T - U - V

REV. JOHN R. TALLANTIRE (Montgomery) p. 368(1)

John R. Tallantire was born in England, March 15, 1807, where he resided until the age of nineteen years, when he came to this country and followed his calling–that of a minister–in Maryland and Pennsylvania, and also in South Carolina. But, for the past forty years, he has been a resident of Ashland county. In August, 1838, he was married to Eleanor Robison, who was born in Brooke county, West Virginia, July 15, 1812. To them were born seven children, three of whom are now living, as follows: Ann, John R. and Howard. The ones deceased are Ebenezer S.; George, who died in Andersonville prison during the late civil war; Amos J., and Elizabeth M. Our subject has for the past forty years, paid his attention to his farm. John R., jr., his son, who carries on the farm, was born on the place he now occupies, May 2, 1843, and was married, April 6, 1873, to Emma M. Burdick, who was born in Wisconsin September 22, 1853. The fruits of this union are five children: Eleanor M., Arthur H., who died October 5, 1874, while in Kansas, age three months and twenty-two days; Edith F., Anna L., and George B. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM TANGEMAN (Vermillion) p. 300(1)

William Tangeman was born in the kingdom of Hanover, Germany, December 31, 1831. In 1851 he left Germany with the determination of trying the new world, and upon his landing here went directly to Cincinnati, Ohio, and remained engaged in the wholesale tobacco trade, until 1855, when he moved to Mansfield, Ohio. In April he married Miss Margaret Schiedt. In Mansfield he remained two years in the tobacco business, when he disposed of his business in Mansfield and returned to Cincinnati, where he remained eight years, and in 1865, he purchased a farm near Loudonville, Ashland county, Ohio, and in 1867 sold this farm and bought and removed to where he now resides, about one mile west of Hayesville, Ohio. They have eight children, three sons and five daughters, all except the oldest son being at home and single. Mr. Tangeman has served his township as trustee, and his school district as director. In politics he is a Democrat, but is a man with many friends in both parties. Mr. Tangeman and wife are members of the German Evangelical church in Vermillion township. The oldest son, Charles W., is in Mansfield, Ohio practicing medicine. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

CHARLES O. TANNEHILL (Green) p. 275(1)

Charles O. Tannehill, son of Charles Tannehill, was born in Ashland county, May 6, 1830, and in 1854, married Sarah McNaull, who died in 1865. In 1866 he married Rebecca Zigler. He followed farming until the Rebellion broke out, and in October 1861, enlisted in company G, Sixty-fifth Ohio, as a private. In November, he was promoted to second lieutenant, and in November 1862, was promoted to first lieutenant. In March, 1863, he was promoted to captain, and, the same year, was recommended to Governor Todd to the rank of major; but Governor Brough changed the order of things by ordering that every man should be promoted according to rank, so his commission as major was countermanded. He took part in the battles of Stone River, Chickamauga, Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, Peachtree Creek; was at the siege of Alanta, and Perrysville, Kentucky, and at Pittsburgh Landing. At the close of the war, he engaged in the lumber business, from 1866 to 1874, when he went into the produce business. He has held the office of mayor ever since Perrysville was incorporated. In politics, he is a Republican. He is the father of four children: Frank G., who married Laura Grove, and lives in Perrysville; and Willie, Charles, and Minnie, who died in infancy. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MELZER TANNEHILL, JR. (Green) p. 275(1)

Melzer Tannehill, Jr., was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, in 1801, and came to Ohio with his father in 1805. They came in a flat bottom boat, called a broad horn, down the Allegheny to Pittsburgh, and then down the Ohio to Steubenville. In 1827 he married Sarah Oliver. He is a farmer, a member of the Presbyterian church, and in politics is a Republican. He is the father of five children: Elizabeth, wife of James A. Van Horn, and afterwards wife of Wilson Enos, of Richland county, Ohio; Charles L., in Arkansas; Nancy E., in Ashland county; Mary, and Letitia, wife of N. McD. Coe. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MELZER TANNEHILL [SR.] (Green) p. 275(1)

Melzer Tannehill, born in Maryland in 1766, emigrated from there to Alleghany county Pennsylvania, and came to Jefferson county, Ohio, in 1805, and settled in Green township in 1811, on the farm now owned by N. McD. Coe, where he built his own cabin. He was one of the first county commissioners of Richland county, and the first justice of the peace in Green township. He held the office but a short time when he resigned. In politics he was an old line Whig. He married Eleanor Lisle, of Pittsburgh, in 1790, who died September 1, 1840. He died April 24, 1851. He was the father of ten children, of whom only three are living; Melzer, who married Sarah Oliver; Nancy, wife of Matthew Anderson, and afterwards wife of Adam Graber, and lives in Perrysville; and Sallie E., wife of Isaac M. Ayers of Perrysville. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

THE TANNEHILLS (Green) p. 163(1)

Melzer Tannehill, sr., was born in Frederick, county Maryland, July 12, 1716 [1766]. He emigrated to what is now Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, and located near Pittsburgh in the year 1777, during the Revolutionary war. He married Miss Eleanor Lile, March 23, 1790. He emigrated to Jefferson county, Ohio, in 1805, and in September, 1811, removed to Green township, in what is now Ashland county, and located on section twenty-three, where he resided over fifty years. He was one of the first commissioners of Richland county in 1813. In 1812 he was assessor of Knox county. He was subsequently a justice of the peace for Green township. During the exciting scenes of 1812, after the assassinations on the Black fork, he took a vigilant part in preparing to repel any future assaults by the savages. He deceased April 24, 1851. He was an exemplary and upright man, and had been a regular attendant upon the services of the Presbyterian church for many years. His family consisted of five sons and five daughters. Two sons and three daughters yet survive.

