Stentz - Switzer
JOHN STENTZ (Orange) p. 342(1)
John Stentz, the oldest son of Philip Stentz, was born in Pennsylvania December 10, 1823. He resided with his parents until the year 1843, when he was married to Delilah Fast. The fruit of this union was seven children, five sons and three daughters. Their names are as follows: Madison, Irvin, Philip M., Wilson D., Perry C., Isabel and Augusta E. Madison and Isabel are decreased. The wife and mother departed this life March 17, 1864, leaving a broken family of six affectionate children and a kind and devoted husband. Mr. Stentz was again married February 22, 1866 to Margaret Culberson, daughter of one of Ashland county’s early pioneers. To them was born one child, who died in infancy, unnamed. Mr. Stentz is one of the most substantial and enterprising farmers of Orange township, his home and surroundings denoting more than ordinary thrift. Both himself and wife are members of the Reformed church, and have always been among its most liberal supporters. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
MICHAEL STENTZ (Jackson) p. 338(1)
Michael Stentz, son of Philip and Polly Stentz, was born in Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, February 20, 1828, and came to Wayne county, near Wooster, with his father, when he was but two years old, and moved from Wayne county to Richland, now Ashland county, in February, 1837. He remained in Ashland county until the year 1855, when he moved to Illinois, and remained until 1864. In that year he came back to Ashland county to the farm where he now lives. March 18, 1852, he was married to Miss Mary Robertson, daughter of Samuel and Alice Robertson. The fruit of this union was nine children–John R., Alice M., James F., Ellen J., Florence J., Denton E., Cela L., and two who died in infancy. Florence also died March 25, 1864, aged two years. Mr. and Mrs. Stentz are members in the Methodist Episcopal church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
PHILIP STENTZ (Clearcreek) p. 342(1)
PHILIP STENTZ was born in the State of Pennsylvania, where he was married to Mary Hoover. To them were born seven children, three sons and four daughters: Mary and Susan (twins) John, Michael, Catharine, Simon, and Sarah, who died in early childhood. He came to Ohio about the year 1831, and first made a settlement in Wayne county, four miles north of Wooster. There he purchased a tract of land and resided seven or eight years. Then he came to Clearcreek township, and remained until the time of his death in 1870; he survived his life’s companion eleven years. They were buried in the old Herb Cemetery in Clearcreek township. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
H.I. STEPHENS (Montgomery) p. 374(1)
H. I. Stephens was born in Morrow county, Ohio, October 19, 1852, but for the past eleven years his home has been in Ashland, Ohio. By profession he is a tinner, and now carries on a store in Ashland, and is considered to be very proficient at his business. January 20, 1876, he married Clare Campbell. To them have been born two children, one of whom died in infancy; the other, Thad C.S. died at the age of five months. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
GEORGE H. STEWART (Hanover) p. 298(1)
George Stewart was born in Alexandria, Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, October 9, 1809. When a boy in his teens he went to Amagh, Pennsylvania, and clerked in a store two years, during the time of making the Pennsylvania canal and Portage railroad over the Alleghany mountain. From there he went to clerk at Junction Forge, and got a contract on the canal on the Juniatta, but gave up canaling and went to Pittsburgh, where he got a position as book-keeper in a wholesale store at a salary of five hundred dollars per year, then considered a large salary. In 1832 his salary was raised to six hundred dollars per year, then among the highest in the city.
In the summer of 1833 he bought a stock of goods and started west to find a location to sell them; tried to get a house to put the goods in, but there was none to be had, except Stuart’s bar-room at the Phoenix hotel, then considered too far out of the business part of town, so he hired a horse of Stuart at twenty-five cents per day to come to Loudonville, then in Richland county, a small village with about one hundred inhabitants. He commenced the mercantile business in August 1833, at a time when the people were talking about building a canal up the White-woman and Mohican. Stewart, having had experience in canaling, took an active part in procuring a law for a State canal to Loudonville, and the law was passed while General William McLaughlin, of Mansfield, was our State senator, and it was through his untiring labor in the legislature that the bill was passed and the canal was located to Loudonville, and advertised for letting, but before it was commenced the legislature abolished all State works not commenced, and they failed to get a canal. In 1835-36, when the question of organizing Ashland county was agitated, he took an active part in bringing it about, and was sent to Columbus several times to lobby for the undertaking, spending his time and paying his own expenses. In 1845-6 his efforts were rewarded, and in 1845 he was appointed associate judge for Ashland county, which office he held seven years. From 1846 to 1850 he took an active part in the construction of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago railroad, for which he secured the right of way through Holmes, Ashland, and a part of Wayne and Richland counties, and in 1851 purchased a tract of land of David Foltz in Wayne county, and laid out what is now called Shreve, a station on the railroad above mentioned. He was employed by the railroad company as station-agent for ten years. He has been township trustee and treasurer of Hanover township at various times, and has also held the office of councilman in Loudonville. In politics he is a Republican. In 1837 he married Emeline Cappels, of Loudonville, and is the father of eight children: Charlotte A., who lives in Loudonville; Eliza T., wife of Amos Culver, in Dacotah Territory; Mary E., wife of Dr. Fuller, of Loudonville; Satira and James, deceased; George, who married Katie Cassel, and lives in Zanesville; Xenophon C., who lives in New York city, and Margaret H., wife of Dr. Buckwalter, of Loudonville. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ABIATHER STOCKMAN (Hanover) p. 292(1)
