Cowan - Curry
JACOB P. COWAN, M. D. (Mohican) p. 404(1)
George William Hill M.D.’s History of Ashland county, Ohio, 1880 page 404, column 1 – He lived in Mohican & Ashland
Jacob P. Cowan, M. D., was born of Scotch-Irish parents, in the village of Florence, Washington county, Pennsylvania, March 20, 1823. He attended the schools of that place until thirteen years of age, when he removed with his parents to Steubenville, Ohio, in 1835, and was engaged in manufacturing until 1843, when he commenced the study of medicine and removed to Jeromeville, Ashland county, Ohio, in 1846, and engaged in the practice of his profession; attended lectures and graduated at Starling Medical college, in Columbus; was elected a member of the State legislature in 1855, and re-elected in 1857. At the expiration of his term in 1859, he removed to Ashland and engaged in the practice of his profession. In 1874 he was nominated and elected to Congress from the Fourteenth district, composed of the counties of Ashland, Holmes, Richland, Wyandot, and Crawford. While a member, he served on several standing committees and was chairman of the committee on militia. The doctor was married in June, 1846, to Miss Mary J. Hooker, of West Virginia. He has had, by this union, nine children; Randolph and Darwin S.; Dr. Frank, of Jeromeville; Samantha (Mrs. Dr. Benjamin Myers), William F.; Lucy and Edgar; Harry and Emma. Of these, Mrs. Myers, Harry and Emma, Randolph and Darwin Stanton, are deceased. In political opinion the doctor is a Democrat. At present he is the senior member of the medical firm of Cowan & Myers, of Ashland, Ohio.
(Transcribed and contributed by Barbara H. Hart)
JOSEPH COWAN (Green) p. 276(1)
Joseph Cowan, born in Ireland in 1777, came to America in 1802, and first settled in Chester county, Pennsylvania. He came to Ashland county in 1831, and settled on the farm now owned by William Cowan. He married Eleanor Ellison in Ireland, who died in 1857. He was a member of the Disciple church, and belonged to the order of Jacksonian Democrats. He died in August, in 1857, at the age of eighty years. He was the father of nine children, six of whom are living: George, living in Mercer county, Missouri; Sophia, wife of James Kelsey, of Missouri; Rachel, formerly wife of Alexander Calhoun, deceased, of Clark county, Ohio, now wife of Edward Lipsett, of Iowa; Mary, wife of Simmons Cornine, of Iowa; Sarah, wife of James Wood, of Holmes county, Ohio, and William. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
WILLIAM COWAN (Green) p. 277(1)
William Cowan, born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, in 1809, came to Ohio, with his father, and in 1855 married Mary Comer. He was admitted to the bar in Richland county, but was a farmer by occupation, only practicing law occasionally. He has been elected commissioner of Ashland county for six years, and has held the office of justice of the peace for nine years, and has also held the office of assessor. He has always voted for all the Democratic Presidents until Hayes’ campaign, and for every Democratic governor until Allen was nominated for a second term. He is the father of three children, Philip C., Jane N., wife of Hezekiah Boyd of Ashland county, and Francis. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
LOUIS COWIE (Clearcreek) p. 310(1)
LOUIS COWIE, was born in Scotland, in 1814, came to America in 1842, and settled in Ashland county. In 1849 he was married to Christiana Copland, by whom he had seven children, four of whom are living. He remained in the country but three years, when he returned to Scotland, remaining there nine years. He again returned to America, and is now residing in Clearcreek township. His wife died in the year 1869. He is a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, and is a citizen esteemed for his integrity and worth. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
SAMUEL CRAIG (Vermillion) p. 302(1)
Samuel Craig was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, December 25, 1814. In 1834 he came to Ohio with his parents, and located where William Craig now lives. Samuel was twenty years of age at the time. On November 22, 1837, he was married to Miss Jemima, daughter of James and Rebecca Stafford, of Vermillion township. They moved into a house on Mr. Craig’s farm, where they remained most of the time until 1846. Mr. Craig then bought the farm in section sixteen, Vermillion township, on which they now live, and which has been their home ever since, and is likely to be the remainder of their lives. They have had nine children, seven of whom are living: two died when quite young–a boy and a girl; two sons and one daughter are married: James S., who married Miss Barbara Mosser, of Vermillion township; Daniel, who married Miss Lydia Youngling, of Vermillion township; Rebecca Jane, who married William Sites, and now lives in Mifflin township, Richland county; Albon, Mary Ann, Elizabeth and Ella are at home. Mr. Craig has a fine farm, and gives it his undivided attention. He has been assessor and trustee a number of years, and has been elected to other township offices, which he declined to fill, as his farm required his whole time. He is a man with many friends in the community that has been his home so many years. He is a hard worker and a good manager. Mr. Craig is a Democrat in politics, though at home elections leaves politics out of the question, and votes for the man he considers best fitted to do credit to the trust conferred by the people. He belongs to no church, but is a liberal supporter of religious and educational institutions, and considers them necessary for the well being of any community. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
