HUGH DAVIS (Montgomery) p. 222 (1)
HUGH DAVIS was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, June 23, 1802, and died in Ashland, Ohio, June 13, 1876, aged seventy-four years.
Martha S. Davis was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, December 12, 1803, and died at Ashland, Ohio, April 8, 1870, aged sixty-six years, three months, and twenty-four days.
Hugh Davis came to Knox county, Ohio, about 1820, and returned to Pennsylvania in 1821, where he completed the trade of tanner, after which he married Martha S. Morrow, in 1829, and returned to Mount Vernon, Knox county, Ohio, and lived some months, working for James Loverage and Samuel Trimble, at the tanning business, and about 1829, located in Ashland upon the property now owned by Justus W. Davis, his son. He erected and carried on a tan house upon this lot, commencing business about 1830. Himself and the late George Swineford were the only tanners in the village. Mr. Swineford had purchased the property of George Croft, where the machine works of D. Whiting are now located, and carried on business, while Mr. Davis, as a rival, erected property on the east end of Main street.
The family of Mr. Davis consisted of Morrow H., Lester Finley, Justus Wilson, Sylvester Curtis, Josephine Agnes, Ilgar Vanleer, and Martha Estelle. The two girls are dead. The boys are all living and married.
Justus W. was born April 13, 1833, in Ashland county, and married Miss Catherine Jane Trimble, of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, daughter of Thomas Trimble, November 11, 1857, at Mount Vernon, Ohio. Their children are: Horace Urie, Thomas Trimble, and Mary Ellen.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis were originally members of the old Hopewell Presbyterian church, and, upon its sale and transfer to the Catholics, never united with the First church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
McCLURE DAVIS (Vermillion) p. 308(1)
McClure Davis was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, February 23, 1825. In 1833 his father, Ephraim Davis, moved to Ashland county, and located in Vermillion township on a farm adjoining the farm now owned by the subject of this sketch. His father died in 1864, and his mother died in 1840. Mr. Davis worked with his father on the farm until he was twenty-one years of age, and then engaged in teaching, mostly in winter, for a period of about nine years. In 1853, March 10th, he married Miss Mary Jane Baker, daughter of Zachariah and Edee Baker, who were among the pioneer families of Ashland county. Her father died in 1863, but her mother is still living at the advanced age of seventy-nine years. They have five children, three sons and two daughters. The oldest daughter is the wife of Thomas Budd, of Vermillion township. The other four still live with their parents. Mr. Davis has filled either township or county offices for a number of years. He was justice of the peace six years, and twice elected county commissioner, in which position he is now serving. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
SAMUEL S. DAVIS (Montgomery) p. 371(1)
Samuel S. Davis was born in Juniata county, Pennsylvania December 26, 1826, where he resided until the age of nine years, when his parents removed to the present county of Ashland and located in Mifflin township. Our subject resided in that township until the year 1865, when he removed to Ashland where he has since resided. January 7, 1850, he was married to Catharine Roland, who was born in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, January 6, 1827. At the age of six years her parents removed to this State and located in Milton township. To them were born eight children, all of whom are living as follows: Harriet, who was born November 8, 1850, and married Walter S. Gantz; Franklin P., born August 6, 1852; Amanda, born June 25, 1856; Reuben A., born December 4, 1858; Lovina, born July 14, 1861; Sarah, born March 5, 1863; Harvey J., born April 1, 1866; Samuel C., born May 9, 1868. Mr. Davis during his life has paid his attention to farming, until he removed to Ashland in 1865, since which time he has been a jobber and contractor, which business he still follows, but in the near future he intends to quit his present business and engage in the hotel and livery business, for which he is now having one of the finest barns in Ashland built for that purpose, and good facilities for keeping a first-class farmers’ hotel. His aim will be to please all. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
WILLIAM DAVIS (Mohican) p. 358(1)