Abiather Stockman came from Essex county, New Jersey, and first settled in Delaware county, Ohio, and lived there seven years. He came to Ashland county, in 1814, and settled in Loudonville, trading with Hatch and Eddy for the American house which he kept twelve years, when his son John took possession of it. Mr. Stockman was a member of the Dunkard church, a Democrat, and the father of nine children, five of whom are living: John, who married Mary A. Campbell, and resides in Loudonville; Hiram, who married Mazey Barrow, and lives in Ashland, county; Marritt, who lives in California; Harvey, who married Minnie Leopold, and lives in Ashland county; Francis A., who became the wife of Jerry Moster, and lives in California. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN STOCKMAN (Hanover) p. 292(1)
John Stockman, was born in New York City, and settled in Ashland county, in 1841. In 1855 he married Mary A. Campbell, and followed the hotel business; has held the office of councilman two terms in succession. His wife died in November 1878, leaving one child, Allen L. Stockman. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
DANIEL STONE (Montgomery) p. 368(1)
Daniel Stone was born in Jefferson county March 13, 1839, where he resided until 1850, when his parents removed to Ashland county. He was married March 7, 1867 to Mary Folk, who was born in Crawford county, this State, February 12, 1843. To them have been born five children, three of whom are living, as follows: Estella A., John A., and Martha E. The ones deceased were: Adella E. and Elza E. The former died at the age of five weeks, and the latter at the age of twenty-three months. Mr. Stone has been a farmer from his boyhood. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
GEORGE M. STONE (Montgomery) p. 368(1)
George M. Stone, the subject of this sketch, was born in Jefferson county, this State, September 19, 1840, and when at the age of ten years, his parents removed to this county [Ashland], where he has since resided. His mother died January 7, 1873; his father is still living. April 2, 1868, our subject was married to Emily Carter, who was born in this [Ashland] county. The subject of this sketch has always been a farmer, and now owns a good productive farm in this township. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JACOB STONER (Clearcreek) p. 314(1)
JACOB STONER was a native of Pennsylvania, where he was born in the year 1775. He was twice married. In the year 1835 he moved into Ashland county from Pennsylvania. He died in 1856. John, the youngest child by his first wife, was married in Somerset county, Pennsylvania in 1833, to Judith Miller, by whom he has had eleven children: Jacob, Philip, William, Christian, John, Abraham, Hannah, Elizabeth, Eliza J., Minerva, and Iona Annetta. Four of Mr. Stoner’s sons were brave soldiers in the late war: Philip, William, Christian and John. Philip lost an arm at Fort Donelson, and Christian gave up his life at the battle of Winchester. He was supposed to have fallen into the hands of the rebels, and was never heard of. Philip was in the service ten months. William served a little more than four years. He received several slight wounds. John was in sixteen months and was mustered out at the close of the war. Abraham is the resident minister of the Reformed church at Norristown, Pennsylvania. All his children are married but two. He is one of the most substantial and respected farmers in Clear-creek township, and is familiarly known as “Uncle John Stoner.” (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOSEPH STRICKLAND (Vermillion) p. 211(1)
JOSEPH STRICKLAND Was born in the State of New Jersey, January 4, 1804, and removed with the family of his father, Joseph Strickland, sr., to Jefferson county, Ohio, prior to the war of 1812, and thence to Vermillion township, now Ashland county, a few years subsequent to the close of that war. His father had served honorably as a soldier from New Jersey in the war of the Revolution, and died in Seneca county, Ohio, at the advanced age of eighty-six years, in 1850. In 1826 Joseph Strickland, jr., the subject of this sketch, purchased and removed to the farm on which he deceased, in the northwest part of Vermillion township. He improved his homestead and made it a valuable property. He connected with the Methodist Episcopal church early in life, and was an exemplary Christian for over fifty years, and several times a leader in the church. He was noted for his domestic worth, and kindness to his family. His affection and goodness of heart had a cheerful influence over his children, all of whom revered, honored and followed his counsel. As a citizen, he was quiet and unobtrusive. His integrity and uprightness fitted him for public promotion. He was frequently called upon by his neighbors to fill offices of trust in his township. He served as trustee, justice of the peace and infirmary director, and retired from the latter position, some years since, because of a paralytic attack, which disabled him, and prevented an active discharge of public duties. In politics he was a Democrat, and had been from his arrival at manhood. He was noted for his benevolent and kindly feelings, and made an excellent infirmary director. He has gone home to rest with the just and the pure. May his example as a Christian and a man have its influence upon those who remain to conduct the affairs of their fellow citizens.
Mr. Strickland died at his residence in the northwest part of Vermillion township, Sunday, October 8, 1876, after a long and painful attack of paralysis, aged seventy-two years, nine months, and one day.