Charles Tannehill was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, January 30, 1792. He emigrated with his father’s family in 1811, and assisted in improving the homestead in Green township. During the border troubles of 1812, he served as a soldier in a company recruited in Knox county, Ohio, by Captain Greer, and participated in all the dangers incident to border life. In June, 1814, he married Miss Mary, daughter of Allen Oliver, and located on section twenty-seven, where he resided over fifty years. He died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Joseph Cathcart, in Portage county, Indiana, November 26, 1875, at the advanced age of eighty-four years. His remains were brought to Perrysville for interment, and now rest beside those of the wife of his youth, who had preceded him to the grave. He was a member of the Disciple church. His family consisted of twelve children, nine sons and three daughters. Four sons and two daughters survived him. Mr. Adamson Tannehill, the oldest son, resides in Hicksville, Defiance county, Ohio. He was born July 1, 1815, and is the oldest living native of Green township,

Melzer Tannehill, jr., second son of Melzer, sr., was born in Butler county, Pennsylvania, June 18, 1801, and removed with his father’s family to Jefferson county, Ohio, and thence to Green township in 1811, and assisted in improving the old homestead. He is now seventy-five years old, and quite rugged. He writes a fair hand, and may survive many years. He is an influential farmer, and takes a lively interest in the improvement of the county. His recollections of the days of the pioneers are quite vivid. At the organization of the pioneer and historical society of Ashland county in 1875, he communicated many interesting incidents, and became a member. He says the following pioneers were citizens of Green township at the arrival of his father’s family in 1811: “George Pierce, John Davis, George and Abram Baughman, John Murphy, Joseph Jones, Sylvester Fisher, Ebenezer Rice, Solomon Hill, Josiah L. Hill, Moses Adsit, Thomas Coulter, Allen Oliver and Jeremiah Conine, and their families. In the fall of 1812, when the Indians became hostile, the settlers erected strong cabins and blockhouses for their protection. Some three or four families having friends at Clinton, Knox county, removed there for greater safety. There was no stampede, as some state. All the settlers except the ones named, remained and occupied their own place of defence.” (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ENOCH TAYLOR (Ruggles) p. 219(1)

ENOCH TAYLOR was born in Litchfield, Connecticut, May 21, 1793. In his youth he served an apprenticeship at the trade of a shoemaker.* He married in his native county, in April, 1814, and removed to Ruggles township, Huron county, Ohio, in 1828. He erected a cabin north of the corners, in the midst of a dense forest. He cut away the trees in the vicinity of the cabin, and made a garden for vegetables. When he entered the township there were but about a dozen families in it. Wild game was quite plenty, so much so, that he often shot deer in the vicinity of his cabin. Wild turkeys were uncommonly numerous, and fed upon beach-nuts and acorns. Wild hogs often approached the cabin. He obtained his meal and flour from a mill in the vicinity of Savannah, often carrying a few pecks of corn along the paths on his shoulders. Like his pioneer neighbors, he underwent, for many years, all the hardships incident to the early settlement of this county. When he erected his first cabin there were few to aid him. The settlement of the township at that time was greatly embarrassed by eastern speculators, who owned and refused to part with the lands at a fair price. Mr. Taylor, in his lifetime, expressed the opinion that he had made the first pair of boots in the center of the township. He followed his trade for many years, in connection with the cultivation of a small farm, and by the joint result of both occupations raised and educated his family. In person he was of medium size, pale, nervous and full of genuine Yankee vivacity. He could not resist the perpetration of a joke even to the last. He was a man of excellent habits. He had been a member of the Congregational church for a long series of years, and adhered with much firmness to its doctrines. In 1875 he lost the wife of his youth, with whom he had lived over half a century in great happiness. In September, 1875, he attended and became a member of the Pioneer and Historical society of Ashland county, and expressed much gratification over the organization of such a society. He was then in feeble health, and expressed the opinion that he would never meet the pioneers again. He died of general debility, February 15, 1876. His family consisted of two sons, Clark Taylor, of Iowa, and George Taylor, of Ruggles, who resides on the old homestead, and two girls, Sarah, wife of James Grinold, of Ruggles, and Mary, wife of Argalious Peck, now deceased.

*Mr. Taylor served three years in the war of 1812, in Connecticut when about nineteen years of age. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SAMUEL TAYLOR (Montgomery) p. 370(1)

Samuel Taylor was born in Ireland in the year 1808. When ten years of age his parents removed to this country and located in Plymouth township, Richland county, Ohio, where he resided until he became fifteen years of age. While there he attended school. He then went to Milan, Erie county, where he learned his trade, that of foundryman, and after his trade was completed he worked as journeyman for a few years, when he made a trip to New Orleans, going the entire distance in a flat-boat, starting from Wellsville, Ohio, The next season he returned to Milan, where he worked at his trade for a period of two or three years, when he went to Maumee. There he remained two years, when he returned to Milan and remained about two years. He then went to Clarksfield, Huron county, where he remained about one year, and then came to Ashland county, which has since been his home. He was married in 1835 to Miss Harriet Wilmarth, who was born near Jamestown, New York, in about 1810 or 1812. She died in 1860. The fruits of this union are six children, five of whom are still living as follows: Gustavus W., Harriet M., William H., Francis H., and Mary. The one deceased was Samuel who died at the age of sixteen years. All who are living have been married, with the exception of William H. Mr. Taylor has three grandchildren living, and one deceased. He has always paid his attention to the foundry business, and now owns and carries on a foundry at this place. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM TAYLOR (Green) p. 165(1)

Was born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, January 14, 1774. His father had emigrated from Ireland two or three years before the commencement of the American Revolution. He removed, after the close of the war, into Huntington county, and subsequently into Bedford county near the iron works. Here William remained until manhood, and married. In August 1821, he emigrated, with his family, to Richland county, Ohio, landing at Mansfield. He brought with him one five-horse, one four-horse, and one two-horse team. The large team was loaded principally with axes, grubbing hoes, wedges, corn hoes and other necessary tools, and one set of blacksmith tools, which were disposed of to the pioneers at a fair profit. His route was by Pittsburgh, then along Cook’s and Beall’s trails to Wooster, and thence through Jeromeville, Hayes’ cross roads, Petersburgh, and to Mansfield along the old State road. In the fall of 1821, he purchased four quarter sections of land adjoining what is now the Carey farm in Green township. He improved this property, passing through all the struggles of pioneer life, and resided on it until March 7, 1851, when he deceased. This homestead, in point of soil and location, was one of the finest in the county. Mr. Taylor was twice married. His family consisted of eight sons–William, Thomas, Levi, James, Alexander, David, John and Andrew, and one daughter, Sarah, wife of Thomas McGuire, of Green. John has been repeatedly elected justice of the peace, has served two terms in the Ohio legislature, and was elected probate judge in 1875.