William Davis was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania June 1, 1838. His father and mother were born in the same State where they were married, and had a family of twelve children as follows: Elizabeth, Rebecca, Hannah, Catharine, Eliza, Jesse, Mary, Jonathan, Susan, Clementine, William, and Charles. William came to this State with his parents and their family, and was married April 22, 1841, to Maria Wilson, who was born January 29, 1818. Her parents were born in Ireland. To them were born two children: Samuel Z., born June 6, 1842, and Eliza Jane born January 17, 1845. Samuel was married June 24, 1869, to Mary E. Aultz, daughter of Robert Aultz, and is engaged in the practice of medicine, and in the charge of a drug store at Jeromeville. Eliza Jane was married May 1, 1862, to Elder R. Winbigler and also lives in Jeromeville. Mr. Davis lives one-half mile from Lake fork, on the Jeromeville road, where he is engaged in farming. He has many times been called on to act as administrator of the estates of his neighbors and friends, and has had no less than thirty-one trusts of this character to attend to, in which he has given universal satisfaction. He has also served as assessor in his township. Both himself and his wife are members of the Disciple church of which he has been a deacon for some ten years. He became a member of the church at Jeromeville in 1840, and his wife joined some thirteen years later. In politics he is a Republican. His first vote was cast for Henry Clay. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
WILLIAM DAVIS (Vermillion) p. 303(1)
William Davis was born in Mifflin township, August 28, 1836. He is a son of Isaac and Francis Davis, who are among Ashland county’s early settlers, a sketch of whose lives will be found elsewhere in this work. The subject of this sketch remained with his parents and worked on the farm until he was eighteen years of age, when he left home to learn the carriage making trade with Ames & Leach in Ashland. Here he remained about two years and a half, when he, in company with John Burnett, went to Iowa and worked at his trade and on a farm, and in about eighteen months returned to Ohio and worked at his trade some three years and a half, when he enlisted August 14, 1862, as a private soldier in the First Ohio independent battery, and remained and served his country until the close of the war, and was discharged on the twenty-sixth day of June, 1865. He was faithful in the discharge of a soldier’s duties, as he was only excused from service about two weeks during the whole term. At Cloid mountain and many other places he saw hard fighting, and engaged on severe raids and hard marches, and with many others of his comrades withstood the necessary privations and hardships of a private soldier. On October 5, 1865, he was married to Rebecca Sechrist, of Richland county, Ohio. He remained one year with his father, when they moved to Vermillion township and commenced life for themselves. They have ever since made this their home, his whole time being given to the steam saw-mill, at what is known as Steam Corners, in the northwest corner of Vermillion township. They have three children–two daughters and one son. Mrs. Davis died May 14, 1874, and on the nineteenth day of November, 1874, he married Mrs. Barbara Callin, widow of Hugh Callin, of Montgomery township. They have no children. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
THOMAS DeARMON (Jackson) p. 340(1)
Thomas DeArmon, son of James DeArmon, was born in Ashland county June 22, 1839, on the farm lying north of that on which he now lives. He was married to Augusta L. Fluke of Ashland, May 7, 1868. They have six children: Annie, Winfield, Francis, Edwin, Guy and Ernest. all of whom are living. Mr. DeArmon has filled the office of justice of the peace of Jackson township one term. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
From Medina county, Ohio, is believed to have been the third physician of Ashland. He arrived the winter of 1826. He continued in an active practice until 1837, when he located in the village of Orange, where his brother, Charles, was engaged in the mercantile business. He resided in Orange about two years, when he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, during a revival, and prepared to enter the ministry. He attended conference, and was assigned to a circuit. Upon returning home he was taken suddenly very sick, and died, after a brief illness. The doctor is represented as having been an excellent physician, and a man of many accomplishments. His untimely demise was much lamented. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JONAH DeMOSS (Sullivan) p. 353(1)
Jonah DeMoss was born in Bath county, Virginia, April 3, 1787, and in 1815 married Jane Kelly, a native of Clarksburgh, Virginia. In 1809 he came to Ohio, and first settled in Perry county, where he remained twenty years. While there he enlisted and served six months in the war of 1812, in Major Tupper’s regiment; he also served under General Harrison at Fort Meigs in 1829. He came to Ashland county and settled on the farm now owned by his son, Marcus DeMoss. He was one of the original members of the Baptist church–the first church of any denomination in the township; he helped build it, and contributed liberally to its support. In politics he was an old-line Whig, but became a Republican. In 1862 he died, and his wife died the same year. He was the father of ten children, four of them now living: James, who married Henrietta Campbell and lives in Michigan; Nancy, wife of Elijah St. Freeman, in Indian Territory; Jonah, who married Sarah Sprague, and lives in Michigan, and Marcus, who married Henrietta Johnson. Jane Kelly, wife of Jonah DeMoss, was formerly the wife of Henry Battan, who died in Somerset, Perry county, Ohio, by whom she had five children: Mary, now wife of H. Wadden, of Iowa; Annie, wife of Benjamin Van Osdell (deceased), of Medina county, Ohio; John, who married Rebecca Biggs (deceased) of Ashland county, Ohio; Sarah, who married Charles Crosby (deceased), of Michigan, and Isaac (deceased), who married Eliza Webster, of Ashland county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