At a meeting of the obituary committee of the Historical and Pioneer association, of Ashland county, appropriate resolutions were adopted regarding his decease. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
WILLIAM H. STRICKLAND (Vermillion) p. 303(1)
William H. Strickland was born December 8, 1824, on a tract of land located by his grandfather as early as 1815. The Strickland’s are well known as a pioneer family of Ashland county, a sketch of whose lives will be found elsewhere in this work. William H., the subject of this sketch, when a babe, left his birthplace, his parents moving to a farm near the northeast corner of Vermillion township, where he remained until he was a man of twenty-two years of age, when he married Mary, daughter of Jacob Eichelbarger. Mrs. Strickland died March 21, 1848. They had one child, a daughter, now the wife of George Kelley, of Vermillion township. February 19, 1850, Mr. Strickland again married, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Hough, of Montgomery township. They had two children, one son and one daughter, the son is at home and is single, and the daughter married David Hostetter, of Richland county, Ohio. Mrs. Strickland died June 29, 1871. April 1, 1873, he married Catharine E., daughter of Jacob Smith, of Vermillion township. They have one child, a son, now four years old. Mr. Strickland owns the farm on which he first saw the light, which he purchased about five years ago. It is a fine farm, and will, probably, be his home the remainder of his life. He has acted as supervisor and school director a number of years; is a good neighbor and a kind husband and father, and a hard, earnest worker. In politics he is a Democrat, and he and his wife are members of the English Lutheran church at Jeromeville, Ohio. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN STRONG (Hanover) p. 295(1)
John Strong was born in Onondaga county, New York, in 1814; came to Ohio in 1825, and settled in Loudonville, and in 1835 married Catharine A. Danner. He was the first clerk of Loudonville, and held the office of constable two years, and in 1865 was mayor of the village. In 1861 he was appointed postmaster by Abraham Lincoln, and has held the office ever since, with the exception of four months and a half, when it was held by George Honeybarger, who was appointed by Andrew Johnson. In politics he is a Republican. He was the father of twelve children, of whom ten are living: Selah, who married Cynthia Bishop and lives in Loudonville; Henry, who married M.E. Doty; Elmina, wife of A.C. Moore, of Mt. Vernon, Ohio; James, who married Annie E. Critchfield and lives in Richland county; Louisa, wife of J.S. Ramsey of Chicago, Illinois; Rhoda, wife of William Geiselman, of Loudonville; Mary E., wife of W.A. Churchfield, of Loudonville; John E., who married Margaret Rosensteel, of Loudonville; Harvey, and Anna. Martha and Laura died in infancy. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOSEPH D. STUBBS (Montgomery) p. 381(1)
Mr. Stubbs was born January 6, 1820, in the village of Middletown, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania. His father was of pure English stock, and his mother of French extraction. In 1828, when he was a lad of eight years, his mother moved to Ohio and settled in Wooster. At the age of fifteen years he was apprenticed to Messrs. Spear & Beistle, furniture manufacturers of Wooster, to learn the trade. At the expiration of his apprenticeship in 1839 he moved to Loudonville and engaged in the furniture trade for himself. In 1840 he was married to Mary Jane Gray, daughter of Rev. David Gray, a well-known and highly esteemed Methodist Episcopal minister of Wooster. In 1843 he removed with his family to Ashland, where he has resided ever since. He first engaged in the cabinet business, having his shop and warerooms in a building on the corner of Second and Church streets which, until within a few years, was one of the old landmarks. While engaged in business, he studied law as a means of self improvement, and was admitted to the bar during the sitting of the first supreme court in Ashland. In 1850 he engaged in the boot and shoe trade with Mr. Joseph Wasson, the firm name being Wasson & Stubbs. He continued in this business until 1859. In response to the call of Governor Dennison at the outbreak of the war, he offered his services and was accepted. He was commissioned lieutenant and regimental quartermaster of the Forty-second Ohio volunteer infantry, at the very beginning of the organization of that regiment, under Colonel James A. Garfield and Lieutenant Colonel L.A. Sheldon. He served with his regiment until November, 1862, when he was appointed captain and assistant quartermaster, for meritorious services, and ordered to report to General Garfield in Washington city. Soon after he was ordered to report to General Rosecrans, and was assigned to duty at Nashville, Tennessee. In 1864 he was ordered to establish a depot at Johnsonville, on the Tennessee River, where he remained until March 1865, when he was transferred to the department of North and South Carolina, and assigned to duty at Raleigh, North Carolina. Soon after he was made superintendent of military railroads, with headquarters at Newbern, North Carolina, and continued in that responsible position until the roads were transferred to their owners. As a recognition of his services during this time, Captain Stubbs was brevetted lieutenant colonel, and in 1866 was assigned to duty, with this rank, as chief quartermaster of the Department of the South. In 1877 Colonel Stubbs was appointed to duty, in charge of the work of locating and improving the soldiers’ cemeteries throughout the southern states. Under his direction cemeteries were established at Newbern, Raleigh, Saulsbury and Wilmington, North Carolina, and at Florence and Port Royal, South Carolina. The cemeteries at Marietta and Andersonville were improved under his direction. Colonel Stubbs’ time of service covers a period of seven years. His record as a faithful and efficient officer is a highly honorable one, as is evident from the sketch of his long service, even after the war had closed. Like many other soldiers, Colonel Stubbs found himself without a business when he returned home in 1868. He soon obtained a position, however, as general agent of the Ashland County Mutual Fire Insurance company, a position which he holds at present. Colonel Stubbs is a man of untiring energy, and a public spirited citizen, and holds an esteemed place among his fellow citizens. His family consists of four sons and two daughters. The eldest daughter, Elizabeth, is the wife of J.I. Dorland, of Ashland; the oldest son, David D. Stubbs, is secretary of the Oriental and Occidental Steamship line, and resides in San Francisco, California; the second son, John C., is general freight agent of the Central Pacific Railroad, and resides in San Francisco, California; the third son, Joseph E., is editor of the Ashland Times; the fourth son, William M.G., has charge of the mechanical department of the Times Office; the second daughter May, is a teacher in the public school of Ashland. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ISAAC STULL (Orange) p. 249(1)
ISAAC STULL Was born in Green county, Pennsylvania, January 13, 1810, and removed with his parents to Jefferson county, Ohio, in 1818. In December 1820, his father and family removed to Orange township, then in Richland, but now in Ashland county, and located near the farm of Jacob Young, on lands now by Mr. Saddler.
