Ashland county, his wife having died about 1855. S. W. Black lived at home until the age of seventeen, when he went to Loudonville to learn the bakery and confectionery business with his brother, P. J. After finishing his apprenticeship he worked at his trade in various places for three years, and in the fall of 1856 returned to Loudonville, where he worked for his brother for several months, when he bought him out and continued there in business for about four years. Mr. Black went to Ashland in the fall of 1861, remained there three years, and returned to Loudonville, where he stayed one year. In 1866 he again removed to Ashland and opened a bakery and confectionery store, in which business he is now engaged. In 1857 Mr. Black was married to Caroline Ullman, of Loudonville, by whom he has had two children: Henry, born February 15, 1858, and James A., born July 17, 1867. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SIMON BOLLY (Hanover) p. 295(1)

Simon Bolly was born in Beriniger, Switzerland, in 1827, and came to America in 1851. He remained in New York one year and a half, and in Pennsylvania one year; and came to Loudonville in 1853, and began working on the railroad and worked there one year and a half, at the end of that time he began work in Jefferson Bull’s foundry and worked there seven years, and then went into partnership with Joseph Lyons in the foundry business. At the end of two years and a half he sold out and opened a grocery and restaurant, and continues in that business. He has held the office of township clerk two terms, and was at one time township treasurer and is now one of the councilmen. In 1854 he married Mary Young of Holmes county, Ohio, and is the father of seven children: Mary, who married Ezra Swier of Loudonville; Maggie, Josephine, Amanda, Julia A., Elizabeth, and Emil. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DAVID D. BOTDORF (Mohican) p. 358(1)

David D. Botdorf, son of George and Nancy Pinogle Botdorf, was born August 2, 1833. They had a family of eight children, as follows: Catharine, Samuel, Sylvester, John, David D., Sarah, Eliza and Dayton. David D. Botdorf was married in September 1858, to Arabella N. Cliffe, and to them were born six children: George Daniel, Joseph Dayton, Zaidee Alice, Effie Virginia, Samuel Valentine, and Mary Margaretta. Mr. Botdorf lives on the road leading from Jeromeville to Mohican, on the farm which he occupied in 1859, where he owns eighty acres of land. In politics he is a Jacksonian Democrat, and has served as township trustee. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

NANCY BOTDORF (Mohican) p. 357(1)

Nancy Botdorf was born in Carol county, Ohio, September 15, 1826. She is a daughter of George and Mary Ream, who came to this county in 1835, and located on the farm a half mile east of Mohican, which still bears their name. They raised a family of six children, of whom Nancy was the third. They were Lucinda, Elizabeth, Nancy, Margaret, Catharine, and Sarah, all of whom are living with the exception of Catharine. Nancy Ream was married March 21, 1847, to George Botdorf. To them was born one child, Dayton, born March 3, 1857. They moved to their present farm in 1858, where Mr. Botdorf died November 25, 1866. He was born in Pennsylvania, August 30, 1807, and came with his parents to Ohio in 1828. Mrs. Botdorf and her son live on the old farm one –half mile north of Mohican, where he attends to the farm work and raises stock. He was married August 4, 1876, to Catharine Leech, daughter of Robert Leech. To them have been born three children, of whom one died in infancy, unnamed: Charles J. was born April 17, 1878, and Asa G. was born March 27, 1880. Mrs. Nancy Botdorf became a member of the Methodist church at Mohican in 1856; her husband was also a member of the same church. In politics he was a Jacksonian Democrat. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

GEORGE W. BOWERICE (Troy) p. 180(1)

Was born in Frederick county, Maryland, November 15, 1818, and came with his father, Christian Bowerice, to Orange township, Richland (now Ashland) county, in 1829. He removed to Troy township in 1845. He married Eva Stober, daughter of Jacob Stober, of Clearcreek. Christian Bowerice, his father, also settled in Troy, and deceased September 3, 1866, aged seventy-three years. Mrs. Bowerice died in October 1869, aged seventy-two years. George W. is their only son. His family consists of six boys and three girls. Mr. Bowerice is an intelligent farmer, and may be regarded as one of the pioneers of Troy. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

GEORGE W. BOWERIZE (Troy) p. 337(1)