MARCUS DeMOSS (Sullivan) p. 354(1)
Marcus DeMoss, son of Jonah DeMoss, was born in Ashland county, Ohio in 1832, on the farm on which he now lives. He received a common district school education, and taught school four years. At present he is engaged in farming and stock raising. In 1859 he married Henrietta Johnson, and in 1861 enlisted in company C, Forty-second regiment Ohio volunteer infantry, under Captain Bushnell, the (regiment was commanded by Colonel, now General, Garfield); he served sixteen months and was with the regiment during the Big Sandy and Cumberland Gap campaign, and was discharged on account of disability. He has been trustee of the township, and was justice of the peace nine years, also constable, and in 1880 was appointed census enumerator. He is a member of the Congregational church, and has been clerk of the church for the past ten years. He is a highly respected member of society, and in politics is a Republican. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
MICHAEL DERRENBERGER (Hanover) p. 296(1)
Michael Derrenberger, was born in Holmes county, Ohio, in 1847, and settled in Loudonville in 1872, where he bought a half interest in a restaurant with Simon Bolly, and remained three years. At the end of that time he sold his share to Bolly and formed a partnership with J.H. Burris in the same business. At the end of a year he sold to Burris, and at the end of another year he bought out Burris, and is still engaged in the business of keeping a restaurant. He is a member of the German Lutheran church. In 1874 he married Lizzie Ullman, of Loudonville. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
CHRISTIAN DEYARMON (Hanover) p. 292(1)
Christian Deyarmon was born in Halifax, Pennsylvania, in 1820, and came to Wayne county, Ohio, with his father, in 1827. In 1842 he settled in Loudonville, and in 1844 married Caroline E. Harris. By trade he was a cabinet-maker, and followed the business for eight years, when he was obliged to give it up on account of ill health. Then he began farming, and in 1857 went into partnership with Nathaniel Haskell in the grain business, and followed that five years. In politics he is Republican; has held the office of mayor for two years, and councilman three terms. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church; and has raised six children: Mary A., now deceased, who married Philip Kelser, and settled in Summit county, Ohio; John D., who lives in Holmes county, Ohio; Joseph A., who lives in Ashland county; Zoe C., who became the wife of Augustine Leopold, and lives in Loudonville; Jessie E., and Kate E., who live in Ashland county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
DR. JOSEPH DEYARMON (Hanover) p. 292(1)
Dr. Joseph Deyarmon, father of Christian Deyarmon, was born in Pennsylvania. At an early day, he came to Ohio, and settled in Wayne county, about five miles from Wooster; he was a doctor of the old school, and practiced medicine as long as his health would permit. He was a member and class-leader in the Methodist Episcopal church; and a Republican. In 1851 he died. But three of his eight children are living: Sarah, who became the wife of Dr. Peters, and afterward the wife of Rev. J.P. Davis, and is now living in Illinois; Christian, who married Caroline E. Harris, and lives in Loudonville; and Joseph, who lives in Holmes county, Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
HENRY DILLIER (Lake) p. 285(1)
Henry Dillier, son of Jacob Dillier, was born in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania in 1820, and came to Ohio with his father in 1830; he is a farmer. He has held the office of trustee for several terms, and is deeply interested in schools and all things that pertain to the education of the young. He is a member of the Reformed church, and has held the office of elder since 1865. On October 21, 1841, he married Sarah Maurer, of Lake township, who died March 1, 1863. On October 10, 1867, he married Lucinda Covert; he is the father of six children, only three of whom are living: Eliza, wife of Alfred W. Hall, of Indiana; Hannah, wife of Wesley Cusmore; and Rebecca, wife of Benjamin Jones, of Ashland county. Mr. Dillier has taken his grandson, Adam A. Long, son of his daughter Mary, deceased, to bring up. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JACOB DILLIER (Lake) p. 285(1)
Jacob Dillier, was born in Germany in 1783, came to Ohio at an early day and married Elizabeth Staver, in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania. He came to Ohio in 1830, and first settled in Sugar Creek township, Wayne county, Ohio, and remained there nine years. In 1839 he settled in Lake township, Ashland county, Ohio, on the farm now owned by Henry Dillier and brothers. He was a carpenter, but after he came to Ashland county gave up his trade and became engaged in farming. He was a member of the Lutheran church during the early part of his life, but in later years joined the Reformed church, and died in that faith January 3, 1867. His wife died December 8, 1846. He was the father of seven children: Joseph and David, both living in Ashland county; Hannah, who is living in Summit county, Ohio; Rebecca, deceased, who was the wife of George Creisbaum; Henry, who married Sarah Mowery, and afterward married Lucinda Covert; Mary, deceased, who was the wife of James Winebigler; Lydia, wife of George Bender, of Illinois. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JAMES A. DINSMORE Sr. (Jackson) p. 341(1)