Isaac continued to reside with his parents until he became of age, and then he learned the trade of a millwright, from Colonel John Murray. At the conclusion of his apprenticeship, he worked at the trade for several years, and then purchased a farm and made farming his occupation, until about 1865, when he removed to Ashland and purchased a homestead, and opened a shoe store. He carried on the shoe furnishing business for some years, then sold out; and purchased a hardware store with his son in-law, Mr. Joseph Charles, with whom he is at present engaged in active business.
Mr. Stull gives the following reminiscences of the early settlement of Orange township:
- The first road was from Rowsburgh to Jacob Young’s, on the Jerome branch of the Mohican, along the old Indian trail, and thence to Savannah Lakes.
- The other road was known as the Cuyahoga road, and passed through the present site of Ashland, then Uniontown, after which it was known as the Harrisville and Cuyahoga road.
- The first schoolhouse, in 1820 was on the old Crouse farm, built of logs, and taught by the late Sage Kellogg.
- The first four blacksmiths were Solomon Urie, 1816, and Peter Biddinger, 1818, Robert Lincoln, 1818, and John King at a later period.
- Robert Ralston, sr., was the first carpenter and cabinet-maker, in 1820. Alanson Walker and Robert Russell, leading citizens, learned the trade of him.
- The first wheelwright was George Hall, in 1822.
- The first wagon-maker was Jacob Young, in 1815.
- The first grist-mill was erected on the present site of Leidigh’s by Martin Mason, in 1815.
- The first Methodist Episcopal church at Orange, was a frame structure, built in 1829; by Robert Williamson and John P. Anderson. The church was erected under the preaching of Rev. Haney and Hazzard, local preachers.
- The first Presbyterian church was the old Hopewell, west of Ashland one and one half miles. Rev. Matthews and a few members built the church. There was also occasional preaching near Philip Flukes’, in Martin Hester’s house, in 1828.
- The first Baptist church was at the house of Christian Fast, in the west part of Orange township, by John Rigdon, in 1825.
- The first turner in wood was Jacob Fast, in 1817
- The first coopers were Thomas and Solomon Urie and John Y. Burge, who also made wooden moldboards for plows, as well as plows themselves, from 1820 to 1830.
- The first regular wagon-maker in Orange was Fred Nichols, in 1829.
- The first doctors in Orange were: John Hannah, 1834; and William Deming, 1836; Dr. Alden, 1839; John Lambert, 1848; A. McClelland, 1850; J. Deal, 1862; J. Hahn, 1865; and Dr. Crowell, 1871-‘80.
- The first stores: Isaac Cutter, 1828; Cutter, Metcalf, Norris & Co. 1829; Thomas Smurr & Co. 1833; Charles R. Deming, 1835; George W. Urie and Daniel Campbell, 1841.
- The first tanners were: Christian Rugh, 1834; Philip Fluke jr. 1838; Isiah Crouse, 1840 to 1845.
- The first postmaster at Orange was Vachtel Metcalf, in 1828.
- The first tailor in Orange was Brown, in 1829, who made buckskin breeches, moccasins, etc., and Mrs. John Murray, who also made gloves and moccasins of deer skins.
- The first shoemakers were C. Biddinger and Philip Biddinger, in 1820-21.
- The first gunsmith was Peter Biddinger, who had a shop north of Orange two to three miles, at Culberson’s corners. He had worked in the United States armory at Harper’s Ferry, and it is related that he received his pay in United States continental money, just prior to the great depreciation of that currency. He paid forty dollars for his supper, and the morning before leaving, sixty dollars for his breakfast, so great had been the depreciation in a few hours. Mr. Biddinger died at his old home in Orange township in 1842, and was buried at St. Luke’s church in the west part of the township, where many of his relatives rest in peace.
Mr. Stull was married in 1832 to Miss Susan Kail, who deceased March 8, 1879, aged seventy-one years and five months. Mr. Stull had lived happily forty years with this lady, and they were blessed by three children; one son, Mahomet H., and two daughters, Jane A. and Mary Estelle. Mahomet H. died at the residence of his father in South Ashland, aged thirty years and twenty-seven days. He had been afflicted over three years, but bore all with unusual patience and resignation. He was a young man of rare intellectual endowments, of most amiable manners, and of unblemished reputation. If his physical powers had been equal to his mental faculties he would have made a large figure in the world, in almost any department of learning or mechanics; but the fell destroyer had marked him for his own, and neither the ties of friendship nor medical skill could rescue him from an early grave. Few parents possess such a son, and few sisters a kinder brother. His loss creates a great change in his father’s house, and many a tear of deep sorrow will be shed over his departure; and often around the family circle, in evening’s silent hour, will his memory be called up, and his goodness of heart, the many pleasantries of his life, and his unselfish nature be rehearsed. In their irreparable loss his parents and sisters have the sympathy of all their neighbors and friends. “So die the good and the pure.” Peace be to his ashes.