WILLIAM CRAIG (Vermillion) p. 306(1)
William Craig was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, September 28, 1812, and removed with his parents to Vermillion township, March 28, 1833. The family then consisted of father, mother, and ten children. The subject of this sketch was the oldest but one, and was then twenty-one years of age. Immediately after their settlement here William left home and began work at his trade, that of blacksmithing, near where the infirmary now stands. Here he remained fourteen years, and worked earnestly at his chosen trade. In November 1837, he married Miss Barbara Whittington, daughter of James Whittington, of Vermillion township, one of Ashland county’s old pioneers. He died September 30, 1846. Mr. Craig boarded with the Whittington family about four years prior to his marriage, and doubtless his energy and ability as a workman won the heart of the woman who has been his helpmate these many years. In 1849 Mr. Craig moved to Hayesville, and worked at his trade till 1855, when he purchased the old home farm and moved there, and took the management of the farm. His mother having died in 1847, his father remained with his son until he died in May, 1871. Mr. Craig has served the people of Vermillion township as trustee six years, and the county as infirmary superintendent. Aside from this public service he has given his time to his farm, which is a good one. This aged couple are members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Hayesville, and have been for a period of thirty-six years. He is a Democrat in politics, but has many warm friends in both parties. He is a man of kind heart, a good neighbor, and a man well known in every township in the county. He was defeated by only ten votes in 1874 for nomination for the office of county commissioner. They have ten children, all living, eight daughters and two sons. All but one are married. The youngest son, William, jr., is single. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JACOB CRALL (Montgomery) p. 238(1)
JACOB CRALL was born near Harrisburgh, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, December 16, 1811. He is of German descent. He attended the common schools of his neighborhood until he reached manhood, and emigrated, in 1835, to Ashland, Ohio, and became a clerk in the store of R. B. Campbell & Co., where he remained about one year. In 1836 he became the partner of John P. Reynor in the mercantile business, and continued until 1838, when he separated from Reynor and formed a partnership with Hulbert Luther, under the name and style of Luther & Crall, and continued as a member of the firm until 1854. In 1851 he also, in company with Mr. Luther, opened a hardware store, which subsequently became the property of Crall and Topping. In the fall of 1851 he became a stockholder and one of the directors in the establishment of a bank of exchange and deposit in Ashland, and continued in the same until 1864. In 1864 the First National Bank of Ashland was organized under a law of Congress, and the stockholders of the bank of Luther, Crall & Co. transferred their interest to the new institution, and Mr. Crall became one of the directors, and still acts in that capacity. In the fall of 1855 he was elected treasurer of Ashland county, and held the office two years. In 1861 he was appointed postmaster of Ashland by the administration of Abraham Lincoln, and retained the office four years. He has been a member of the town council two years. He was elected mayor of Ashland in 1876. He is at present largely engaged in the purchase and sale of coal. As a business man he has always sustained an unblemished reputation. Very few men in this region have taken a deeper interest in the improvement of the county. He was among the foremost in procuring the location of a railroad at Ashland, and was engaged in its construction. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for a number of years.
He married Miss Elizabeth M. Melsheimer, of Ashland, June 27, 1837. His family consists of three sons—George, of Virginia City, Nevada; Oscar F. of Ashland, and Charles, of California; and one daughter, Helen J., who resides with her parents. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
DR. ISAAC L. CRANE (Montgomery) p. 171(1)
Was born in Akron, Ohio, May 7, 1825. His parents having died when he was quite young, he was compelled to depend upon his own industry and energy for success. He learned the trade of a tailor, and, by economy and close application, earned sufficient to warrant an attempt to study medicine. He became a student of Dr. L. Firestone about the year 1850, and graduated in the Western Reserve college, in the session of 1853-4. He soon after located in Ashland, and drew around him many warm and devoted friends. He was a careful practitioner, and unremitting in his attentions to his patients, and evinced a good deal of skill as a physician. In 1861 he was commissioned in the three months’ service as surgeon in the Twenty-third regiment Ohio militia. After the expiration of his service he was again commissioned, for three years, in the Sixty-third regiment Ohio volunteer infantry, October 17, 1861, and served until January, 1864. During his service he acted for some time as medical director in the army of the Tennessee. He acquitted himself with honor to the profession and his friends.