James A. Dinsmore Sr. Was born in York county, Pennsylvania, March 20, 1788. January 3, 1828, he entered a tract of land of three hundred and twenty acres, and in the year 1833 moved his family to Ashland county, then Wayne, to the farm where his widow and two of his children still live. On the fourteenth of March 1826, he was married to Miss Grizell Collins. The fruit of this union was seven children: Catharine A., Tabitha M., David C., Jewett E., Andrew A., Rachel M., and James R.W., all of whom are living. Mr. Dinsmore and wife, and all the family that belong to any church, belong to the Presbyterian church. When Mr. Dinsmore became possessor of his farm of three hundred and twenty acres, there were but fourteen acres cleared. To protect his family from the wild beasts of the forest he erected two log cabins. When Mr. Dinsmore came to Ashland county, he brought an agent with him. They had but one horse, and they would do as the old saying is, “Walk and hitch.” After a great deal of hard labor to prepare something for his family, that they need not suffer, he departed this life January 7, 1863 at the ripe age of seventy-five years. His son James still superintends the old home place. David Dinsmore, first son of James A. Dinsmore, is practicing medicine in Iowa, while Andrew S. is a preacher of the Gospel in Philadelphia. Tabitha M. married Rev. Beer of Ashland; he is now a judge in Bucyrus. Jewett E. married J.R. Reed; they now reside in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Catharine A. was married twice; first to Augustine M. Hay, the second time to William Collins, in Green county, Ohio. Rachel is still at home with her parents. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN DONLEY (Orange) p. 254B(1)

John Donley was born near Orange village, Ashland county March 20, 1817. His parents, Thomas and Susan Donley, came to Ohio from Washington county, Pennsylvania in February 1817, and when he was two weeks of age, located on the farm where they passed the remainder of their lives, and where the subject of this sketch lived and died. John Donley attended the first subscription school in the township, which was taught by Elijah Banning, in a log cabin situated on a corner of the Donley farm. This school was established in 1830. He grew to manhood on the farm, in early life partaking of the hardships of pioneer life and lived to see fruitful farms take the place of the rugged forests of his boyhood days.
March 11, 1845, he was married to Miss Sarah A. Alberson, and soon after marriage removed to Nashville, Holmes county, where they remained one when they returned to Ashland county, and for the four succeeding years

lived on a farm at that time owned by Major George W. Urie. In 1850 Mr. and Mrs. Donley removed to the old home farm in Orange township, where they ever after lived, and where he died June 26, 1880, of general debility, at the age of sixty-three years, three months and six days.
A family of eight children was the result of this union, of whom seven are now living, as follows: Calvin, Susan, Edward, Jennie, Rachel, Lizzie and Carrie. Frances died when a small child.
John Donley was a man of strict integrity, and one who loved his family well. No one with whom he had business or friendly association ever had cause to charge him with double-dealing. He was honest to a fault and scorned deception. He was widely known as a man of more than ordinary ability and intelligence, with strong likes and dislikes, but when apologies were offered, was ever ready to forgive. His life was that of a Christian, and he died with a Christian’s hope. For many years he had been a leading member of the Orange Presbyterian church, and for the past fourteen years held the responsible office of ruling elder. Through storm and shine he went to his beloved church, and never faltered in its support. In the course of his life he amassed a comfortable competence, which was acquired by his own hard labor, seconded by that of his wife, who has proved for him a helpmeet indeed. The greatest prize he left his family was that of a pure character, an unblemished reputation and an unsullied record. These by his family are more prized than all else.
Thomas and Fannie Campbell Alberson, the parents of Mrs. John Donley, were born in Pennsylvania–he in the city of Philadelphia, and his wife, Fannie Campbell, in Westmoreland county. The Campbell family removed to Harrison county, Ohio in 1817, and about the same time Mr. Alberson came to the same place, where they were married in 1819. They moved to Ashland county in 1837, and settled in Orange township, where they passed the remainder of their lives. Mr. Alberson was a ruling elder of the Presbyterian church, and by occupation was a farmer.