The family are all deceased but Levi, James, David, John, Andrew and Mrs. McGuire. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM TAYLOR and SONS (Green) p. 241(1)

Among the early settlers of what is now Ashland county was William Taylor, who emigrated from Pennsylvania in the year 1822, with his wife, eight sons and one daughter. He arrived at Mansfield in the month of June and remained there until autumn, when he removed on a farm which he had purchased, situated on what is called Honey creek, in Green township, Ashland county, but at that time belonged to Richland county. He brought with him from Pennsylvania eleven head of horses, three wagons and a set of blacksmith tools, and quite a number of farming utensils. In 1830 he was elected commissioner, and for several years filled the office of justice of the peace. After a great many years of hard labor he became the owner of nearly a thousand acres of land, and on which he quite extensively carried on farming and stock-raising. Mr. Taylor was born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, in the year 1774, and died in 1851. Jane, wife of William Taylor, was born in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, in the first year of American independence, and died in 1832. William, their eldest son, in 1828 located in Findlay, Hancock county, Ohio, where he embarked in merchandising, and became quite a prominent business man. He at one time represented his county in the State legislature. Thomas, the second son, was a farmer, and settled in Wood county, where he remained until death. Levi followed his brother to Hancock county. He began active life on a farm, but was afterwards elected treasurer of his county. James foresaw Horace Greeley’s advice, and emigrated to Oregon in 1844. He was with the first train that crossed the Rocky mountains in search of gold, and at one time he was territorial treasurer of Oregon. He has been successful in business and has amassed quite a fortune. He is at the present time in retired life on the banks of the Columbia River. Daniel is a farmer, and at present lives in Richland county, Ohio. He is a man of energy and enterprise, and has been successful in life. He was commissioner of his county during the building of the new court house. Andrew J. took up his abode in Putnam county, Ohio, and for several years was clerk of the court, and filled the office of probate judge for six years. He now resides in Paulding county, Ohio. Sarah J. McGuire, the only daughter, resides in Green township, near the old homestead. Judge John, the only son in this county, has most of his life lived on a farm, and always dealt more or less in stock, and in an early day, before railroads in this county, drove a great deal of stock across the Alleghany mountains. He served as justice of the peace for his township for many years, and was elected to the State legislature in 1859, and re-elected in 1861; and in 1875 was elected probate judge, and re-elected in 1878, and holds that position at the present time. (Transcribed by George Shopbell gmax@bright.net) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN L. THOMAS (Montgomery) p. 377(1)

John L. Thomas, son of Leonard Thomas, from Frederick county, Maryland, and Ellen Hough from Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, was born August 16, 1833, in Montgomery township, Ashland county, Ohio, on the homestead where he now resides. The father’s family consisted of five children, three of whom are living: John L., Henrietta, and Eliza Jane. Mr. Thomas and his sisters inherited the property of their father, consisting of one hundred and twenty acres, located in the southeast portion of Montgomery township. In politics he is a Democrat, being an earnest supporter of the principles of that party. Mr. Thomas has never married. His sisters remain with him at the old homestead and attend to the duties of the household. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOSIAH THOMAS (Mifflin) p. 177(1)

Josiah Thomas, the subject of this sketch, was born in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, March 9, 1804. His parents, George and Mary Beam Thomas, were natives of Pennsylvania. The ancestors of his father came from Wales, and those of his mother from Germany. George and Mary Thomas, with their family, removed to Brooke county, Virginia, in about 1807, and remained there about one year, when they came to Ohio and settled in Harrison county. Mr. Thomas was, by trade, a tailor, and followed that business until old age compelled him to relinquish it. From Harrison county the family came to Mifflin township, in the present county of Ashland, about 1817, and after about seven years again removed in 1824, this time to Orange township, where he purchased the farm now owned by his son, Josiah Thomas. Here he died at the age of eighty-two years. His widow survived him some five years, and died aged eighty-five years. They had a family of eleven children, of whom but two representatives now remain: Mrs. Elizabeth Jaques, in Illinois, and Josiah Thomas, the youngest son, on the old homestead.

Josiah Thomas worked on the farm of his father during his boyhood and youth, doing his part toward redeeming the wilderness, clearing, log-rolling, rail-splitting, building fence, and other hard manual labor, until his brothers and sisters, having left the farm, died, or married and made homes for themselves, when, by will, he inherited the property, after paying certain sums to the other heirs. He was married September 2, 1830, to Eliza Zimmerman, who was born in Union county, Pennsylvania, December 25, 1809. Her father died when she was small, and she came to Ohio with other members of the family, when about twenty years of age. To them have been born ten children, two of who died in early childhood; Sanford, at the age of three years, three months and seven days; Jefferson, aged one year, seven months and three days. Adeline died aged seventeen years and one month. Those now living are: George, Henry C., Warren R., Mary, Elizabeth, Freelove, and Harriet, all of whom are now married except Warren and Harriet, who remain at home with their parents.