Full of zeal for the dignity and honor of the medical profession, few of his age have done more to dignify it. He became president of the county medical society upon its organization, in 1864, and was a member of the Ohio State Medical association.
During his arduous services in the war, he greatly impaired his constitution, and gradually became more feeble, until his lungs became involved, and drained his vitality. He died June 12, 1867, of pulmonary consumption. The County Medical society and the Masonic fraternity, of which he was a member, paid him their last honors in accompanying him to his final resting place in the cemetery at Ashland. His wife resides in Iowa. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN CREVELING (Orange) p. 344(1)
John Creveling, fifth child of John and Charity Creveling was born in Columbia county, Pennsylvania, October 22, 1810, emigrated to Ashland county, Ohio, October 5, 1837, and has been a resident of the county ever since. On March 23, 1837, he was married to Sophia, daughter of William and Sophia Roseberry, who was born in Columbia county, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1817. To them have been born five children, as follows: William N., Isaiah F., John W., Philip, and Moorress. Of these but two are living, Isaiah F. and William N., the latter being still at home. Both Mr. and Mrs. Creveling are earnest members of the Methodist Episcopal church and are among its most liberal supporters. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
S.J. CRITES (Mohican) p. 362(1)
S. J. Crites was born April 26, 1850, in Green township, Wayne county, from which place his parents removed to Ashland county, where he remained until he was fourteen years old, when they returned to Wayne county. He attended school at Smithville, and after two terms of study he engaged in school teaching in Chester township, Wayne county. After teaching some time he returned to Smithville, and continued his studies for another year. He again taught school a few terms, and then entered the Hayesville school for a year, since which time he has been engaged in teaching. On January 20, 1876, he married Alvaretta Richey. His father, P.L. Crites was born September 7, 1822, and died May 11, 1876; his mother was born February 26, 1825, and died in January 1873. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ALVIN CRITTENDEN (Troy) p. 337(1)
Alvin Crittenden, son of Medad and Sarah Crittenden, was born in Ruggles township, Ashland county, Ohio, October 1, 1855, and moved into Troy township in 1877, where he now lives. February 7, 1877, he married Miss Ida E. Ford, daughter of Laban and Sarah Ford. They have one child, Sarah A., born March 18, 1878. Mr. and Mrs. Crittenden are members in the church, Mr. Crittenden belonging to the Congregational and his wife to the Methodist Episcopal church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
Orlando Crittenden, son of Medad and Sarah was born in Ruggles township, Ashland county, February 18, 1849. He moved to Troy township December 2, 1869, and has been a resident of the county ever since. He was married to Miss Ellen J. Stratton, daughter of Alexander and Isabelle Stratton, July 1, 1869. To them were born two children–Wanda E. and Immer O.—both living. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN K. CRONE (Vermillion) p. 305(1)
John K. Crone was born in Juniata county, Pennsylvania, December 23, 1823, and at the age of sixteen years he came to Ohio with his parents and located in what is now Mohican township, Ashland county, Ohio. He remained at home until he was thirty-five years of age, with the exception of a few years in which he lived with his aunts, the Misses Starkey, sisters of his mother, and during which time he rented and worked the Daniel Pocock farm in Mohican township. In August 1868, he was married to Mrs. Greenlee, widow of John Greenlee, of Lake township, Ashland county. They have had four children, one of whom died at the age of two years. Mrs. Crone, after her marriage to Mr. Crone, had a daughter who died at the age of eleven. Three children are yet living–John Alvie and Mary Alma, are twins. George Walter is six years old. Mr. Crone is a farmer and a man held in high esteem as a neighbor and friend. He is a Democrat in politics, though in home elections he allows his judgment to decide as to the man most fitted to fill the trust conferred by the people, with little thought as to politics. He is one of the township trustees, and has enterprise sufficient to fill any office creditably that may be entrusted to him. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
THOMAS CRONE (Vermillion) p. 303(1)
Thomas Crone was born in Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, October 27, 1800; and married Fannie Starkey February 18, 1823. In 1840, with his wife and seven children, he came to Ohio, and located in Mohican township; where he remained one year, when he moved to Perry township and remained three years. Then he moved to Chester township, Wayne county, remained four years, and returned to a farm adjoining the one he first located on. There he remained until the spring of 1877, when he moved to the farm on which he now resides. All his life he has been a farmer, and has now one of the best farms in this section of the county. Mrs. Crone died April 16, 1865. One son, James, was a soldier in the One Hundred and Second Ohio volunteer infantry, and served till the close of the war, a term of nearly three years; he is now married, and lives in Green township. The children, with the exception of three daughters, are married and live in Ashland county. One married daughter lives in Clinton county, Indiana. Mr. Crone is yet bright in mind, and as active as men of his age can expect to be. In politics he is a Democrat; and he has been township trustee. He is a member of the United Presbyterian church, at Hayesville, Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