Sarah A. Alberson was born in Archer township, Harrison county, February 12, 1825, and was married to John Donley, March 11, 1845. She became a member of the Presbyterian church of Orange in 1853, and has since remained in its communion. Since the death of her husband, she has occupied their old home with her five daughters and son, William Edward. Another son, Thomas C., is married and lives on the adjoining farm. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ABRAHAM DOTY (Milton) p. 219(1)
ABRAHAM DOTY was born in West Virginia, in 1779, and in 1816, removed with his family to Milton township, Richland (now Ashland,) county, where he located a farm, and remained eight years, and then sold and located a larger tract, which he improved and remained upon until his decease, in 1843. He was one of the pioneer Presbyterians of Milton township, and assisted in the organization of “old Hopewell church,” of which he became an elder and leading member.
At his decease his family consisted of James Doty, the first sheriff of Ashland county, Peter, Elizabeth, John, Joseph, Martha, Jackson, Samuel, Mary, Sarah, and Jane. They are all living but Sarah, who married Joseph Hill, of Hayesville.
Joseph Doty was born in West Virginia, August 2, 1812, and accompanied his father’s family to Milton in 1816. In 1835 he purchased his homestead in Mifflin township; and in 1838, married Rachel Lambright, daughter of John Lambright, who had located in Mifflin township prior to the Ruffner-Zimmer-Copus tragedies in 1812.
The family of Joseph Doty consists of six girls and three boys, all of whom survive but one girl, the wife of Joseph Staffer, of Ashland; and are all located in Ashland county, but two married daughters, who reside in Indiana. The Doty family have long been attached to the Presbyterian faith.
Mr. Doty has creditably filled several township offices, but prefers the plain life of a farmer to the duties and criticisms of a public officer. He has been a life-long Democrat. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JAMES DOTY (Milton) p. 174(1)
Mr. Doty was born near Wheeling, West Virginia, in 1802, and was of Scotch-Irish descent, his ancestors having settled in that region prior to the close of the American Revolution. His father, Abraham Doty, experienced many of the terrors of Indian invasion during the border wars from 1780 to 1795, Fort Henry at Wheeling, being a point for attack by the Shawnees and Wyandots.
In 1815 Abraham Doty removed with his family to what is now Milton township, Ashland county, then in Richland county, and settled about four miles from Uniontown, now Ashland, on an unimproved farm in the woods. There were at that time but few settlers in Milton and Mifflin townships, and the pioneers had to endure many hardships. Here James and other members of the family grew up amid the wilds of the new country
The war of 1812 had ended propitiously, and emigrants began to flow into this region, and the woodman’s axe could be heard in every direction, leveling the forests in the preparation of log cabins, and in preparing fields for culture.
The institutions of the older settlements were rapidly planted in these wilds. The log school-house and hewed log church ere long were found wherever new settlements appeared. The minister followed the adventurers, and for a time, organized congregations, that met and worshipped in the cabins of the pioneers. About 1817, Abraham Doty assisted in the erection of “Old Hopewell,” one and a half miles west of Ashland, and was soon elected and ordained an elder of the church. James, and other members of the Doty family, attended this church for several years, though residing nearly four miles from it, in the south part of Milton township.
Abraham Doty gave his influence in the erection of school-houses, for the spread of education, and intelligence among the rising generation, and instructed his own children that intelligence, morality and integrity gave all men influence among their companions and neighbors; and society prospered in proportion to its support of these maxims and ideas.
In 1834, James Doty, having grown to manhood amid the wild forest scenes around him, and having obtained a fair knowledge of the English branches, concluded to engage in preparing a future home for himself. He married Miss Sarah Croninger, daughter of Leonard Croninger, of Mifflin township, and settled on an unimproved farm near the present home of Joseph Charles. He improved his homestead, and soon was elected to a number of minor township offices by his neighbors. He also was elected justice of the peace three successive terms. He often related an amusing circumstance that occurred when justice. At one time a young man and lady called at his cabin desiring him to perform the marriage ceremony. He did so, after which the young man stated that he had no money, but would see that the ‘squire should be paid for his services. The ‘squire said it was all right. Several months after this occurrence the ‘squire was greatly surprised to see the aforesaid party appear at his office with a fine puppy, declaring that he could not rest contented while he owed so sacred a debt as that held by the ‘squire, and begged him to accept the puppy in lieu of the money, and thereby remove the debt. As the ‘squire was a generous man, and good dogs were useful in expelling wild animals, he accepted the puppy, and his friend departed in the best of spirits.