Jane A. married Mr. Orville Pershion, and Mary Estelle, Mr. Joseph B. Charles, now business partners with Mr. Stull in the hardware business, in Ashland. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
BRADFORD STURTEVANT (Ruggles) p. 179(1)
Was born in Litchfield county, Connecticut, March 16, 1786. January 1, 1809, he married Sarah Carter, and removed to Richfield, now Summit county, Ohio, in June 1816. Here he improved a small farm, which he sold in 1823, and purchased, in company with Daniel Beach, one section in Ruggles township, then in Huron county. In August 1823, he erected a cabin, and removed with his wife and children in September. He removed with ox teams, taking along twelve head of cattle and twenty sheep. The following winter he returned to Richfield and purchased a lot of stock hogs, and drove them through the woods to Ruggles. July 4, 1824, three of the four pioneer families of Ruggles celebrated independence at the cabin of Mr. Sturtevant. They had a dinner, and in the evening, for fire-works, attempted to blast a white wood tree, but failed. In 1836 he removed to the village of Milan, Erie county, to give his children the educational advantages of the place. In 1844 he returned to Ruggles, and deceased in May 1871, aged about eighty-five years. He was a man of fixed purposes, highly conscientious in his moral ideas, and a most successful farmer. He engaged largely in raising fine stock, and by good management accumulated a handsome homestead. Like his New England ancestors, he was a Puritan in his religious opinions, and possessed the confidence and esteem of all his neighbors and acquaintances. His children were–Carleton H.; Marcia, married to B. Ashley, of Milan; Harriet, deceased; Sarah, married to Dr. Galpin, of Milan; Isaac G., who resides on the homestead; Martha, married to Horace Taylor, a missionary to India; and William B. Martha was the first female child born in the township—May 17, 1825. Isaac G. Sturtevant, from whom we obtained the foregoing particulars, married Adelaide Carter. Carleton H. married Lydia Peck, and William B. married Anna Wolcott. He also states that the first school-house was built in 1824, half a mile west of the residence of Bradford Sturtevant, and was taught by Miss Betsy Sacket, sister of Harvey Sacket. The school was supported by subscription. The scholars were of the families of the Beaches, Sturtevants, and from Greenwich township, adjoining Ruggles. The first church organization was in 1827. It was Congregational, and Rev. E. T. Woodruff was the first minister. At that time the pioneers attended mill at Cold creek, in Erie county, some forty miles away. They reached the mill on pack-horses, by winding paths through a dense forest, finding but few settlers on the way. Two or three years after the arrival of Bradford Sturtevant, the little colony was increased by the arrival of Jacob Roorbach, Harvey Sacket, Justus Barnes, Taylor Peck, Solomon Weston, Aldrich Carver, Norman Carter, James Poag, Abraham Ferris, Albert Buell, George W. Curtiss, Reuben Fox, and others. Isaac G. Sturtevant is a model farmer and stock-grower. He resides about half a mile west of the corners. Adorned by tasteful buildings, select fruit orchards, and good fences, his homestead furnishes proof that the lessons of economy, neatness, and business tact, enforced by the father, are carefully followed and adhered to by the son. He is a genial and intelligent gentleman. (Transcribed by Penny Hanes (Contributed by Russ Shopbell)
FREDERICK SULTZER (Milton) p. 204(1)
Was born in Green county, Pennsylvania, July 25, 1762. From the time he was ten years old, he was compelled to handle fire-arms. From the period of his childhood, until the close of the war of 1812-15, the border settlers of western Pennsylvania were menaced by Indian raids. He became very expert as a backwoodsman, and when a deer, a bear, or any other species of game, came within range of his rifle, it was sure to fall a victim to his unerring aim. He visited what is now Milton township, in the fall of 1815, and locater the tract of land upon which he settled. In the spring of 1816, he brought a covered wagon and four good horses, with a plow and other farming utensils. He slept four months in the wagon, doing his cooking in a sort of camp hut. In the fall, after having put up a cabin and secured his crop of corn, he returned to Pennsylvania and brought on his wife. At that time, the Indians were quite numerous along the Black fork, engaged in hunting, though they were harmless. The next spring they encamped near him and made sugar. Mr. Sigler, who married Mr. Sultzers daughter, informs us that the old gentleman retained his vision and his steadiness of aim to the last. When he was ninety-two years old, he shot a hawk, offhand, on a very high tree, near his residence, to convince Mr. Sigler that his sight and aim were as accurate as in the days of his prime. He never wore glasses. He was a cousin to the famous Louis Wetsel, and in his boyhood often hunted with Wetsel, who tried to teach him how to run and load his gun. He never became a proficient in that mode of loading. He possessed much admiration for the achievements of his noted cousin as a border warrior and spy. He was a man of very even temper, genial, and warm in his attachments. Mr. Sultzer voted for Washington and the ten succeeding presidents. In his later years, he became a member of the denomination known as Christians. He died childless, at his farm, on the Mansfield road, in Milton township, March 30, 1857, aged nearly ninety-six years. His wife died in 1843. Mr. Sultzer had drawn a pension of ninety-six dollars per annum, for many years prior to his death, as a compensation for his border services in western Pennsylvania in his youth. He was the last of the border men in this county, and deserved the esteem of his countrymen. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
DANIEL SUMMERS (Orange) p. 247(1)
Was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, May 27, 1788, and came to Orange township, Richland county Ohio in 1818, and located on section ten, where he died, August 15, 1863, aged seventy-five years and seventeen days. During his pioneer life he passed through many hardships incident to the times, such as cabin-raisings, log-rollings, corn-huskings, flax-scutchings, and the like. For the first few years, he and his family met with many privations; but he met all bravely, and was employed often in assisting his neighbors to improve their lands, and in erecting cabins. Mr. Summers married in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, December 5, 1815. At his decease his family consisted of seven girls and four boys: Barbara, Mary, Catherine, Margaret, Susan, Eliza, Hannah, Henry, Adam, Daniel and Jacob. Four of the girls, Susan, Catherine, Eliza and Barbara, are dead; the boys are all living.