THOMAS S. CRONE (Montgomery) [Source unknown]
Thomas S. Crone was born Juniata county, Pennsylvania, October 16, 1825, where he resided until the year 1838, when his parents removed to Ashland county, Ohio, where he has since resided. December 1, 1853, he married Eve Molott, who was born in Fulton, Pennsylvania, September 17, 1831. To them have been born eight children, named: George E., Thomas A., Mary J., Francis C., William M., James L., John L., and Harry T. Mr. Crone is a farmer. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
The Ashland Gazette, Ashland, Ohio, Friday, May 27, 1892, page 10, column 1
Benjamin Croninger, the oldest man in Mifflin township, died at his home in the northwest part of this township on Friday evening May 20, 1892, after an illness running through several months. At no time could it be said that the subject of my sketch suffered from any particular disease.
And it can be said that he gradually wore away from the effects of old age, whilst some years back he by times complained of being troubled with rheumatism, it may be said that he, considering his old age, enjoyed exceptional good health. Mr. Croninger was a man stalwart build, and in his younger days the very picture of health, in fact even in his declining years he walked erect with long quick strides. His cheeks were of a rosy hue. His snow white and flowing beard of the same hue showing off in great contrast to his otherwise healthy and youthful appearance.
Mr. Croninger was an uncompromising Democrat, who would never allow an opportunity to pass when the time came around when in this country of ours, the citizens thereof, can make use of their prerogative to say by their ballots, who shall make and execute the laws of the land. Whilst he was a man that allowed no man to interfere with his political, social or moral rights and privileges, he at the same time, accorded to others what he asked for himself. As a citizen and neighbor no man was his peer, strictly honest in all his dealings, his word was as good as his bond, and while he was industrious and frugal and accumulated considerable of this world’s goods, he was at the same time, charitable, and loved to do good to his fellow man.
His social qualifications were of the highest order, and in his younger days no man enjoyed a good joke more than he. The writer was frequently thrown in company with him during the years from 1850 to 1878, in the capacity of officers of the township, and at social gatherings, and whilst he like all the early settlers did not have much “book learning,” as he often expressed it, he had nevertheless a large amount of practical common sense, and his judgment and council was sought and respected by his associates.
Whilst he did not identify himself with any particular branch of the church, he was a firm believer of the bible and it teachings, and put his trust in a merciful God, and the redeeming grace of his Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Mr. Croninger loved the sport of hunting and fishing, and when at odd times, when his other duties permitted and his sight was yet unimpaired, he would shoulder his rifle for a day’s hunt, no one could bag more game than he. In his declining years and after his sight began to fail so he could not see the sights on his rifle, he could often be seen with his fishing rod, wending his way to the banks of the Blackfork, and seldom did he return without a large string of the finy tribe.
Mr. Croninger was born in Trumbull county, Ohio, August 8th, 1808, and came to Ashland, then Richland Co., with his parents when he was seven years of age, and has resided upon the farm which he died, ever since that time, about 77 years. He was married to Martha Keefer, who preceded him to the grave, Aug. 27, 1885. The fruits of their union were seven children, three boys and four girls. One of the boys preceded his parents to the spirit land. The other two, John and Phillip, reside on the old farm. John married Mary Ward, and Phillip married Lou Benninghoff, a cousin of the writer. The daughters are all married, Lucinda to Reuben Markley, who died several years ago. Ester to Samuel Kagey, Elizabeth to C. C. Stamen, and their youngest whose name we cannot recall, married a Brubaker and moved west. As will be seen by the above, Mr. Croninger was 83 yrs. 9 mo. and 2 days old when he died. He had thrifty grandchildren and twenty-three great grand-children. He was buried beside his wife and child, and his father and mother, in Koogle cemetery, Mifflin township, Richland county. Rev. David Kosht, of the U. B. church, officiating, who took for the basis of his remarks, I. John 2:17. “And the world passeth away and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.”