Mr. Thomas was one of the first commissioners of the present county of Ashland, in which office he served three years and six months, when he declined to further serve. He has also held the office of township trustee some seventeen years. He has never been an office-seeker, but the people of his township, appreciating his worth, have continued him in office. Both himself and his wife are members of the Disciple church, with which they have been connected some thirty years. His first vote was cast for Andrew Jackson, and he has ever since adhered to the principles of the Democratic Party. He has a good home in the southern part of Orange township, comprising the old homestead of one hundred and sixty acres. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

PETER THOMAS (Mifflin) p. 158(1)

Was born in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, July 9, 1798. His father, George Thomas, emigrated with his family, to Harrison county, in the spring of 1807. In 1815 Peter Thomas, then sixteen years of age, traveled on foot, accompanied by the family watch-dog, a large and faithful mastiff, along a new path leading from Cadiz to the village of Wooster, and rested one night at Stibbs’ mill. The next night he reached the cabin of John Raver, near the present site of Rowsburgh. The following morning he pursued his journey by paths until he struck Beall’s trail, at Jerome’s place, and thence along a blazed path partly opened, to Beam’s mill, three miles below Mansfield, on the Rocky fork of Mohican. Jacob Beam, the owner of the mill, was an uncle. He remained a few weeks, and returned. In 1817, his father’s family came on and erected a cabin on the present site of Mifflin, believed to have been the first shingled house in the township of Mifflin. When the tide of emigration commenced, after the close of the war, the road from Mansfield to Wooster, passed through Petersburgh, as the village was then called, and it became the principal route to Richland and other western counties for emigration. Mr. George Thomas, father of Peter, kept the first house of entertainment, which was well patronized for six or eight years. In 1823, George Thomas and family located on a farm now owned by Josiah Thomas, in Orange township. Peter Thomas purchased two hundred acres adjoining the homestead, in Montgomery township, and resided upon it until about 1860, when he removed to a new residence, one and a half miles northeast of Ashland, where he deceased, February 26, 1876. He was conscious of the approaching termination of his life, and was in the act of dictating a codicil to a will, when he became faint, and expired in a few moments, from paralysis of the heart. He had been three times married, and left a large and reputable family to mourn his loss. He had been a member to the Disciple church for a number of years, and adorned his profession by an upright and exemplary life. As a citizen, he was highly respected. He was a man of uncommon resolution and firmness when he had deliberately formed an opinion. He was high-toned and exact in all his transactions with men, and inflexibly opposed to every species of prevarication in morals, business and politics. He was never an office-seeker, but was always the advocate of a pure, economical and patriotic administration of the government.* He was a careful, frugal, and shrewd businessman, and had acquired a handsome property. Few men have taken a deeper interest in the prosperity of the county, and none will be more lamented.

*He was often elected school director, and was township trustee sixteen or eighteen times, but was always nominated and pressed into the service, against his own wishes. (Transcribed by Penny Hanes PHanes1368@aol.com) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN TILTON (Orange) p. 165(1)

Was born in Princeton, New Jersey, in 1760. He entered the army of the American Revolution when he was sixteen years old, in 1776. He served in a regiment commanded by Colonel Klon. He was in the battles of Princeton, January 3, 1777; Germantown, October 4, 1777; Monmouth, June 28, 1778; Sander’s Creek, August 16, 1780; Jamestown, July 9, 1781; at the surrender of Lord Cornwallis, October 19, 1781, and in a number of heavy skirmishes and retreats. He was in the service nearly five years, during which he experienced all the privations and hardships incident to the Revolutionary war. At the expiration of his service he returned to New Jersey, and married.

In 1787 he removed to Washington county, Pennsylvania. His family, at that time, consisted of himself, his wife, and two children–Elizabeth and Ira.

In August, 1812, he removed to Stark county, Ohio. In 1814 he removed to Wayne county, where he remained until May 1831, when he located on section thirty-five, in Orange township, Ashland county. He purchased the farm of Robert Crawford, upon which had been erected, by its owner, a noted horse-mill of the pioneer period.

Mr. Tilton enlisted, for a tour of three months, in the brigade of Colonel Robert Crooks, in the war of 1812, in the northwest, while residing in Stark county, and accompanied the Pennsylvania troops, under General Robert Crooks, from Pittsburgh to Jerome’s place and Mansfield, late in the fall of 1812.

He possessed great bodily vigor, which he retained to an advanced age. He was inflexible in his purposes, and retained a clear intellect until the time of his death. He expired, after a brief illness, at his farm in Orange township, August 12, 1849, aged nearly ninety years. He was accompanied to his final rest, in the cemetery at Orange, by volunteer military companies under the command of the late Colonel Alexander Miller, Major R.B. Fulkerson, and Captain John S. Fulton, and hundreds of his old neighbors.

Mr. Tilton was regarded as an upright and valuable citizen. His services in the war of Independence, and of 1812, with Great Britain, won for him the esteem of all his patriotic neighbors.

Mrs. Tilton preceded him to the grave about four months, at the age of eighty-four years. The family consisted of Elizabeth, Ira, Sarah, Amy, Phebe, Deborah, Aaron, and James A.  Of these, only two survive–Mrs. Phebe Camybell, aged eighty-five, and James Albert ,aged sixty-five. The latter resides on the old homestead, and is remarkable for his extraordinary physical force and mental determination. He is a successful farmer and businessman. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

EMANUEL TREACE (Mohican) p. 359(1)

Emanuel Treace is a son of George and Maria Treace, and was born on the farm on which he now resides June 25, 1846. May 15, 1870 he was married to Christie A. Kahl of this county. To them have been born four children as follows: Ada B., born June 20, 1871; Byron, born January 2, 1873; William K., born September 21, 1874; Zenas E., born September 26, 1877. The father of Mr. Treace was among the early settlers of this township, and raised a family of eight children of whom all but one are living, Adeline who died in 1868. Emanuel Treace is a farmer and by hard work has provided for his family a comfortable home. Both himself and his wife are members of the United Brethren church, of which he has been superintendent and class steward. In politics he is a Republican. His father was born May 13, 1815 and died March 3, 1877; his mother was born September 22, 1817 and died February 23, 1870. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

ENOS TRYON (Mohican) p. 361(1)