In 1846, Ashland county was erected principally out of the territory belonging to Richland county. The first officers were nominated from all parties, by common consent, and elected and served for six months, or until their successors were elected and qualified. Mr. Doty was elected sheriff in the spring, and re-elected at the October election for two years. He was, therefore, the first sheriff of Ashland county. His deputies were Matthew Clugston and Isaac Stull. Mr. Gates became his successor. Mr. Doty made an accommodating and pleasant sheriff. He declined a nomination for his second term and retired to his farm, where he remained until 1856, when he disposed of his home, and removed to Plymouth township, Richland county, since which time he has lived the agreeable life of a farmer. The personal appearance of Mr. Doty is well remembered by many. In disposition he was genial and kind. His weight was near two hundred and fifty pounds in his prime. In business, he was regarded as above reproach, and was much respected by all. In religious opinion he was a Presbyterian in sentiment and practice. He was one of the useful and solid pioneers , and will long be remembered by his old neighbors. He was the father of ten children, seven sons and three daughters, eight of whom (five sons and three daughters) survive him. The pioneers of Ashland county sincerely condole with his numerous relatives, in the loss of so valuable a friend and relative. He died near Plymouth, Richland county, Ohio, January 4, 1879, aged seventy-seven years. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JONATHAN DOTY (Montgomery) p. 365(1)
Jonathan Doty was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, March 27, 1821, where he resided until the year 1851, when he removed to this county, which has since been his home. Prior to this time he spent one and one-half year in Illinois. On September 25, 1851, he was married to Martha J. McCune, who was also born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, May 9, 1827. To them have been born seven children, four of whom are still living: Alexander, born January 11, 1857; Margaret Doty, born January 8, 1861; Clark Doty, born April 8, 1864, Martha J., born August 14, 1866. The ones deceased were two who died in infancy, and Nathaniel, born February 16, 1854. Mr. Doty’s vocation, since his residence in this county, has been that of a farmer, but prior to that he sold fanning-mills, and run a saw-mill while in Illinois. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOSEPH DOTY (Mifflin) [Source unknown]
JOSEPH DOTY was the fifth child of a family of eleven children. He was born in West Virginia on the 2nd of August 1812. When he was four years of age his father, Abraham Doty, moved to Ashland county, Ohio, and located his first farm in Milton township, where he remained eight years, and removed to a still larger farm in the same township, where he remained until his death, in February 1843.
In 1835 Joseph Doty purchased a tract of 160 acres of land in Mifflin township, made a clearing, and erected a log cabin, and on the 6th of December, 1838, was married to Rachel Lambright, of Richland Co., Ohio, with whom he is still living. They reared a family of nine children, six girls and three boys, eight of whom are still living, and with two exceptions of two daughters in Indiana, all are located near their childhood’s home. Mr. Doty, as was his father, has ever been an upholder of Democratic principles.
He has served in township offices to the satisfaction of his townsman, and now, in the decline of life, after having seen the storms of sixty-two years, he may still be seen around his home and farm apparently hale, hearty, and hard-working, honored and respected by all, and an example by which many might honorably take pattern. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
HON. JOHN DOUGHERTY (Milton) p. 176(1)
JOHN DOUGHERTY was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, October 10, 1819. His father, Daniel Dougherty, was born in Ireland and immigrated to the United States in 1806, and landed at Baltimore, and thence removed to Washington county, Pennsylvania. He immigrated with his family to Milton township, now Ashland county, in 1822, where he died. Mrs. Dougherty and her children removed to Vermillion township in 1832. Here John grew to manhood, attending the schools of the neighborhood. At an early age he took an active part in politics, and being a fluent speaker, he was regarded as the leader in his township. He voted with the Democracy. He rarely asked official promotion for himself. When the gold fever of 1850 spread over the land, he joined in search of the hidden treasure in California. His venture proved a success, and he returned in 1854. In 1858 he again visited the Pacific slopes, and remained until 1863. He prospected in the mines of Idaho, Washington and British Columbia with success, and returned to his old home in Ashland county. In 1861, prior to his return, he was elected a member of the California legislature, and served one session, and resigned. Having visited nearly all the mines of the Pacific slopes, he is of opinion there is plenty of gold in the Black Hills, which fact is being concealed by the Indian ring and other speculators. In 1872 he again returned to California, in the hope of restoring his declining health, and remained eleven months, to no advantage. His malady is chronic rheumatism, with which he has been tortured for several years. He now resides near Jeromeville. He has been twice married. He is an exemplary member of the Catholic church. He is a high-toned gentleman. Mr. Dougherty died in 1878. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
BILLY DOWDEE (Green) p. 153(1)
The old Delaware hunter, Billy Dowdee, visited the cabin of Allen Oliver, father of Lewis, in the spring of 1812, a few months before the removal of the Greentown Indians. Dowdee, with his squaw and six or seven children, encamped at the mouth of a rivulet, half a mile above Mr. Oliver, where it empties into the Black fork. The old warrior had hunted for some time, over the hills and along the valleys of Green township, but with ill success. His squaw and children lived meagerly on hominy and venison. Dowdee was a humane Indian, and was much attached to his squaw and children. In his distress, he concluded that Mr. Oliver would be likely to sympathize with the “red hunter.” He had met his new neighbor several times, and rightly conceived the true elements of his character. He hastened to the cabin of Mr. Oliver, when the following dialogue took place:
Dowdee-“How much you charge for big pot full mush and milk? My squaw and pappoose velly hungry.”