In a conversation with deceased several years back, he, showed to the writer an old spade, accompanied with the remarks that with it he had done the first work on the old farm. “When we arrived here from Trumbull Co.” said he, “My father handed me this spade” and bade me clean out the spring above here so we could get water, which I did, shoveling out the dirt and leaves and removing the sticks and brush, as a boy of seven years only can do it. Leonard Croninger, the father of our subject, originally from Northumberland Co., Penn, removed to Trumbull Co., Ohio, to Mifflin township in April, 1815, and died in December, 1838, at the age of 52 year. Benjamin, the subject of our sketch, has occupied the old homestead ever since about 77 years, and was the oldest survivor of the settlers in the north part of the township. Thus has another of the hardy pioneers of our township been laid in the silent tomb, and whilst we will not see his manly form anymore with our mortal eyes, his memory will live in the hearts of his neighbors and acquaintances, until they too, will be called hence. May the clods of Mother Earth rest easy on his bosom, until Gabriel’s trumpet will call him with the legions gone before him and those that will follow after him to the final resurrection.
“There is a clime all holy, free from stain of sin or care.
Free from earth born feelings lowly, where each thought shall be a prayer;
Where our songs shall flow unceasing, from the spirits lofty shrine;
And the language we shall utter; shall be holy, pure, devine.”
(Contributed by Barbara H. Hart)
JACOB CROUSE (Clearcreek) p. 234(1)
Among the early pioneers of Montgomery township, Jacob Crouse occupies a high place in the esteem of his neighbors, by reason of his good sense, frugality, intelligence and integrity. He was born in the State of Maryland, near Antietam, September 10, 1775. When a young man, in 1799, he sought and obtained employment in Fayette county, Pennsylvania. At this period the settlements adjoining the Ohio River were just beginning to recover from a long continuance of the Indian wars. Very few families had wholly escaped the tomahawk and gleaming scalping knife. The frightful scalp-halloo and shrill shriek of the red warriors had sent terror into thousands of cabins. A few of the most hearty frontiersmen ventured to locate west of the Ohio river, and about the year 1807 Jacob Crouse and wife located a cabin home in Columbiana county, where a few of their neighbors and acquaintances had removed.
That region was often traversed by the humble red men after their disastrous route by General Wayne, in the northwest. In fact, their path leading to “old Pittsburgh” ran through that part of the newly organized State of Ohio, and it was not uncommon to see hundreds of Delawares and Wyandots loaded with peltry on their way to Fort Pitt, to purchase blankets, cloths and ammunition in exchange for furs.
In 1801 Mr. Crouse married Rebecca Reifsnyder, of Fayette county, Pennsylvania, who willingly accompanied him to the wilds of Ohio, and endured the privations incident to pioneer life, that she and her husband might in the future become the happy possessors of a homestead.
In 1812, upon the surrender of General Hull, at Detroit, and the assassinations upon the Black fork, Mr. Crouse was drafted, with many of his neighbors, to assist in defending the helpless pioneers of the northwest against the savage incursions of the Wyandots and Delawares. He was enrolled in the company commanded by Captain Foulks, and made ensign, and the company entered the regiment of General Beall, and marched to the village of Wooster, where a block house was erected and part of a company stationed; thence, they cut a trail, (now known as Beall’s trail), across the north part of what is now Vermillion, the south part of Montgomery, and the middle part of Milton townships, and thence west across the northern part of Richland county, in the direction of Fort Meigs. He served six months, and was discharged in the spring of 1813, and returned to Columbiana county.