Enos Tryon was born in Plain township, Wayne county, in the year 1835, July 30th, and was a son of John and Lydia Tryon. His father was born in Otsego county, New York, March 8, 1794, and his mother was born in New York March 12, 1799. They had twelve children, ten sons and two daughters. Enos was the ninth child. His father and mother were married in 1817. Their children were: Moses, Matthew (died), Christopher, Daniel, Titus (died), Juna (died), Rufus (died), Rebecca, Enos, Nathan (died), John W., Elmor (died). Enos was married October, 1857, to Maggaline Lorance, and by this union they had two children: Maria, born April 18, 1859, and died September 10, 1863; Ulysses W., born January 15, 1865. He moved to Indiana, and lived there until the death of his wife, which occurred November 12, 1865, when he moved back to Wayne county, and lived with his father until he came to Ashland county, in 1869, and settled in Mohican township. On November 17, 1868 he was married to his second wife, Sarah Metcalf, by whom he had one child, who died in infancy. Mr. Tryon is a farmer, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. In politics he has always been a Republican. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

COLONEL GEORGE W. URIE (Orange) p. 188(1) Entry #1

Was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, February 22, 1806, and in 1815, when nine years of age, accompanied his father’s family to Ohio, making a home in Orange township, in the present county of Ashland. In his boyhood he was an adept in the sports of the day, jumping, wrestling, running foot races, etc., in which he was able to hold his own with the best. His father was a great deer and bear hunter, and he generally accompanied him to assist in bringing in the trophies of the chase. In these expeditions he learned the intricate details of woodcraft, and became as expert with the rifle in securing game as his father.

When a young man he learned the trade of millwright, which called him some distance from his home. He also worked at the carpenter trade for more than twenty years–at that time very hard work, as mechanics were obliged to go into the woods, cut suitable trees, juggle, score and hew down the timber to a proper size, after which it was hauled by ox teams to the place designed for the building, where it was mortised and framed. Very many of these strongly framed houses and barns are now standing where they were built fifty or sixty years ago, and bid fair to remain another half century.

Colonel Urie possessed strong military tastes, and with his commanding figure and erect bearing was a prominent character at drill and general muster. Under the old State militia law he passed through the various grades from Captain to Colonel of a regiment of independent rifles. At the breaking out of the war with Mexico he still commanded this regiment, and made all his arrangements to accompany his comrades in support of the honor of the American flag, but having recently recovered from a severe attack of sickness, he was advised by his physician that if he followed his inclination in the matter it would very likely prove fatal to him. He therefore reluctantly decided to remain at home, and leave the honors that might be won to other officers of the regiment.

In the fall of 1845 he was elected treasurer of Richland county, and upon the erection of Ashland county in 1846, he resigned, and was elected the first treasurer of the new county, which office he held two terms.

In 1851 he was seized with a desire to seek a fortune among the gold mines of California, and entered the “golden gate” by way of the Isthmus of Panama. He remained in California but one year, and finding his golden dreams contained more dross than pure metal, he returned. In 1853 he was elected a member of the State board of equalization from the district composed of Ashland and Richland counties. In 1857 he was appointed deputy United States marshal for the northern district of Ohio, and aided in taking the census of 1860. He was elected recorder of Ashland county in 1865, and held the office until 1874, when he was elected mayor of Ashland, which office he held two years.

Colonel Urie has been a resident of Ashland many years. As is evinced by the numerous places of trust he has filled, he has the confidence of the people of the county in which he lives. He was twice married, and by his first wife raised a family of four daughters–Mrs. Mary J. Porter, Mrs. Alice A. Beer, Mrs. Libbie H. Anderson, and Mrs. Sadie A. Beer. A son died young. Mrs. Porter died in September 1875.

An extended sketch of the life of Solomon Urie, father of Colonel George W. Urie, will be found on page 189 of this work. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

COLONEL GEORGE W. URIE (Orange) p. 183(1) Entry #2

Was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, February 22, 1806, and emigrated with his father’s family to Orange township, Richland, now Ashland county, Ohio, in November, 1815. For many years he has been a citizen of Ashland. His tastes are strongly military. Under the old State organization, he was promoted through the various grades, from captain to colonel, of his regiment of independendent rifles. When mounted on horseback, properly caparisoned, he was a fine looking officer, being tall and finely proportioned. With an unusually piercing black eye he was every inch a soldier, in address and appearance. In the fall of 1845 he was elected treasurer of Richand county, and upon the erection of Ashland county, in 1846, he resigned, and was elected the first treasurer of the new county, which office he held two terms. Being bitten by the gold fever in 1851, he spent one year in California, reaching that region by way of Panama. In 1853 he was elected a member of the State board of equalization from the district composed of Ashland and Richland counties. In 1857 he was appointed deputy United States marshal for the northern district of Ohio, and in 1860 aided in taking the census. In 1865 he was elected recorder of Ashland county, and held the office until 1874. In the spring of 1874 he was elected mayor of Ashland, and held the office two years. Colonel Urie is a member of the Presbyterian church, and noted for his integrity and uprightness. He is a son of the late Solomon Urie, noticed elsewhere. The family of Colonel Urie consists of four daughters, Mrs. Mary J. Porter, Mrs. Alice A. Beer, Mrs. Libbie H. Anderson, and Mrs. Sadie A. Beer, and a son who died young. Mrs. Porter deceased in September, 1875. (Transcribed and contributed by Linda J. Collins)

SAMUEL URIE (Milton) p. 349(1)

Samuel Urie was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania in 1792, and moved into Ashland (then Richland) county in 1814. In the fall of 1815 he was married to Rachel Stephenson, by whom he had nine children: Thomas, Samuel, Andrew, John, George, Elizabeth, Mary Ann, Rachel and Nancy. Elizabeth, John and Andrew are dead. At the age of fifty-six, in the year 1848, Mr. Urie died.

His wife still survives him. Samuel Urie was born in 1826, and was married in 1849 to Henrietta Nelson, by whom he has had five children: Elizabeth, Arabella, Loren, Ellsworth and Willis. Arabella is deceased. Mr. Urie is a quiet, inoffensive man, of good habits, and a worthy and much esteemed citizen, and lives in full view of the old homestead. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SOLOMON URIE (Orange) p. 189(1)

Was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, near Bloody run, in 1769. He was in Williamson’s campaign against the Moravian villages, on the Tuscarawas, in 1782, and was at the massacre of the Christian Moravians, and saw the burning of their houses. He was then quite young, but large of his age. Colonel David Williamson was a brother-in-law, and for that reason he was induced to accompany the expedition. He always disapproved that barbarous act, and often stated to his sons, that Williamson yielded a reluctant consent to the perpetration of that dreadful tragedy, being unable to control the violence of his soldiers, who were border volunteers, and had suffered much from Indian raids and depredations.