The first settlers, Mrs. Summers states, were: Philip Fluke, James Clark, Peter Biddinger (the first gunsmith), Thomas Donley, Robert Mickey, Mr. Wheeler and sons, William Patterson, John McConnell, William McConnell, George McConnell and others, now nearly all gone. Mrs. Summers also states that the earliest teachers in that district remembered, were: Isaac Stull, Sage Kellogg, Elijah Banning, and many others not now remembered.
Mrs. Summers is a member of the German Reformed church, and has been for the past sixty-four years. She remains on the old homestead, and taught her children lessons of industry, morality and economy. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
ANDREW SUNDAY (Mifflin) p. 322(1)
Andrew Sunday was born in Mifflin township, July 11, 1835, and has always resided here. By trade he is a carpenter, and follows that as his vocation. March 14, 1858, he was married to Miss Ida M. Edwards. The fruits of this union are nine children, five of whom are living as follows: Mary H., Susan I., Annie, Wade H., and Margaret A., The ones deceased were Ella, Cyrus, and Nettie, and one that died in infancy. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN SUNDAY (Mifflin) p. 322(1)
John Sunday was born in York county, Pennsylvania, September 29, 1797, and came to Mifflin township, Richland county, in the fall of 1818. He was married to Miss Leah Gardner, November 7, 1822. She was the daughter of William Gardner, who was a justice of the peace for Mifflin twenty-one years, and died in June 1855 aged seventy-nine years. Mr. Gardner settled in Mifflin township in April 1810, but again returned to Fairfield county, Ohio, having sold his farm to Andrew Newman in 1812. He then purchased what is now known as the Simpson farm, in 1812, upon his return from Fairfield county, upon which there were some improvements. Mrs. Gardner baked bread for Martin Ruffner during the summer of 1812. Ruffner had built a cabin and was clearing his land, aided by a bound boy named Levi Berkinhizer, and doing his own cooking, keeping a sort of bachelor’s hall, Mrs. Gardner doing his baking as before stated. His wife came on a short time before Hull’s surrender; but she returned soon to friends near Utica, Licking county. Mrs. Sunday knew young Berkinhizer quite well, and often played and romped with him. Martin Ruffner was a stout, broad-chested man, and perfectly fearless. Young Berkinhizer brought word from Zimmers of the prowling Indians, and Ruffner immediately went to the relief of Zimmers, not expecting to bring on a fight, believing that the Greentown Indians were his friends. Berkinhizer remained in the cabin all night alone. Ruffner and the old gentleman, the old lady and Christian Zimmer, were all found dead the next day, and only conjecture told the story of their fate. They were buried in two graves not a great ways from the cabin of Zimmer. Frederick Zimmer and wife returned to Licking county almost crazed by the murders, when he committed suicide, by shooting himself. Philip Zimmer, and his wife Elizabeth, subsequently quit-claimed their land to Michael Culler, who had purchased the old farm. Levi Berkinhizer, if still alive, resides about one mile from Norwalk, Huron county, where he located after the war. William Gardner was present at the burial of the Zimmers and Martin Ruffner. Mrs. Sunday was born April 25, 1804, in Fairfield county, and has been in Mifflin nearly seventy-six years. Her memory is quite good, and the old lady may reach eighty-five years of age. Her venerable husband is now eighty-three, and seems quite active and sprightly. They have several grown sons and daughters, some of who are married. They possess a good property and will not want in the future. John and Leah Sunday have raised a family of seven children, five of who are still living. They are Mary, Phebe, Joseph, Harrison A., and Leah. William and Belinda died in infancy. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOSEPH SUNDAY (Mifflin) p. 322(1)
Joseph Sunday was born in Mifflin township, September 25, 1830, where he has always resided. November 13, 1853, he was married to Miss Margaret Zeitler, who was born in Germany, near the river Rhine, February 24, 1834. The fruits of this union are four children, three of whom are living, as follows: Samantha E., born August 5, 1854, and married William C. Winters September 29, 1875; Lizzie, who was born September 2, 1860; Celina, born October 20, 1862. The other died in infancy. Mr. Sunday has always paid his attention to farming. He is the fourth child of John and Leah Sunday, of whom mention is made elsewhere, they being among the early settlers of the county. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
THOMAS SMITH SUTHERLAND (Montgomery) p. 178(1)
Was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, November 4, 1816, and removed with his father’s family to Richland (now Ashland,) county, in 1833. He became a farmer by occupation, and married Martha Sheets, daughter of the late Joseph Sheets, one of the pioneers of Montgomery township. Mr. Sutherland purchased from his father’s estate part of the homestead one and a half miles south of Ashland, and more recently the balance of the home farm, from the heirs.