In January, 1814, Martin Mason and Jacob Young visited the regions of Jeromeville, Loudonville, Mansfield, Ashland, and Orange township, with the view of locating wild lands. Their report of the new country was so flattering that they concluded to enter a number of tracts, at the land office in Canton, and return, with others, and put up cabins. In August, Martin Mason, Jacob Mason, Jacob Crouse, Martin Hester, Lot Tod, and Peter Biddinger returned and erected six cabins on lands since owned by the respective parties, and cut and cured a lot of prairie hay, and made preparations to bring on their families, and returned. In October, 1814, Martin Mason, Jacob Crouse, Jacob Young, Joseph Bishop, and their families, removed to their new cabins on the branches of the Mohican. The new colony, including old and young, numbered thirty-one. The route was along the old army trail to Jerome’s block-house, and the home of John Carr, now the Nailor farm, where they rested one night, in his cabin, having slept or tented in the air, the entire distance. From thence, they cut a wagon-path up the east side of the Jerome fork, across lands now owned by Joseph Chandler, and thence, across Catotawa, to the cabin formerly owned by Daniel Mictey, now by Andrew Mason, to the cabin of Jacob Young, some distance west of the present Crouse school house, where they all rested one night. The next morning Jacob Crouse moved into his own cabin, near where the residence of John Doty now stands. He had leased one hundred and sixty acres, being of the Virginia military lands, for ninety-nine years, and began to prepare a field to plant corn in the succeeding year. His first field was where the Doty orchard now is.
Like all good and intelligent pioneers, the first thought, after preparing a cabin for the reception of their families, and a field for culture, the new colony turned attention to the necessity of training youth in lessons of Christian culture and civilization. Mr. Crouse proposed to donate one acre of land on his north boundary, for school purposes, and to be used as a cemetery. The proposition was accepted, and a comfortable log house was erected about where the present school-house stands, and dedicated to the culture of the youthful mind. The first school was taught there in the winter of 1815-16, by John Swigart. Ever since that time, that temple of knowledge has been known–and justly too–as the “Crouse school-house.” Let it always retain that name.
A year or two after the expiration of the term of ‘Squire Robert Newell, the pioneers of Montgomery elected Jacob Crouse a justice of the peace, and he served three years, and then declined re-election. His manner was modest and retiring, and official life had no charms for him.
He took a deep interest in the prosperity of common schools, and one of his sons, Jonas H., became a very energetic and noted teacher.
He and his lady connected with the Lutheran church, in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, and remained zealous and leading members nearly fifty years. Mr. Crouse died of pulmonary disease, September 14, 1839, aged sixty-four years and four days; his wife survived him until 1850. They sleep in Crouse’s cemetery.
His family living at his decease, consisted of Catharine, wife of John Proudfit, Isaac, Benjamin, Jonas H., Isaiah, Mariah, wife of Martin Wolf, and Anna, wife of Thomas Urie, jr.; all are now deceased. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN CUBBISON (Clearcreek) p. 314(1)
JOHN CUBBISON, a native of Pennsylvania, was born in the year 1794. On October 25, 1821, he was married to Jeannette Glenn, by whom he had eight children. He came to Ohio in the fall of 1837, and settled two miles northeast of Savannah, and here resided until his death, which occurred March 23, 1852. His wife survived him but three weeks. In this same year John, Alexander and Jeannette died, all within a few days of each other. Mary died in the year 1863; Hugh resides in Kansas; Margaret in Belmont county, Ohio; Sarah in Ruggles township; and Joseph on the old homestead. The latter was married to Margaret Marshall, December 31, 1862, by whom he had three children. He is a prosperous farmer and a good citizen. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
THOMAS S. CULBERSON (Orange) p. 343(1)
The eldest son of Robert and Elizabeth Culberson, was born in Harrison county, Ohio, in 1824. He remained with his parents until the time of his marriage, in the year 1851, to Jane Jackson. They raised a family of eleven children: eight sons and three daughters as follows: Elizabeth M., Joseph J., John W., Robert S., George S., Oscar P., James E., Thomas C., Anna M., Mary M., and Frank B., four of whom are deceased–Elizabeth, Robert, James and Anna. Mr. Culberson resides on the old homestead. He and his wife are earnest members of the Presbyterian church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN P. CULLER (Mifflin) p. 322(1) Image p. 206
John P. Culler was born on the Seymore farm, or what is better known as the Zimmer farm, in this [Mifflin] township, in the house in which Zimmer was killed, July 3, 1820, and Mifflin township has always been his home. He is the first child of Michael and Barbara Culler, of whom mention is made elsewhere in this work. Mr. Culler was married February 22, 1865, to Amanda Keffer, who was born in Mifflin township July 29, 1842. Her father and mother came to this [Ashland] county at an early day, as is mentioned elsewhere. Her parents, together with Mr. Culler’s parents, were among the earliest settlers of the county, and have a very prominent part in this work. Mr. Culler has always farmed it from boyhood, and now makes that his vocation. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

MICHAEL CULLER p. 203(1) Images p. 203

Of Mifflin, purchased the Zimmer farm in 1815. Having come from Fredrick county, Maryland, by way of Charleston (now Wellsburgh), Virginia, through Cadiz, Ohio, to Wooster, he proceeded thence, by way of Mr. Gardner’s (now Windsor), to Mansfield, where he met Philip Zimmer, whose father, mother, and sister, had been killed at the Zimmer cabin on the Black fork, in the fall of 1812, and purchased the farm. To have the deed properly executed, he accompanied Philip to Circleville, Pickaway county, Ohio, to the residence of George Zimmer, a brother. Here the deed was signed by Philip Zimmer, May 6, 1815, the original patent being made to him, and signed by James Madison, President, and Edward Tiffin, commissioner of the land office, October 2, 1812. Zimmer was the German name of the family. While Mr. Culler was there Philip married a Miss Ballentine, and removed west. In 1826 he returned to visit the grave of his father, mother, and sister, on the old farm, since which time he has resided in the west. Mr. Culler cultivated his land for two or three years, stopping most of the time with John Lambright, who was a relative.