In the year 1810, Solomon Urie and his brother Thomas went on a hunting excursion across the Ohio and established a camp about midway between the present sites of Cadiz and New Philadelphia. They hunted together some days, and finally, in one of their trips through the forest in search of game, became separated. Thomas, having killed a bear, in the evening was conveying the skin toward the camp, which he had nearly reached, when he was shot and killed by Indians, who had taken possession of it, and were in ambush, watching his arrival. Solomon, at the same time, was approaching the camp from another direction, driving before him his horses, which had been belled and hoppled. When almost in sight of the camp, he heard a double crack of guns, and, fearing his brother might have been assailed by Indians, considered it prudent to leave his horses and carefully guard against surprise. When he came in sight of his camp, he saw two Indians plundering it, while a third was acting as sentinel. He raised his rifle to shoot the Indian guard, when his brother’s dog began to bark, which pointed out his position to the Indian. Mr. Urie comprehended the position at a glance. There were three Indians. To press forward might be fatal. In his rear was a swamp. To retreat in that direction would be folly. Summoning all his energies, he made a bold dash in the direction of the Indian sentinel. The Indian became alarmed and retreated, dodging behind trees to escape his white assailant. Mr. Urie pressed boldly forward, discovering as he went, the body of his brother Thomas. He successfully escaped the Indians, who pursued him some miles to the verge of a precipice, down which he plunged, and on descending to the bottom, discovered that he had broken the breach of his gun, the lock being uninjured. The Indians were amazed at the leap, and abandoned further pursuit. Mr. Urie continued his flight in the direction of the Ohio River, and, much to his surprise, came upon a camp formed of Captain Samuel Brady and other hunters. The next morning he and a number of others returned to his late camp and found Thomas covered with the skin of the bear he had shot the day before. The Indians had carried away one of his moccasins and a leggin. His body was pierced with two bullets, and scalped. A grave was dug with wooden shovels, into which his body was deposited, enclosed in a coffin made of puncheons. The Indians had departed with the horses, forty deer, ten bear, and ten beaver skins, and the entire stock of provisions and traps. Mr. Urie offered all the property to his new comrades if he would join him in the pursuit, capture and punishment of the Indians. It was regarded as too hazardous an undertaking, and he was reluctantly compelled to leave the murder of his brother unrevenged for the present.

He returned to his home in Washington county, resolved to retaliate on the red fiends of the Ohio forests at no distant day. When the war of 1812 was inaugurated, he and his son Samuel served three months on the borders of Canada, and rendezvoused at Black Rock. In the summer of 1814, Mr. Urie visited Orange township, and located a quarter section of land, and a quarter section in Montgomery township, and erected a small cabin and cleared a few acres of ground, and in the fall of 1815 removed to it with his family, which consisted of seven sons–Samuel, Thomas, David, Solomon, John, George W. and James; and two girls–Susannah and Elizabeth.

In the fall of 1815, he erected a blacksmith shop on his land, being the first one in Orange township, he being a blacksmith and gunsmith by trade. The first winter after his arrival, he killed forty deer, eight large black bears, a great number of wolves, and other game. On one occasion, there being considerable snow on the ground, he took an old horse and rode two or three miles north in the forest, hitched to a sapling, and, proceeding a short distance, shot a fine deer. Returning to the horse, he rode it through the undergrowth to the deer, tied a rope around its neck, fastened the other end to the tail of the horse, mounted, and rode home, dragging the deer after him. He had reached his cabin but a few minutes, when, as he was engaged in skinning the deer, a gang of hungry wolves, following his trail, appeared in the vicinity of his cabin. His dogs set up a furious barking and commenced an attack upon the wolves, when they soon fled into the forest. It was a narrow escape; for they were half famished for food. He was very successful in trapping wolves. He usually made a sort of triangular pen, arranging a large trap, so that the wolf would have to pass over it in reaching a piece of fresh meat which he placed in the narrow end, covering the trap with leaves. Having bent and trimmed a small sapling, he fastened the chain of the trap to it in such a manner that when the wolf attempted to back out, it would tread upon the trap, set it off, be caught by the hind legs, and elevated by the sapling. In this way, he captured a great many, a reward being offered for their scalps. Soon after the erection of his shop, Tom Lyons, Jonacake, Catotawa, and other Wyandot and Delaware Indians, came to have their tomahawks and guns repaired. They frequently brought bent gun-barrels to be straightened. Passing the barrel between the logs of his shop, he used sufficient force to spring it back, until the bend was out; then, taking a bow with a thong of deer sinews, he passed the thong through the barrel, and, springing it until it was tense, he could see whether any kinks were left in the barrel by sighting through the bore; and if any were discovered, he removed them by a wooden mallet, by laying the barrel on the end of a square block and striking on it, occasionally looking through the bore at a piece of white paper, to see if all the kinks were out. The Indians watched the operation very closely, insisting that he would “spoil gun.” After completing the work, Mr. Urie would challenge the Indians to shoot at a mark with him. Being a fine shot, always shooting off-hand, “Old Peel,” as he called his rifle, was sure to cut the paper. The Indians, being accustomed to shoot with a rest, made poor shots off-hand. When they were about to shoot, Urie, who was always brimful of fun and tricks, would stand close to his competitor, saying, “Indian stir mush,” “Cooza,” “No go,” when the Indian, becoming very nervous, would miss the mark, and Urie would laugh heartily. In this way, when he bet he won most of their furs and skins.

After the murder of his brother, Mr. Urie never entertained a very cordial feeling for the red race; and, on his hunting excursions along the Black river, from 1815 to 1825, though reticent on the subject, it is believed he more than once avenged the death of his brother.