He was a man of industrious and economical habits, and noted for his integrity and strict honesty. He possessed an excellent judgment, and was honored by being selected to fill several township offices.
On the third day of May 1876, Mr. Sutherland was fatally injured while assisting in the removal of a neighbor. Being in advance of other teams, in a small wagon, one of the teams became alarmed at a hog who jumped up by the roadside, and commenced to run. Mr. Sutherland turned aside to permit the team to pass, but was run into, breaking his wagon to splinters, and in passing over him, the wheels crushed two or three ribs. He survived until the fifth, and deceased. The melancholy termination of his life produced a feeling of sadness throughout the township. He left a widow and one daughter, the wife of Mr. Jameson. A large concourse of friends and neighbors followed him to his final resting place in the cemetery at Ashland. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOSEPH R. SWARTZ (Vermillion) p. 308(1)
Joseph R. Swartz was born in Perry township, Ashland county, Ohio, in 1843. His father, Jacob Swartz, was one of Ashland county’s old pioneers, having removed, when a young man, from Bucks county, Pennsylvania. Joseph R. remained on the farm until he was fourteen years old, when he left home and engaged as a clerk in the dry goods store of C.C. Coulter, of Rowsburgh. Here he remained eighteen months, then accepted a position in the same business with M.A. McHose, just across the street from Coulter’s place of business, remaining there, with the exception of a few months, until he enlisted in the Forty-second Ohio volunteer infantry in September, 1861. He served his country for a period of three years and two months as a private soldier, engaging in more than a dozen hard fought battles, coming out of the war at the expiration of his term of enlistment, after all the hardships and privations to which a soldier is exposed, without a scar, but with the satisfaction of knowing he had served his country faithfully, and that the old flag waves over a free people. On May 14, 1868, he married Miss Samantha Ciphers, of Vermillion township. They had two children, one son and one daughter. In 1864 Mr. Swartz engaged in the dry goods business with J. Kinninger, at Hayesville, as clerk, and in 1867 he was surprised to find Mr. Kinninger had recognized his ability to such an extent, that without solicitation on Mr. Swartz’s part, the firm was changed to Kinninger & Swartz. In 1869, in company with T.C. Harvey, he purchased the stock, and the firm was changed to Swartz & Harvey. This partnership continued till 1872, when Mr. Swartz left Hayesville and engaged in business at Toledo, Ohio. In 1879 he returned to Hayesville, and again engaged in business with Mr. Harvey, where he is at this writing, the firm being Harvey & Swartz. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
NEAL McCOY SWERINGER (Montgomery) p. 372(1)
Neal M. Sweringer was born in Juniata county, Pennsylvania May 13, 1842. When about three years of age his parents removed to this State and located in Wayne county, where he resided until the year 1871, when he removed to Ashland county, where he has since resided. February 18, 1864 he was married to Rachel C. Thompson, who was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania November 6, 1838. When at the age of twelve years, her parents removed to this State and located in Tuscarawas county. Ashland county has been her home the most of the time since her residence in the State. By this union seven children have been born, all of whom are living: William T.A., who was born in Wayne county November 29, 1864; Alvi A.W. born in Wayne county February 17, 1867; Effie E.E., born in Wayne county July 24, 1869; George F.E. born in Ashland county June 15, 1871; Edward T.D. born in Ashland county June 4, 1873; Robert J.R., born in Ashland county May 10, 1875; and Samuel N. R. born in Ashland county July 7, 1877. Our subject was a farmer until ten years ago, since which time he has been running an engine, and is now an engineer by occupation. He, together with his wife, are members of the Christian church. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
BYRON M. SWINEFORD (Montgomery) p. 399(1)
Byron M. Swineford was born in this township (Montgomery), this county [Ashland], March 6, 1850, and this county has always been his home. His vocation through life has been that of a salesman in different stores, and he has been engaged in the furniture business, as also the bedspring bottom business. He has also paid some attention to farming, in which business he is now engaged in. He was married April 8, 1878, to Miss Libbie Gates, who was also born in this county, August 27, 1856. They have one child, named Susie May, who was born May 3, 1880. She is still living. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
EMANUEL SWINEFORD (Montgomery) p. 374(1)
Emanuel Swineford, son of Jacob and Sophia Clays Swineford, was born September 16, 1814, in Union county, Pennsylvania. He was the fourth child in a family of eight, consisting of four brothers and three sisters. In the month of May, 1838, Mr. Swinford was married to Margaret, daughter of Thomas Hamilton, born in 1818, in the same county, and in August of the same year removed to Ashland, Ashland county, Ohio, and entered into a partnership with John Cairns in the distilling business, where he remained some six months, when he engaged in the same business as an employe[e] of Michael Smith, remaining two and one-half years. He then purchased an oil and sawing mill near the present homestead, and remained in this business some thirteen years, and subsequently purchased one hundred and sixty acres with William Sheets, finally purchasing the whole tract, Mr. Sheets selling to his father. Mr. Swineford is now owner of a finely improved farm of two hundred and forty acres. Mr. and Mrs. Swineford came from their home in Pennsylvania with a team and wagon, being fourteen days on the road; took their dinners each day, except one, on the commons, and the last one was taken on their present farm at the close of their journey. Their nights were spent at the taverns along