Returning to Maryland, he married, about the year 1818, and moved to the Zimmer farm, where he has resided ever since. He lived two or three years in the old Zimmer cabin, which still showed marks of the tragedy of 1812. He was in Circleville in 1812, when the Zimmer murder took place, and is conversant with the whole affair, having heard all its details repeatedly from John Lambright and Philip Zimmer. He says: “Martin Ruffner was a stout, frolicsome sort of man, and went to Zimmer’s more to capture the Indians and have a little fun, than to bring on a fight, and believes that if Philip had remained at home, instead of going for James Copus, the whole disaster would have been averted, for Philip was a very rugged and active young man, and the two would have deterred the Indians from the attack.”
Mrs. Culler died in the summer of 1873. Mr. Culler died at his residence in Mifflin township, July 28, 1874, aged eighty-four years, four months, and three days. Two or three of his sons reside in this county.
Mr. Culler was benevolent and kind to the poor, and his donations to religious and benevolent institutions very liberal. He was regarded as quite wealthy, but was always humble, and seldom referred to his worldly possessions, believing it better to lay up his treasures in Heaven, where moth and rust doth not corrupt. He was followed to his last resting place by a large number of people, who said in their hearts, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.” (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
MICHAEL CULLER, JR. (Vermillion) p. 308(1)
Michael Culler, jr. is the son of one of Ashland county’s Pioneers. His father, Michael Culler from Frederick county, Maryland, made a trip to this part of Ohio in 1814, but did not purchase land till about 1815, or 1816, when he made another trip and purchased a quarter section of land of Philip Zimmer, the story of whose life and adventure as a pioneer and Indian hunter is familiar to nearly every boy and girl in Ohio. Mr. Culler at that time was not married, and would come to Ohio and improve his farm during the spring and summer, and in the fall return to his home in Maryland. In the fall of 1819 he married Miss Barbara Thomas, a resident of Frederick county, Maryland, and moved at once to his new home in Ashland county, Ohio. The subject of this sketch was born February 1, 1822, and remained and worked on the farm with his parents until he was married in 1858, April 6. He married Miss Michal Swearingen, daughter of Nicholas Swearingen, a resident of Vermillion township. After marriage they returned to the farm, where they now reside. They have had five children, four sons and one daughter. Two sons died in infancy. The two sons and one daughter now living are all at home. Mr. Culler has been justice of the peace, and is a man held in very high esteem by is neighbors. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
SAMUEL CULLER (Mifflin) p. 321(1) Image p. 206
Samuel Culler was born in Frederick county, Maryland, in the village of Jefferson, November 26, 1809. When at the age of fifteen years, his parents removed to this county and township, where Mr. Culler has since lived. He is the oldest child of Philip and Mary Culler. His father died in 1855, and his mother in 1845, on the farm in the southeast quarter of section thirty-six, where they settled one month after they came here. Samuel was married March 22, 1849, to Sarah A. Blust. The fruit of this union are twelve children, all of whom are living, as follows: Philip M., who was married March 11 1880–he was born June 13, 1810; Henry D., born September 17, 1851, who is now practicing law in Mansfield, Ohio, he being attorney for Aultman, Taylor & Co., Margaret L., born July 24, 1853; William H., born August 7, 1855; John F., born December 23, 1856, Mary S., born September 27, 1858; Sarah A., born June 3, 1860; Thomas J., born August 8, 1861; Laura E., born May 23, 1863; Almira V., born April 25, 1865; Samuel S., born April 4, 1867; and Joseph E., born April 6, 1872. Mr. Culler is among the early settlers of this county, and is identified with the Seymour, or more properly the Zimmer and Culler families of the township. He relates many incidents pertaining to pioneer life that are not only interesting but instructive to any one who may be fortunate to hear him. He remembers at one time when a boy his father sent him to Sandusky City with some grain to buy salt and other things for family use. His father