George W. Bowerize, second child of Christian and Elizabeth Bowerize, was born in Frederick City, Maryland, November 15, 1818, and emigrated to Ashland county, Ohio, with his father, about the year 1829. Mr. Bowerize’s sr., was the thirteenth family of old Orange. The township was all in woods at that time, and running full of wild deer. Mr. Bowerize moved to Troy township, December 18, 1845, and has been a resident of the township ever since. October 17, 1844, he married Eve A. Stober, daughter of Jacob and Catharine Stober, who was born in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, April 31,1821. The fruit of this marriage was nine children—William W., Ephraim C., Louisa K., George H., Sarah E., John F., Eliza E., Hiram J., and Charles C.; all living. At present four of the sons and one daughter are still at home. Mr. and Mrs. Bowerize are members of the German Reformed church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MICHAEL BOWERS (Jackson) p. 339(1)

Michael Bowers, son of Ulrich Bowers, was born in Germany March 25, 1814 and was but four years old when his father died. In 1830 he left Germany and settled in New York State where he remained eighteen months. From there he moved to Columbiana county, Ohio, and remained there six years. Then he moved to Wayne county and lived there twelve years. From there he removed to Ashland county in 1852, where he now lives. Both himself and wife are members of the German Reformed church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

J.H. BOYD (Vermillion) p. 300(1)

J.H. Boyd was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, May 20, 1810; came to Ohio with his wife and three children in 1850. Mr. Boyd’s father accompanied him, and located near where Mr. Thomas Stafford now lives, his mother having died May 26, 1827, at the age of thirty-eight years. The subject of this sketch located on a tract of land a short distance from where he now lives, where he remained about twenty-five years. In connection with his farm Mr. Boyd has owned and operated a flouring mill, which he kept in operation about twenty-three years. His father died in the spring of 1869, at the advanced age of eighty-five years, and even at that age was quite active, showing very little the weight of so many winters. They seem to be a long lived people, as an uncle of Mr. J.H. Boyd is still living in Washington county, Pennsylvania, at the wonderful age of one hundred years. Mr. Boyd has given his time entirely to farming, with the exception of the mill just mentioned. January 31, 1839, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Burns, of Ohio county, Virginia. She died February 18, 1861. By this union there were three children: Rebecca Mary, born April 3, 1840; James T., born September 9, 1843; Emeline, born July 6, 1845, all of whom are living, married, and have families of their own. Rebecca, the wife of Alva Ingman, a farmer of Mohican township, has two children. James lives on the old home farm, and has three children; and Emeline is the wife of Porter Craig, and lives in Lawrence county, Illinois, and has two children. February 26, 1863, Mr. Boyd married Miss Kesiah Nailor, of Mohican township. They have one child, Edward E., born May 24, 1864. He is at home with his parents. Mr. Boyd is a Republican in politics, and is a member of the Presbyterian church at Hayesville, Ohio. He has been connected with the Presbyterian church for over forty-five years. Mrs. Boyd is a member of the same church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

E.C. BRANDEBERY (Troy) p. 337(1)

E.C. Brandebery, son of Abraham and Sarah Brandebery, was born in Columbiana county, Ohio, August 28, 1831, and removed to Ashland county in October, 1834 with his father, where he has ever since lived. In January 31, 1855, he married Elizabeth Bailey, daughter of Joseph and Rebecca Bailey, who was born in Clearcreek township, Ashland county, February 13, 1838. To them have been born six children, as follows: Mary L., Albert E., Alletha A., Gertrude, Elias, Q.V., all of whom are living but one, Mary L., who died at the age of four weeks. Mr. And Mrs. Brandebery are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. The subject of this sketch started out in the world with nothing, and by hard work, wise economy, and careful management he is the possessor of a good farm. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB BRECKEISER JR. (Hanover) p. 296(1)

Jacob Breckeiser, Jr., born in France in 1847 came to Ohio with his father and settled in Ashland county. In 1869 he married Barbara Pfiester, of Knox county, Ohio, and in 1873 erected the building in which he now carries on the grocery and provision business; he deals extensively in country produce. At present he is a member of the German Lutheran church, and is the father of five children: Mary E., Jacob E., Emma L., George F. and Charles. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JACOB BRECKEISER SR. (Hanover) p. 295(1)