Mr. Urie died in Montgomery township, July 7, 1830, aged nearly sixty-two years, and Mrs. Elizabeth Urie, his wife, in June, 1842, aged about seventy-three years. Colonel George W. Urie is the only one of the family in this county. Thomas* and David+ are in Iowa; and James is in Indiana. All the others are gone to their final resting place.

*Thomas Urie died in Iowa, September 8, 1875, aged eighty-two years.

+David Urie died in Iowa, March, 1874, aged seventy-eight years. (Transcribed by Penny Hanes PHanes1368@aol.com) (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN WESLEY VAIL (Mifflin) p. 315(1)

John W. Vail was born in this township, on the Copus farm, September 13, 1849, where he has always resided. He is a grandson of Mrs. Vail, whose father was a Copus, and was killed by the Indians at an early day, as is mentioned elsewhere. He was married September 5, 1871, to Miss Ellen Bochelden; she was born in December 1849. They have reared a family of two children, both of whom are living. They are Lawrence Wade and Hattie May. Lawrence W. was born October 9, 1872, and Hattie M. was born May 14, 1875. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

CHARLES S. VAN ARNAN (Montgomery) p. 181(1)

CHARLES S. VAN ARNAN was born in Columbia county, State of New York, April 5, 1814. He lost his parents in infancy, and is a self-educated man. He became a professional teacher in early life. He came to Clearcreek township as early as 1838, where he taught school. In 1839 he located in Ashland, where he taught several sessions. In 1843 he acted as deputy sheriff under Sheriff Kerr, of Richland county. After the erection of Ashland county, he served a number of years as constable for Montgomery township, and as superintendent of the county infirmary. He studied law with Gates & McComes, and was admitted in 1853. He married Eunice Cornell, of Elyria, in 1842. He removed to Troy in 1854, and became a farmer-lawyer. During the war of 1861-5, he served in Tennessee. Since his return he has been elected justice of the peace. He is now farming one-mile southeast of the center. He is the parent of three girls and two sons, one of whom fell in the late war. The other members of his family are married. As the name denotes, Mr. Van Arnan is a descendant of the original Hollanders, of New York. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SOLOMON VANCE (Orange) p. 248(1)

SOLOMON VANCE was born in Richland county, Ohio, April 1, 1828, and when two years of age went with his parents to Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, where he remained ten years, and returned with his parents, and settled on section five in Orange township, then in Richland, but now of Ashland county, upon the farm upon which he now resides. He attended the early schools of that township, where he obtained a knowledge of the English branches as then taught. He married Miss Eliza Richards, daughter of Samuel Richards, of Troy township, by whom he has had eight children, all of whom are living, five girls and three boys. One daughter is married and lives in Nebraska, and another in Troy township; and one son, married, resides with Valentine Vance, his grandfather, in Orange township, upon a part of the old homestead, which contains one hundred and thirty acres.

Mr. Vance is in prosperous circumstances as a farmer, and much respected by his neighbors. He is a member of the Christian Union church, as well as his lady.

Valentine Vance was born December 18, 1797, in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and when seventeen years of age, came with his father, Valentine Vance, to Canton, Ohio, and from thence to near Mansfield, in Richland county, Ohio, where he resided as a pioneer, and then sold his land.

He married Mrs. Eliza Chapman in July 1827. She was a widow, and had been married to Mr. Chapman in Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania, by whom there is yet living one son.

Mr. Vance, after selling his land near Mansfield, returned to Allegheny county, and remained there several years, and finally returned to Richland county, and located on section five in Orange township. His first neighbors were John Krebs, Robert McLaughlin, William Murray, William Patterson, Henry Hiffner, Edward Murray, Jacob Krebs, and Philip Biddinger. The country was new and the times were hard.

Mr. Vance is the father of eight children, four boys–Solomon, Job H., David and George; and three girls–Fannie, Rachel and Matilda D. ; Rachel and Matilda D. are deceased; and David died young; the rest are all living and married. Mr. and Mrs. Vance belong to the Christian Union church. Mr. Vance is now eighty-three years of age, and quite feeble. Mrs. Vance was eighty years old June 14, 1880, and seems to have excellent health and a clear mind. Mr. Solomon Vance now owns the old homestead, and seems solicitous to render the old people happy and comfortable, while they journey in the valley of trials and troubles. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

JOHN VAN NEST (Perry) p. 214(1)

JOHN VAN NEST was born December 1, 1814, In York county, Pennsylvania. He attended common schools, learned the trade of a saddler in 1831-32, came to Wooster, Wayne county, in 1838, and worked until 1839. He married Miss Sarah Wiley, of Smithville, Wayne county, May 2, 1839, moved to Rowsburgh the same month, and has carried on business ever since. He has served as a justice of the peace six terms. He was elected commissioner in 1864, and served two terms. He has been a member of the Lutheran church since 1849. His ancestors were from Holland, and located in New Jersey. His father, John Van Nest, located in York county, Pennsylvania, and came to Wayne county in 1838, and died in Millbrook, in 1862, aged eighty-seven.

John Van Nest is the father of ten children–two dead, eight living. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

PETER VAN NORDSTRAND, SR. (Clearcreek) p. 225(1)

PETER VAN NORDSTRAND, SR., was born in New Jersey, and after the close of the Revolutionary war, emigrated to Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. His ancestors were from Holland. In 1816 he came to Clearcreek township, Richland (now Ashland ) county, and located on section thirty-five, where he deceased, in 1817, aged about fifty years. He had been a neighbor to the Baileys and Brytes in Westmoreland county, and was induced to settle in the wilds of Clearcreek because of their emigration to that region. A brother in-law, Archibald Gardner, located in Mifflin, on the present site of Windsor, in the spring of 1811, and forted at Ream’s in 1812.

Mr. Van Nordstrand’s sons were: John, who subsequently removed to, and deceased, in Iowa; Isaac, who also located in Iowa, and Peter, who continues to reside in Clearcreek township. The daughters were: Elizabeth, wife of Abraham Bebout; Anna, wife of Wiliam Andrews; Rachel, wife of David Urie ; Effie, wife of Alexander McCready; Eleanor, wife of James McCool; Margaret, wife of Michael Shoup; Mary, wife of David Bryte, and Sarah, wife of John Mykrants.