Oliver-“How much will you give?”
Dowdee-“Me give one large buck-skin.”
Oliver-“All right, bring them along.”
Dowdee hastened to his wigwam to inform his squaw and children of the good news, and bring them to the cabin of Mr. Oliver.
In the meantime, Mrs. Oliver prepared a two-gallon pot of mush, and it was steaming hot when Dowdee and his family appeared at the cabin. On entering, “Billy” desired the pot to be placed in the middle of the floor, which was done; and the Indian family surrounded it, seating themselves on the floor. Tins, spoons and milk were provided, and Dowdee and his dusky family commenced their meal. The little Indians were remarkably voracious. The mush gradually disappeared. Finally the glossy skinned little fellows, with distended stomachs, began to hesitate. “Billy,” talking to them in the Delaware tongue, urged them to “eat more.” It was in vain, for their appetites had been fully glutted.
There they sat, nearly nude, with their yellow skins expanded almost to the point of explosion. One by one, they began to become drowsy, and nodded. The scene was exceedingly ludicrous. It was well worthy some native artist, and excited a smile from those who beheld it. The mush was at last consumed, and “Billy” produced the buckskin, and handed it to Mr. Oliver. He then roused his pappooses from their torpor, bade adieu to Mr. Oliver, and returned to his wigwam. The rivulet, upon which he encamped, has since been known as “Dowdee’s run.”
A year or two after the war Dowdee returned to the Greentown settlement to hunt, and re-visited that region, annually, for several years, for the same purpose. The characteristic love of the Caucasian for mental culture existed among the early settlers of Green township. The children of the pioneers were gathered into a rude log school-house, and the services of a young lady secured as teacher. This was probably the first school ever taught in the township. The young lady who taught the young idea how to shoot still survives, and has nearly reached four score of well-spent years. She informs me that, one drowsy, summer afternoon, when the little urchins under her charge were sleepily perusing their A B C’s, and feeling perfectly secure, a large, copper-colored warrior stepped into the school-room and looked gravely at the children. Profound silence prevailed. The little fellows could almost feel their scalps disappearing. The teacher looked enquiringly at the Indian. The little ones trembled in expectation of capture or the tomahawk. It was Billy Dowdee. He took in the whole scene at a glance. Looking gravely at the teacher, he said: “Much pappoose–velly much pappoose.” The young teacher blushed, visibly, at the insinuation, and felt greatly embarrassed. The point was, “Billy” intended to compliment her on possessing so large a family of pale-faced pappooses.
At the treaty at the Maumee rapids, in 1817, William Dondee, or Dowdee, is named as one of the proprietors in a reservation three miles square, south of Upper Sandusky, which was assigned to the Greentown and Jerometown Indians, formerly of Ashland county.