the route. To Mr. and Mrs. Swineford were born seven children, three of whom are living: William H., Curtis and Henry. Those deceased are: Peter, Mary, Elizabeth, Catharine, Sophia and Thomas Emerson. A grandchild, Harriet Elizabeth, now fills the place of those who have attained the years of manhood. Mr. and Mrs. Swineford have nine grandchildren. In politics he is a Republican, casting his first vote as a Whig, but upon the formation of the Republican party became a staunch and earnest supporter of its principles. Mr. and Mrs. Swineford and their family are all members of the Lutheran church of Ashland, Mr. Swineford having been elder for many years. It should be said of Mr. Swineford that as time advanced his thoughts of committing an error gradually forced itself upon his mind until he concluded to go out of the distilling business, and has ever since followed other avocations, which have proved profitable, and with a clear conscience. Mr. and Mrs. Swineford are both well preserved, have a home beautifully located, and seem to enjoy to the fullest extent that which has been their fortune to acquire through industry, and a close adherence to the principles of right. Mrs. Swineford is the youngest of a family of nine, and the only surviving member including parents. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
GEORGE SWINEFORD (Montgomery) p. 245(1)
GEORGE SWINEFORD was born in Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, September 22, 1797, and came to Ashland county with his parents in 1819. He Married Miss Rosa Ewing, of Mohican township, in 1820. She was a daughter of John Ewing, one of the pioneers of that township. Mr. Swineford was a tanner by trade, and one of the first mechanics of Ashland. His tan-yard stood where the agricultural works of David Whiting were built. Mr. Swineford continued in business until about 1850, when he removed to his farm in the country, some two miles east of Ashland, on the Wooster road. Mr. Swineford was for several years in feeble health, and died in 1866, aged sixty-nine years. His family consisted of nine living children, and three deceased, at his death. They were–Mahala, Sopharus, Anthony, Harriet, John, Lewis, Ellen, Almira, Rosa; and the dead, Rosa, George, and William.
Mrs. Swineford survived until April 15, 1878, when she deceased, aged seventy-two years. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
JOHN SWINEFORD (Montgomery) p. 222(1)
JOHN SWINEFORD was born in Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, March 25, 1795. His father, Peter Swineford located with his family in Fairfield county, Ohio, in 1807, and remained there until 1819, when he removed to Montgomery township, then in Richland, but now in Ashland county, and settled one mile and a half southeast of Ashland, then Uniontown. In February, 1823, Mr. Swineford married May, daughter of the late Jacob Young, and having erected a cabin, commenced to improve his farm. He remained on the homestead until 1857, when he moved into Ashland, where he now resides. Mr. Swineford gives the following statistics:
The first grist-mill in Montgomery township, one mile north of Ashland, by Thomas Oram, in spring of 1816.
First saw-mill, two miles from Ashland, in Milton township, by Allen Lockhart.
First church, Methodist Episcopal, at Eckley’s, now Smith’s mills, in Vermillion township, 1819, and Old Hopewell, in Milton 1817.
First dry goods store in Uniontown, Joseph Sheets, succeeded by Francis Graham.
First blacksmith, Ludwick Cline, on Wooster road, two miles east of Ashland.
First cabinet-maker and undertaker, the late Alexander Miller.
First carding-machine, stood where Smiths’ mill now is in Vermillion township, built by Andrew Newman; the next by the late Andrew and Uriah Drenub, in Ashland.
The first tannery stood where Whitings agricultural works now stand, built by John Croft, and subsequently owned by the late George Swineford.
The first wagon-shop, where Barkholder’s saw-mill now stands, and was owned by Henry Wachtell.
The first blacksmith in Ashland was the late Samuel Urie.
The second cabinet-maker in Ashland, the late Jacob Grubb.
The family of Peter Swineford, father of John, consisted of George, John, Anthony, Samuel, and A. C. Swineford. They are all deceased, except John and Abram C., who reside in Ashland. Peter Swineford, sr., died January 30, 1849, aged seventy-eight years, and Samuel died January 13, 1862, aged sixty-two years. The family of John Swineford consisted of Abraham (dead), Lib (dead), Hannah, Mary, Nancy, and Austin. The family of Samuel Swineford consisted of Luther, Alfred P., James, Curtis, Sarah, Elsa, Jane and Emily. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
DILLMAN SWITZER (Mifflin) p. 320(1)
Dillman Switzer was born in Somerset county Pennsylvania April 1, 1827. When at the age of two years, his parents removed to Wayne county, this state [Ohio], where he resided until the year 1848, when he removed to this county [Ashland], and has since resided here, with the exception of four years, when he resided in Medina county, Ohio. He is by profession a school teacher and a carpenter, and has followed both as his vocation for the past twenty-five years, and prior to that time he worked at farming. He was married August 1, 1849, to a Miss Mary Davis. They have reared a family of nine children, seven of whom are still living, and named respectively: John D., Susan F., Rufie A., George H., Hannah M., Fannie, and Adam A. The ones deceased were Amos D. and Howard S. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)
HENRY SWITZER (Jackson) p. 340(1)
Henry Switzer, son of David Switzer, was born in Jackson township, Wayne, now Ashland county, June 11, 1833. In 1851 he moved to Wayne county, and remained there five years. He then moved back to Jackson township, where he now lives. He was married to Anna E. Landis, September 2, 1856, and has one child, Amanda J., still living. Mr. Switzer is a member of the German Reformed church, and his wife is a member of the Evangelical church. He has held the office of trustee six years; he also served as land appraiser ten years ago, and is in the office again. (Transcribed and contributed by Russ Shopbell)