Peter married Nancy Shaw, and is now about seventy-two years of age. He states that when his father landed in Clearcreek, there were but eight or ten families in the township. The first school-house in his part of the township was a little log cabin of round logs, erected on the farm of the late Abraham Huffman, in 1817. The children of the following householders attended, Mr. Robert Nelson being the first teacher: Abraham Huffman, John Brown, Andrew Stevison, Robert Ralston, Widow Trickle, David McKinny, Rev. William Matthews, Levi and Thomas Brink, Widow Mary Van Nordstrand, and the children of Robert Nelson. The country was in its primitive condition, game was plenty, and the Indians from Sandusky hunted annually in the forest of Clearcreek for a number of years after the arrival of the first settlers. They were harmless, and rarely visited the cabins of the pioneers, except when they were driven to do so from pinching hunger.

Peter Van Nordstrand, jr., occupied the old homestead until about 1872, when his wife deceased. He is now residing with a son in-law. He has been an exemplary member of the Christian church for over thirty years. His wife was also a devoted member of the same church. It is rarely that men, in a single community, witness the changes that have taken place within this county in the last sixty years. From an almost unbroken forest, the hills and valleys of this county have been reduced to cultivation, and every township teams with abundance. Schools, villages, and towns have sprung into being as if by magic. From a few hundred the inhabitants of the county have multiplied until our population reaches over twenty three thousand. The Indians that roamed over the hills and along the fertile valleys of this county, has long gone since removed to the far west, and his race will, ere long, become extinct. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

PETER VANNORSTRAND (Clearcreek) p. 311(1)

Peter Vannorstrand came to Richland, now Ashland county, as early as 1816, and settled four and one-half miles south of Savannah, in Clearcreek township. He was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania in 1807, and May 24, 1832 was married to Nancy Shaw, by whom he had seven children, three sons and four daughters: John, George, Jesse, Elizabeth, Mary, Ellen, and Delilah. Jesse, Elizabeth, and Delilah, are the only ones living. George died in the army. Mrs. Vannorstrand died June 24, 1872. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

DANIEL VANTILBURG, SR. (Montgomery) p. 246(1)

DANIEL VANTILBURG, SR., was born in New Jersey, in 1781, and with his father’s family settled in Jefferson county, Ohio, about 1809 or 1810, where he served as a soldier under General R. Beall, in the war of 1812, in the Sandusky campaign. He located one hundred and sixty acres of land, one and one-half miles south of Ashland, on the Hayesville road, which he cleared up and improved, and where he died, August 4, 1866, at the ripe old age of eighty-five years. He married, in 1813, in Jefferson county, Ohio, to Miss Margaret Clinton, by whom he had six children, three boys and three girls. The boys were: Henry, who died in 1843; John, who died in 1846; and Daniel, who died in 1877. Mrs. Vantilburg died in 1864, aged about seventy-one years.

Daniel Vantilburg, jr., died in May, 1877, aged fifty-six years. His family consisted of Margaret, John, William, and George. Margaret married Dr. Charles Campbell, and died in 1879. Mrs. Vantilburg’s name before marriage was Clarissa Myers. She was born January 22, 1828, and was married to Daniel Vantilburg, jr., January 3, 1846. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

HENRY VANTILBURG (Milton) p. 348(1)

Henry Vantilburg was a native of New Jersey, where he was born December 8, 1779. September 6, 1810, he was married to Jane Shaw in Jefferson county, Ohio, where he lived till the year 1819 when he moved with his family to Ashland county, Montgomery township, where he resided until his death in 1863, at the advanced age of eighty-four. He was the father of ten children: Julia Ann, Jane, Nathan, Mary, Henry, Matilda, Elizabeth, Sarah, Siniaette and Franklin A. His wife survived him until the year 1874. Prior to her death, three of her married daughters died–Mary Holbrook, Sarah Shannon and Siniaette Goudy. The representatives of the family living in the county are Julia Riley and Franklin A. The latter owns and occupies the old homestead. He was born in 1829, and in 1855 married Mary Shipley, by whom he has had four children, one son and three daughters: Ida, who married Franklin Masteis; Jennie, Delbert and Luzettie. Soon after Mr. Vantilburg’s settlement in Ashland county, he commenced the erection of a barn, in which to store his grain, and encountered many difficulties. It is related that he would load two of his horses with wheat, and carry it a distance of seven miles to Jeromeville; where he would exchange his grain for wrought nails giving one bushel of grain for two pounds of nails. He was a conscientious and law-abiding citizen, avoiding strife and contention. The only lawyer’s fee he was ever called upon to pay was five dollars for the preparation of his will. His was an honorable name to be placed on the list of Ashland county pioneers. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

WILLIAM J. VERMILYA (Clearcreek) p. 312(1)

WILLIAM VERMILYA was born in Delaware county, New York, in the year 1803. January 21, 1829, he was married to Ruth W. Benson, by whom he had nine children: Frances, Emily, Phila, Eliza, Sidney, Elkanah, Chancey, John and Albert. In 1838 he came to Ohio, and settled in Ruggles township, three miles north of Savannah. He died at the age of seventy-six. But two sons survive. John was married January 2, 1868 to Mary Frizzel, and resides near Ashland. In the fall of 1879 he was elected justice of the peace, his father having held the office a number of years before he died. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MICHAEL VESPER (Orange) p. 345(1)

Michael Vesper, youngest child of Christian and Magdalene Vesper, was born in Bavaria, Germany, July 4, 1819. In the year 1833 he immigrated to Pennsylvania, and remained there until May, 1835, when he came to Ashland county, where he has since resided. January 16, 1848, he was married to Mary Sattler, daughter of Lewis Sattler. To them have been born twelve children, as follows: Catharine, Margaret, Elizabeth, Franz, Michael, Magdalene, Christian, Susan, Minnie, George P., David, and Theodore A., all living. Mr. Vesper and wife are earnest members of the German Reformed church. In 1879 he was elected trustee of Orange township, but, on account of sickness, he had to resign.  (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)