gave him all the money they had, which was ten cents. He went to Sandusky alone, and came back without spending the money. He also recalls many hardships and privations that at that time all had to endure, that the present as well as the future generations will never know or experience. His great-grandfather on his mother’s side was in the war of the Revolution, and was commissioned by General Washington as captain. His great-grandfather on his father’s side was in the war at the time Braddock was defeated by the French and Indians at Bloody Run, Pennsylvania, as well as in the Revolutionary war. His grandfather was born in this country, and several of his sons participated in the war of 1812. His uncle Henry held a commission as second lieutenant at first, and when discharged was first lieutenant. Samuel Culler is what is termed a self-made man, never having had the advantages of a common school education. But today he is justice of the peace, and has held that office from time to time for nearly twenty-one years, as well as various other offices of trust in his township. He votes the Republican ticket, and his township is Democratic fully three to one. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)

SEBASTIAN CULLER (Mifflin) p. 322(1)
Sebastian Culler, is the eighth child of Michael and Barbara Culler, who was born in Mifflin township, May 6, 1833, and has always resided there, on the old homestead farm. He has always followed farming from boyhood, and now owns the farm his father bought of Philip Zimmer, which contains one hundred and sixty acres. The deed for the land was signed by Philip Zimmer. Michael Culler died July 28, 1874, aged eighty-six years. His wife died July 16, 1873, aged seventy-nine years. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN CUPPY (Clearcreek) p. 312(1)
JOHN CUPPY was born in the State of Virginia, 1797. In 1816 he made a visit to Ohio, but did not make a permanent settlement until the following fall, when he came to Ashland county, erected for himself a rude log cabin in the woods in Clearcreek township. In 1817 he was married to Malinda Wheeler, of Baltimore, Maryland. They had seven children, Susan, Eleanor, Mary A., Caroline, Abraham, and Wesley. Abraham, the only son living, has possession and resides upon the old homestead. October 2, 1860, he was married to Margaret Eaton, by whom he had seven children. Mr. Cuppy is a prominent citizen of Clearcreek township, and a son of one of its pioneers. September 6, 1876, his father died, at the age of seventy-nine years; and his mother died May 1, 1869, at the age of sixty-nine years. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
GEORGE W. CURRY (Clearcreek) p. 183(1)
GEORGE W. CURRY was born in Tompkins county New York, May 20, 1812. He attended school and remained there until 1838, when he married Ava Ann Smith, and removed to Clarksfield, Huron county, and resided there five months, and located in Clearcreek, Richland, now Ashland county, where he farmed four years, and in 1842 settled in the north part of Ruggles, and in 1849 sold to Mr. Peck, and purchased the farm formerly owned by Geo. Eaton, where he now (1876) resides. Mr. Curry was a very active anti-slavery man, during the palmy days of that institution. He is now a Democrat. He has been a member of the Baptist church, of Savannah, a number of years. He is the parent of thirteen children, nine of who are deceased. The living are John B.; Geo. W., Lucretia A., and Frances J.; all married. Mr. Curry is noted for his skill and industry as a farmer, and his zeal in whatever he regards as right and honorable. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOSEPH CURRY (Sullivan) p. 355(1)
Joseph Curry, father of Mrs. Luther Gould was born in Pennsylvania, came to Ohio in 1838, and first settled on the farm now owned by Jacob Barrick in Lake township, Ashland county. He married Jane Archbold of Pennsylvania; was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and in politics was a Republican. He was the father of ten children, six of whom are living, Thomas, who married Nancy Hayton, and lives in Iowa; William, who married Nancy Wright, and lives in Illinois; David, who first married Mary Thompson, and after her death, married Sorinda Cady, and lives in North Amherst, Ohio; John, who lives in New Orleans; Jane, wife of David Barrick, of Ashland county, and Sarah, wife of Luther Gould, of Ashland county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)