Jacob Breckeiser Sr. was born in Ellsos, France, and came to America in 1853, and settled in Ashland county, on the farm he now lives upon, situated about one mile north of Loudonville. In politics he is a Democrat; and is a member of the German Lutheran church. In Ellsos, France, he married Mary Wolf, and to them seven children were born, five of whom are living: Mary, who became the wife of George Lugend, and lives in Ashland county; Margaret, who married Jacob Breckeiser, of Ashland county, Jacob, who married Barbara Pfiester, and lives in Ashland county, and John and George. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN BRIGLE (Milton) p. 350(1)

John Brigle came to Ohio in 1840 from Cumberland county, Pennsylvania and settled in Milton township. He was born January 11, 1797, and April 22, 1822 was married to Catharine Lininger, by whom he had twelve children: Elizabeth, who died in infancy; George, John, David, Barbara, who died in infancy; Catharine, Elizabeth, Barbara, Mary, Rebecca, Sarah A., and one unnamed. Elizabeth, Mary, Rebecca and Sarah are the only living ones. Elizabeth married Philip Smith and is a widow; Mary married J.P. Russell, Rebecca married James O’Brien, and Sarah married David Rumph. Mr. Brigle has spent his life upon the farm and has been a hard-working and industrious man. His wife died March 30, 1873, after having been a faithful companion to her husband for over half a century. She was a kind and loving wife and judicious mother, and bore bravely her share of the toil that fell to the lot of these two old people. Both were faithful members of the Church of God, and have lived consistent lives. Mr. Brigle is still living at the ripe old age of eighty-three and is in the full possession of his faculties. He is an honest and well meaning old gentleman and an earnest Christian man. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN BRINDLE (Milton) p. 351(1)

John Brindle came to Ashland county about the year 1850. He was the second son of George and Elizabeth Brindle and was born in Pennsylvania in 1815. He married Susan Burns, by whom he had twelve children, eleven of whom are living: Elizabeth, Mary C., Amanda, Martha A., George W., John M., Samuel E., Emily, Josephine, William H., Charles E., and Alice. Amanda is dead, and Elizabeth and Martha are married. Mr. Brindle was a man of thrift and intelligence, and his death, which occurred November 15, 1876, removed from Milton township a worthy man and a good citizen. His widow, with the help of her sons carries on the farm. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SIMON BRINDLE (Montgomery) p. 375(1)

Simon Brindle was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, July 6, 1808, and was the eldest child in the family of eight children of George and Elizabeth (Menich) Brindle, who were natives of Pennsylvania. In June 8, 1837, Simon married Jane, daughter of William McKesson, and to them have been born seven children: William, John, Samuel, Martha, George, James, and Mary. William, Samuel and John are deceased, the latter being killed at Port Gibson during the war of the Rebellion. Mr. and Mrs. Brindle removed from their native State with their family in 1847, and settled in Wayne county, Ohio, where they remained one year, when they removed to their present homestead, purchasing sixty-two acres; he now owns eighty-seven acres. Both himself and wife are members of the Lutheran church, of Ashland, with which denomination they have been connected some fifteen years. In politics he is a born Democrat, casting his first vote for General Jackson. Mrs. Brindle’s father was a soldier in the war of 1812. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Brindle are all married and reside in Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN G. BRINGOLF (Perry) p. 336(1)

John G. Bringolf, the only son of Jacob and Catharine Bringolf, was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, in 1824. He came to Ohio in 1846, and settled in Ashland county, and for the first twelve months pursued his trades of blacksmith and carpenter. He then commenced clerking, which he followed for a period of two years, after which he engaged in farming, which he followed for ten years. At this time he began the practice of dentistry, which he followed successfully for another decade. He then settled in Rowsburgh, where we now find him, and erected a handsome and substantial home and business rooms, in which he engaged in the retail grocery business. He is also postmaster, which appointment he received in August, 1879.

On July 14, 1847, he married Miss Barbara Ecker. To them were born two children; Joseph E. and Deborah A. The daughter died in early childhood, at four years of age. Our subject is one of the prominent and substantial business men of Perry township. Both he and his wife are members of the Lutheran church. Mr. Bringolf has served his township two terms as justice of the peace, two terms as clerk, and two years as treasurer, thus showing that he enjoys the confidence of the people for his faithful discharge of the trusts bestowed upon him. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)