Billy Dowdee was a harmless old Indian, and is well remembered by the pioneers of Green township. He and his family accompanied the Delawares to their new reservation, west of the Mississippi, in 1829. (Transcribed by Penny Hanes PHanes1368@aol.com) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)
CHESTER DRAKE (Sullivan) p. 354(1)
Chester Drake was born in East Windsor, Connecticut in 1782. He married Percy Strong and after her death, married Susan Cook of Connecticut. He moved from Connecticut into the State of New York, where he remained about two years, when he came to Ohio and first settled in Wayne county, where he remained about one year. In 1837 he came to Ashland county, and first settled on the farm now owned by his widow. He was engaged in farming all his life. He was a member of the Baptist church, and in politics was an old-line Whig until the organization of the Republican party, when he became a Republican. In June 1876, he died, respected by all who knew him. He was the father of ten children, six of whom are living, Simeon L., who married Martha Cummings; Lydia L., now wife of Levi Turner of Iowa; Joshua L., who married Helen Swan, and lives in Minnesota; Henry H., who married Eliza Parker, and lives in Iowa; Mary E., wife of Thomas Webster of Iowa; and Percy P., who lives in Ashland county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
SIMEON L. DRAKE (Sullivan) p. 354(1)
Simeon L. Drake was born in Madison county, New York, December 16, 1816, where he received a common school education; he came to Ohio with his father and in 1842 married Martha Cummings of Ashland county. He is a farmer and stock raiser, and for the past four years has been engaged in raising Durham cattle, but at present is dealing in Holstein cattle; he is a Republican in politics, and is the father of eight children, five of whom are living: Wilber C., who married Jennie Dunlap; Willard, who married Josephine Persons; Helen M., wife of George W. Johnson; Henry, and Silas; all living in Ashland county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
DRAYTON, E. T. (Montgomery) p. 396
History of Ashland County, Ohio, by George William Hill, M.D. 1880.
E.T. Drayton was born at Canton, Ohio, September 30, 1825, his parents being Thomas A. Drayton, a native of Massachusetts, and Margaret Drayton, a native of Pennsylvania. They had six children, two of whom died in infancy. Those living are Elizabeth, Sarah Jane, Amanda M. and E. T., the subject of this sketch, who came to Ashland in 1842. He spent three years in learning the harness trade, after which he was engaged in various mercantile pursuits until 1877, when the firm of Damp & Drayton was formed, for the purpose of carrying on the milling business, at which they still continue in Ashland. He was six years clerk of the county court, from 1862 to 1868, and was elected as a Republican in a county which is strongly Democratic. He has been twice married, his first wife being Sophia Sloan (daughter of Rev. Sloan), of Orange township, by whom he had one child, Mary S., who lives at home in Ashland. His second wife was Emma Bean, niece of Judge Wick, of Greenville, Pennsylvania, to whom he was married June 5, 1860. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, and has been superintendent in the Sunday school of that church for the past eight years. In politics he is a Republican.
(Transcribed and contributed by Barb Hart)
THOMAS DUNLAP (Ruggles) p. 181(1)
Was born in the north of Ireland in 1772, and in infancy came with his father’s family to Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, about the beginning of the war of the Revolution. Upon reaching manhood, he married Margaret Blair, and in the spring of 1809, removed to Tallmadge, Portage county, Ohio. He remained there until November 1830, when he located in Ruggles township, Huron (now Ashland,) county. When he entered the township he found the following settlers, who had preceded him some years: Daniel Beach, Bradford Sturtevant, John Jameson, Aldrich Carver, Harvey Sacket, Justus Barnes, Norman Carter, Reuben Fox, Salmon Weston, Taylor Peck, G. Ferrier, Mr. Murphy, Andrew Clark, James Poag, Enoch Taylor, Benjamin Green, Joshua Frost, Samuel Monroe, David Blair, John Hall. Samuel Monroe, David Blair, and Enoch Taylor were shoemakers, and Benjamin Green and Joshua Frost, blacksmiths.
John Dunlap, oldest son of Thomas Dunlap, came on and worked for Daniel Beach, prior to the removal of the Dunlap family, and died at the cabin of Mr. Beach.
Thomas Dunlap died in 1847, aged seventy-five years, and his wife in August 1872, aged eighty-six. The family were: John, who died at the cabin of Mr. Beach, William, Thomas, Nancy, wife of W. McMeekin, Alexander, David, Samuel, Solomon, Amos, James, Joseph, and John F. All are now dead except David, William, and James. David resides in Wood county, Ohio; William in Michigan; and James in Sullivan, Ashland county, Ohio. He has been commissioner of Ashland county six years, and is at present conducting a hotel. He married Minerva Myers, daughter of Jacob Myers, of Clearcreek. He has four boys and four girls.
The Dunlap family was noted for tremendous physical power. All the sons, but two, were full six feet in height, and averaged about one hundred and eighty pounds in weight. As axe-men, log rollers, and pioneer delvers in the forest, it would be difficult to find another equally vigorous class of brothers. Like their Scotch-Irish ancestors, they were all frank and generous. (transcribed by Penny Hanes PHanes1368@aol.com) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)